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Trump calls for 'complete shutdown' on Muslims entering US


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Barry Obama still has no strategy but to play hide and seek with these nutters…his plans will require US to be mired in armed conflict for decades...

Trump is not coming at this from a political angle but a business owners angle.

We've seen what Bush and Obama can do.

Is there any harm seeing what a hard nosed, take no prisoners lout can do?

At worst he'll just accelerate the all-out war between islam around the world. (which is probably coming anyway whether we like it or not)

At best, he'll just make it a lot harder for the nutters to strike in the US.

The biggest fallout will be that it might affect americans freedom of movement and business relations in muzzlim countries.

Love to see how this plays out.

Edited by JHolmesJr
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Trumps grabbing media attention plays on the American public insecurities and more than likely to radicalise some, if he is fair dinkum (for real) were all in trouble, do we need another saber rattling president in the US?

If there was a ban on muslims before this latest attack then 14 Americans would not be dead. We can already see the results of the open door policy. Maybe something else should be tried. If "moderate" muslims had to pay for these attacks maybe they would put some pressure on their radical freinds.

certainly, that would be fair, especially if a more "moderate" bigot like your good self would be willing to pay for the actions of the arayan brotherhood and KKK over the years.

Aryan brotherhood and K K K have been history for quite awhile!

Daesh kills more people in a week than the brotherhood or Klan ever did total.

Go Trump!!!

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Trumps grabbing media attention plays on the American public insecurities and more than likely to radicalise some, if he is fair dinkum (for real) were all in trouble, do we need another saber rattling president in the US?

If there was a ban on muslims before this latest attack then 14 Americans would not be dead. We can already see the results of the open door policy. Maybe something else should be tried. If "moderate" muslims had to pay for these attacks maybe they would put some pressure on their radical freinds.

certainly, that would be fair, especially if a more "moderate" bigot like your good self would be willing to pay for the actions of the arayan brotherhood and KKK over the years.

Aryan brotherhood and K K K have been history for quite awhile!

Daesh kills more people in a week than the brotherhood or Klan ever did total.

Go Trump!!!

with weapons your mates sold them
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Yep, just as one poster said, "If DT expels all Muslims,,,".

It's what is commonly called "redneck". Play to the unthinking great unwashed.

You have no clue what the term "redneck" means, where it came from or what it stood for. If you did you'd admire those people.

You are disparaging some fine, poor, hard working coal miners who wore red bandannas in a show of solidarity to strike against the big corporate coal mine owners in the hills of W. Virginia. Many were murdered by the coal mine owners' goons. Soon 100 years will have passed since that happened.

Call me a redneck and I'll wear it with pride.

In the meantime, just keep spewing your hate...

And as an American you know that NO ONE thinks of coal miners from 100 years ago when they use the term "Redneck". Repeat. No one.

The derivation of a word often has little bearing on its current use. In fact, Merriam-Webster defines a Redneck as "a white person who lives in a small town or in the country especially in the southern U.S., who typically has a working-class job, and who is seen by others as being uneducated and having opinions and attitudes that are offensive"

But hey you can use Wiki to smugly attempt to discount Seastallion if it makes you feel superior.

Talking about Wiki...

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article is about redneck as a pejorative. For the subculture, see Poor White. For other uses, see Redneck (disambiguation).

The term redneck is chiefly used for a rural poor white person of the Southern United States. It can be a derogatory slang term[1][2] similar in meaning to cracker(especially regarding Georgia and Florida), hillbilly (especially regarding Appalachia and the Ozarks),[3] and white trash (but without the last term's suggestions of immorality).[4][5][6]



, say Chapman and Kipfer, the term had expanded in meaning beyond the poor Southerner to refer to "a bigoted and conventional person, a loutish ultra-conservative."[7] It is often used to attack white Southern conservatives. The term is also used broadly to degrade working class and rural whites that are perceived by urban progressives to be insufficiently liberal.[8] At the same time, some white Southerners have reclaimed the word, using it with pride and defiance as a self-identifier.[9

I found this part particularly applicable to those that continually use it.

"It is often used to attack white Southern conservatives. The term is also used broadly to degrade working class and rural whites that are perceived by urban progressives to be insufficiently liberal.[8] At the same time, some white Southerners have reclaimed the word, using it with pride and defiance as a self-identifier.[9]"

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Unfortunately he's a total liar. Today he posted on his twitter.. he has never seen any muslim sports heroes.. yet his website has photos of him with Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Shaquille O'Neil.

He is interested in two things and two things only: making people afraid of it and telling who's to blame for it. That, ladies and gentlemen, is how you win elections.

