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Yet another Mini van accident


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Just yesterday, but actually the same happens often, I was driving on highway 7 direction Bangkok a few kilometers before Laem Chabang.

I was on the far right lane as I was passing slower traffic, and was doing approximately 120km/h, when I saw in my mirror that one of those commuter vans tried to pass me over the hard shoulder.

The space between the driving lane and the concrete barrier isn't wide enough though for a car, yet he was trying.

My reaction as always with such an idiot is to slow down to a speed little less than the car on my left side. Makes them even more foaming at the beak.

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these van are a menace on the roads, how many deaths will it take before something is done about these vehicles, they should be fitted with speed governors,

There is nothing wrong with these vehicles... Its the morons who drive them (I guess thats what you meant).

Speed Governors would be a good idea... But I have the suspicion that they'd just be disabled, removed, fiddled with and then ignored...

A change needs to occur at a base cultural level - one that recognises that idiotic and dangerous behaviour is not amusing, its not something to laugh at or be boasted about, its not to be respected bravado.. this idiotic and dangerous behaviour is simply idiotic and dangerous.

As the general population become prepared to criticise their peers in the face of 'losing face' things will slowly change. Social media helps this a little. But it still remains the norm for people not to openly criticise others to their face, for when they do anger often becomes the response.

Many here lack the tools for direct criticism - hence, no one criticises anyone for poor, dangerous or idiotic actions...

Idiots behave with social impunity - the result is the carnage we see on the roads.

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