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Triple suicide bombings in Chad kill at least 27, police say


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Triple suicide bombings in Chad kill at least 27, police say

DAKAR, Senegal (AP) — A Chad security official says a triple suicide bombing at a market on an island in Lake Chad has killed at least 27 people and injured 90 others.

Paul Manka, Chad police spokesman, said three females carried out Saturday's attack on Koulfoua Island.

Gen. Banyaman Cossingar, Chad gendarmerie director general, confirmed the attack, saying Nigeria's Islamic extremist group Boko Haram is suspected.

The Lake Chad region, which straddles the borders of Chad, Cameroon, Niger and Nigeria, has been regularly targeted by the extremists. Chad's government has already imposed a state of emergency in the area.

Boko Haram, the Nigerian Islamic extremist group whose 6-year uprising has killed some 20,000 people, stepped up attacks this year in neighboring Chad, Niger and Cameroon after those countries agreed to help fight the insurgents.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-12-05

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This happened because of actions of The USA French bombing The UK entering the fight the crazy Muslims are mass murderers of anyone they consider an infidel.

Here is a list of Islamic terror attacks around the world in just the past 30 days. Here is the list in an organized table

List of Islamic Terror Attacks For the Past 30 Days

Date Country City Killed Injured Description 2015.12.04 Yemen Sanaa 9 0 Nine Shiites are beheaded by the Islamic State. 2015.12.04 Nigeria Sabon Gari 3 0 A Fedayeen suicide bomber murders three others. 2015.12.03 Somalia Mogadishu 1 1 A female journalist is blown apart by an al-Shabaab car bomb. 2015.12.02 Syria Ghouta 2 26 Two Assyrian women are disassembled by a Sunni mortar blast. 2015.12.02 Syria Raqqa 1 0 A Russian hostage is beheaded by the Islamic State. 2015.12.02 Cameroon Waza 6 0 Two female suicide bombers slaughter six people. 2015.12.02 Syria Raqqa 2 0 Two gay men are thrown from a rooftop by a Sharia court. 2015.12.02 USA San Bernardino, CA 14 17 A 'very religious' Muslim shoots up a Christmas party with his wife, leaving fourteen dead. 2015.11.30 Pakistan Zaida 1 1 A physician specializing in immunization is shot to death by religious extremists. 2015.11.30 Iraq Baghdad 9 21 Nine Shiite pilgrims are sent straight to Allah by a Sunni suicide bomber. 2015.11.29 Iraq Sinjar 100 0 One-hundred more victims of ISIS execution are discovered in a mass grave. 2015.11.29 DRC Eringeti 7 0 Seven civilians at a hospital are hacked to death by Islamic extremists. 2015.11.29 Nigeria Bam 4 0 Boko Haram roll into a village, kill four adults and kidnap several teenager girls to rape. 2015.11.28 Egypt Saqqara 4 0 Four police at a security checkpoint are machine-gunned point-blank by fundamentalists on motorbikes. 2015.11.28 Afghanistan Kabul 1 4 A suicide bomber takes out a passing driver. 2015.11.28 Iraq Sinjar 123 0 A mass grave is discovered containing one-hundred and twenty-three religious minorities executed by ISIS . 2015.11.28 Mali Kidal 3 20 Jihadis fire a rocket at a UN facility, killing three people. 2015.11.28 Syria Damascus 1 30 Sunnis send a rocket into a Christian neighborhood, killing one resident. 2015.11.28 Pakistan Tursa 1 1 Islamic militants fire a rocket at a truck, killing the driver. 2015.11.28 Cameroon Dabanga 5 12 Two female suicide bombers detonate in a small two, sending five innocents to their deaths. 2015.11.28 Iraq Tuz Khormato 7 17 A Shahid suicide bomber detonates at the entrance to a market, sending seven bystanders to their doom. 2015.11.28 Iraq Madain 2 5 Muslim terrorists kill two people with a well-placed bomb at a fishing village. 2015.11.28 Pakistan Ambar 2 0 Two peace volunteers are pulled into disparate parts by fundamentalist bombers. 2015.11.28 Cameroon Goudouzou 5 0 Islamists burn down homes and kill five people. 2015.11.28 Niger Fougou Boukar 4 2 Sharia proponents pour machine-gun fire into a village, killing four occupants. 2015.11.27 Iraq Jubba 17 0 Seventeen Iraqis are exterminated by a suicide truck bomber. 2015.11.27 Nigeria Gajiganna 3 0 Three villagers are murdered by Boko Haram Islamists. 2015.11.27 Nigeria Dakasoye 22 45 A Sunni suicide bomber targets a Shiite procession and slaughters twenty-two pilgrims, including women and children. 