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An ugly clampdown on Rajabhakti protests: Thai editorial


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Strange that the greater majority of the Thai people like and agree with the curent administration.

Seems as if it is the western non voters who cannot or will not understand the idea of how Asian society in general functions who are complaining.

Now if it is so bad here so repressive so corrupt why are you all still here?

Been here many years and seen it all ,To date this administration has been fine, corruption is a slow weed to root out so be patient.Just thInk back to previous administrations and their attempts to kill democracy with false votes in Parliament and creative debating and voting times.

I prefer the current situation as opposed to the arson and barricades and riots we had in the not to long gone past.

If you are basing your opinion on Suan Dusit polls only, I suggest you go out and talk with the general Thai population and you will see it is a different picture - I have Thai friends who are either yellow, red or no color, admittedly they are mostly middle to high income eaners and living in Bangkok so they might not be the best slice of society, but all of them certainly agree on one thing and that is, it has not been this bad for a very long time.

Bear in mind it will take a while before they will open up as all are getting more afraid publicly saying their opinion about the government - which certainly is a warning signal of something very wrong in society.

Just because I don't like the taste of a junta and their attitude towards free thinking does not mean I automatically support e.g. the Redshirts. There has been a lot of bad examples in the past, but if you go in and take power with gun in hand using the excuse that you will weed out corruption but need to suspend basic civil rights while doing it - and then at the very first chance of showing they mean business by targeting corruption within their ranks - they try to cover it up, silencing anybody who question the project and denying any wrongdoing. Then you will lose my support and earn my criticism.

I think we all enjoy silence in the streets: no yellow, red or crazy monks blocking the streets and delivering hate speeches. However this silence is coming with a cost: no freedom, no right to assembly, detaining people without proper timeframe or being presented in a court of law. I prefer the right to protest over irregularities - and yes, I get annoyed especially if I do not agree with the protesters, but I do respect their rights.

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Strange that the greater majority of the Thai people like and agree with the curent administration.

Seems as if it is the western non voters who cannot or will not understand the idea of how Asian society in general functions who are complaining.

Now if it is so bad here so repressive so corrupt why are you all still here?

Been here many years and seen it all ,To date this administration has been fine, corruption is a slow weed to root out so be patient.Just thInk back to previous administrations and their attempts to kill democracy with false votes in Parliament and creative debating and voting times.

I prefer the current situation as opposed to the arson and barricades and riots we had in the not to long gone past.

Well, I would prefer a properly elected government of the people (not a self imposed dictator) who worked for the betterment of the people and the country. I know that is a dream in Thailand, but one can hope.

This government is no better than the previous and is proving to be just as corrupt, but much more heavy handed. It is all starting to go pear shaped, or can you not see that?

Are you serious that the majority of the Thai people like and agree with this government? Have you actually talked to any Thais? I have, and the majority are NOT HAPPY. They are just to scared of the military to speak out and voice their disapproval. Of course, that is the whole point of hauling in anyone who does dare to speak out or oppose them in any way. It is called scare tactics and intimidation. But the undercurrent of discontent is strong and growing stronger by the day. The real question is, how long before the powder keg blows? It ain't gonna be pretty.

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Strange that the greater majority of the Thai people like and agree with the curent administration.

Seems as if it is the western non voters who cannot or will not understand the idea of how Asian society in general functions who are complaining.

Now if it is so bad here so repressive so corrupt why are you all still here?

Been here many years and seen it all ,To date this administration has been fine, corruption is a slow weed to root out so be patient.Just thInk back to previous administrations and their attempts to kill democracy with false votes in Parliament and creative debating and voting times.

I prefer the current situation as opposed to the arson and barricades and riots we had in the not to long gone past.

If the good general is so popular as you claim then he could form a political party and win a democratic election.

But we all know he will never do that because that would make him accountable to the people.

Brilliant NCFC, That is the answer in one sentance,but we will dream on

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The red shirts got their underwear in a bunch, great! Where were those red shirts when Thaksin, his family, and his cronies were looting billions???

And stop complaining about the current administration - you're not behind the scenes and have no idea as to what is going on there. Stop speculating and enjoy your stay here. If it's too much for you to bear you know where the door is. And don't let it hit you on the arse on the way out gigglem.gif

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The red shirts got their underwear in a bunch, great! Where were those red shirts when Thaksin, his family, and his cronies were looting billions???

