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Trump calls for 'complete shutdown' on Muslims entering US


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First of all as we seen in all of the muslim terror attacks since 9/11 in the US, all of them were middle class. This last one made $70,000 a year and lived in California. Same with the Time square bomber and the fort Hood shooter.

And it is also a falsehood to claim that western govt policies lead to more recruitment of muslim terrorists. Because as we can see in Thailand, India, Russia and the Phillipines, muslim terrorists are not swayed by individual policies. There has been more muslim terror attacks in the aforementioned countries then there has been in the west.

And to top it all off, Jews or blacks are 3 times more likely to suffer from a hate crime then Muslims in the US.

And it is also a falsehood to claim that western govt policies lead to more recruitment of muslim terrorists

Forgive me but this is utter nonsense. Do you really believe that the American Govt and it's allies can act with total disregard as there will be no consequences to their actions? The mind boggles at such a view point.

Then tell me what Thai people did to deserve constant muslim terror attacks in the south. Or what the Phillipines did to deserve terror attacks in their country. Or the Indian govt. What did they do ?

And the US has done way worse things to other populations and they don't terrorize them for it. Stealing all the native N Americans land for instance.

HJ. It's not my place or desire you educate you on the history of the southern states of Thailand but that very history would help shed some light on the current situation. The same could be said about the indigenous Moro of the Philippines. Nations are actually quite capable of having internal conflict not directly related to US policy, Northern Ireland would also be a good example of that. Veering slightly off topic: I hear so many politicians saying Iran dislikes the USA for it's way of life, I guess 1953 doesn't come into that dislike.

So the native Americans were unable to retaliate against the land grabbers and that leaves you shaking your head trying to understand why other groups would actually retaliate for what they see as US aggression.

Looks like we will just disagree on our opinion that govt policy has an effect on terrorism.

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IS want to provoke a religious war. Trump just became their biggest helper.

By not allowing ISIS fighters to enter the US ? Logical fallacy comes to mind...

You really don't get it. The male San Bernardino shooter was an American. He was born in the US and became radicalized. There are many like him ALREADY in the US, these potential/future jihadists. They just need to be radicalized. And how do we radicalize them? Create anti-Muslim sentiments. Thanks Mr. Trump.

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First of all as we seen in all of the muslim terror attacks since 9/11 in the US, all of them were middle class. This last one made $70,000 a year and lived in California. Same with the Time square bomber and the fort Hood shooter.

And it is also a falsehood to claim that western govt policies lead to more recruitment of muslim terrorists. Because as we can see in Thailand, India, Russia and the Phillipines, muslim terrorists are not swayed by individual policies. There has been more muslim terror attacks in the aforementioned countries then there has been in the west.

And to top it all off, Jews or blacks are 3 times more likely to suffer from a hate crime then Muslims in the US.

And it is also a falsehood to claim that western govt policies lead to more recruitment of muslim terrorists

Forgive me but this is utter nonsense. Do you really believe that the American Govt and it's allies can act with total disregard as there will be no consequences to their actions? The mind boggles at such a view point.

Then tell me what Thai people did to deserve constant muslim terror attacks in the south. Or what the Phillipines did to deserve terror attacks in their country. Or the Indian govt. What did they do ?

And the US has done way worse things to other populations and they don't terrorize them for it. Stealing all the native N Americans land for instance.

HJ. It's not my place or desire you educate you on the history of the southern states of Thailand but that very history would help shed some light on the current situation. The same could be said about the indigenous Moro of the Philippines. Nations are actually quite capable of having internal conflict not directly related to US policy, Northern Ireland would also be a good example of that. Veering slightly off topic: I hear so many politicians saying Iran dislikes the USA for it's way of life, I guess 1953 doesn't come into that dislike.

So the native Americans were unable to retaliate against the land grabbers and that leaves you shaking your head trying to understand why other groups would actually retaliate for what they see as US aggression.

Looks like we will just disagree on our opinion that govt policy has an effect on terrorism.

Yep you read it correctly .This guy just compared the muslim insurgencies in Thailand and the Philippines to the past conflict in Norther Ireland.

These are the kind of people standing in the way of badly needed political reforms in the west. These are the most dangerous people in the world right now.