2015.11.27 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A woman is forced to her knees and shot in the head by the Islamic State. 2015.11.26 Pakistan Narmikhel 2 3 An Islamist roadside bomb claims two lives. 2015.11.26 Azerbaijan Baku 2 0 Two policeman are killed when members of the Movement for Muslim Unity open fire. 2015.11.26 Bangladesh Horipur 1 3 Five terrorists enter a Shiite mosque and open fire on worshippers, killing a 70-year-old man. 2015.11.26 Pakistan Akram Khan Durrani 2 5 Islamists bombers pick off two local cops. 2015.11.25 Iraq Hardan 9 4 An ISIS bomb blows nine Kurds into pieces. 2015.11.25 Pakistan Sheikh Baba 1 2 Sunni fundamentalists murder a government official. 2015.11.25 Iraq Mosul 11 0 A woman is among eleven civilian employees executed by the Islamic State. 2015.11.25 India Tanghdar 1 1 Jaish-e-Mohammad gunmen storm a camp and kill a civilian. 2015.11.25 Niger Wogom 18 11 Boko Haram members wade into a village, hacking and shooting eighteen residents to death. 2015.11.24 Libya Mislattah 5 16 Islamist bombers kill five people at a checkpoint. 2015.11.24 Egypt al-Araish 7 17 Two bombings at a hotel, one a suicide attack, leave six others dead. 2015.11.24 Syria Raqqa 1 0 An Austrian teen bride is beaten to death for trying to leave the caliphate. 2015.11.24 Syria Turkman Mountains 1 0 A Russian hostage is executed by the Islamic State. 2015.11.24 Tunisia Tunis 15 16 Fifteen on a bus are reduced to pulp by a Religion of Peace bomb blast. 2015.11.24 Afghanistan Ghor 1 0 A 19-year-old girl is publicly lashed to death by a cleric for disobeying her family. 2015.11.24 Mali Goundam 1 0 A civilian is killed by a bomb planted by Islamic extremists. 2015.11.24 Pakistan Angoor Adda 7 3 Seven Pakistanis are killed when Taliban militants fire shells from across the border. 2015.11.23 Iraq Madain 2 8 Religion of Peace shrapnel liberates two souls from their bodies. 2015.11.23 Egypt Tamiyyah 1 0 A 26-year-old mother of two is murdered by her conservative uncle after leaving Islam for Christianity. 2015.11.23 Iraq Zab 10 0 Ten civilians are executed and hung from poles by caliphate members. 2015.11.23 Iraq Baghdad 2 6 A bomb near shops leaves a bloody mess and two dead. 2015.11.23 Iraq Fallujah 2 0 Two homosexuals are blindfolded and flung from a roof by a Sharia court. 2015.11.23 Israel Beit Horon 1 1 An 18-year-old Israel is stabbed to death by Arabs. 2015.11.22 Pakistan Warghara 5 0 Five policemen are blown to bits by the Tehreek-e-Taliban. 2015.11.22 Israel Etzion 1 0 A young Israeli woman is brutally stabbed to death by Palestinians. 2015.11.22 Nigeria Maiduguri 8 7 A female suicide bomber exterminates eight people at a displaced persons camp. 2015.11.22 Iraq Baghdad 2 8 Two patrons at a restaurant are cut down in mid-bite by Mujahideen bombers. 2015.11.22 Afghanistan Kohat 1 0 A TV journalist is murdered by suspected Taliban. 2015.11.21 Cameroon Leymarie 5 15 Five civilians are laid out by three female suicide bombers outside their residence. 2015.11.21 Pakistan Karachi 4 5 Terrorists shoot four people to death. 2015.11.21 Iraq Sinjar 9 0 Nine people are killed when an ISIS bomb detonates at a house. 2015.11.20 Pakistan Ittehad 4 0 Hardline gunmen pick off four guards outside a rival mosque during Friday prayers. 2015.11.20 Pakistan Charssada 2 0 Two traffic cops are shot in the head by Islamic extremists. 2015.11.20 Iraq Baghdad 10 28 Ten worshippers at a Shiite mosque are sent straight to Allah by a Sunni suicide bomber. 2015.11.20 Mali Bamako 27 6 Gunmen yelling 'Allah Akbar' storm a hotel and kill or capture dozens of people who are unable to recite Quran verses. 2015.11.20 Iraq Yousifiya 2 9 Two worshippers are killed when radicals place a bomb outside a rival mosque. 2015.11.20 Pakistan Lahore 1 0 A woman is shot to death for 'not having good character.' 2015.11.20 Iraq Makhmour 7 0 Seven Kurds are killed during an attack by the Islamic State. 2015.11.20 Yemen Shibam 19 24 An al-Qaeda suicide attack leaves at leaves nineteen others dead. 2015.11.19 Afghanistan Arghandab 1 6 Islamic radicals stage a suicide attack on a police station. 2015.11.19 Israel Gush Etzion 3 4 An American teenager is among three people cut down by an Arab drive-by shooter. 2015.11.19 Israel Tel Aviv 2 3 Two worshippers at a synagogue are stabbed to death by a Muslim terrorist. 2015.11.18 Syria Raqqa 2 0 A Norwegian and a Chinese hostage are executed by the Islamic State after being captured. 2015.11.18 France Marseille 0 1 A Jewish teacher is stabbed by 'radicalized' Muslims. 