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Activist and royalist monk demands apology from US ambassador


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they may charge him with LM! this is Amazing (I love it)

Were they to do so, it would be a breach of diplomatic immunity as well as amounting to a direct threat of violence against a foreign ambassador. Much more of this sort of thing and there is going to be a very, very strong reaction from Washington, perhaps including a ban on Thai exports of all kinds to the US as well as a freeze on the country's participation in any regional or global trade agencies. I hope this doesn't occur, because it would devastate Thailand for a decade or more. But the US can just about destroy the Thai economy in six hours if they want to do so.

my 'i love it' was sarcastic not literal as they continually play into the hands of those they seek to manipulate and control (which is just about the whole nation - well at least the poorest 99%).

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Attempting to charge the US ambassador doesn't make sense. The ambassador criticized the law, not the institution it was designed to protect. I think it is clear from his carefully chosen words that (as a representative of his country) the US does not (or perhaps can not) oppose the law itself, merely just the way it is being applied under the current regime.

In any case, I am not a lawyer but it seems that the group that initiated the investigation into the speech and the FCCT doesn't have a leg to stand on in this instance.

I am pretty sure that the ambassador's speech was reviewed several times at the State Dept (if not written there) to ensure it delivered a clear message but was within the limits of Thai/int'l law.

However, the amateurs who filed the complaint must have assumed that the most powerful nation in the history of the world became so by following the Thai model of governance and civil service through nepotism and not meritocracy.

It will be interesting to see what transpires and if or how the US responds. Did these numpties really think these were the ambassador's own personal thoughts and feelings? Everything foreign service people say and do is a reflection of their country and their country's policies (it is their job). Every word and action is carefully chosen, unlike...

Edited by docshock13
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A monk that desires anything is not a monk!

kind of. One who desires things that excite the senses is but a human, and those who wear robes are human.

If they're working to defeat that then they're practicing ascetics.

but the desire for unbinding is somewhat necessary as a monk; it's what the practicing ones strive for.

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ALL Religions have Radicals. This one Monk and a few other Ultra-Nationalist like him are a Radical bunch of xenophobic

western haters who do not want to see change or any thought of modernity here come about. Yes, he will do his best to pull out the OLD Monarchist. The few that are left with their Golden Portraits dusted off.

Most young Thai's will Laugh and know that there are a hundred reasons and a hundred websites to go to

so they can now learn the truth. ALL Thai children here are brainwashed into submission at an early age. A lot of Thai's seem to still live at home in their late 20's and into their 30's and tend to submit their thought patterns on Grandfather's tale of the Fine achievements of Rain cloud seeding and Elvis encounters and obtaining the Guinness Book of world records for most billboards depictions.

I do have hope in the Thai youth and many are becoming much more agnostic and atheist because of Monks like this. They will no longer go to the temple with Grandmother and they will no longer support what they are trying to demand comes next as it happens to all of us eventually.

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they may charge him with LM! this is Amazing (I love it)

Were they to do so, it would be a breach of diplomatic immunity as well as amounting to a direct threat of violence against a foreign ambassador. Much more of this sort of thing and there is going to be a very, very strong reaction from Washington, perhaps including a ban on Thai exports of all kinds to the US as well as a freeze on the country's participation in any regional or global trade agencies. I hope this doesn't occur, because it would devastate Thailand for a decade or more. But the US can just about destroy the Thai economy in six hours if they want to do so.

If I'm correct he could only be charged if the US waives his diplomatic immunity and that's not going to happen.

Do the Thais actually know what they're doing, surely someone at the Foreign Ministry must be aware of the appropriate protocols but there again this is a country that happily releases statements on behalf of other nations, organisations etc. with no concern for diplomatic niceties.

As suggested this may only be for show however it's a dangerous road to go down but TIT.

The double standards in play these days are appalling and if the PM panders to ultra-nationalism while clamping down on everyone else it's going to backfire big time !

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Anyone can make a complaint against someone for LM. The police are obligated to investigate. I think that's what's happened here. One of the loonies made a complaint. It doesn't mean the police will investigate seriously. It doesn't mean the government are pursuing the complaint.