And stop complaining about the current administration - you're not behind the scenes and have no idea as to what is going on there. Stop speculating and enjoy your stay here. If it's too much for you to bear you know where the door is. And don't let it hit you on the arse on the way out gigglem.gif

what red shirts? did anyone see any red shirts? I saw some students and Thai citizens going to a park or are you making it all up to fit your bigoted version of what's going on? I must say your post is one of the most ill-informed drivel I have read for quite awhile or is it another 'alt account John'?

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The red shirts got their underwear in a bunch, great! Where were those red shirts when Thaksin, his family, and his cronies were looting billions???

And stop complaining about the current administration - you're not behind the scenes and have no idea as to what is going on there. Stop speculating and enjoy your stay here. If it's too much for you to bear you know where the door is. And don't let it hit you on the arse on the way out gigglem.gif

what red shirts? did anyone see any red shirts? I saw some students and Thai citizens going to a park or are you making it all up to fit your bigoted version of what's going on? I must say your post is one of the most ill-informed drivel I have read for quite awhile or is it another 'alt account John'?


These Red-Shirt leaders, perhaps ? wink.png

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Just one simple question .

Can any of you all of you all state hand on heart that the country you come from is totally free and totally corrupt free? Somehow I doubt it, yet you feel you are in a position to dictate your views to the local people who live with the system and have done so so for many years.

It may not be palatable system to some but it is the Asian way .Perhaps you need to look at your western values and see if they are all that you claim they are.

No limits on freedom in the west? Perhaps a closer look is needed. No corrupt practices in the west? Perhaps a closer look is needed.The Thais have got it wrong? Well it is their country, their culture. Over the years western interference and its imposition of its brand of democracy has caused many a problem in other sovereign states as we are currently seeing now in the Middle East,

Can you remember, did you go and play in Vietnam? Strange how the Vietamese retained thie own ideals despite the mammoth interference of another group of nations. Seems as if a good many of you have not and never will learn the lessons from the history concerning the of imposing another MY BRAND of democracy on another culture in another country.

Democracy across the years and in all the nations concerned there has always had a long and painful and labour before giving give birth to the child of democracy..

Too many midwifes confuse the issue, let the locals do it their way.

Edited by shunter
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The red shirts got their underwear in a bunch, great! Where were those red shirts when Thaksin, his family, and his cronies were looting billions???

And stop complaining about the current administration - you're not behind the scenes and have no idea as to what is going on there. Stop speculating and enjoy your stay here. If it's too much for you to bear you know where the door is. And don't let it hit you on the arse on the way out gigglem.gif

what red shirts? did anyone see any red shirts? I saw some students and Thai citizens going to a park or are you making it all up to fit your bigoted version of what's going on? I must say your post is one of the most ill-informed drivel I have read for quite awhile or is it another 'alt account John'?


These Red-Shirt leaders, perhaps ? wink.png

oh were they on the train too? so sorry if they were and I missed them or are you making it up and it's a different day? not trying to suggest this was the same protest same train were you? I mean that would be a falsehood wouldn't it???

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It will be good to see all those involved in the "park" scandal be charged with LM, stripped of their ranks and medals, and imprisoned. Just like they've done with the others recently. Start with the guy running the project. That will set a fine example to the rest.

Given Prayuth's relationship with the offending parties, and the fact that it happened under his watch should Prayuth not also be sued by the government and liable to repay the government for the damages, since it happened under his watch?

We all know that neither of those will happen. But it certainly points to the hyprocrisy involved here.

Edited by jcsmith
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They are all the same the junta is or has corrupt elements , and always will. Prayut you started a war on corruption , What happened ?

Nobody else supported him. He also made noises about reforming the tomato police but gave up on that idea as well. They aren't called tomatoes for nothing.

Prayuth can't do any of it himself. He has to delegate. And if nobody else down the chain wants to change anything, you can be sure nothing will happen.

But anyone who thinks the best option for Thailand is another bunch of dirty cronies, they are either on the take or aren't quite altogether there. They are the 'dinosaurs' whose 3rd-world corrupt Asian politics belong in the history books as part of the record of the countries embarrassing past.

The only hope for the country is to reduce the most extreme corruption (the sort which leads to a 310: amnesty vote) and hope over time the people will pressure future politicians to act in a more honorable and civilised manner.

