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Deal or no deal? Crunch week for COP21 climate negotiations


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Deal or no deal? Crunch week for COP21 climate negotiations


"The decisions you make here in Paris will reverberate down through the ages. The eyes of the world are upon you"

PARIS: -- It is crunch time at the COP 21 in Paris – will efforts to reach a climate change deal bear fruit?

As the summit enters its final week, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has warned that the “clock is ticking toward climate catastrophe.”

The deadline for a deal is this coming Friday.

“For COP 21, we’re embarking on a week of hope. The objective and requirements are clear. We need a universal agreement on climate,” said Laurent Fabius, French Foreign Minister, on Monday.

US Secretary of State John Kerry has joined the talks – dispatched to secure a deal meant to cement President Barack Obama’s legacy as a guardian of the environment.

Negotiators approved a pared-down draft text at the weekend. Many thorny issues remain, including funding and the monitoring of cuts to emissions.

“The decisions you make here in Paris will reverberate down through the ages. The eyes of the world are upon you,” said Ban Ki-moon.

Former California governor and Hollywood actor Arnold Schwarzenegger is also in the French capital – to push for a clean energy deal.

Some form of agreement seems all but certain. But all sides say it will not be enough to stop global temperatures rising past a dangerous threshold of two degrees Celsius.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-12-08

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Did Arnold fly on his private jet to France? Not worried about his own carbon footprint hey, just like promoting safe and clean bodybuilding while necking Dronabol by the fistful.

In all seriousness, Islamic caliphates fare better in desert conditions. It would only be right to turn NW Europe into a desert - allah inshallah- to appease the newcoming conquerors. Screw global warming, cut down trees and use as much fossil fuels as possible.

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The world has heated up and cooled down before....remember the dinosaurs?

Instead of wasting tax payers money on meetings that produce little why not do what the state of California did back in the 70's and 80's with the car industry, instead go industry by industry nation by nation and set emission targets over a period of time failing to comply or meet means your out of business.

Another good idea is all new housing and renovations and additions over a certain figure should be compelled to install solar panels with battery back up for most or all there electrical needs.

Read in local news paper this week that there are 103 million indians who live without electricity mostly in rural India, now this is a great opportunity to get something like solar happening just got to be cheaper than another coal powered plant that the Indian gov recons that they will have to build, like it was so much hard work for them to do.

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Some form of agreement seems all but certain. But all sides say it will not be enough to stop global temperatures rising past a dangerous threshold of two degrees Celsius.

Considering the temperature of the globe has not increased since December 1996 it is obvious the people wanting the climate change agreements are perpetrators of the saying "a fool and his money are soon departed".


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Please consider the following…

CO2 is the basis of all life on Earth

The Earth has always been warming and cooling.

The medieval warm period was warmer than now.

The little ice age was cooler than now.

By far, the biggest greenhouse gas is water vapor.

More CO2 means plants will grow faster.

Magically, fluctuations in Earth’s temperatures can be correlated with solar output.

The Earth is not warming and it hasn’t been for years.

Arctic ice is growing.

Antarctic ice is growing

No amount of emissions cuts is gonna make any noticeable difference to global temperatures.

Climate change hysteria is just that. It’s a gravy train with trillions of dollars being pumped into it, and it’s all about controlling populations through global energy legislation rather than saving the Earth.

It’s a SCAM.

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“For COP 21, we’re embarking on a week of hope.....We need a universal agreement on climate,” said Laurent Fabius, French Foreign Minister"

No we don't. This is a backdoor effort funneling into globalist efforts to establish a future global government. See Agenda21 / Agenda30

"US Secretary of State John Kerry has joined the talks – dispatched to secure a deal meant to cement President Barack Obama’s legacy as a guardian of the environment."

How the hell is Obama a guardian of anything? First they give him the Nobel Peace prize, now he's a guardian of the environment? You've gotta be joking. This is absurd.

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Some form of agreement seems all but certain. But all sides say it will not be enough to stop global temperatures rising past a dangerous threshold of two degrees Celsius.

Considering the temperature of the globe has not increased since December 1996 it is obvious the people wanting the climate change agreements are perpetrators of the saying "a fool and his money are soon departed".


In addition, this two-degree Celsius "threshold" is in no way scientific.

It was invented, as a political tool, by Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK).

He freely admits a) inventing it, and B) that there is nothing remotely scientific about it. As he admitted in a magazine interview:
"Two degrees is not a magical limit -- it's clearly a political goal. The world will not come to an end right away in the event of stronger warming..."
Schellnhuber ought to know. He is the father of the two-degree target.
"Yes, I plead guilty," he says, smiling. The idea didn't hurt his career. In fact, it made him Germany's most influential climatologist. Schellnhuber, a theoretical physicist, became Chancellor Angela Merkel's chief scientific adviser -- a position any researcher would envy.
Once again, pure politics, zero science
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