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The river in my back yard is about to come out of its banks and we have next to nothing from the Hydro people....

Are these people who work out there volunteers ????

I thought that was their job to take hourly readings especially in threatening times. My estimate is on the + side of 3m and the Hydro shows 2.53m taken at noon today and nothing afterwards....

Come on Hydro, get on the stick..... a lot of people on the river depend on what you are supposed to be doing..... :o

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The river in my back yard is about to come out of its banks and we have next to nothing from the Hydro people....

Are these people who work out there volunteers ????

I thought that was their job to take hourly readings especially in threatening times. My estimate is on the + side of 3m and the Hydro shows 2.53m taken at noon today and nothing afterwards....

Come on Hydro, get on the stick..... a lot of people on the river depend on what you are supposed to be doing..... :o

A few words for you Gonz.......

However, Yahweh found favor with a man named Gonzo. Gonzo was righteous and perfect in his generation, and was true to God. One day, God presented himself to Gonzo and said, "The end of the world is coming! Make an ark of gopher wood. It should be 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide, and 30 cubits tall, and be three stories. When you are done, I will bring a flood upon the earth and destroy all life. But I will make a covenant with you and save you, your wife, your sons, and their wives from a watery death. On this ark you must bring two of every type of animal, one male and one female, and keep them alive. You will need to store up previsions of food for yourself and all of these animals."

More to come.............. :D

Are these people who work out there volunteers ????

The salaries they're probably getting, pretty close to volunteers. Keep posting your river levels, invaluable to the people downstream :o

The river in my back yard is about to come out of its banks and we have next to nothing from the Hydro people....

Are these people who work out there volunteers ????

I thought that was their job to take hourly readings especially in threatening times. My estimate is on the + side of 3m and the Hydro shows 2.53m taken at noon today and nothing afterwards....

Come on Hydro, get on the stick..... a lot of people on the river depend on what you are supposed to be doing..... :o

You could have Donald Trump reading the depth for you but it ain't gonna stop it raining. :D


Why don't you post some more photos gonzo? Some of us take the flood-level relative to your doorstep as a pretty good measure of what else is about to get effected, downtown ...


The river in my back yard is about to come out of its banks and we have next to nothing from the Hydro people....

Are these people who work out there volunteers ????

I thought that was their job to take hourly readings especially in threatening times. My estimate is on the + side of 3m and the Hydro shows 2.53m taken at noon today and nothing afterwards....

Come on Hydro, get on the stick..... a lot of people on the river depend on what you are supposed to be doing..... :o

A few words for you Gonz.......

However, Yahweh found favor with a man named Gonzo. Gonzo was righteous and perfect in his generation, and was true to God. One day, God presented himself to Gonzo and said, "The end of the world is coming! Make an ark of gopher wood. It should be 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide, and 30 cubits tall, and be three stories. When you are done, I will bring a flood upon the earth and destroy all life. But I will make a covenant with you and save you, your wife, your sons, and their wives from a watery death. On this ark you must bring two of every type of animal, one male and one female, and keep them alive. You will need to store up previsions of food for yourself and all of these animals."

More to come.............. :D

OOOooooHHHh Wise and impotent one, I am taking your advice and collect two BG's from each and every bar on Loi Kroi..... do you have any suggestions of bars to skip [ones with woofers] ?

Lets try and get it right this time, OK and when its time to dry out, this time can you get me a nicer PortO Call... You ever try selling a second hand boat, full of crap and stink, High on a mountain , miles away from any sea ?????

That would be a job for the caped crusader The Mighty MM!!! Once he sells his truck that is...



Back by popular demand .... [well,,,, one demand] ..... thanks Mom.....

Trying to keep the same type of view that I had posted previously so you can have some prespective... Seems to have come up only a few cm over night, but friends up North tell me there has been been quite a bit of rain.... so lets cross our fingers....

post-22124-1160439087_thumb.jpg Looking North and under Rama IX Bridge [East bank]

post-22124-1160439015_thumb.jpg Looking South and down river

post-22124-1160439124_thumb.jpg Lotsa potential of maybe its mock

Hope it helps someone


That would be a job for the caped crusader The Mighty MM!!! Once he sells his truck that is...


My cape is about two and a half cubits long :o An ancient/biblical measurement roughly equal to 500mm or half a metre.


That would be a job for the caped crusader The Mighty MM!!! Once he sells his truck that is...


My cape is about two and a half cubits long :o An ancient/biblical measurement roughly equal to 500mm or half a metre.

HOLY MACKEREL ANDY !!!!! 500 mm ........ A cubit must be pretty big to hold 500 Maejo Man's...WOW..

"Five Feet high and Risin" is the answer to the question " How Highs the Water Mama "


That would be a job for the caped crusader The Mighty MM!!! Once he sells his truck that is...


My cape is about two and a half cubits long :o An ancient/biblical measurement roughly equal to 500mm or half a metre.