However going by the level of comments I see here, I'm not holding my breath.

Red-shirts going out to protest about corruption : you just couldn't make it up.

"Red-shirts going out to protest about corruption : you just couldn't make it up."

Yellow shirts applauding corruption , you just couldn't make it up."

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So according to some on here. Shut up and let the military rule. This is Thailand and they own the country and they can be as heavy handed and suppressive as they like. It's ok for the men in Khakis to be massively corrupt but not those men in suits. No, no no. This is Siam and there and masters and there are serfs and the serfs should know their damn place! Do you say the same for Kim in North Korea?

EnglishJohn in here trying his absolute best to polish a turd. Making out that poor old Prayuth doesn't know what some of his kids are up to in his own home. The guy involved in this scandal is one of his eastern tiger classmates for christ's sake!

Some of you really, REALLY, need to lay off the kool aid. Open your eyes and see what is really going on.

Edited by mrrizzla
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It will be good to see all those involved in the "park" scandal be charged with LM, stripped of their ranks and medals, and imprisoned. Just like they've done with the others recently. Start with the guy running the project. That will set a fine example to the rest.

Given Prayuth's relationship with the offending parties, and the fact that it happened under his watch should Prayuth not also be sued by the government and liable to repay the government for the damages, since it happened under his watch?

We all know that neither of those will happen. But it certainly points to the hyprocrisy involved here.

Indeed, and I did say "all" ... just like they did with Maj-Gen Pisitsak Senivongse na Ayudhya and the others ...

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what red shirts? did anyone see any red shirts? I saw some students and Thai citizens going to a park or are you making it all up to fit your bigoted version of what's going on? I must say your post is one of the most ill-informed drivel I have read for quite awhile or is it another 'alt account John'?


These Red-Shirt leaders, perhaps ? wink.png

oh were they on the train too? so sorry if they were and I missed them or are you making it up and it's a different day? not trying to suggest this was the same protest same train were you? I mean that would be a falsehood wouldn't it???

And when shown the evidence, you revert as usual to smears and distortions, how unexpected. wink.png

You accused another poster of making something up, and asked "did anyone see any red shirts", I provided a link to a ThaiVisa thread about a couple of UDD-leaders who were detained last week en-route to this very same park. facepalm.gif

So no, I'm making nothing up, here.

Just drop the flaming, please. It makes you appear a nutter, rather than someone with a valid point-of-view, one worth considering.

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what red shirts? did anyone see any red shirts? I saw some students and Thai citizens going to a park or are you making it all up to fit your bigoted version of what's going on? I must say your post is one of the most ill-informed drivel I have read for quite awhile or is it another 'alt account John'?


These Red-Shirt leaders, perhaps ? wink.png

oh were they on the train too? so sorry if they were and I missed them or are you making it up and it's a different day? not trying to suggest this was the same protest same train were you? I mean that would be a falsehood wouldn't it???

And when shown the evidence, you revert as usual to smears and distortions, how unexpected. wink.png

You accused another poster of making something up, and asked "did anyone see any red shirts", I provided a link to a ThaiVisa thread about a couple of UDD-leaders who were detained last week en-route to this very same park. facepalm.gif

So no, I'm making nothing up, here.

Just drop the flaming, please. It makes you appear a nutter, rather than someone with a valid point-of-view, one worth considering.

Obfuscation as usual this thread is about the clampdown in the TITLE not to some incident LAST WEEK. Get some ethics and post with goodwill not doing what you always do which is try to twist and turn the truth to make it suit your Junta bias.

You provided a link which has NOTHING to do with this thread. Proud are you? nice try but it doesn't work now please go back ON TOPIC.

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The red shirts got their underwear in a bunch, great! Where were those red shirts when Thaksin, his family, and his cronies were looting billions???

And stop complaining about the current administration - you're not behind the scenes and have no idea as to what is going on there. Stop speculating and enjoy your stay here. If it's too much for you to bear you know where the door is. And don't let it hit you on the arse on the way out gigglem.gif

Of course, the oh so original "if you don't like it go home" post. How ingenious!! I guess you didn't like much of what went on during the Shin administrations. Why didn't you go home??

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Just one simple question .

Can any of you all of you all state hand on heart that the country you come from is totally free and totally corrupt free? Somehow I doubt it, yet you feel you are in a position to dictate your views to the local people who live with the system and have done so so for many years.

