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Desperately Seeking Royal D


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Does anyone know if you can buy the Thai made, Royal D, rehydration salt/sugar sachets here in Chiang Mai? I've found ORS and WHO made ones but they're absolute rubbish comparatively and Gatorade, etc. isn't working either.

Would be happy to buy them by the sachet or by the case from a wholesaler... just as long as I can find them at all.

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Royal D is good stuff. I used to buy it at the 7-11 across from Dunkin Donuts where they have it on the rack next to the registers. Been off the bike for a few months, so no guarantees it's still there. I've seen it at other 7-11 locations too, just don't recall exactly which.

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Royal D is good stuff. I used to buy it at the 7-11 across from Dunkin Donuts where they have it on the rack next to the registers. Been off the bike for a few months, so no guarantees it's still there. I've seen it at other 7-11 locations too, just don't recall exactly which.

Thank you and I found some in a 7-11 this evening. :-)

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Have you provided the WHO with a copy of the analysis you undertook which resulted in the rarely heard scientific conclusion that the WHO "stuff" is "Rubbish" ?

Perhaps you have provided the WHO with an alternative formulation you have personally had scientifically evaluated and which has undergone extensive clinical trials in many countries ?

Some people spout rubbish as a hobby !

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Have you provided the WHO with a copy of the analysis you undertook which resulted in the rarely heard scientific conclusion that the WHO "stuff" is "Rubbish" ?

Perhaps you have provided the WHO with an alternative formulation you have personally had scientifically evaluated and which has undergone extensive clinical trials in many countries ?

Some people spout rubbish as a hobby !

Thanks for the flame old boy. I am sure that helped you feel better about yourself. Have a wonderful day knowing that you have achieved nothing here at all.

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