Wasn't Jonathan Head (BBC correspondent) investigated for LM a couple of years ago? That 'investigation' didn't go anywhere. Again, I think started by one of the loonies.

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Anyone can make a complaint against someone for LM. The police are obligated to investigate. I think that's what's happened here. One of the loonies made a complaint. It doesn't mean the police will investigate seriously. It doesn't mean the government are pursuing the complaint.

Wasn't Jonathan Head (BBC correspondent) investigated for LM a couple of years ago? That 'investigation' didn't go anywhere. Again, I think started by one of the loonies.

That's one of the big problems. Anyone can file a complaint. And in this case, it was filed by someone that obviously had no clue how the law SHOULD be applied or of the rules regarding diplomatic immunity.

The alternative is that the person was perfectly aware of the rules and filed it just to stir up controversy.

Edited to add: Defamation laws being what they are, I'll refrain from saying which of those two scenarios I believe to be true. ;)

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Why I think they are doing it is to cancel his appointment as Envoy .

Though he has diplomatic immunity , under Thai law they can ( if found guilty) not recognise his credentials further .

And he would have to be withdrawn.

A normal Thai government wouldn't wish to cause this kind of embarrassment and major rift.

But this is a very different fish in power.

And the LM is their dark weapon of choice which must never be questioned.

The United States is now moving this into their news feed after it appeared on BBC

The insult to Americans has already been made.

Now the reaction by their Embassy in Bangkok will be interesting.

I hope it's sharp and clear .

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I forwarded the story to far right media like Bill O Riely ...and altered a few other local media outlets .

The response so far is cordial by Washington .

They simply point out free speech is their principle .

I watched the actual speech .

To do so go to New York times

He was very polite and honest.

Mr Davis seems balanced and correct.

He certainly was soft spoken and realistic.

Thailand is in danger of economic sanctions and being snubbed by tourists from the west if they continue down a path of little respect.

It's one thing to tinker with words and jail people for being critical

But a United States envoy is not in the league

Even a rebuff is a big mistake.

These people took over by gun.

They hardly have the high moral ground

And need to remind themselves of civilised law in the 21st century before embarking on having police exam a US envoy.

They might even quicken their own demise

Which I suppose is something

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"royalist monk" What happened to the precept that monks will not be involved in politics. So wrong on many levels.

it's a sign of the times. Eventually it will be wiped out by neglect and carelessness.

I also don't think he's a royalist. He's a thai who wants to gain fame by being in the spotlight and using other thai to get there.

Edited by hookedondhamma
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I forwarded the story to far right media like Bill O Riely ...and altered a few other local media outlets .

The response so far is cordial by Washington .

They simply point out free speech is their principle .

I watched the actual speech .

To do so go to New York times

He was very polite and honest.

Mr Davis seems balanced and correct.

He certainly was soft spoken and realistic.

Thailand is in danger of economic sanctions and being snubbed by tourists from the west if they continue down a path of little respect.

It's one thing to tinker with words and jail people for being critical

But a United States envoy is not in the league

Even a rebuff is a big mistake.

These people took over by gun.

They hardly have the high moral ground

And need to remind themselves of civilised law in the 21st century before embarking on having police exam a US envoy.

They might even quicken their own demise

Which I suppose is something

Jailing anyone for being critical of a government, no matter how humble his standing, is just as wrong, just as wrong, as going after ambassador.

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Time for some lighthearted (but very fitting) entertainment?

This is how Thailand is starting to appear to me: Monty Python Stoning... laugh.pngsad.png

sad but true the sheer stupidity of all religions inc Buddhism ( lets not say it isnt) always appalls me, the mindless followers flocking too it ,can see it everyday here in society, I long for the day they all wake up.

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Time for some lighthearted (but very fitting) entertainment?

This is how Thailand is starting to appear to me:

... laugh.pngsad.png
sad but true the sheer stupidity of all religions inc Buddhism ( lets not say it isnt) always appalls me, the mindless followers flocking too it ,can see it everyday here in society, I long for the day they all wake up.
How shall we wake up, master..? His gourd!
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