Even my father is now wanting to vote for him. I was stunned. I tried reasoning and asked my dad today who was to blame for the 2008 financial crisis.. he didn't remember and said Obama. Then I asked my dad who took care of him during his CABG surgery (I had taken a month off work to be the primary caretaker) and he didn't remember.. he said he did it himself.

I don't want to go so far as to call my dad a senile old man, but the fear is truly working..

Trump will probably become president. Conservatives rejoice!

Not laughing at dad but you make your point is a very gentle, funny way. I only partially agree with you but this is a brilliant way to post this perspective.

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Barry Obama still has no strategy but to play hide and seek with these nutters…his plans will require US to be mired in armed conflict for decades...

Trump is not coming at this from a political angle but a business owners angle.

We've seen what Bush and Obama can do.

Is there any harm seeing what a hard nosed, take no prisoners lout can do?

At worst he'll just accelerate the all-out war between islam around the world. (which is probably coming anyway whether we like it or not)

At best, he'll just make it a lot harder for the nutters to strike in the US.

The biggest fallout will be that it might affect americans freedom of movement and business relations in muzzlim countries.

Love to see how this plays out.

"Is there any harm seeing what a hard nosed, take no prisoners lout can do?"

Is there any harm? Really? cheesy.gif

Elect the xenophobic, wingnut, birther so we can see he'll do? cheesy.gif (Flashback to 1933 Germany, yeah, what could possibly go wrong?)

The right wing is sooooo far out there.....

The chances of any of these candidates becoming POTUS are non existent, but it's interesting to see just how far out there the Republicans are.

Take any of the wingnut posts above and feel the fear dripping from the words. They're so scared. w00t.gif

Republicans are a party of cowards that are trying very hard to make cowards out of all of us. It's all they have. Vote for me or you'll die. Join us. Be afraid with us. We can protect you. We're the only ones that can save you from the (fill in the blank) that are about to kill you. Get yourself a gun and be afraid with us.


And funny. cheesy.gif

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Trumps grabbing media attention plays on the American public insecurities and more than likely to radicalise some, if he is fair dinkum (for real) were all in trouble, do we need another saber rattling president in the US?

If there was a ban on muslims before this latest attack then 14 Americans would not be dead. We can already see the results of the open door policy. Maybe something else should be tried. If "moderate" muslims had to pay for these attacks maybe they would put some pressure on their radical freinds.

If there was a ban before this attack it would be a bridge too far to suggest the attack would not have happened. I suggest we agree but for different reasons. The threats are already within the US. The recent terrorist attack is not an example of a foreign directed attack as much as it is an example that those within the US are already the threat. This and other data suggest many coming to the US arrive with mercenary motives. People may not like Trump or what he said but he is only saying what will invariably be demanded- stop or place on hold the torrent of muslim immigrants/visas until we can establish exactly how the threats are then cultivated internally or previously conceived of abroad. Left alone to Obama/Progressive management insisted a moratorium on muslim immigration is only a matter of time, not the messenger.

As Jews throughout the world celebrated each year, for thousands of years, they refrained "Next year in Jerusalem." Equally inherent in muslim affirmations and admonishment is the urge to sharia, the urge to global caliphate and the supremacy of islam. The refrain of muslims every day, 5 times, throughout the world, for 1,400 years has been pretty much that muslims are beloved of god and contempt for those who are lost- christians- and equal condemnation of Jews. This is the central component of those prayers following the call to prayer. It is always prefaced with "My God is greater than your god" allahua akbar. What do you think happens in a mindset that has this inculcated daily and all they experience in the objective world is pluralism and relativity? Rage, and a race to assert the only thing they know.

Muslims are not under attack. The rest of us are. Islam is not being assailed, the militant ideology and intolerance for others is being assailed. People are becoming intolerant of no tolerance. Whether it is Trump or not people will be left with no choice but to place this on the table soon as this is only the beginning.

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Well, that pretty much puts to rest any attempts at getting international sports matches. No football, no Olympics for example. Colleges and Universities will suffer when these students get sent packing. Oh, and I wonder how it will work with the UN?

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Holy mackerel! When Darth Vader says the guy is too far out there for him...

Dick Cheney: Donald Trump's Anti-Muslim Plan 'Goes Against Everything We Stand For'


This election just keeps getting better and better.

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I'm glad I'm not American right now. This guy is bringing a ton of trouble your way, and some of you are actually cheering him on. Your world just became a more dangerous place.

Our world, really?

Here is the chronology and body count of the attacks, with U.S. intelligence analysis of who was behind each:

—Oct. 10: The bombing of peace demonstrations outside the main train station in Ankara, Turkey left 102 dead. Directed by ISIS.