It may not be palatable system to some but it is the Asian way .Perhaps you need to look at your western values and see if they are all that you claim they are.

No limits on freedom in the west? Perhaps a closer look is needed. No corrupt practices in the west? Perhaps a closer look is needed.The Thais have got it wrong? Well it is their country, their culture. Over the years western interference and its imposition of its brand of democracy has caused many a problem in other sovereign states as we are currently seeing now in the Middle East,

Can you remember, did you go and play in Vietnam? Strange how the Vietamese retained thie own ideals despite the mammoth interference of another group of nations. Seems as if a good many of you have not and never will learn the lessons from the history concerning the of imposing another MY BRAND of democracy on another culture in another country.

Democracy across the years and in all the nations concerned there has always had a long and painful and labour before giving give birth to the child of democracy..

Too many midwifes confuse the issue, let the locals do it their way.

There's nothing complicated in the principle of democracy, it's straight forward, the people rule, they live and learn in the process and experienced out side influences can help in that process, there's nothing wrong with that.

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They are all the same the junta is or has corrupt elements , and always will. Prayut you started a war on corruption , What happened ?

Nobody else supported him. He also made noises about reforming the tomato police but gave up on that idea as well. They aren't called tomatoes for nothing.

Prayuth can't do any of it himself. He has to delegate. And if nobody else down the chain wants to change anything, you can be sure nothing will happen.

But anyone who thinks the best option for Thailand is another bunch of dirty cronies, they are either on the take or aren't quite altogether there. They are the 'dinosaurs' whose 3rd-world corrupt Asian politics belong in the history books as part of the record of the countries embarrassing past.

The only hope for the country is to reduce the most extreme corruption (the sort which leads to a 310: amnesty vote) and hope over time the people will pressure future politicians to act in a more honorable and civilised manner.

However going by the level of comments I see here, I'm not holding my breath.

Red-shirts going out to protest about corruption : you just couldn't make it up.

That you defend Gestapo methods like this is unbelievable. What is your country of origin? North Korea? <removed>

Don't worry, EnglishJohn just adjusted his tone a few days ago...His posts history show how he loved and supported the Junta until recently...but of course his "redophobia" is still present and he cannot help himself but put some anti-thaksin rethoric in every post he makes

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Just one simple question .

Can any of you all of you all state hand on heart that the country you come from is totally free and totally corrupt free? Somehow I doubt it, yet you feel you are in a position to dictate your views to the local people who live with the system and have done so so for many years.

It may not be palatable system to some but it is the Asian way .Perhaps you need to look at your western values and see if they are all that you claim they are.

No limits on freedom in the west? Perhaps a closer look is needed. No corrupt practices in the west? Perhaps a closer look is needed.The Thais have got it wrong? Well it is their country, their culture. Over the years western interference and its imposition of its brand of democracy has caused many a problem in other sovereign states as we are currently seeing now in the Middle East,

Can you remember, did you go and play in Vietnam? Strange how the Vietamese retained thie own ideals despite the mammoth interference of another group of nations. Seems as if a good many of you have not and never will learn the lessons from the history concerning the of imposing another MY BRAND of democracy on another culture in another country.

Democracy across the years and in all the nations concerned there has always had a long and painful and labour before giving give birth to the child of democracy..

Too many midwifes confuse the issue, let the locals do it their way.

No country is corrupt free. But if you go out and ask the Thais what they feel is the biggest problem apart from day to day problems of getting food on the table and getting a proper education for their kids - most (at least the ones I regularly talk to) are very unhappy with the level of corruption - they don't want to live with it just because it has been around for decades or centuries. The ones fortunate enough to go abroad praise the lack of corruption they meet in e.g. Europe, they suddenly don't need to be scared of police or military, who instead act as a proper protector of the citizens. No one I meet are saying "you know corruption is actually a pretty good thing, let us keep it that way".

So the yearning after a corrupt-free, democratic country should not be helped along just because they are Asians? A place where the people can criticize and replace their elected leaders and representatives if they do not perform well should not be encouraged? Any country should not receive ideas or advise on best practices of government?

The current government certainly does not show any best practice government for the whole public, even though they came to power to bring about a change in society and ending corruption. Posters on TVF are bringing critique of the government and the corruption because we deep down care about the country. Corruption costs people their freedom, health or money - it is holding Thailand back.