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Those who are upset are suckers and saps,

Not because of this specific issue, but because you are ripe for the picking by any sharp salesman, and Mr. Trump is one of the best.

Mr.Trump has spent next to nothing on media coverage. He doesn't need to. All he has to do is to toss out some comment and , wham, bam, thank you ma'am he gets free press and 24/7 media coverage.

Here's a reality check; No one will remember what he said in 2015 come February 2016 when the US GOP primaries start.He will change his message and start talking "presidential". All that Trump is doing is to garner publicity and to bury his potential rivals. Trump's strategy has been brilliant. He did to his opponents what the Russians did to the invading French army of Napoleon: He's used a scorch earth strategy depriving his opponents of resources. The spotlight and attention is on him and no one else.

Yes it's clever Primary politics. The GOP however may implode!

True, but his strategy is so typical of government, business and social policy around the world today. Not because it panders to the lowest common denominator or anything like that, but because it is short term focused.

I am employed by a large multinational. The goal is immediate maximization of profits, no building for the future. I pay taxes to a government who borrow and spend like there is an endless supply of money and I am subject to social experts who are quick to offer short term solutions when it comes to tough issues like Islamic extremists with no consideration of long term costs or dangers.

Gone are the days when people saved for a rainy day, or built up community facilities, or invested in their kids' futures. It's all about a quick buck now, a quick answer now, a quick solution to a crime now. Trump is the epitome of quickies.

If I look at U.S. history in today's context, so many great concepts would never have been allowed to occur such as Teddy Roosevelt's finishing of the Panama Canal, or creation of National Parks, or FDR's building of infrastructure - imagine people being told they would have to wait for 4 years for the Hoover dam, or Eisenhower's interstate highway system, or JFK's proposal to send man to the moon, or Nixon's EPA. Today we get empty rhetoric.

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IS want to provoke a religious war. Trump just became their biggest helper.

By not allowing ISIS fighters to enter the US ? Logical fallacy comes to mind...

You really don't get it. The male San Bernardino shooter was an American. He was born in the US and became radicalized. There are many like him ALREADY in the US, these potential/future jihadists. They just need to be radicalized. And how do we radicalize them? Create anti-Muslim sentiments. Thanks Mr. Trump.

Obama has been promoting this open and embrace of muslim policy for the last 7 years. In return he got the Boston marathon bombing, the underwear bomber, the Time Square bomber, the fort Hood shooting and the California shooting to name a few.

So your theory that creating positive muslim sentiments will stop terrorism is not supported by the data or the facts.

And this guy was not radicalized until his wife immigrated to the US.

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IS want to provoke a religious war. Trump just became their biggest helper.

By not allowing ISIS fighters to enter the US ? Logical fallacy comes to mind...

You really don't get it. The male San Bernardino shooter was an American. He was born in the US and became radicalized. There are many like him ALREADY in the US, these potential/future jihadists. They just need to be radicalized. And how do we radicalize them? Create anti-Muslim sentiments. Thanks Mr. Trump.

Obama has been promoting this open and embrace of muslim policy for the last 7 years. In return he got the Boston marathon bombing, the underwear bomber, the Time Square bomber, the fort Hood shooting and the California shooting to name a few.

So your theory that creating positive muslim sentiments will stop terrorism is not supported by the data or the facts.

And this guy was not radicalized until his wife immigrated to the US.

You can't put all that on the President. Radical Islamic terrorists have been created from a variety of sources, e.g., the Iraq War, US support of Israel, French cartoons...I can go on and on. But antagonizing all of Islam and a billion + Muslims is not the solution. A President Trump (and I gag at the notion) would absolutely put more American lives in danger.

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By not allowing ISIS fighters to enter the US ? Logical fallacy comes to mind...

You really don't get it. The male San Bernardino shooter was an American. He was born in the US and became radicalized. There are many like him ALREADY in the US, these potential/future jihadists. They just need to be radicalized. And how do we radicalize them? Create anti-Muslim sentiments. Thanks Mr. Trump.

Obama has been promoting this open and embrace of muslim policy for the last 7 years. In return he got the Boston marathon bombing, the underwear bomber, the Time Square bomber, the fort Hood shooting and the California shooting to name a few.