2015.11.18 Nigeria Kano 15 123 Fifteen patrons at a mobile phone market are sent to the afterlife by two child suicide bombers, including an 11-year-old girl. 2015.11.18 Saudi Arabia al-Qatif 2 0 Two local cops are shot to death by suspected Shiite extremists. 2015.11.18 Afghanistan Ghazni 2 0 The Taliban take out two brothers with a planted explosive. 2015.11.18 Bosnia Sarajevo 2 1 An 'ultra-conservative' Salafi fires an automatic weapon into a gambling shop, killing two guards. 2015.11.18 Iraq Mahmoudiya 2 6 Jihadis set off a bomb at a popular market, killing two patrons. 2015.11.18 Bangladesh Dinajpur 0 1 An Italian priest is stabbed by Islamists. 2015.11.17 Iraq Tuz Khurmatu 1 0 A Kurdish doctor on his way to work is ambushed and killed by Shiite radicals. 2015.11.17 Nigeria Yola 34 80 Islamists bomb a fruit and vegetable market, obliterating thirty-four patrons. 2015.11.17 Iraq Taji 2 8 Mujahideen kill two people with a planted bomb. 2015.11.17 Philippines Jolo 1 0 A businessman is beheaded by Abu Sayyaf. 2015.11.16 Iraq Baghdad 2 8 Radicals set off a bomb outside a car parts shop, killing two passersby. 2015.11.16 Iraq Nineveh 45 0 Media figures are among forty-five civilians pulled from their homes and executed by the Islamic State. 2015.11.16 Yemen Mocha 44 0 Forty-four Yemenis near a port are killed during a brutal ambush by Shiite rebels. 2015.11.15 Pakistan Gulshan-e-Iqbal 2 0 Two Shia guards outside a minority religion complex are picked off in a targeted shooting by Sunnis. 2015.11.15 Iraq Ameriyat al-Fallujah 3 5 Three Iraqis are dismantled by an ISIS rocket. 2015.11.15 Turkey Gaziantep 0 5 An ISIS suicide bomber injures five policemen. 2015.11.15 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 1 12 A Shahid suicide bomber detonates along a city street. 2015.11.15 Iraq Sinjar 70 0 Two more mass graves are unearthed with the bodies of seventy Yazidi minority victims of ISIS execution. 2015.11.15 Iraq Baghdad 7 15 Seven people are killed by a series of Mujahideen bombings. 2015.11.15 Iraq Tuz Khormato 1 0 Shiite militia murder a 14-year-old Kurd. 2015.11.15 Syria Jamleh 7 0 An al-Qaeda suicide bomber takes out seven members of a rival group. 2015.11.14 Iraq Tal Afar 20 0 Twenty Kurds are executed by the Islamic State. 2015.11.14 Somalia Kismayo 15 25 At least fifteen are left dead after a surprise attack by al-Shabaab. 2015.11.14 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Two police officers are shot to death by the Tehreek-e-Taliban. 2015.11.14 Iraq Sinjar 78 0 A mass grave is unearthed, containing seventy-eight elderly female victims of ISIS execution. 2015.11.14 Iraq Mosul 1 0 The head of a university physics department is executed by ISIS. 2015.11.14 Yemen Coleman 1 0 One other person is killed when a suicide bomber explodes prematurely outside a mosque. 2015.11.14 Iraq Mandali 1 1 A Shahid suicide car bomber kills a bystander. 2015.11.13 France Paris 19 9 Islamic terrorists pile up nineteen bodies at a restaurant (Belle Equipe). 2015.11.13 Israel Otniel 2 5 A Jewish father and son are murdered by Palestinians as they are on their way to a wedding event. 2015.11.13 Iraq Sadr City 5 15 Sunnis set off a bomb near a Shiite shrine, killing five passersby. 2015.11.13 Iraq Baghdad 21 46 A suicide bomber strikes a Shia funeral, laying out twenty-one mourners. 2015.11.13 Tunisia Sawar Soultaniya 1 0 Islamists behead a 16-year-old shepherd and send the head back to his family. 2015.11.13 Yemen Shibam 3 14 At least three people are left dead after terrorists bomb a rival mosque. 2015.11.13 France Paris 1 0 Islamic terrorists eliminate a passerby with two suicide blasts outside a soccer stadium (Stade de France) and a nearby McDonalds's. 2015.11.13 France Paris 15 10 Islamic terrorists massacre fifteen innocents at two restaurants (Le Carillon and Le Petit Cambodge). 2015.11.13 France Paris 5 8 Islamic terrorists shoot up a bar and pizzeria, killing five patrons (La Bonne Biere, Casa Nostra). 2015.11.13 France Paris 0 3 Islamic terrorists stage a suicide bombing outside a cafe Comptoir Voltaire). 2015.11.13 France Paris 89 322 Islamic terrorists open fire and throw bombs during a concert at a music hall, slaughtering nearly ninety innocents while shouting 'Allah Akbar' (Bataclan). 2015.11.12 Thailand Pattani 4 4 Four Thais are exterminated by Jihadi bombers. 2015.11.12 Lebanon Beirut 43 240 Two Sunni suicide bombers massacre over forty people in a Shiite residential neighborhood. 