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UK envoy's support for Thai activists 'disappointing'


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A Bangkok Post headline now reads, Bangkok police open inquiry in US ambassador's speech.

If the police/junta are stupid enough to persue this, things could get very messy.

Yep, they are making the same mistakes over and over again, using LM as the reason.

I believe the ambassador has diplomatic immunity so not sure why they are trying to stir the pot here. They never learn apparently.

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Oh dear. Why does the Uk Ambassador have to say anything at all ? I am sure he is a nice bloke with good intentions and all but really !!! How does it help when a paid employee of the Bristish tax payer plays Twitter on things that quite frankly are none of anyones business except Thai people's buisness. Often in England police stop protesters from going somewhere, especially if there are opposing elements. I would have thought England would be concentrating on its own appalling problems that include potential future economic disaster, social ills, drug problems, social welfare problems, crime problems, a completely disheartened population who are fed up with the politcial arena and a massive refugee issue which will cost the tax payer Billions, which everyone knows was caused by the constant meddling in foreign countries and creating wars and suffering that the majority of English people never wanted and not only have had to pay for, but will have to pay again for all the refuggess rushing to get into the UK. Come on !! Add to that, do Thai politcians twitter about what is going on in England and criticise it. Not that I know of. When will this hypocracy end. Surely there is a better way to spend ones time. It is so simple to see how problems occur in the world. No wonder many counrties now are rather bored of us Westerners continually interfering, criticising and sticking our noses in. Thailand is Thailand. It is not perfect but alot of people love living there and I am sure were happy to have the extremely violent protests stopped for now. I have many friends in Thailand and many were very worried about the situation when the protests were becoming violent. The bars are all open, shops are amazing, sun is shining, awesome restaurants, plenty of freedom to do things. In fact I woudl go as far to say that Thailand has many freedoms England does not. Why not look at the good points and stop going on and on about trivial matters that have no bearance oin England at all. So a few protesters were stopped on a train. Ist hardly the end of the world. Big deal. Thailand has so many wonderful points and aspects to it. If one does not liek it, leave. But if one is living there enjoy it.

Another very blinkered view from the rose tinted specs brigade, anyway you go and enjoy your restaurants and bars mate so long as that is OK eh, it matters not that nutters in charge are destroying my daughters and many of her friends country but we are lucky and have options many don't...

You think they should see the double standards and say nothing....really that is a very selfish and shortsighted view but each to his own

Personally I am very proud when somebody stands up to the idiots running the asylum here as the general populace don't have that luxury any more...

I am enjoying them very much thanks. Life is short and I want to enjoy it. By the way...so you know rather then presume. I have no interest in taking sides or supporting any particular group. It is not my country and do not feel it is my place to do so. If I had the desire to change the world, I would start working for charitable organisations, go and help the poor, assist social welfare groups and not talk about it on a web site. Might be a good place for you to start as I think you might make some positive change then, as you obviously have strong beliefs, which is commendable. I think it is a bit of an over statement to say anyone is destroying the country. Economy is not good agreed, certain freedoms have been curtailed for now, but business continues, work continues. Life continues. Whoever is in power protects power and that is a simple lesson one learns as one grows up and develops an understanding of power and politics. Its actually an instinct in all of us but most of us do not gain large amounts of power. Been happening since the beginning of communities. So whether it is one side or another, the same occurs. If you feel so strongly that disaster looms, then my advice is you must protect your daughters and go someone where that is safe. But I do not share your belief that is is going that way. But if it is and happens, I will admit I was wrong. Have a good day. Don't worry too much. Nothing one can do about it, so enjoy the best points or if one is very worried then make change maybe somewhere else.[/quot

More long winded drivel I could reply but can't be arsed I do however stand by my initial assessment that you are indeed a naive old bloke with a bit of an I am alright attitude, still takes all sorts to make a world....
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May I wonder how the British politico's would react if the Thai Ambassador would comment on the freedoms(?) in the UK?

Same as the US politicians in the US.

Or, God forbid, the most undemocratic body of usurpers in the world, the EU?

Why is it that all three, well known for their double motifs, are supporting Iran, Saoudi-Arabia and other [deleted] regimes in the world?

In fact, everybody seem to forget that without the coup Thailand probably would have been in a civil war.

Which does not mean I agree with any coup, but maybe this one was the lesser of the available wrongs.

And please, please, stop nagging about democracy.

Once every couple of years we may vote, and after that the chosen representatives forget you.

Politicians go into politics for the money, for the power or for a combination of the two.

Not for you, not for mez only for their own greedy dirty fingers.