Sure democracy does not happen over time but if you do not allow key components of democracy - freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, public participation and allowing proper checks and balances, the country will stay with the government for a very long time. Of course some people will benefit from that, but the country as a whole will not

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It's interesting to see the comments about the current administration.Well now, I am a Thai with voting rights no visa needs and perhaps a little more insight as to what is the real situation here and although a citizen of both the U.K. and Thailand due to the nationality of my parents I was also educated both here in Thailand and the U.K or England as we then called the country.I have been since my birth some 70 years since worked around the world as well as here in Thailand where I am now retired and domiciled I find that those posters are lets be honest not in a position to influence the current situation nor those of the past or even the future.

You have no real insight into the realities of what people think, you are all well aware that we Thai's will tell you what you want to hear as opposed to what we really think, we love our country warts and all. The general feeling is that the current admiistartion is the lesser of many evils, not spotless agreed but it is not up to you to try to change matters to what you want or think we want. Many of you came here for what you saw and liked now it seems you want to change it to what you left behind.

Many long term foreign residents here are happy with the currennt situation having lived through some very dishonest administrations inthe pasy years.Many of the criticcs are short term residents who have no real insight as to what is happening.None of you have the ear of those in power nor ever will, there was and is a plan projected and I and I am sure you all too wish to see the corrupt element s removed from power. Just think back to the past where decent administrations were brought down by corrupt individuals and the replcement administration who had accused the toppled administartion were a lot worse than the one before it. like I said perhaps if you stepped back and let we Thai's deal with matters in our own way we will go forward, just think back to the war waged on corruption in Singapore by Lee Kuan Yew and it's still being waged to this day.

The practices linked to corruption are inbred and it takes time to remove that trait.

Remember how it all started here, important people were appointed to administratiomn posts by the then king so as to create a civil service structure, no pay so people used to bring gifts as payment a tical here a tical there a bit of rice, fruit whatever,well salaries were later paid but the gift practice has continued and become labelled a corrupt practice, sorry its in our makeup and it's going to take time to move on.

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but it is not up to you to try to change matters to what you want or think we want

I strongly disagree.

It is up to everyone - Thai and non-Thai, residents, non-residents and visiting tourists, to call out and condemn corruption, double-standards, cronyism, incidents where freedom of expression and freedom of the Press are impinged upon.

The elected government of this country has been illegally removed.

Was that government corrupt and incompetent? Probably. But they were the elected government and change and improvement is made at the ballot box and by honest individuals bringing those who have broken the Law to justice. Which means justice in a Court of Law, not by taking the law into one's own hands at the point of a gun.

I am glad that countries and ambassadors are speaking out and condemning the government of Thailand and corrupt Thai organisations. That is the correct way to effect change, not by some absolute Article 44 issued by a fake government.

Although not a Thai national, I have lived and worked in Thailand for 14 years. I own some good businesses, pay tax, contributed heavily to the coffers of my ex-wives :). Living in Thailand for that length of time has (luckily), not transformed me into an apologist, or someone who has rejected democracy, good governance and freedom of speech.

Edited by simon43
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but it is not up to you to try to change matters to what you want or think we want

I strongly disagree.

It is up to everyone - Thai and non-Thai, residents, non-residents and visiting tourists, to call out and condemn corruption, double-standards, cronyism, incidents where freedom of expression and freedom of the Press are impinged upon.

The elected government of this country has been illegally removed.

Was that government corrupt and incompetent? Probably. But they were the elected government and change and improvement is made at the ballot box and by honest individuals bringing those who have broken the Law to justice. Which means justice in a Court of Law, not by taking the law into one's own hands at the point of a gun.

I am glad that countries and ambassadors are speaking out and condemning the government of Thailand and corrupt Thai organisations. That is the correct way to effect change, not by some absolute Article 44 issued by a fake government.

Although not a Thai national, I have lived and worked in Thailand for 14 years. I own some good businesses, pay tax, contributed heavily to the coffers of my ex-wives smile.png. Living in Thailand for that length of time has (luckily), not transformed me into an apologist, or someone who has rejected democracy, good governance and freedom of speech.

Totally agree with every word of that, well done.