1 cubit is approximated to be 18in (45.7cm), so the dimensions of the ark in modern terms are 450ft x 75ft x 45ft (137m x 23m x 14m)

After Gonzo completed all of the tasks given to him by YHWH, it then took him one week to herd all of the animals from Loi Khro Road (with the exception of the lady boys) onto the ark two by two, after which he and his family boarded. After the seventh day (the seventeenth day of the second month), God opened the floodgates, and it began to rain. The downpour continued and the flood waters rose and lifted the ark from the dry ground. It rained and poured for forty days and forty nights, after which the deluge stopped. All the land, even the highest mountain, was covered with water. Everything that was not in the ark died.

For 150 days the ark floated on the flood waters. God did not forget Gonzo, so he caused a great wind to pass over the earth which caused the water to start to recede. On the seventeenth day of the seventh month, the ark came to rest on top of Doi Suthep in the land of Lanna Thai. Unfortunately with waters covering the earth, it was still unsafe to leave the ark. On the first day of the tenth month, the first dry land was seen in the form of mountain tops.

More to come......


Well the Hydro Chart is back and that will be a help if the post hourly ...

The river looks to have come up about 14 cm in the past 3 hrs..... pretty good clip....

Here is a update on the 2 photos of this morning [compare to earlier post] and another that may be used for another update later when I cannot get close to the river..... this last is of my gate out the back to the river and the water is now getting to that level





1 cubit is approximated to be 18in (45.7cm), so the dimensions of the ark in modern terms are 450ft x 75ft x 45ft (137m x 23m x 14m)

A cubit is the measurement from the tip of the second finger to the elbow, and has no definitive length, but is normally read as 20 inches or 500 mm (latin...cubis-elbow)

The "hand" is another one of those measurements and used to be 4 1/2 inches but now accepted as four inches.

Thanks for the phone call mate, will look forward to that slurp :o


1 cubit is approximated to be 18in (45.7cm), so the dimensions of the ark in modern terms are 450ft x 75ft x 45ft (137m x 23m x 14m)

A cubit is the measurement from the tip of the second finger to the elbow, and has no definitive length, but is normally read as 20 inches or 500 mm (latin...cubis-elbow)

The "hand" is another one of those measurements and used to be 4 1/2 inches but now accepted as four inches.

Thanks for the phone call mate, will look forward to that slurp :o

So what is a "cock"? :D

I too am looking forward to the slurpie. See if we can get a few others motivated as well.


1 cubit is approximated to be 18in (45.7cm), so the dimensions of the ark in modern terms are 450ft x 75ft x 45ft (137m x 23m x 14m)

A cubit is the measurement from the tip of the second finger to the elbow, and has no definitive length, but is normally read as 20 inches or 500 mm (latin...cubis-elbow)

The "hand" is another one of those measurements and used to be 4 1/2 inches but now accepted as four inches.

Thanks for the phone call mate, will look forward to that slurp :o

So what is a "cock"? :D

I too am looking forward to the slurpie. See if we can get a few others motivated as well.

Well may not fit your definition, but a friend told me if it wandered from one site to another site it was not known as a butterfly, but rather a shuttle cock

If not I'll be cockswain if I know.....



I thought you might be referencing the old Bill Cosby Noah bit. F'ing hilarious.


I was..... but you are the only one who picked up on it...... the rest are serious... you know religious fanatics :o:D


1 cubit is approximated to be 18in (45.7cm), so the dimensions of the ark in modern terms are 450ft x 75ft x 45ft (137m x 23m x 14m)

A cubit is the measurement from the tip of the second finger to the elbow, and has no definitive length, but is normally read as 20 inches or 500 mm (latin...cubis-elbow)

The "hand" is another one of those measurements and used to be 4 1/2 inches but now accepted as four inches.

Thanks for the phone call mate, will look forward to that slurp :o

So what is a "cock"? :D

I too am looking forward to the slurpie. See if we can get a few others motivated as well.

According to the Système International d'Unités the standard measurement of the "cock" varies from country to country. For example this measurement in Australia is 7-8 inches (17.5-20.0 cms), in New Zealand it is 4-5 inches (10.0-12.5 cms) and in America it is 2-3 inches (5.0-7.5 cms).


1 cubit is approximated to be 18in (45.7cm), so the dimensions of the ark in modern terms are 450ft x 75ft x 45ft (137m x 23m x 14m)

A cubit is the measurement from the tip of the second finger to the elbow, and has no definitive length, but is normally read as 20 inches or 500 mm (latin...cubis-elbow)

The "hand" is another one of those measurements and used to be 4 1/2 inches but now accepted as four inches.

Thanks for the phone call mate, will look forward to that slurp :D

So what is a "cock"? :D

I too am looking forward to the slurpie. See if we can get a few others motivated as well.

According to the Système International d'Unités the standard measurement of the "cock" varies from country to country. For example this measurement in Australia is 7-8 inches (17.5-20.0 cms), in New Zealand it is 4-5 inches (10.0-12.5 cms) and in America it is 2-3 inches (5.0-7.5 cms).

Yeah, but in America they only used the president as a model For normal blokes, the width in measured in cubits...



So what is a "cock"? :D

I too am looking forward to the slurpie. See if we can get a few others motivated as well.