Well said. Such a clear, unbiased and wise understanding of how politics works internationally and the current situation.
Extreme cynicism and wisdom are not the same attributes.
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One day international boundaries across the world will not exist and people will be able to share their opinions like adults.

Imagine there's no countries... not in my lifetime but a dream...

Edited by LannaGuy
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News in the "other" media outlet says UK Ambassador may be summoned for a chat for "supporting law-breakers."

As well, FCCT asked to hand over "evidence" (a recording?) of a breach of LM112 in the US Ambassador's speech the other night as part of their investigation.

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Which judical sysetem is he refereing to ?

The correct western version or the recrently altered Thai version to suit.

Any western governing body will see the light. whats dissapointing is this is dragging on.

Just got my hand me down hand me down copy of a popular newspaper whom I will not name due to rules. They had an article on the opinion page that interested me. When I turned to this page imagine my surprise when I saw a blank spot with the enclosed statement " The article in this space was removed by our printer in Thailand. The said paper and its editorial staff had no role in its removal" I guess the government has all aspects of society running scared. They then accomplish their aim of self censorship. What a pity. This mentality only makes one wonder whether any type of truth will ever return to Thailand. I scoured the internet but could not find a copy of the censored article. I am sure others did as well. Censorship only makes one seek the truth even more.

Two articles of that newspaper suffered censorship of that kind in the same week. I read the articles on the paper's online edition. Odd that you had a problem finding it.

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News in the "other" media outlet says UK Ambassador may be summoned for a chat for "supporting law-breakers."

As well, FCCT asked to hand over "evidence" (a recording?) of a breach of LM112 in the US Ambassador's speech the other night as part of their investigation.

His tweet was "I had hoped the fact 200 people allowed to demonstrate at the US Embassy, might be relaxation on freedom of assembly "

I don't see any support for "law-breakers".

Supporting the current government is quite clearly a case of supporting law-breakers. As they quite clearly are law-breakers, I have my doubt about the students, as far as I know there is no law against getting on a train to a certain graft riddled park.

They never learn and become more ridiculous by the day or so it seems.

Edited by sjaak327
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Oh dear. Why does the Uk Ambassador have to say anything at all ? I am sure he is a nice bloke with good intentions and all but really !!! How does it help when a paid employee of the Bristish tax payer plays Twitter on things that quite frankly are none of anyones business except Thai people's buisness. Often in England police stop protesters from going somewhere, especially if there are opposing elements. I would have thought England would be concentrating on its own appalling problems that include potential future economic disaster, social ills, drug problems, social welfare problems, crime problems, a completely disheartened population who are fed up with the politcial arena and a massive refugee issue which will cost the tax payer Billions, which everyone knows was caused by the constant meddling in foreign countries and creating wars and suffering that the majority of English people never wanted and not only have had to pay for, but will have to pay again for all the refuggess rushing to get into the UK. Come on !! Add to that, do Thai politcians twitter about what is going on in England and criticise it. Not that I know of. When will this hypocracy end. Surely there is a better way to spend ones time. It is so simple to see how problems occur in the world. No wonder many counrties now are rather bored of us Westerners continually interfering, criticising and sticking our noses in. Thailand is Thailand. It is not perfect but alot of people love living there and I am sure were happy to have the extremely violent protests stopped for now. I have many friends in Thailand and many were very worried about the situation when the protests were becoming violent. The bars are all open, shops are amazing, sun is shining, awesome restaurants, plenty of freedom to do things. In fact I woudl go as far to say that Thailand has many freedoms England does not. Why not look at the good points and stop going on and on about trivial matters that have no bearance oin England at all. So a few protesters were stopped on a train. Ist hardly the end of the world. Big deal. Thailand has so many wonderful points and aspects to it. If one does not liek it, leave. But if one is living there enjoy it.

Another very blinkered view from the rose tinted specs brigade, anyway you go and enjoy your restaurants and bars mate so long as that is OK eh, it matters not that nutters in charge are destroying my daughters and many of her friends country but we are lucky and have options many don't...

You think they should see the double standards and say nothing....really that is a very selfish and shortsighted view but each to his own

Personally I am very proud when somebody stands up to the idiots running the asylum here as the general populace don't have that luxury any more...