So your theory that creating positive muslim sentiments will stop terrorism is not supported by the data or the facts.

And this guy was not radicalized until his wife immigrated to the US.

You can't put all that on the President. Radical Islamic terrorists have been created from a variety of sources, e.g., the Iraq War, US support of Israel, French cartoons...I can go on and on. But antagonizing all of Islam and a billion + Muslims is not the solution. A President Trump (and I gag at the notion) would absolutely put more American lives in danger.

Anything and everything antagonizes muslims.

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Digital forensics is in a premature stage in the US. Facebook posts were found as only proof to link the Muslim couple to IS. Moreover, direct link with Al Bagdadi has been provided...while we all know that you can backdate any post on any Facebook account...

Trump has a real political island-mentality. He should be aware who his future sponsors are.

One day or the other, he will have to realise his mistake and have to 'backdate' his irrational assumptions like in OP if he wants to be president. He has at least to be aware like all others, that his future role expects him to 'bow' somewhere, somehow every year in the middle east in front of a prominent Muslim...

Edited by Thorgal
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What hogwash. Fear of radical Muslims is not racism. It is common sense. They are intent on destroying us and are quite blatant about broadcasting it.

Fear of Muslims is common sense for you.

I went next door this morning and asked my Muslim neighbor if he and the rest of the family hate America. I figured since the Donald has told us that ALL Muslims hate America, of course they would too. Huge surprise, they really like America. They don't want to move there, but they don't hate America. They're not very fond of George Bush, but I'm not going to hold that against them.

I'm so confused now. Maybe you can help me with some of my questions:

Do you think Trump will be evecting all the Saudis from Trump tower?

Do you think this speech would have sounded better delivered in German with an Austrian accent?

Is this speech equivalent to sodomizing the statue of liberty?

Do you think Trump will knock down the statue for condos? (Stephen Colbert in trumps voice.."statue of liberty, i give her a 6, a 7 if she had a better rack.")

When facism comes to America, will it be wearing a muskrat on its head and carrying the Bankruptcy Code?

Does Trump and all his cowardly supporters wear Depends with the constant peeing in their pants with fear?

Which of these groups is the Republican Party more of a threat to?

a. Women.

b. African-Americans

c. Hispanics

d. Homosexuals

e. Atheists and non-Christians

f. The poor

g. The middle class

h. All the above and the rest of the world

Will the Jews be next?

Should all minorities be banned?

What about bald men?

Watching the latest Trump rally, does it remind you of the old Leni Riefenstahl footage or is it just me?

Has the remnants of the Republican Party sunk this low on purpose and by design?

Will Trump be kicking out Muhammad Ali? Kareem Abdul Jabar? Shaquille O'Neal?

When the Republican primaries are finally over, will the emotional letdown be more like Chernobyl or Three Mile Island?

Has someone actually invented a Muslim detector?

Do you think the "Ban the Billionaires" movement has legs?

Is Trump the best recruiting tool ISIS ever had?

I got a million of them, folks. I'll be here all week, remember to tip your waitress.

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Obama has been promoting this open and embrace of muslim policy for the last 7 years. In return he got the Boston marathon bombing, the underwear bomber, the Time Square bomber, the fort Hood shooting and the California shooting to name a few.

So your theory that creating positive muslim sentiments will stop terrorism is not supported by the data or the facts.

And this guy was not radicalized until his wife immigrated to the US.

You can't put all that on the President. Radical Islamic terrorists have been created from a variety of sources, e.g., the Iraq War, US support of Israel, French cartoons...I can go on and on. But antagonizing all of Islam and a billion + Muslims is not the solution. A President Trump (and I gag at the notion) would absolutely put more American lives in danger.

Voluntary support for the only democracy in the Middle east and French cartoons are transgressions by the west that insight muslim terror ? Did I just read that right...

I didn't expect to be arguing with actual anti Semitic muslims on this thread. So if that's what you are, I will just quit responding.

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What hogwash. Fear of radical Muslims is not racism. It is common sense. They are intent on destroying us and are quite blatant about broadcasting it.

Fear of Muslims is common sense for you.

I went next door this morning and asked my Muslim neighbor if he and the rest of the family hate America. I figured since the Donald has told us that ALL Muslims hate America, of course they would too. Huge surprise, they really like America. They don't want to move there, but they don't hate America. They're not very fond of George Bush, but I'm not going to hold that against them.

