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Maggie Kirkpatrick: Australia actor cleared of abusing girl


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Maggie Kirkpatrick: Australia actor cleared of abusing girl

(BBC)Australian actor Maggie Kirkpatrick, star of TV drama Prisoner, has been cleared of sexually abusing a girl.

In August, a Melbourne court had ruled she had abused the 14-year-girl at her Melbourne home in 1984.

She was given community service, placed on a sex offenders' register and ordered to undergo a rehabilitation assessment.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-35035542

-- BBC 2015-12-08

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The first human response to an accusation such as this is to automatically believe the accused to be a pervert...a menace to society...should be put away...

Many charges of sexual abuse are found to be based on fantasy and false...very disturbing for the accused and their family...a blemish against one's character which will never fully fade away in the minds of those who have heard the story...

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That's what happened in Australia lately.

There is just subject #1 on everyday news .

Media just making it nearly every second day taking it as most important news and " cooking it" in different flavor instead showing tragedy of unemployed young uneducated mass of people having no future and trying every tricks to make a money.

Yes , that's why media is so occupied with bull..t to take out focus of real problems of not only youngsters and also rest of people have hardship in this country which should be better to live then in Arabic oil states.

Unemployment , very high prices for living and careless government does rest of it.

That's just work like hysteria and many just are trying to make money on this subject .

There is also so many divorce cases specially when couples come to the point of dividing assets....so many mothers are trying to get most or all of this deal... manipulating kids and law and just imagine the rest of the horror.

years ago there was a two school students who accused a teacher of molesting....

Poor fellow lost family , work and got punishment and public humiliation for doing nothing wrong.

Two years later those two girls got argued and one of them finally said the truth ......They did it because they wanted punish teacher for very bad marks in school......

Unfortunately in Australia in cases like that (usually) man is accused have to prove his is innocent ......

We are living in dangerous world .

For the money or fame you can be killed or suffer jail sentence because someone can.

Just modern witch hunt.coffee1.gif

Edited by gigman
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