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Trip Report for Zihuatanejo, Mexico - The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly

First the good:
Just about ALL the folks down here are nice. It is comprised of approximately 80% Canadian retirees, a scattering of Americans and other countries, and the Mexicans who live here to serve. Saying "Buenos dias" to strangers or having them saying it to you first is not uncommon. Most folks are 3 to 6 month visitors and tend to come from upper middle class in their respective countries. No poor folk travel this far, it's not "fancy" enough to attract the wealthy though I met a couple who sailed their boat from Canada and stop off annually to rub elbows with the common folk. People who have just met you will invite you to share a meal at one of the dozens of restaurants. As I said, they're just nice. Traffic is MUCH slower and polite. Drivers will stop to let you in the lane and I have yet to see a stubborn a-hole block an intersection because they wouldn't stop to let cross traffic through. It's a slower pace of life, and my blood pressure has dropped significantly.

The food is wonderful, with the freshest, cleanest fish you can get, and fruit and veggies grow locally in abundance. I saw a 100 kilo marlin being brought ashore one day, the fishermen stopping to let the tourists take selfies next to it. I've eaten the best mahi-mahi and tuna imaginable, and there's just about every food represented (even Thai, though from the looks of that restaurant, there's no way I would even step foot in it). EXTREMELY limited choice of beers - Corona, Heineken and a local that is not in the least bit memorable. Prices are about the same as in Thailand. A huge variety of spirits, though they are as expensive as in Los due to the same type of import tax. Local Mescal tequila is cheap and dangerous. I have the hangover to prove it. Also, there are some wonderful Chilean wines here though I only had a few glasses with a meal, so I don't know if they're expensive. No Xanax - Valium is readily available but very expensive, about 30 baht each. There was a canine rabies epidemic about ten years ago, so the general population is deathly afraid of dogs. There are VERY few soi dogs and the ones that exist are quite polite or they disappear. None of the Thai superstition that "the spirit of their great-uncle once removed might be inhabiting the dog's body." Be good or be gone. I had to replace my glasses. The cost of an eye exam, lens replacements in my original frames and 12 contact lenses (6 each eye) cost 4000 baht. The beaches are clean and you can go swimming in them, but as alligators are not uncommon, I'll let others be gator bait.

Now the bad:
There is absolutely NOTHING to do here except eat and sleep. No theaters with English speaking movies, NOTHING like Soi 6 or Walking Street, just a few titty bars everyone has told me to avoid as they're a complete rip off. I've only seen one very nice looking girl in almost a month! Like I said, mostly retirees. NO Tucom, just two Mom & Pop stores with a bunch of broken down computers in pieces on the sidewalk. One grocery store with very few items from "home" - just some French's mustard, Campbell's soup, you get the picture. There are some golf courses in the next town over, and I hear they're nice, but I am not a golfer so I don't know if they're real quality nor what green fees are. I asked around to plenty of folks there, no entertainment except eating. There are a few bands, but nothing worth coming all the way over here to listen to. I'm currently playing in two different groups, but the experience is disappointing and NOT worth it. This was one of the main reasons I left Thailand, and I am resolved to playing along with YouTube bands in my apartment upon my return. The folks I play with here are living a hand-to-mouth existence and if it weren't for their rich girl friends, they'd be sleeping next to the soi dogs. I was able to buy a decent push bike for 6000 baht, it takes me 20 minutes to ride entirely around Zihuatanejo including weaving in and out of the streets. Bored to tears!

The ugly:
My friend informed me that before I return to Thailand (yes, I've booked my return flight and will bitch much less now about the Los), I will need to take some medicine to rid myself of parasites I most likely will get from unwashed fruits and veggies served in restaurants. Fawk!!! As well, the scuba diving is crap. Overly expensive and very little to see. But the worst of all - FORGET about healthcare!!! During a recent parade, the wife of a "prominent leader" was thrown from her horse and died while waiting eight hours for a medivac. Complain all you want about Thailand, she's got healthcare down.

I'm leaving rent for last, it's not really good nor bad. You can get a 3 bedroom house with a small pool in a crappy neighborhood for about 10k baht/month. Electricity is EXTREMELY expensive, and they have a two-tier charging system where, if you use too much power, they sock you in the nuts with a HUGE rate increase and continue the nut-socking until you lower your usage. My friend basically lives in a cave, using only one light in the living room at night and very spare usage of the TV. A nice studio apartment like I had (and will return to) in Jomtien, on the beach, cost me 15k baht/month. A similar place here will cost at least 3 times as much. There is only one internet provider, and they only have so many lines available, so if you are fortunate enough to get one, you get a fast DSL connection, but you may have to wait until one frees itself up. I don't know if coax is available.

In conclusion, this place is not for me. I am bored to tears and am returning to Thailand as soon as my obligations are completed. The beaches are nice and clean and you can swim in them without fear of running into a floating used condom though you might be pulled out suddenly from an alligator sighting. The weather is comparable to that of Thailand, and if you are happy enjoying your golden years doing a whole lot of nothing with a whole lot of nice Canadian retirees while gambling on not getting sick, then Zihuatanejo is your place. As for me, I miss the arguments with a bunch of pissed Brits about "color" vs "colour" and "soccer" vs "football." Oh yes, and the pretty girls everywhere you go!






mexico is a toilet. did not even really like puerto vallarta, and its set up for the wealthy.

'not for me' sums it up precisely.

i even had better international calls and internet to the usa from places like cambodia and vietnam, then i did in mexico.

women are a miss and not worth it due to strange attitudes even though they are quite attractive in many areas.

  • 2 weeks later...

Used to visit Quamas, mazatlyn and baha back in the 70.it was paradise. Taught university in san miquel de allendain 76 and loved it. Havent been back since then.

  • 1 month later...

Reading the topic and the posts in it, my conclusion is Mexico is not really good place for traveling. (But if it is for work, I'll go everywhere, even if it is dangerous zone)

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