I'm so confused now. Maybe you can help me with some of my questions:

Do you think Trump will be evecting all the Saudis from Trump tower?

Do you think this speech would have sounded better delivered in German with an Austrian accent?

Is this speech equivalent to sodomizing the statue of liberty?

Do you think Trump will knock down the statue for condos? (Stephen Colbert in trumps voice.."statue of liberty, i give her a 6, a 7 if she had a better rack.")

When facism comes to America, will it be wearing a muskrat on its head and carrying the Bankruptcy Code?

Does Trump and all his cowardly supporters wear Depends with the constant peeing in their pants with fear?

Which of these groups is the Republican Party more of a threat to?

a. Women.

b. African-Americans

c. Hispanics

d. Homosexuals

e. Atheists and non-Christians

f. The poor

g. The middle class

h. All the above and the rest of the world

Will the Jews be next?

Should all minorities be banned?

What about bald men?

Watching the latest Trump rally, does it remind you of the old Leni Riefenstahl footage or is it just me?

Has the remnants of the Republican Party sunk this low on purpose and by design?

Will Trump be kicking out Muhammad Ali? Kareem Abdul Jabar? Shaquille O'Neal?

When the Republican primaries are finally over, will the emotional letdown be more like Chernobyl or Three Mile Island?

Has someone actually invented a Muslim detector?

Do you think the "Ban the Billionaires" movement has legs?

Is Trump the best recruiting tool ISIS ever had?

I got a million of them, folks. I'll be here all week, remember to tip your waitress.

The appeasement strategy was tried and failed. Just ask the families of the victims in Paris. So another strategy has to be tried. Better luck next time for your PC dream.

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"Trump's campaign said in a statement such a ban should stand "until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on."

The statement added that Trump's proposal comes in response to a level of hatred among "large segments of the Muslim population" toward Americans."

Did you stop to wonder why hatred exists towards America?

The main worry about Trump's latest controversy is that it HAS to be a deliberate and disingenuous playing to the ignorant masses. I can't credit a man of his success would sincerely believe that his proposal is even slightly viable, let alone legal or moral.

Tell me, after DT expels all muslims from the US, what would be the chances of another muslim atrocity happening on US soil?

Once you have honestly answered the above statement, you should be able to see the impeccable logic at play.

Are you not saddened by the horrible lives muslims in the US are living, the freedom must be so repressive, women can drive and vote, they can even show their faces in public!! it must cause such suffering to those poor people. BTW, we shouldn't even been having this discussion had common sense been used decades ago when the importation of people who's aim in life is destroying democracy began - I have always maintained it would only end in tears, and to the chorus of fools calling me a bigot and racist, well I was right all along. The multicultural experiment was a complete failure - some would argue well at least we tried, but it was a disaster now time to fix the problems the lefts stupidity has saddled us with.

WRONG multicultural has worked very well in Australia, its only now become a problem everywhere because of political meddling by western powers in places they shouldn't be in.

Islam is an ideology. Not a culture.

And what about the Muslim terror attacks in India, Philippines and Russia ? Those are eastern powers. Not west.

"Islam is an ideology. Not a culture.: - really I'd say wrong on all counts....care to elucidate on this?

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What hogwash. Fear of radical Muslims is not racism. It is common sense. They are intent on destroying us and are quite blatant about broadcasting it.

Fear of Muslims is common sense for you.

I went next door this morning and asked my Muslim neighbor if he and the rest of the family hate America. I figured since the Donald has told us that ALL Muslims hate America, of course they would too. Huge surprise, they really like America. They don't want to move there, but they don't hate America. They're not very fond of George Bush, but I'm not going to hold that against them.

I'm so confused now. Maybe you can help me with some of my questions:

Do you think Trump will be evecting all the Saudis from Trump tower?

Do you think this speech would have sounded better delivered in German with an Austrian accent?

Is this speech equivalent to sodomizing the statue of liberty?

Do you think Trump will knock down the statue for condos? (Stephen Colbert in trumps voice.."statue of liberty, i give her a 6, a 7 if she had a better rack.")