BB you are making me stop and wonder a bit........ you talking about a "cock " and anticipating a Slurpie in the same post..... is that slurpee or slurpor ?



So what is a "cock"? :D

I too am looking forward to the slurpie. See if we can get a few others motivated as well.

BB you are making me stop and wonder a bit........ you talking about a "cock " and anticipating a Slurpie in the same post..... is that slurpee or slurpor ?


Hmmm. Never thought of that. Interesting thought. In the meantime, the ongoing story............

At this time, Gonzo sent out a dove to see if it was safe to exit the ark. The dove could find no place to land so it returned to Gonzo. In another week the same test was tried, and the dove returned with an olive branch, so Gonzo knew it was nearly safe. He waited one more week, and released the dove again, and it did not return so he deemed it safe.

So, on the first day of the first month, Gonzo removed the covering of the ark and saw the earth again. It seemed the ground was still too muddy for him because he waited another several weeks for it to dry some more after which God again spoke to Gonzo bidding him to exit the ark and allow the animals to go free. He commanded him to be fruitful and multiply upon the earth. He did as he was told, and then built an alter and made a burnt offering to God. The Lord was pleased, and promised never again to flood the earth or kill everything in it. He continued to say, "All beasts, birds, and fish are given to you as food, as well as all the green herbs - but you are not to eat flesh that is still alive or drink blood. Neither are you to take the life or any man, or you shall be put to death. To remind myself, you, and all future generations that I shall never flood the earth again I will place a bow in the clouds. This is my token of the covenant I have made with you.

More to come........ :D


......and you're all worried about floods here :o

BANGKOK: -- The heart of Bangkok was hit by heavy downpours Tuesday afternoon, causing several roads to be inundated.

The floods caused heavy traffic congestion on many main roads, including Si Phraya, Surwong, Silom, Sathorn, Surasak and Rama IV.

The roads were inundated by at least 30 centimetres deep of water.

Certain roads were under some 70 to 80 cms deep of water.

The FM91 Traffic Radio station was flooded with phone calls, to report traffic congestion and floods on many roads in inner Bangkok.

The rain started at about 3 pm and by 5 pm many roads were inundated.

The radio station also reported that the traffic on the expressway also stand still for over an hour as of 6 pm.

-- The Nation 2006-10-10

......and you're all worried about floods here :o

BANGKOK: -- The heart of Bangkok was hit by heavy downpours Tuesday afternoon, causing several roads to be inundated.

The floods caused heavy traffic congestion on many main roads, including Si Phraya, Surwong, Silom, Sathorn, Surasak and Rama IV.

The roads were inundated by at least 30 centimetres deep of water.

Certain roads were under some 70 to 80 cms deep of water.

The FM91 Traffic Radio station was flooded with phone calls, to report traffic congestion and floods on many roads in inner Bangkok.

The rain started at about 3 pm and by 5 pm many roads were inundated.

The radio station also reported that the traffic on the expressway also stand still for over an hour as of 6 pm.

-- The Nation 2006-10-10

Good job we dont have houses in Bangkok then.

Gonzo old Chap.....no offence intended but this problem sems a common occurance for you. Do you rent or own your place?


L/T Lease TP......

but although I bitch and moan about it , its still well within the tolerance level.... It seems that every other day, I threaten to up stakes and go...... but then every other day I say where would I go that would be better then CM, and that gives me the answer.... This is home , for better or worse.

The flooding is a natural event and there is really not much I can do about it other than go or stay, and I guess its not a big enough problem to cause leaving. Just build the cost into the annual expense. Couple more beers and it seems better.

Things that really bother me though are things like the TOT ADSL , things that can be fixed but aren't.

Well the river is going down again so time to put the hammer and tape measure away and count my cubits....

Until the next time


You don't have to leave Chiang Mai, just get away from the river. :o

Thats what I was thinking.

If I were in Gonzo's shoes I would not be renewing my lease and moving to higher ground.

we have never experienced even the hint of flooding where we live...a good 2kms from the River


You don't have to leave Chiang Mai, just get away from the river. :D

Thats what I was thinking.

If I were in Gonzo's shoes I would not be renewing my lease and moving to higher ground.

we have never experienced even the hint of flooding where we live...a good 2kms from the River

Yeah thats possible guys, but if the time comes when I cannot afford or stand living on the river, I'll cross that bridge so to speak.

I know that out there , there are a lot of guys who can't afford, or know where they want to be, so maybe I'm a little lucky.....

[all this crappy talk is cancelled the next rise in the river, or when I wake up]

Mean time I'll just keep on Rollin down the riber .

Left a good job in the city

Workin' for the Man every night and day

But I never lost a minute of sleepin'

Worryin' 'bout the way things might have been

Big wheel keep on turnin'

Proud Mary keep on burnin'

Rollin', rollin', rollin' on the river

Cleaned a lot of plates in Memphis

Pumped a lot of tane down in New Orleans

But I never saw the good side of a city

'Til I hitched a ride on the riverboat queen

If you come down to the River

Bet you're gonna find some people who live

You don't have to worry 'cause you have no money

People on the river are happy to give


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