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The problem here is corruption

but what gets up the elites noses is that doesn't matter how hard they try they can not win an election

So next best answer is to get their friendly army to take over

To bring peace and happiness to the people

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It's interesting to see the comments about the current administration.Well now, I am a Thai with voting rights no visa needs and perhaps a little more insight as to what is the real situation here and although a citizen of both the U.K. and Thailand due to the nationality of my parents I was also educated both here in Thailand and the U.K or England as we then called the country.I have been since my birth some 70 years since worked around the world as well as here in Thailand where I am now retired and domiciled I find that those posters are lets be honest not in a position to influence the current situation nor those of the past or even the future.

You have no real insight into the realities of what people think, you are all well aware that we Thai's will tell you what you want to hear as opposed to what we really think, we love our country warts and all. The general feeling is that the current admiistartion is the lesser of many evils, not spotless agreed but it is not up to you to try to change matters to what you want or think we want. Many of you came here for what you saw and liked now it seems you want to change it to what you left behind.

Many long term foreign residents here are happy with the currennt situation having lived through some very dishonest administrations inthe pasy years.Many of the criticcs are short term residents who have no real insight as to what is happening.None of you have the ear of those in power nor ever will, there was and is a plan projected and I and I am sure you all too wish to see the corrupt element s removed from power. Just think back to the past where decent administrations were brought down by corrupt individuals and the replcement administration who had accused the toppled administartion were a lot worse than the one before it. like I said perhaps if you stepped back and let we Thai's deal with matters in our own way we will go forward, just think back to the war waged on corruption in Singapore by Lee Kuan Yew and it's still being waged to this day.

The practices linked to corruption are inbred and it takes time to remove that trait.

Remember how it all started here, important people were appointed to administratiomn posts by the then king so as to create a civil service structure, no pay so people used to bring gifts as payment a tical here a tical there a bit of rice, fruit whatever,well salaries were later paid but the gift practice has continued and become labelled a corrupt practice, sorry its in our makeup and it's going to take time to move on.

You keep a note of that post fella, your country is circling the plug hole and you are another naive old man that believes what the junta and people in power tells you

what the junta and the countries ruling elite are doing is blatantly wrong and in direct conflict with the west, their own population and their international obligations and there will be a price to be paid...

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They are all the same the junta is or has corrupt elements , and always will. Prayut you started a war on corruption , What happened ?

Nobody else supported him. He also made noises about reforming the tomato police but gave up on that idea as well. They aren't called tomatoes for nothing.

Prayuth can't do any of it himself. He has to delegate. And if nobody else down the chain wants to change anything, you can be sure nothing will happen.

But anyone who thinks the best option for Thailand is another bunch of dirty cronies, they are either on the take or aren't quite altogether there. They are the 'dinosaurs' whose 3rd-world corrupt Asian politics belong in the history books as part of the record of the countries embarrassing past.

The only hope for the country is to reduce the most extreme corruption (the sort which leads to a 310: amnesty vote) and hope over time the people will pressure future politicians to act in a more honorable and civilised manner.

However going by the level of comments I see here, I'm not holding my breath.

Red-shirts going out to protest about corruption : you just couldn't make it up.

An amnesty passed by a vote in parliament (and no I don't particularly agree with the idea) when the opposition party abstain is corrupt, yet one awarded to themselves by the junta when they seize power is OK?

And you bang on about hypocrisy!

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It's interesting to see the comments about the current administration.Well now, I am a Thai with voting rights no visa needs and perhaps a little more insight as to what is the real situation here and although a citizen of both the U.K. and Thailand due to the nationality of my parents I was also educated both here in Thailand and the U.K or England as we then called the country.I have been since my birth some 70 years since worked around the world as well as here in Thailand where I am now retired and domiciled I find that those posters are lets be honest not in a position to influence the current situation nor those of the past or even the future.

You have no real insight into the realities of what people think, you are all well aware that we Thai's will tell you what you want to hear as opposed to what we really think, we love our country warts and all. The general feeling is that the current admiistartion is the lesser of many evils, not spotless agreed but it is not up to you to try to change matters to what you want or think we want. Many of you came here for what you saw and liked now it seems you want to change it to what you left behind.