When facism comes to America, will it be wearing a muskrat on its head and carrying the Bankruptcy Code?

Does Trump and all his cowardly supporters wear Depends with the constant peeing in their pants with fear?

Which of these groups is the Republican Party more of a threat to?

a. Women.

b. African-Americans

c. Hispanics

d. Homosexuals

e. Atheists and non-Christians

f. The poor

g. The middle class

h. All the above and the rest of the world

Will the Jews be next?

Should all minorities be banned?

What about bald men?

Watching the latest Trump rally, does it remind you of the old Leni Riefenstahl footage or is it just me?

Has the remnants of the Republican Party sunk this low on purpose and by design?

Will Trump be kicking out Muhammad Ali? Kareem Abdul Jabar? Shaquille O'Neal?

When the Republican primaries are finally over, will the emotional letdown be more like Chernobyl or Three Mile Island?

Has someone actually invented a Muslim detector?

Do you think the "Ban the Billionaires" movement has legs?

Is Trump the best recruiting tool ISIS ever had?

I got a million of them, folks. I'll be here all week, remember to tip your waitress.

The appeasement strategy was tried and failed. Just ask the families of the victims in Paris. So another strategy has to be tried. Better luck next time for your PC dream.

"Just ask the families of the victims in Paris." - it's clear you haven't!

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What hogwash. Fear of radical Muslims is not racism. It is common sense. They are intent on destroying us and are quite blatant about broadcasting it.

No...it's actually racism. It's strange how racists spend SO much time denying stuff is racist

Edited by cumgranosalum
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Unfortunately he's a total liar. Today he posted on his twitter.. he has never seen any muslim sports heroes.. yet his website has photos of him with Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Shaquille O'Neil.

He is interested in two things and two things only: making people afraid of it and telling who's to blame for it. That, ladies and gentlemen, is how you win elections.

Even my father is now wanting to vote for him. I was stunned. I tried reasoning and asked my dad today who was to blame for the 2008 financial crisis.. he didn't remember and said Obama. Then I asked my dad who took care of him during his CABG surgery (I had taken a month off work to be the primary caretaker) and he didn't remember.. he said he did it himself.

I don't want to go so far as to call my dad a senile old man, but the fear is truly working..

Trump will probably become president. Conservatives rejoice!

Well this is from a guy who has been raised along side Muslims in one of the most heavily populated Muslim towns in the north of England. The truth is that by categorizing Muslims into moderate and radical they are essentially creating a misconception. We all know there are peace loving Muslims out there, yes these are commonly known as moderate Muslims however this is just a smoke screen because in reality, yes a lot of Muslims do not condone the atrocities committed by the likes of ISIS, however what people are not told is that the principles and the causes ISIS are fighting for is inherently agreed to by the majority of these so called moderate Muslims. They are all hard line in their beliefs and this is the reason why blind eyes are turned within their communities. Our governments know that the majority of these Muslims can be radicalized overnight if the balance is tipped in the wrong direction. We are all sitting on a ticking time bomb waiting to explode. I was raised in a predominantly Muslim area and i know first hand what the Muslims believe. I also know that the Asian Councillors when asked this question have the same concerns.

Edited by Equalizer
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If you guys are going to let yourselves be ruled by fear, you're going to have to give up that 'home of the brave' status.

What you are calling fear is not fear at all. But common sense. Most terrorists are muslim so it makes rational sense to reduce the amount of muslims you are allowing in if you want to lower the chances of terrorist attacks.

In the same way that most countries have immigration and customs restrictions on a whole host of things. It would not make very much sense to allow beef into the US that is from a country that is experiencing an outbreak of foot and mouth disease would it ?

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If you guys are going to let yourselves be ruled by fear, you're going to have to give up that 'home of the brave' status.

What you are calling fear is not fear at all. But common sense. Most terrorists are muslim so it makes rational sense to reduce the amount of muslims you are allowing in if you want to lower the chances of terrorist attacks.

In the same way that most countries have immigration and customs restrictions on a whole host of things. It would not make very much sense to allow beef into the US that is from a country that is experiencing an outbreak of foot and mouth disease would it ?

"Most terrorists are Muslims" is nonsense.


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Horse manure. Try no more ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS and you might have a point. ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS are not welcome anywhere.

