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Creepy cabbie fined THB1,000 for talking dirty to passengers


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Oh dear. Political correctness is rearing its deranged head in Thailand. I never thought I'd see the day.

Next up: trigger warnings, micro aggression, safe spaces, celebrity paedophile witch hunts, and other symptoms of this mass psychosis that is blighting the western world.

Yeah, dirty old men in taxis discussing sex and how it's great with schoolgirls passengers is perfectly acceptable. All this PC has gone mad, eh.

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Oh dear. Political correctness is rearing its deranged head in Thailand. I never thought I'd see the day.

Next up: trigger warnings, micro aggression, safe spaces, celebrity paedophile witch hunts, and other symptoms of this mass psychosis that is blighting the western world.

Yeah, dirty old men in taxis discussing sex and how it's great with schoolgirls passengers is perfectly acceptable. All this PC has gone mad, eh.

There was nothing particularly obscene or threatening about what the cabbie said. Time was when boorish behaviour like that would have been shrugged off. Now it's news fodder for the Politically Correct Twitterati zealots.

Next up, legions of people will start getting offended on other people's behalf, like they do in the west.

Edited by dbrenn
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Oh dear. Political correctness is rearing its deranged head in Thailand. I never thought I'd see the day.

Next up: trigger warnings, micro aggression, safe spaces, celebrity paedophile witch hunts, and other symptoms of this mass psychosis that is blighting the western world.

Yeah, dirty old men in taxis discussing sex and how it's great with schoolgirls passengers is perfectly acceptable. All this PC has gone mad, eh.

There was nothing particularly obscene or threatening about what the cabbie said. Time was when boorish behaviour like that would have been shrugged off. Now it's news fodder for the Politically Correct Twitterati zealots.

Next up, legions of people will start getting offended on other people's behalf, like they do in the west.

It seems to me the girl is a Prude....that being if she goes to such extent and films the man and reports the man and lodges a complaint and makes a big issue out of ....NOTHING......Nothing at all.

Prude: 1704, "woman who affects or upholds modesty in a degree considered excessive," from French prude "excessively prim or demure woman,".

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Oh dear. Political correctness is rearing its deranged head in Thailand. I never thought I'd see the day.

Next up: trigger warnings, micro aggression, safe spaces, celebrity paedophile witch hunts, and other symptoms of this mass psychosis that is blighting the western world.

Yeah, dirty old men in taxis discussing sex and how it's great with schoolgirls passengers is perfectly acceptable. All this PC has gone mad, eh.

There was nothing particularly obscene or threatening about what the cabbie said. Time was when boorish behaviour like that would have been shrugged off. Now it's news fodder for the Politically Correct Twitterati zealots.

Next up, legions of people will start getting offended on other people's behalf, like they do in the west.

It seems to me the girl is a Prude....that being if she goes to such extent and films the man and reports the man and lodges a complaint and makes a big issue out of ....NOTHING......Nothing at all.

Prude: 1704, "woman who affects or upholds modesty in a degree considered excessive," from French prude "excessively prim or demure woman,".

It's not prudish to expect a taxi driver to do his job courteously without propositioning you.

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