2015.11.12 Jordan Irbid 2 0 In the name of honor, a man beheads his sister and stabs her 15-year-old son. 2015.11.12 CAR Bandambou 6 0 Six hunters are shot to death by suspected Seleka militants. 2015.11.12 Syria al-Heisha 4 0 A boy, his grandfather and two farmers reduced to pulp by an ISIS missile. 2015.11.12 Italy Milan 0 1 A Haredi Jew is stabbed nine times by a masked Muslim. 2015.11.11 Iraq Baiji 13 0 Thirteen members of two families are crushed to death in their own homes by ISIS explosives. 2015.11.11 Iraq Ekreshat 22 0 Twenty-two civil servants are marched out to a field and executed by the Islamic State. 2015.11.11 Iraq Tarmiya 2 4 Two people are killed when Jihadis bomb a market. 2015.11.11 Egypt Harhor 8 1 A child is among eight family members slaughtered in their home by fundamentalist militants. 2015.11.11 Niger Bossa 5 0 At least five civilians are killed when Boko Haram attack a village. 2015.11.10 Iraq Shaab 2 7 A Sunni bomb rips through a parking lot, killing two. 2015.11.10 Afghanistan Khak-i-Afghan 2 0 At least two others are killed by a Shahid suicide bomber. 2015.11.10 Syria Latakia 23 65 Sunnis send rockets into an area near a university, sending sixty-five to the hospital and twenty-three to the morgue. 2015.11.10 Iraq Baghdad 3 8 A blast at an outdoor market leaves three dead. 2015.11.10 Iraq Dora 2 0 Two merchants are shot to death by Islamists. 2015.11.10 India Madikeri 1 20 A farmer's skull is crushed from a rock thrown by angry Muslims during a an anti-Hindu riot. 2015.11.10 Yemen Sanaa 1 0 An American contractor dies in custody after being kidnapped by Shiite militia. 2015.11.10 Iraq Hussainiyah 4 7 Terrorists set off a bomb in a residential neighborhood, killing four. 2015.11.10 Pakistan Guddu 2 0 Islamic terrorists sneak up on a police post and machine-gun two officers. 2015.11.09 Israel Hilhul Junction 1 6 Six Israelis are stabbed or run over by Palestinians. A victim also dies of wounds suffered in an earlier attack. 2015.11.09 Cameroon Fotokol 3 20 At least three others are killed when female suicide bombers attack a rival mosque. 2015.11.09 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three young people are executed by the Islamic State. 2015.11.09 CAR Ndassima 10 8 Muslim militia cut the throats of ten Christian villagers. 2015.11.09 Pakistan Karachi 1 3 One person is cut down by sectarian Jihadis. 2015.11.09 Jordan Amman 5 4 Two Americans and a South African are gunned down along with two locals by an Islamic extremist in uniform. 2015.11.08 Chad Ngouboua 3 12 Two female suicide bombers murder three refugees at a fishing village. 2015.11.08 Afghanistan Rasani 7 0 Two women and a child are among seven civilians kidnapped and beheaded by ISIS. 2015.11.08 Syria Aleppo 4 3 A child is among four civilians cut down by a Sunni rocket. 2015.11.08 Iraq Sadr City 7 20 A double suicide bombing at a Shiite market lays out seven patrons. 2015.11.08 Iraq Baghdad 2 8 A bomb at a popular market produces a bloody mess and two dead bodies. 2015.11.08 Yemen Sanaa 16 6 Shiite militants are thought responsible for a brutal bombing that killed sixteen government troops at their barracks. 2015.11.07 Pakistan Quetta 2 0 Two Hazara religious minorities are sprayed with bullets by Ahle Sunnat wal Jamaat members. 2015.11.07 Iraq Baghdad 3 15 Two Jihad bombings leave three dead. 2015.11.07 Iraq Tarmiya 6 0 A suicide bomber claims six other lives. 2015.11.07 Iraq Albu Haiyat 5 12 Roadside bombs take care of five Iraqis, with a dozen surviving. 2015.11.06 Pakistan Quetta 1 1 A Shiite is gunned down by Sunni radicals. 2015.11.06 Iraq Yusufiya 1 2 Jihadi bombers take out a woman and injure her two children. 2015.11.06 Libya Ajdabiya 1 0 A Salafi cleric is shot to death by Religion of Peace rivals. 2015.11.06 Iraq Maidan 2 5 Two people at a meat market are butchered by ISIS bombers. 2015.11.06 Iraq Baghdad 3 9 Bombers target a residential area, killing three unfortunates. 2015.11.06 Afghanistan Shamir 1 0 Religion of Peace activists kill a rival cleric with a car bomb. 2015.11.05 Lebanon Arsal 5 15 Five Muslim scholars are taken out by a suicide blast from a Religion of Peace rival. 2015.11.05 Iraq Baghdad 2 6 A bomb placed on a bus kills two passengers.
Edited by NeverSure
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This happened because of actions of The USA French bombing The UK entering the fight the crazy Muslims are mass murderers of anyone they consider an infidel.