—Oct. 31: The bombing of a Metrojet plane bound for Russia over Egypt killed 224 passengers and crew. An "announcement" attack by the ISIS in the Sinai peninsula.

—Nov. 10: Two suicide bombers detonating themselves in a marketplace in southern Beirut, Lebanon, killing 43 people. Directed by ISIS.

—Nov. 13: Attacks on multiple sites in Paris, including the Bataclan theater, left 130 dead — excluding attackers. Directed by ISIS.

—Nov. 24: The bombing of a bus carrying members of the presidential guard in the Tunisian capital city of Tunis left at least 12 dead. An "announcement" attack by the ISIS affiliate in Tunisia.

—Dec. 2: The assault on a San Bernardino, California, office holiday party killed 14 people. Allegedly inspired by ISIS, but the extent of any contact between the shooters and ISIS or sympathizers is unknown.

Maybe you don't include Turkey, Russia, Lebanon, France, Tunisia, in your world.......

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I'm glad I'm not American right now. This guy is bringing a ton of trouble your way, and some of you are actually cheering him on. Your world just became a more dangerous place.

You express what many say but I think its silly to assert the world can become a more dangerous place. We are on a hair trigger with multiple nuclear threats as well as islamic jihad. Anything other then everything is submission (Ironically the actual meaning of "Islam"= Submission). I am unsure what Trump said was useful. In fact, I see little political or practical advantage other than to stir up his base, as I think you are suggesting. Yet removed from his motives is the fact that the torrent of islamic immigration with no requirement to actually abide and support the US with penalty for not doing so... means we are actually inviting these horrors on our children.

Only a fool can look at the world and say "Yea, all things considered, unlimited muslim immigration of young, military age men who have never worked and have no skills is a good thing."

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I'm glad I'm not American right now. This guy is bringing a ton of trouble your way, and some of you are actually cheering him on. Your world just became a more dangerous place.

Our world, really?

Here is the chronology and body count of the attacks, with U.S. intelligence analysis of who was behind each:

—Oct. 10: The bombing of peace demonstrations outside the main train station in Ankara, Turkey left 102 dead. Directed by ISIS.

—Oct. 31: The bombing of a Metrojet plane bound for Russia over Egypt killed 224 passengers and crew. An "announcement" attack by the ISIS in the Sinai peninsula.

—Nov. 10: Two suicide bombers detonating themselves in a marketplace in southern Beirut, Lebanon, killing 43 people. Directed by ISIS.

—Nov. 13: Attacks on multiple sites in Paris, including the Bataclan theater, left 130 dead — excluding attackers. Directed by ISIS.

—Nov. 24: The bombing of a bus carrying members of the presidential guard in the Tunisian capital city of Tunis left at least 12 dead. An "announcement" attack by the ISIS affiliate in Tunisia.

—Dec. 2: The assault on a San Bernardino, California, office holiday party killed 14 people. Allegedly inspired by ISIS, but the extent of any contact between the shooters and ISIS or sympathizers is unknown.

Maybe you don't include Turkey, Russia, Lebanon, France, Tunisia, in your world.......

30 people a day are shot and killed in the United States. Terrorists are the last thing I'm worried about.


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I'm glad I'm not American right now. This guy is bringing a ton of trouble your way, and some of you are actually cheering him on. Your world just became a more dangerous place.

Our world, really?

Here is the chronology and body count of the attacks, with U.S. intelligence analysis of who was behind each:

—Oct. 10: The bombing of peace demonstrations outside the main train station in Ankara, Turkey left 102 dead. Directed by ISIS.

—Oct. 31: The bombing of a Metrojet plane bound for Russia over Egypt killed 224 passengers and crew. An "announcement" attack by the ISIS in the Sinai peninsula.

—Nov. 10: Two suicide bombers detonating themselves in a marketplace in southern Beirut, Lebanon, killing 43 people. Directed by ISIS.

—Nov. 13: Attacks on multiple sites in Paris, including the Bataclan theater, left 130 dead — excluding attackers. Directed by ISIS.

—Nov. 24: The bombing of a bus carrying members of the presidential guard in the Tunisian capital city of Tunis left at least 12 dead. An "announcement" attack by the ISIS affiliate in Tunisia.

—Dec. 2: The assault on a San Bernardino, California, office holiday party killed 14 people. Allegedly inspired by ISIS, but the extent of any contact between the shooters and ISIS or sympathizers is unknown.

Maybe you don't include Turkey, Russia, Lebanon, France, Tunisia, in your world.......

