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Gay men under Islamic State rule


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Although this horror is visited on homosexuals, I don't believe its roots lie in a simple hatred of them. A truly shocking report and indictment of the retrogressive and barbaric nature of Islamists.

Ignorance plays its part but I suspect most Muslims, at least those brought up in the developed, civilised parts of the world know that it can't be intrinsically wrong to be homosexual; they're just scared to declare such.

One day these less ignorant Muslims may extrapolate that fear to form a view that their own attachment to Islam is held by fear born of indoctrination and come to embrace freedom and the equality of females as a great many Christians have done.

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This very topic was addressed yesterday an length, it came to the same conclusions

that the Quran and Islam condone and encourages the persecutions of gay people....

As is the bible and Christianity. It's the same book, same text, that condemns homosexuality in both religions. In fact it is American churches that are pushing for the death penalty for gay people in countries such as Uganda.

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Ignorance plays its part but I suspect most Muslims, at least those brought up in the developed, civilised parts of the world know that it can't be intrinsically wrong to be homosexual; they're just scared to declare such.

I'm not sure whether you consider Britain to be a developed, civilised part of the world, but in a survey of 500 British Moslems, every single one believed that homosexual acts were not morally acceptable.


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Ignorance plays its part but I suspect most Muslims, at least those brought up in the developed, civilised parts of the world know that it can't be intrinsically wrong to be homosexual; they're just scared to declare such.

I'm not sure whether you consider Britain to be a developed, civilised part of the world, but in a survey of 500 British Moslems, every single one believed that homosexual acts were not morally acceptable.


A six-year-old link, AyG? A lot has happened since then.

A barbaric punishment, but a relatively quick end for these poor men. Many men put to death by lethal injection in the US seem to have suffered longer.

The fanatical psychopaths of IS contain the seeds of their own destruction within their barbaric behaviour to their own people. Bombing won't end this curse; it will have to be boots on the ground.... but whose boots?

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A six-year-old link, AyG? A lot has happened since then.

Not when it comes to fanatical Islam. It's still rooted in the values of the 7th century.

(Actually, I'm not sure I needed the word "fanatical" in that sentence. That's at least debatable.)

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This very topic was addressed yesterday an length, it came to the same conclusions

that the Quran and Islam condone and encourages the persecutions of gay people....

As is the bible and Christianity. It's the same book, same text, that condemns homosexuality in both religions. In fact it is American churches that are pushing for the death penalty for gay people in countries such as Uganda.

Where is the proof that US Churches are pushing for the death penalty for gay people? The fact is the only religion that does kill them is ISLAM

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