Here is a list of Islamic terror attacks around the world in just the past 30 days. Here is the list in an organized table

List of Islamic Terror Attacks For the Past 30 Days

Date Country City Killed Injured Description 2015.12.04 Yemen Sanaa 9 0 Nine Shiites are beheaded by the Islamic State. 2015.12.04 Nigeria Sabon Gari 3 0 A Fedayeen suicide bomber murders three others. 2015.12.03 Somalia Mogadishu 1 1 A female journalist is blown apart by an al-Shabaab car bomb. 2015.12.02 Syria Ghouta 2 26 Two Assyrian women are disassembled by a Sunni mortar blast. 2015.12.02 Syria Raqqa 1 0 A Russian hostage is beheaded by the Islamic State. 2015.12.02 Cameroon Waza 6 0 Two female suicide bombers slaughter six people. 2015.12.02 Syria Raqqa 2 0 Two gay men are thrown from a rooftop by a Sharia court. 2015.12.02 USA San Bernardino, CA 14 17 A 'very religious' Muslim shoots up a Christmas party with his wife, leaving fourteen dead. 2015.11.30 Pakistan Zaida 1 1 A physician specializing in immunization is shot to death by religious extremists. 2015.11.30 Iraq Baghdad 9 21 Nine Shiite pilgrims are sent straight to Allah by a Sunni suicide bomber. 2015.11.29 Iraq Sinjar 100 0 One-hundred more victims of ISIS execution are discovered in a mass grave. 2015.11.29 DRC Eringeti 7 0 Seven civilians at a hospital are hacked to death by Islamic extremists. 2015.11.29 Nigeria Bam 4 0 Boko Haram roll into a village, kill four adults and kidnap several teenager girls to rape. 2015.11.28 Egypt Saqqara 4 0 Four police at a security checkpoint are machine-gunned point-blank by fundamentalists on motorbikes. 2015.11.28 Afghanistan Kabul 1 4 A suicide bomber takes out a passing driver. 2015.11.28 Iraq Sinjar 123 0 A mass grave is discovered containing one-hundred and twenty-three religious minorities executed by ISIS . 2015.11.28 Mali Kidal 3 20 Jihadis fire a rocket at a UN facility, killing three people. 2015.11.28 Syria Damascus 1 30 Sunnis send a rocket into a Christian neighborhood, killing one resident. 2015.11.28 Pakistan Tursa 1 1 Islamic militants fire a rocket at a truck, killing the driver. 2015.11.28 Cameroon Dabanga 5 12 Two female suicide bombers detonate in a small two, sending five innocents to their deaths. 2015.11.28 Iraq Tuz Khormato 7 17 A Shahid suicide bomber detonates at the entrance to a market, sending seven bystanders to their doom. 2015.11.28 Iraq Madain 2 5 Muslim terrorists kill two people with a well-placed bomb at a fishing village. 2015.11.28 Pakistan Ambar 2 0 Two peace volunteers are pulled into disparate parts by fundamentalist bombers. 2015.11.28 Cameroon Goudouzou 5 0 Islamists burn down homes and kill five people. 2015.11.28 Niger Fougou Boukar 4 2 Sharia proponents pour machine-gun fire into a village, killing four occupants. 2015.11.27 Iraq Jubba 17 0 Seventeen Iraqis are exterminated by a suicide truck bomber. 2015.11.27 Nigeria Gajiganna 3 0 Three villagers are murdered by Boko Haram Islamists. 2015.11.27 Nigeria Dakasoye 22 45 A Sunni suicide bomber targets a Shiite procession and slaughters twenty-two pilgrims, including women and children. 2015.11.27 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A woman is forced to her knees and shot in the head by the Islamic State. 2015.11.26 Pakistan Narmikhel 2 3 An Islamist roadside bomb claims two lives. 2015.11.26 Azerbaijan Baku 2 0 Two policeman are killed when members of the Movement for Muslim Unity open fire. 2015.11.26 Bangladesh Horipur 1 3 Five terrorists enter a Shiite mosque and open fire on worshippers, killing a 70-year-old man. 2015.11.26 Pakistan Akram Khan Durrani 2 5 Islamists bombers pick off two local cops. 2015.11.25 Iraq Hardan 9 4 An ISIS bomb blows nine Kurds into pieces. 2015.11.25 Pakistan Sheikh Baba 1 2 Sunni fundamentalists murder a government official. 2015.11.25 Iraq Mosul 11 0 A woman is among eleven civilian employees executed by the Islamic State. 2015.11.25 India Tanghdar 1 1 Jaish-e-Mohammad gunmen storm a camp and kill a civilian. 2015.11.25 Niger Wogom 18 11 Boko Haram members wade into a village, hacking and shooting eighteen residents to death. 2015.11.24 Libya Mislattah 5 16 Islamist bombers kill five people at a checkpoint. 2015.11.24 Egypt al-Araish 7 17 Two bombings at a hotel, one a suicide attack, leave six others dead. 2015.11.24 Syria Raqqa 1 0 An Austrian teen bride is beaten to death for trying to leave the caliphate. 2015.11.24 Syria Turkman Mountains 1 0 A Russian hostage is executed by the Islamic State. 