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Thai PM blasts New Democracy Movement's exposure disgusting


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Why do people care?

Foreigners have no rights here which is actually great. No worries, no problems. Let Thais sort this out themselves. Political situation does not affect me in any shape or form. No house in Thailand and no investments whatsoever. Again, no problems

Good for you.

Other living here since decades, with thai family, kids, businesses and they pay taxes.

If they worry, that's understandable.

Many care and want a better future for their children.

Nothing wrong with it.

It always depends on the perspective.


With all due respect paying taxes does not give you any rights except the right to earn a living.

I have paid enough tax in the past 3 years to Canada to buy a condo in Bangkok even though I did not even step a foot on Canadian soil and at this point would not even have any rights to see a doctor until I re-establish a residency. Paying tax is a guarantee of nothing.

Moving to a third world country and raising a family here lacks a foresight in my opinion.

Some people (like perhaps yourself) obviously made a killing here, so maybe it is time to sell your assets and move your family to a more friendly environment back home?

I don't want to sound confrontational, but I have read a lot about Thailand before I moved here.... most of the stuff on this very forum for almost a decade.

I think foreigners are not following their own advice and should just stop caring. Why have your blood boil about stuff you can not control?

Then I congratulate you for your foresight.

Enjoy your time in Thailand!

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Yes all the groups in Thailand need to stand up for themselves. I am amazed they cannot see what is happening to their country.

They can see what is happening, but cannot do anything about it, what are they going to do, protest ?

Sorry, against the law.

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The only thing that's disgusting is the attitude of this apology for a so called leader.

Absolutely no tolerance to anything he doesn't like or agree with, his only reaction is to lash out yet how many times has he appealed for time and understanding ?

what a crock.

Yeah a big crock who thinks he can fool the people.

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Gen Prayut appeared serious and replied “it’s disgusting, do you trust it.”

More than any of the bs continually streaming from your mouth, yes.

Damn, you beat me to it. That was my first thought also. That's "BS" with a capital "B" and a capital "S".

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Thailand is not a democracy it is founded on Corruption and Face - it always has been and more than likely in most of our lifetimes always will be... so relax... you cannot reinvent the wheel... Ask yourself, Have you ever met a Thai who is capable of being a good Prime minister?

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Thailand is not a democracy it is founded on Corruption and Face - it always has been and more than likely in most of our lifetimes always will be... so relax... you cannot reinvent the wheel... Ask yourself, Have you ever met a Thai who is capable of being a good Prime minister?

Never met one but I have red about several that I think would have been good PMs. Unfortunately none of them have the required power base to ever become one.

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The affair has also attracted attention because the leaking of information casting suspicion about an army-led project is rare, leading to speculation that it may be linked to rifts within the junta, or an attempt to discredit it by other influential forces within Thai society.


Apparently a local newspaper in Arizona knows more than we are being told here. Can't possibly be true..can it?

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Hmm so the self appointed pm of Thailand and self acclaimed fighter of corruption calls the students pointing out corruption in connection with their park disgusting ?

So he only fights corruption which the army doesn't benefit from directly, check.

They hate seeing the other side with their snouts in "their" trough, and they havent as yet, worked out a way to hold elections and win. Hence where we are now.

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What am i missing? I thought any criticism of the current government was inconsiderate, illegal and subject to penalties. Yet i read such criticism on these pages. How inconsiderate.

Bit of a mystery. Either they don't understand English well enough or they think a few nutters posting on a farang dominated inconsequential bulletin board are not worth bothering about.

When you look through the posts there do seem to be some Junta secret police actively stirring things on the forum. Only explanation for some of the more rabid posters

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Any discussion of the Monarchy or members of the royal family in a political context will result in a ban. This includes vague comments that could be construed as referring to the Monarchy.

Please use discretion in your references to the government. Phrases which can be considered as anti-coup will be removed. Referring to Thailand or the government as a dictatorship, military dictatorship or other such terms will be removed.

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What am i missing? I thought any criticism of the current government was inconsiderate, illegal and subject to penalties. Yet i read such criticism on these pages. How inconsiderate.

Bit of a mystery. Either they don't understand English well enough or they think a few nutters posting on a farang dominated inconsequential bulletin board are not worth bothering about.

When you look through the posts there do seem to be some Junta secret police actively stirring things on the forum. Only explanation for some of the more rabid posters

Oh my god, How you know English John is Junta Secret Police ?....

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What am i missing? I thought any criticism of the current government was inconsiderate, illegal and subject to penalties. Yet i read such criticism on these pages. How inconsiderate.

Bit of a mystery. Either they don't understand English well enough or they think a few nutters posting on a farang dominated inconsequential bulletin board are not worth bothering about.

When you look through the posts there do seem to be some Junta secret police actively stirring things on the forum. Only explanation for some of the more rabid posters

Oh my god, How you know English John is Junta Secret Police ?....

That's a secret

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What am i missing? I thought any criticism of the current government was inconsiderate, illegal and subject to penalties. Yet i read such criticism on these pages. How inconsiderate.

Bit of a mystery. Either they don't understand English well enough or they think a few nutters posting on a farang dominated inconsequential bulletin board are not worth bothering about.

When you look through the posts there do seem to be some Junta secret police actively stirring things on the forum. Only explanation for some of the more rabid posters

Oh my god, How you know English John is Junta Secret Police ?....

Not the secret police, the propaganda division. He is the junta press release writer.

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