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Danes reject further integration into EU


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Danes reject further integration into EU


COPENHAGEN: -- Denmark has voted ‘no’ to further integration into the European Union.

Some 53.1 percent of Danes have rejected the adoption of EU legislation on justice and home affairs the centre-right government said would help strengthen cross-border policing.

In the country’s seventh referendum on EU integration, wary citizens have once again defended national sovereignty.

Leaving Europol?

Denmark may now be forced to leave Europol, the EU’s law enforcement agency, which deals with organised crime, trafficking and terrorism.

Its legal status is expected to change in 2016. If this happens, Copenhagen’s 1993 decision to opt out of several key EU policy areas (including justice and home affairs),means it will be unable to stay in the agency.

A win for the ‘yes’ camp would have meant opting in to some of these policies and would, therefore, have enabled Denmark to maintain its Europol membership.

Attacks on European capitals

The referendum comes nearly ten months after shootings at an exhibition and outside a synagogue in Copenhagen, a matter of weeks after the Paris attacks and as Europe struggles to cope with record numbers of migrants.

Opponents of a ‘yes’ vote argued it would result in the EU eventually dictating Denmark’s immigration policies. While a ‘yes’ result would have given the Danish parliament the power to adopt further EU justice legislation without consulting the electorate, the government said it would hold a referendum to decide any potential changes to immigration laws.

Denmark is up there with some of Europe’s strictest immigration policies. Between January and the end of November, 2015, it had received far fewer asylum seekers than neighbouring Sweden or Germany.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-12-04

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Well done to the Viking Nation.... The EEC is and always has been about jobs for the bhoys... A bureaucratic nightmare that costs way too much.... To allow Muslims to practice their religion in Europe was and is a HUGE mistake... Welcome to a Muslim Europe... The Europeans should send the whole lot packing... Free Europe from this self-imposed bondage...wai.gif

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Denmark must do what it can to retain its title of the happiest nation on earth. It is also the sexiest country. thumbsup.gif

I had a Danish wife...6 feet tall in stockings and stunning in every way...but man, did she have a sharp tongue? Nothing pleased her, except for sex :) When the lust ran out the relationship ended.

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OMGImInPattaya, on 04 Dec 2015 - 13:39, said:

Some sanity at last; if the Brits are smart they'll get out too.

How could any European nation be in any type of police confederation that includes the incompetent Belgium authorities.

I would like to think that they would be smart enough to see through the BS, and see the EU for what it really is.

I also think that you are being a bit unfair laying the blame at the door of the Belgians. Most EU Nations have been hamstrung by Governments failed agenda of multiculturalism.

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car720, on 04 Dec 2015 - 12:51, said:
Bakseeda, on 04 Dec 2015 - 10:28, said:

Well done to the Viking Nation.... The EEC is and always has been about jobs for the bhoys... A bureaucratic nightmare that costs way too much.... To allow Muslims to practice their religion in Europe was and is a HUGE mistake... Welcome to a Muslim Europe... The Europeans should send the whole lot packing... Free Europe from this self-imposed bondage...wai.gif

The French are trying but for every mosque that they close down a million bleeding hearts will scream out in pain. We are our own worst enemies.

There may well be a lot of bleeding hearts screaming for a long time to come.

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OMGImInPattaya, on 04 Dec 2015 - 13:39, said:

Some sanity at last; if the Brits are smart they'll get out too.

How could any European nation be in any type of police confederation that includes the incompetent Belgium authorities.

I would like to think that they would be smart enough to see through the BS, and see the EU for what it really is.

I also think that you are being a bit unfair laying the blame at the door of the Belgians. Most EU Nations have been hamstrung by Governments failed agenda of multiculturalism.

Aarrgghh.... but you'll be called racist for saying that, whereas most of us actually don't mind multiculturalism at all, so long as it's done slowly... it needs to be a steady integration for it to work.... That's what the liberal idiots just don't understand.... many areas of Birmingham where I grew up went from 5% immigrants in the 70's to 95% immigrants in the 90's.... That is not integration, it's an invasion.... Had the same thing happened over a hundred years it wouldn't have been such an issue.... immigration needs to slow to just about 5% of the inflow of recent years and kept like that.

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The Danes at least have the sense to see the Eurozone ship is on its way to sinking, and Draghi throwing more money via his QE program into it won't keep it floating that much longer.

Hopefully the Brits will also see that fact before to long and will also say their goodbye to it in 2017.

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Denmark is fed up with laws and regulations passed in EU by people they don't know. People they haven't even elected. Denmark will not give more power to the EU. It's obvious for the majority that creating a union of countries that are so different was a mistake and giving power to an EU government likewise. The Danish people want to govern their own country and so should everyone else. I'm proud to be Danish and I wish the Brits will lead the way back to a trade union only.

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