30 people a day are shot and killed in the United States. Terrorists are the last thing I'm worried about.


This only reflects Obama and Hillary's position, and the American opposition- you dont know what is exactly at stake. So many murders in the US is outrageous and an epidemic, even when adjusted for population, which dramatically changes the import of the "30 people a day..." However, muslims terrorists do not just want to kill you. That is a means to an end. For most killers in the us the murder is the end. Not noting this difference is illustrative.

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The Donald's heart is in the right place, but his plan is not realistic.

His heart is not aligned with the U.S. Constitution unfortunately.

You are wrong. The congress has the right to set whatever limits they want on who enters the US. The president also has the right to exclude any class of aliens from entering the US. It''s constitutional, legal, and, in this case, the moral thing to do to protect American citizens.

Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate. Whenever the Attorney General finds that a commercial airline has failed to comply with regulations of the Attorney General relating to requirements of airlines for the detection of fraudulent documents used by passengers traveling to the United States (including the training of personnel in such detection), the Attorney General may suspend the entry of some or all aliens transported to the United States by such airline.
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I'm glad I'm not American right now. This guy is bringing a ton of trouble your way, and some of you are actually cheering him on. Your world just became a more dangerous place.

Which is why he'll most likely not be the next president.

Hillary Clinton makes me nervous too. Same same, but different.

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Well, that pretty much puts to rest any attempts at getting international sports matches. No football, no Olympics for example. Colleges and Universities will suffer when these students get sent packing. Oh, and I wonder how it will work with the UN?

As already stated, I am not a fan of Donald Trump but I do appreciate how easily he winds up the loons on the left and even many on the right. Shock and Awe Trump style.

As my Aussie neighbor likes to say, the loons have spit the dummy..

It is Priceless.

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Well, that pretty much puts to rest any attempts at getting international sports matches. No football, no Olympics for example. Colleges and Universities will suffer when these students get sent packing. Oh, and I wonder how it will work with the UN?

I think he will need to fine tune his proposal…total immigration lockdown for sure…issuing of tourist/business visas is where the crackdown will be most evident….there will be heaps of documents to provide, to make it as unwelcoming as possible….at least that's what I think his plan might be.

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Yep, just as one poster said, "If DT expels all Muslims,,,".

It's what is commonly called "redneck". Play to the unthinking great unwashed.

You have no clue what the term "redneck" means, where it came from or what it stood for. If you did you'd admire those people.

You are disparaging some fine, poor, hard working coal miners who wore red bandannas in a show of solidarity to strike against the big corporate coal mine owners in the hills of W. Virginia. Many were murdered by the coal mine owners' goons. Soon 100 years will have passed since that happened.

Call me a redneck and I'll wear it with pride.

In the meantime, just keep spewing your hate...

And as an American you know that NO ONE thinks of coal miners from 100 years ago when they use the term "Redneck". Repeat. No one.

The derivation of a word often has little bearing on its current use. In fact, Merriam-Webster defines a Redneck as "a white person who lives in a small town or in the country especially in the southern U.S., who typically has a working-class job, and who is seen by others as being uneducated and having opinions and attitudes that are offensive"

But hey you can use Wiki to smugly attempt to discount Seastallion if it makes you feel superior.

There's a lot of smug superiority here, as usual, from the usual suspects. You've got it the wrong way round, pal.

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He so Trolly.

Trolling is an art form. You’ve got to know who you’re trolling, what their weaknesses are, and when—if everyou should tip your hand. Some people spend years honing their trolling skills, where others are simply born with it. A troll can be rewarding or dangerous. If not carried out with precision, it can backfire horribly in the troll's face, rendering them the trollee. Most attempts at trolling crash and burn. But when when the troll stars align and a troll goes just right, it is a thing of true beauty, maybe the last pure thing we have in this crazy world.

Truly, we are blessed to be living in The Glory Age of the Troll where even the country’s biggest troll is running for President and will surely lead our nation into the Kingdom of Troll Heaven it deserves. Let’s take a walk through the most notable trolls of 2015 and remember all the good times.


Donald Trump hates a lot of things: facts, minorities, not going bankrupt several times, basic human decency, etc. But he has never stated his opinion on indie rock legends, Pavement. So Twitter user and Noisey contributor Zach Schonfeld went ahead and made a joke tweet that made it look like The Donald disproved of the band:


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You would think in a country of over 300 million (or whatever) you could find a few better candidates for the Presidency than a reality show host on one side, and a proven liar and female cuckold on the other. God bless America!

Or a washed up B movie actor. Or a career politician - Ewww! bah.gif

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