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Migrant couple are stuck at Macedonian border – because he’s Afghan and she’s Iranian


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Globalization cannot be reversed, this is a fact.

All great cities are made up of many nations. This is why they are great.

Why not do our best to screen them and send the bad apples back;

Globalization is nothing new.You can't stop it and it will only grow. Every great city in the world is made up of many nations. It is what makes them great. We should do our best to screen them and send the bad ones back.
Globalization is nothing new.You can't stop it and it will only grow. Every great city in the world is made up of many nations. It is what makes them great. We should do our best to screen them and send the bad ones back.

Due to the PC adopted attitude, this would be discrimination, wouldn't it?

In their efforts to be so righteous, just, kind and nice, the western world has adopted all this laws, treaties, charters etc.,

that it can now not backtrack on those laws and be selective.

The strategy seems to be that, instead of engaging a full out war on islam, we will show the people of the islam faith,

"hey, we might be infidels in the eyes of your islam religious leaders, but look how nice, kind and generous we are, come join

us, the more the merrier, and just to show how fair we are, we will not force you to change your faith, heck, we will even let you build mosques,

and, on top of that, you can all even have public call to prayers broadcast".

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To deviate a bit from the islam aspect of it all, I have lived next to an Afghanistan/Iranian couple with kids, and we were witness to their rich culture

and temperamental and passionate nature: most their daily conversations sounded like heated arguments, although I must admit, we were not

sure whether it was about the dishes or the laundry, since the conversations were in their own language.

To be fair, I must add that those neighbours were otherwise no bother. And yes, you can find noisy neighbours among the natives as well.

The point is: letting in millions of refugees/migrants, there is not only the 'threat of islam' aspect, but also the nature of the people that does

not rhyme well with the nature of the (majority of the) natives of the country. I think this is also an aspect that a lot of people have concerns over.

This is not saying one or the other (native versus immigrant) is good or bad, just different.

Before anyone starts throwing the word racist around: I, a European, am of the same race as those refugees/immigrants, namely Caucasian (Caucasoid).

Also, my sister is married to a Turk, of islam faith, and boy have we (me and him) joked around about God and Allah.

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On what basis are these people claiming refuge in Europe?

Why don't they just stay in Iran? There is no war there.

They might be a repressed minority like Ba'Hai.

I was under the impression that the current opening of the gates in Europe was meant to address the plight of those running away from IS and such, not a general policy applied to any repressed minority on the planet.

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On what basis are these people claiming refuge in Europe?

Why don't they just stay in Iran? There is no war there.

They might be a repressed minority like Ba'Hai.

I was under the impression that the current opening of the gates in Europe was meant to address the plight of those running away from IS and such, not a general policy applied to any repressed minority on the planet.

I am afraid that impression is wrong. You'd be surprised.

E.g. Germany this year got some 500k people from the Balkans who try to make it there (in the relative comfort of old buses) with no claim whatsoever, because Germany is stupid enough to let them. So is Sweden.

As in: they could be Roma, that sometimes still get discriminated against, so lets check out the merits of every individual claim for 6 months while they get their freebies, sue for another 3 months,

avoid deportation for half a year or forever, then if necessary make a new run and altogether make more money than they ever could at home.

Germany is taking in Roma from states in waiting line for joining the EU, boggles the mind, and if the 1 million Burmese Rhohingya Muslim minority came knocking, we'd have to take them.

Germany is also taking in applicants from Russia who are gay (or claim to be), and a lot of Christians from predominantly Muslim states.

I don't mean to comment on the merits of taking in Christians or gay people or not, I am just saying what sort of reasons of persecution are being considered presently.

Actually, the German constitution only grants asylum to politically persecuted, i.e. as such not refugees from civil wars. How you define political persecution is a different matter, as in does it suffice if

there is a strong group of non-state actors (the IS e.g.) doing the persecution with the actual state to weak to suppress them or unwilling to do so?

The "subsidiary protection" for war refugees is from the UN convention and the European Charter of Human Rights which all EU-member states have subscribed to. It's not actually "asylum" in the narrower sense.

Turkey -possibly following the UN convention- only grants its Syrian refugees a status of "guests".

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