Sure UG, keep playing politics. Trump may insists that it's just the illegals he's after, but his supporters understand that to mean all Mexicans...and they applaud him. That's the problem with his kind of rhetoric. But don't worry, I'm pretty sure you don't see it that way.

Yep, just as one poster said, "If DT expels all Muslims,,,".

It's what is commonly called "redneck". Play to the unthinking great unwashed.

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"Islam is an ideology. Not a culture.: - really I'd say wrong on all counts....care to elucidate on this?

With Sharia courts and Islamic banking in mind, read the definition. Buddhists don't have their own banking or courts. Neither do Hindus or Christians.


noun: ideology; plural noun: ideologies
  1. 1.
    a system of ideas and ideals, especially one that forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy.
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The statement added that Trump's proposal comes in response to a level of hatred among "large segments of the Muslim population" toward Americans."

Did you stop to wonder why hatred exists towards America?

Yes, most objective folks do wonder why the hatred after we've given their countries literally trillions of dollars in humanitarian aid...wink.png

Economics 101: Don't bomb the s**t out of every country you want in pursuit of satisfying your own hunger for fossil fuels and you will not have to pay trillions of dollars in humanitarian aid. Simple really.

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If you guys are going to let yourselves be ruled by fear, you're going to have to give up that 'home of the brave' status.

What you are calling fear is not fear at all. But common sense. Most terrorists are muslim so it makes rational sense to reduce the amount of muslims you are allowing in if you want to lower the chances of terrorist attacks.

In the same way that most countries have immigration and customs restrictions on a whole host of things. It would not make very much sense to allow beef into the US that is from a country that is experiencing an outbreak of foot and mouth disease would it ?

"Most terrorists are Muslims" is nonsense.


More people are killed by Islamists each year than in all 350 years of the Spanish Inquisition combined. (source)

Islamic terrorists murder more people everyday than the Ku Klux Klan has in the last 70 years. (source, source)

More civilians were killed by Muslim hijackers in two hours on September 11th than in the 26 years of sectarian conflict in Northern Ireland. (source)

Islamic extremists massacred more Iraqis on a single day in June, 2014 than the number of American criminals executed in the last 40 years. (source, source)

Muslim fundamentalists kill more people everyday than were killed during the entire Salem Witch Trials. (source)

Sunni supremacists slaughtered more Yazidi minorities on August 14, 2014 than the number of black Americans lynched by White supremacists in the previous 100 years. (source, source)

Now tell me again that most terrorists are not muslims.

Edited by Harsh Jones
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Obama has been promoting this open and embrace of muslim policy for the last 7 years. In return he got the Boston marathon bombing, the underwear bomber, the Time Square bomber, the fort Hood shooting and the California shooting to name a few.

So your theory that creating positive muslim sentiments will stop terrorism is not supported by the data or the facts.

And this guy was not radicalized until his wife immigrated to the US.

You can't put all that on the President. Radical Islamic terrorists have been created from a variety of sources, e.g., the Iraq War, US support of Israel, French cartoons...I can go on and on. But antagonizing all of Islam and a billion + Muslims is not the solution. A President Trump (and I gag at the notion) would absolutely put more American lives in danger.

Voluntary support for the only democracy in the Middle east and French cartoons are transgressions by the west that insight muslim terror ? Did I just read that right...

I didn't expect to be arguing with actual anti Semitic muslims on this thread. So if that's what you are, I will just quit responding.


Please continue to bury your side's credibility even further.

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A fascinating article, thank you, with some very clear graphics!! So according to the FBI of the attacks on US soil between 1980 and 2005, 6% were by radical Muslims and 7% were by radical Jews! Got to take a lie down my ribs are now hurting.cheesy.gif Lets see what the replies are now from the hang em high brigade. Thanks again.

Edited by Andaman Al
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We see radicalization every day. The psychology behind radicalization is the same across the board. You see it within the Muslim community … if it were not religious based but politically based it would be called nationalism. The Nazis did it in Germany. Trump et al are doing it in the USA now. The NRA does it. The political right does it. The political left does it. I think the fact we have all become radicalized at some point in our lives is what disturbs us. It is done so cleverly and so easily. We subconsciously identify with Islamic radicalization and it scares us.

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