2015.11.24 Tunisia Tunis 15 16 Fifteen on a bus are reduced to pulp by a Religion of Peace bomb blast. 2015.11.24 Afghanistan Ghor 1 0 A 19-year-old girl is publicly lashed to death by a cleric for disobeying her family. 2015.11.24 Mali Goundam 1 0 A civilian is killed by a bomb planted by Islamic extremists. 2015.11.24 Pakistan Angoor Adda 7 3 Seven Pakistanis are killed when Taliban militants fire shells from across the border. 2015.11.23 Iraq Madain 2 8 Religion of Peace shrapnel liberates two souls from their bodies. 2015.11.23 Egypt Tamiyyah 1 0 A 26-year-old mother of two is murdered by her conservative uncle after leaving Islam for Christianity. 2015.11.23 Iraq Zab 10 0 Ten civilians are executed and hung from poles by caliphate members. 2015.11.23 Iraq Baghdad 2 6 A bomb near shops leaves a bloody mess and two dead. 2015.11.23 Iraq Fallujah 2 0 Two homosexuals are blindfolded and flung from a roof by a Sharia court. 2015.11.23 Israel Beit Horon 1 1 An 18-year-old Israel is stabbed to death by Arabs. 2015.11.22 Pakistan Warghara 5 0 Five policemen are blown to bits by the Tehreek-e-Taliban. 2015.11.22 Israel Etzion 1 0 A young Israeli woman is brutally stabbed to death by Palestinians. 2015.11.22 Nigeria Maiduguri 8 7 A female suicide bomber exterminates eight people at a displaced persons camp. 2015.11.22 Iraq Baghdad 2 8 Two patrons at a restaurant are cut down in mid-bite by Mujahideen bombers. 2015.11.22 Afghanistan Kohat 1 0 A TV journalist is murdered by suspected Taliban. 2015.11.21 Cameroon Leymarie 5 15 Five civilians are laid out by three female suicide bombers outside their residence. 2015.11.21 Pakistan Karachi 4 5 Terrorists shoot four people to death. 2015.11.21 Iraq Sinjar 9 0 Nine people are killed when an ISIS bomb detonates at a house. 2015.11.20 Pakistan Ittehad 4 0 Hardline gunmen pick off four guards outside a rival mosque during Friday prayers. 2015.11.20 Pakistan Charssada 2 0 Two traffic cops are shot in the head by Islamic extremists. 2015.11.20 Iraq Baghdad 10 28 Ten worshippers at a Shiite mosque are sent straight to Allah by a Sunni suicide bomber. 2015.11.20 Mali Bamako 27 6 Gunmen yelling 'Allah Akbar' storm a hotel and kill or capture dozens of people who are unable to recite Quran verses. 2015.11.20 Iraq Yousifiya 2 9 Two worshippers are killed when radicals place a bomb outside a rival mosque. 2015.11.20 Pakistan Lahore 1 0 A woman is shot to death for 'not having good character.' 2015.11.20 Iraq Makhmour 7 0 Seven Kurds are killed during an attack by the Islamic State. 2015.11.20 Yemen Shibam 19 24 An al-Qaeda suicide attack leaves at leaves nineteen others dead. 2015.11.19 Afghanistan Arghandab 1 6 Islamic radicals stage a suicide attack on a police station. 2015.11.19 Israel Gush Etzion 3 4 An American teenager is among three people cut down by an Arab drive-by shooter. 2015.11.19 Israel Tel Aviv 2 3 Two worshippers at a synagogue are stabbed to death by a Muslim terrorist. 2015.11.18 Syria Raqqa 2 0 A Norwegian and a Chinese hostage are executed by the Islamic State after being captured. 2015.11.18 France Marseille 0 1 A Jewish teacher is stabbed by 'radicalized' Muslims. 2015.11.18 Nigeria Kano 15 123 Fifteen patrons at a mobile phone market are sent to the afterlife by two child suicide bombers, including an 11-year-old girl. 2015.11.18 Saudi Arabia al-Qatif 2 0 Two local cops are shot to death by suspected Shiite extremists. 2015.11.18 Afghanistan Ghazni 2 0 The Taliban take out two brothers with a planted explosive. 2015.11.18 Bosnia Sarajevo 2 1 An 'ultra-conservative' Salafi fires an automatic weapon into a gambling shop, killing two guards. 2015.11.18 Iraq Mahmoudiya 2 6 Jihadis set off a bomb at a popular market, killing two patrons. 2015.11.18 Bangladesh Dinajpur 0 1 An Italian priest is stabbed by Islamists. 2015.11.17 Iraq Tuz Khurmatu 1 0 A Kurdish doctor on his way to work is ambushed and killed by Shiite radicals. 2015.11.17 Nigeria Yola 34 80 Islamists bomb a fruit and vegetable market, obliterating thirty-four patrons. 2015.11.17 Iraq Taji 2 8 Mujahideen kill two people with a planted bomb. 2015.11.17 Philippines Jolo 1 0 A businessman is beheaded by Abu Sayyaf. 2015.11.16 Iraq Baghdad 2 8 Radicals set off a bomb outside a car parts shop, killing two passersby. 2015.11.16 Iraq Nineveh 45 0 Media figures are among forty-five civilians pulled from their homes and executed by the Islamic State. 