Many long term foreign residents here are happy with the currennt situation having lived through some very dishonest administrations inthe pasy years.Many of the criticcs are short term residents who have no real insight as to what is happening.None of you have the ear of those in power nor ever will, there was and is a plan projected and I and I am sure you all too wish to see the corrupt element s removed from power. Just think back to the past where decent administrations were brought down by corrupt individuals and the replcement administration who had accused the toppled administartion were a lot worse than the one before it. like I said perhaps if you stepped back and let we Thai's deal with matters in our own way we will go forward, just think back to the war waged on corruption in Singapore by Lee Kuan Yew and it's still being waged to this day.

The practices linked to corruption are inbred and it takes time to remove that trait.

Remember how it all started here, important people were appointed to administratiomn posts by the then king so as to create a civil service structure, no pay so people used to bring gifts as payment a tical here a tical there a bit of rice, fruit whatever,well salaries were later paid but the gift practice has continued and become labelled a corrupt practice, sorry its in our makeup and it's going to take time to move on.

Unfortunatly I am not sure the thais are really fully aware of what is happening in their country and for more than one reason :

-lese Majeste law


-Ruling of the elites which despise or simply ignore the living situation of the poor.

-Inhability for most of them to read english or foreign news or to be interested by them


-Education system which is for the public system most of the time incompetents.

You probably enjoy your maid and your driver paid around 15k a month at best and i am sure you will tell me : but they are really happy...

Now we, foreigners have not any ability to change that, you re right, however people like you : educated thais, have this ability but don't give a sh.t as long as it suits your needs without any lesson learned from the past (thamassat events, with an S is just one exemple, blue diamond case another interesting one) and don't care of the future...

and of course one more time : lese majeste/censorship/selfishness are the roots of the problems in thailand, like it or not.

Just tell me why the New York times was censored two times, and did you read the censored articles? especially the second one?

I m sure you didn t

Edited by GeorgesAbitbol
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It's interesting to see the comments about the current administration.Well now, I am a Thai with voting rights no visa needs and perhaps a little more insight as to what is the real situation here and although a citizen of both the U.K. and Thailand due to the nationality of my parents I was also educated both here in Thailand and the U.K or England as we then called the country.I have been since my birth some 70 years since worked around the world as well as here in Thailand where I am now retired and domiciled I find that those posters are lets be honest not in a position to influence the current situation nor those of the past or even the future.

You have no real insight into the realities of what people think, you are all well aware that we Thai's will tell you what you want to hear as opposed to what we really think, we love our country warts and all. The general feeling is that the current admiistartion is the lesser of many evils, not spotless agreed but it is not up to you to try to change matters to what you want or think we want. Many of you came here for what you saw and liked now it seems you want to change it to what you left behind.

Many long term foreign residents here are happy with the currennt situation having lived through some very dishonest administrations inthe pasy years.Many of the criticcs are short term residents who have no real insight as to what is happening.None of you have the ear of those in power nor ever will, there was and is a plan projected and I and I am sure you all too wish to see the corrupt element s removed from power. Just think back to the past where decent administrations were brought down by corrupt individuals and the replcement administration who had accused the toppled administartion were a lot worse than the one before it. like I said perhaps if you stepped back and let we Thai's deal with matters in our own way we will go forward, just think back to the war waged on corruption in Singapore by Lee Kuan Yew and it's still being waged to this day.

The practices linked to corruption are inbred and it takes time to remove that trait.

Remember how it all started here, important people were appointed to administratiomn posts by the then king so as to create a civil service structure, no pay so people used to bring gifts as payment a tical here a tical there a bit of rice, fruit whatever,well salaries were later paid but the gift practice has continued and become labelled a corrupt practice, sorry its in our makeup and it's going to take time to move on.

It is interesting, and to me at least somewhat surprising that someone who was educated in and has lived and worked in a functioning democracy, with all the freedoms and legal protections associated with that; is prepared to accept the removal of even a poorly performing democracy, and the freedoms and legal protections afforded by its constitution and its replacement, for an indeterminate term by a junta government ruling by dictat.

You are right that we can neither influence nor persuade Thais in any meaningful sense to change things. I do not think you are right to assume that we have no real insight into what is happening, although the current regime prevents it from being discussed, even among ourselves, at least in public.

I also think that you have fallen into the trap, as have many, of believing that because we are not Thais, we do not have a stake,in, (financial or familial), concern for or indeed ambitions for the society in which we have chosen to live.

I can only assume that your background means that you fall into the relatively small proportion of the population who will benefit if this regime manages to maintain itself, or its nominees, in power.

Edited by JAG
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