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Bill Gates launches ‘Breakthrough Energy Coalition’ at COP21


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Bill Gates launches ‘Breakthrough Energy Coalition’ at COP21


It’s being called the billionaires’ coalition. Rubbing shoulders with the world leaders at COP21 in Paris, some high-tech gurus are adding their weight to the battle to contain climate change.

Bill Gates has united more than two dozen from the industry to launch the Breakthrough Energy Coalition – whose aim is to advance the production of clean energy.

“The increased governmental research and private investment are to address climate change and to reduce the cost of energy, to reduce poverty. We need to move to sources of energy that are even cheaper than the hydrocarbon energy we use today. We need it to be not only clean, but also reliable,” said the Microsoft founder.

Among those who have signed up are Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, Jack Ma, Richard Branson and George Soros.

The investors who include hedge fund billionaires will work with 20 countries who have come together to form Mission Innovation – to boost research and development into new technologies to deliver clean energy.

Each nation has vowed to double its budget over the next five years.

Bill Gates has vowed to contribute two billion dollars into the portfolio. He believes new energy sources can be developed more quickly; until now it has often taken decades before newly invented technologies are widely deployed.

“There are dozens of things like that that are high risk but huge impact if they are successful,” he said.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-12-05

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Well done Bill Gates , a true humanitarian.

  1. 1.
    concerned with or seeking to promote human welfare.
    "groups sending humanitarian aid"
    synonyms: compassionate, humane;
  1. 1.
    a person who seeks to promote human welfare; a philanthropist.

    philanthropist, altruist, benefactor, patron, social reformer, good Samaritan;

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Any actions that take steps to mitigate Global Warming / Climate Change caused by the burning of fossil fuels are welcomed. There is definitely a place for investments in clean energy and plenty of profits to be made from those investments.

Although Gates and his billionaire buddies and hedge fund billionaires could also start doing their bit by actually paying taxes in their respective jurisdictions instead of structuring tax evasion loopholes.

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Where are the Koch brothers? 555

Don't worry the Koch Bros were there. They fund the Climate Denier get together fronted by the Heartland Institute with the idiot Senator Inhoff (the 'snowball' dope) and Monkton et al talking their Climate Denier stupidity.

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Any actions that take steps to mitigate Global Warming / Climate Change caused by the burning of fossil fuels are welcomed. There is definitely a place for investments in clean energy and plenty of profits to be made from those investments.

Although Gates and his billionaire buddies and hedge fund billionaires could also start doing their bit by actually paying taxes in their respective jurisdictions instead of structuring tax evasion loopholes.

Sorry, but I can't tie "taxes" and "global warning" together, perhaps you can enlighten us, or have you simply got a bee in your bonnet and need to get it off your chest, by the way, do you realise Mr Gates no longer runs Microsoft.

Edited by Rorri
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Any actions that take steps to mitigate Global Warming / Climate Change caused by the burning of fossil fuels are welcomed. There is definitely a place for investments in clean energy and plenty of profits to be made from those investments.

Although Gates and his billionaire buddies and hedge fund billionaires could also start doing their bit by actually paying taxes in their respective jurisdictions instead of structuring tax evasion loopholes.

Sorry, but I can't tie "taxes" and "global warning" together, perhaps you can enlighten us, or have you simply got a bee in your bonnet and need to get it off your chest, by the way, do you realise Mr Gates no longer runs Microsoft.

Yes more than happy to enlighten you. I am a big believer in an educated informed public that allows them to form robust opinions on issues. A Government levies taxes on workers and Corporations which they in turn invest in Public programs that benefit the society. A crucial part of that investment is in scientific research particularly in areas such as Global Warming / Climate Change.

Gates is still an investor in Microsoft and Microsoft is one of the main Corporations that shift profits offshore to evade paying Tax. So although it is good that Gates so generously puffs his chest out making out what a great bloke he is the money he is 'donating' was stolen from taxpayers in the first place. Same as his Hedge Fund buddies who pay a 5% Tax rather than the going Corporate rate of 36% on their profits and most is more than laundered through the Cayman Islands so they probably pay 1% over all.

Good they are getting involved in Global Warming / Climate Change but it doesn't alter the fact they are Corporate thieves simply returning money that never belonged to them in the first place. A good deed from bad guys.

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