2015.11.16 Yemen Mocha 44 0 Forty-four Yemenis near a port are killed during a brutal ambush by Shiite rebels. 2015.11.15 Pakistan Gulshan-e-Iqbal 2 0 Two Shia guards outside a minority religion complex are picked off in a targeted shooting by Sunnis. 2015.11.15 Iraq Ameriyat al-Fallujah 3 5 Three Iraqis are dismantled by an ISIS rocket. 2015.11.15 Turkey Gaziantep 0 5 An ISIS suicide bomber injures five policemen. 2015.11.15 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 1 12 A Shahid suicide bomber detonates along a city street. 2015.11.15 Iraq Sinjar 70 0 Two more mass graves are unearthed with the bodies of seventy Yazidi minority victims of ISIS execution. 2015.11.15 Iraq Baghdad 7 15 Seven people are killed by a series of Mujahideen bombings. 2015.11.15 Iraq Tuz Khormato 1 0 Shiite militia murder a 14-year-old Kurd. 2015.11.15 Syria Jamleh 7 0 An al-Qaeda suicide bomber takes out seven members of a rival group. 2015.11.14 Iraq Tal Afar 20 0 Twenty Kurds are executed by the Islamic State. 2015.11.14 Somalia Kismayo 15 25 At least fifteen are left dead after a surprise attack by al-Shabaab. 2015.11.14 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Two police officers are shot to death by the Tehreek-e-Taliban. 2015.11.14 Iraq Sinjar 78 0 A mass grave is unearthed, containing seventy-eight elderly female victims of ISIS execution. 2015.11.14 Iraq Mosul 1 0 The head of a university physics department is executed by ISIS. 2015.11.14 Yemen Coleman 1 0 One other person is killed when a suicide bomber explodes prematurely outside a mosque. 2015.11.14 Iraq Mandali 1 1 A Shahid suicide car bomber kills a bystander. 2015.11.13 France Paris 19 9 Islamic terrorists pile up nineteen bodies at a restaurant (Belle Equipe). 2015.11.13 Israel Otniel 2 5 A Jewish father and son are murdered by Palestinians as they are on their way to a wedding event. 2015.11.13 Iraq Sadr City 5 15 Sunnis set off a bomb near a Shiite shrine, killing five passersby. 2015.11.13 Iraq Baghdad 21 46 A suicide bomber strikes a Shia funeral, laying out twenty-one mourners. 2015.11.13 Tunisia Sawar Soultaniya 1 0 Islamists behead a 16-year-old shepherd and send the head back to his family. 2015.11.13 Yemen Shibam 3 14 At least three people are left dead after terrorists bomb a rival mosque. 2015.11.13 France Paris 1 0 Islamic terrorists eliminate a passerby with two suicide blasts outside a soccer stadium (Stade de France) and a nearby McDonalds's. 2015.11.13 France Paris 15 10 Islamic terrorists massacre fifteen innocents at two restaurants (Le Carillon and Le Petit Cambodge). 2015.11.13 France Paris 5 8 Islamic terrorists shoot up a bar and pizzeria, killing five patrons (La Bonne Biere, Casa Nostra). 2015.11.13 France Paris 0 3 Islamic terrorists stage a suicide bombing outside a cafe Comptoir Voltaire). 2015.11.13 France Paris 89 322 Islamic terrorists open fire and throw bombs during a concert at a music hall, slaughtering nearly ninety innocents while shouting 'Allah Akbar' (Bataclan). 2015.11.12 Thailand Pattani 4 4 Four Thais are exterminated by Jihadi bombers. 2015.11.12 Lebanon Beirut 43 240 Two Sunni suicide bombers massacre over forty people in a Shiite residential neighborhood. 2015.11.12 Jordan Irbid 2 0 In the name of honor, a man beheads his sister and stabs her 15-year-old son. 2015.11.12 CAR Bandambou 6 0 Six hunters are shot to death by suspected Seleka militants. 2015.11.12 Syria al-Heisha 4 0 A boy, his grandfather and two farmers reduced to pulp by an ISIS missile. 2015.11.12 Italy Milan 0 1 A Haredi Jew is stabbed nine times by a masked Muslim. 2015.11.11 Iraq Baiji 13 0 Thirteen members of two families are crushed to death in their own homes by ISIS explosives. 2015.11.11 Iraq Ekreshat 22 0 Twenty-two civil servants are marched out to a field and executed by the Islamic State. 2015.11.11 Iraq Tarmiya 2 4 Two people are killed when Jihadis bomb a market. 2015.11.11 Egypt Harhor 8 1 A child is among eight family members slaughtered in their home by fundamentalist militants. 2015.11.11 Niger Bossa 5 0 At least five civilians are killed when Boko Haram attack a village. 2015.11.10 Iraq Shaab 2 7 A Sunni bomb rips through a parking lot, killing two. 2015.11.10 Afghanistan Khak-i-Afghan 2 0 At least two others are killed by a Shahid suicide bomber. 2015.11.10 Syria Latakia 23 65 Sunnis send rockets into an area near a university, sending sixty-five to the hospital and twenty-three to the morgue. 2015.11.10 Iraq Baghdad 3 8 A blast at an outdoor market leaves three dead. 2015.11.10 Iraq Dora 2 0 Two merchants are shot to death by Islamists. 