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visits from police today

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A policeman came round today to our property and questioned everybody who lived on it. Namely, my wife, my caregiver, my daughter, my servants and their children. They wanted to see the Tambien baan and registration books for our two cars and everyone's ID.they took photos of everybody including their documents.. They also asked questions about the people living around us.I showed my passport, but they didn't even open it and seemed completely uninterested in me, apart from asking to meet me. The policeman told my wife that it was nothing to do with visas, work permits or anything like that. I presume they are doing a checkup to see whether any terrorist suspects are in the area. I found this quite reassuring and the police were very pleasant and nice..

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Could it be a ruse of some sort for future harassment or targeting you for future extortion....maybe.

Also did you watch them move on to other peoples property and conduct the same said to be security measures on your neighbor's houses and properties...or only you?

If only you...then you have to wonder why only you and not everyone else in the area.


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We have a shop in the Romklaow district of Bangkok and also had a visit from a policeman today. I was having my afternoon siesta (as you do) and missed it but according to my wife he was advising everyone locally to be vigilant and report any suspicious people or suspicious behavior, or criminal activity as soon as possible.

He also photographed ID's and took phone numbers of 7 or 8 of our neighbours and friends. The reason given was to have a record of who's who locally so that any calls coming in to the station could be verified immediately as to whether they were from real people or just a hoaxer wasting time - at least that is what I think the gist of it was - and all calls would be in confidence.

There has been a fair bit of army & police activity in the area recently trying to clean up the streets a bit and they even arrested a local "mafia" extortionist (at 5.30 a.m.) making money from the local traders. I am told they eventually let him go with a warning to stop now what he has been doing as he already has enough money!! (You gotta love 'em).

So maybe, just maybe, something is slowly being done about corruption at street level and better times for some of the folks, who pay and pay until they have nothing left, may be ahead.

Yeah it is not perfect, and yeah I can see that there are huge holes in the thinking etc etc but it looks like somebody is at least trying.

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Local police came to one of our neighborhoods in Pattaya and even specifically requested that we do not have our annual Christmas party that we have been holding for the last 10 years at the first development we built here.

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