2015.11.10 India Madikeri 1 20 A farmer's skull is crushed from a rock thrown by angry Muslims during a an anti-Hindu riot. 2015.11.10 Yemen Sanaa 1 0 An American contractor dies in custody after being kidnapped by Shiite militia. 2015.11.10 Iraq Hussainiyah 4 7 Terrorists set off a bomb in a residential neighborhood, killing four. 2015.11.10 Pakistan Guddu 2 0 Islamic terrorists sneak up on a police post and machine-gun two officers. 2015.11.09 Israel Hilhul Junction 1 6 Six Israelis are stabbed or run over by Palestinians. A victim also dies of wounds suffered in an earlier attack. 2015.11.09 Cameroon Fotokol 3 20 At least three others are killed when female suicide bombers attack a rival mosque. 2015.11.09 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three young people are executed by the Islamic State. 2015.11.09 CAR Ndassima 10 8 Muslim militia cut the throats of ten Christian villagers. 2015.11.09 Pakistan Karachi 1 3 One person is cut down by sectarian Jihadis. 2015.11.09 Jordan Amman 5 4 Two Americans and a South African are gunned down along with two locals by an Islamic extremist in uniform. 2015.11.08 Chad Ngouboua 3 12 Two female suicide bombers murder three refugees at a fishing village. 2015.11.08 Afghanistan Rasani 7 0 Two women and a child are among seven civilians kidnapped and beheaded by ISIS. 2015.11.08 Syria Aleppo 4 3 A child is among four civilians cut down by a Sunni rocket. 2015.11.08 Iraq Sadr City 7 20 A double suicide bombing at a Shiite market lays out seven patrons. 2015.11.08 Iraq Baghdad 2 8 A bomb at a popular market produces a bloody mess and two dead bodies. 2015.11.08 Yemen Sanaa 16 6 Shiite militants are thought responsible for a brutal bombing that killed sixteen government troops at their barracks. 2015.11.07 Pakistan Quetta 2 0 Two Hazara religious minorities are sprayed with bullets by Ahle Sunnat wal Jamaat members. 2015.11.07 Iraq Baghdad 3 15 Two Jihad bombings leave three dead. 2015.11.07 Iraq Tarmiya 6 0 A suicide bomber claims six other lives. 2015.11.07 Iraq Albu Haiyat 5 12 Roadside bombs take care of five Iraqis, with a dozen surviving. 2015.11.06 Pakistan Quetta 1 1 A Shiite is gunned down by Sunni radicals. 2015.11.06 Iraq Yusufiya 1 2 Jihadi bombers take out a woman and injure her two children. 2015.11.06 Libya Ajdabiya 1 0 A Salafi cleric is shot to death by Religion of Peace rivals. 2015.11.06 Iraq Maidan 2 5 Two people at a meat market are butchered by ISIS bombers. 2015.11.06 Iraq Baghdad 3 9 Bombers target a residential area, killing three unfortunates. 2015.11.06 Afghanistan Shamir 1 0 Religion of Peace activists kill a rival cleric with a car bomb. 2015.11.05 Lebanon Arsal 5 15 Five Muslim scholars are taken out by a suicide blast from a Religion of Peace rival. 2015.11.05 Iraq Baghdad 2 6 A bomb placed on a bus kills two passengers.

holy moly, thats some tally by the religion of peace!
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Just been reported on the news that the suicide bombers were 3 or 4 women.

Three suicide bomb attacks targeting different locations at the weekly market on Loulou Fou, an island in Lake Chad, were carried out by women, said Chad police spokesman Paul Manga.


Edited by SgtRock
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Just been reported on the news that the suicide bombers were 3 or 4 women.

Three suicide bomb attacks targeting different locations at the weekly market on Loulou Fou, an island in Lake Chad, were carried out by women, said Chad police spokesman Paul Manga.


They were not women. They were filth, murdering those innocent people like that.
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baboon, on 06 Dec 2015 - 12:46, said:
SgtRock, on 06 Dec 2015 - 12:11, said:

Just been reported on the news that the suicide bombers were 3 or 4 women.


Three suicide bomb attacks targeting different locations at the weekly market on Loulou Fou, an island in Lake Chad, were carried out by women, said Chad police spokesman Paul Manga.


They were not women. They were filth, murdering those innocent people like that.

If they carried out the attacks of their own free will I would agree with you.

There is also the possibility that families were taken hostage and they were coerced under the threat of death of family members. A tactic that terrorists worldwide use frequently.

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