I am enjoying them very much thanks. Life is short and I want to enjoy it. By the way...so you know rather then presume. I have no interest in taking sides or supporting any particular group. It is not my country and do not feel it is my place to do so. If I had the desire to change the world, I would start working for charitable organisations, go and help the poor, assist social welfare groups and not talk about it on a web site. Might be a good place for you to start as I think you might make some positive change then, as you obviously have strong beliefs, which is commendable. I think it is a bit of an over statement to say anyone is destroying the country. Economy is not good agreed, certain freedoms have been curtailed for now, but business continues, work continues. Life continues. Whoever is in power protects power and that is a simple lesson one learns as one grows up and develops an understanding of power and politics. Its actually an instinct in all of us but most of us do not gain large amounts of power. Been happening since the beginning of communities. So whether it is one side or another, the same occurs. If you feel so strongly that disaster looms, then my advice is you must protect your daughters and go someone where that is safe. But I do not share your belief that is is going that way. But if it is and happens, I will admit I was wrong. Have a good day. Don't worry too much. Nothing one can do about it, so enjoy the best points or if one is very worried then make change maybe somewhere else.

Edith Clampton alert.

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Why are the wretched EU ambassadors not following suit? Particularly France which otherwise still postures as a player on the world stage and is supposedly a champion of Liberté?

Ze French are being Ze French soft and gooey like Camembert

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Kent. Thailand's internal affairs have absolutely NOTHING to do with you. You'd be better spending your time making your disgraceful embassy more user friendly as well as that joke of a place VFS visa centre. Both being operated by clowns and monkeys. Both you & Davies (US prat) should either pack your bags and fark off, or keep your snouts where they belong, behind the walls of your ivory-towered embassies..

Actually, the hypocrisy that he was speaking about has EVERYTHING to do with him. Last time I checked, the lese majeste laws apply to everyone, not just Thais. Same as the laws against protests. The anti-protest laws apply to everyone in Thailand. So, if one speaks out against a law that they are, in fact, subject to, what is your problem with that?

Or are you trying to make the argument that when you come to Thailand you should shut your mouth and accept whatever treatment that is rendered unto you?

Way too many farangs/expats seem to have fallen under the Thai "love it or leave it" spell.

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May I wonder how the British politico's would react if the Thai Ambassador would comment on the freedoms(?) in the UK?

Same as the US politicians in the US.

Or, God forbid, the most undemocratic body of usurpers in the world, the EU?

Why is it that all three, well known for their double motifs, are supporting Iran, Saoudi-Arabia and other [deleted] regimes in the world?

In fact, everybody seem to forget that without the coup Thailand probably would have been in a civil war.

Which does not mean I agree with any coup, but maybe this one was the lesser of the available wrongs.

And please, please, stop nagging about democracy.

Once every couple of years we may vote, and after that the chosen representatives forget you.

Politicians go into politics for the money, for the power or for a combination of the two.

Not for you, not for mez only for their own greedy dirty fingers.

Well said. Such a clear, unbiased and wise understanding of how politics works internationally and the current situation.

I think you're missing the point that the Thai ambassador would not be risking 60 years in prison for saying it.

That is the point.

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Which judical sysetem is he refereing to ?

The correct western version or the recrently altered Thai version to suit.

Any western governing body will see the light. whats dissapointing is this is dragging on.

Just got my hand me down hand me down copy of a popular newspaper whom I will not name due to rules. They had an article on the opinion page that interested me. When I turned to this page imagine my surprise when I saw a blank spot with the enclosed statement " The article in this space was removed by our printer in Thailand. The said paper and its editorial staff had no role in its removal" I guess the government has all aspects of society running scared. They then accomplish their aim of self censorship. What a pity. This mentality only makes one wonder whether any type of truth will ever return to Thailand. I scoured the internet but could not find a copy of the censored article. I am sure others did as well. Censorship only makes one seek the truth even more.

It is an article discussing the poor economic performance of Thailand in recent months and the reasons for it. It is available to read outside Thailand. The blank space has made its own headline too.

That is the joke it it all. The censoring of the article has itself become a story. Many Thais who would have never read the story are now reading it on Facebook because they know it's being kept from them in. Many people outside of Thailand are reading it just to see what was so controversial that it had to be censored in Thailand.

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A Bangkok Post headline now reads, Bangkok police open inquiry in US ambassador's speech.

If the police/junta are stupid enough to persue this, things could get very messy.

Yep, they are making the same mistakes over and over again, using LM as the reason.

I believe the ambassador has diplomatic immunity so not sure why they are trying to stir the pot here. They never learn apparently.

True, it is a toothless investigation as the ambassador has diplomatic immunity but Thailand is playing a very dangerous game with stakes far beyond it's ability to play.

If they were stupid enough to charge the US ambassador which would essentially mean that he had to be removed and replaced by a new ambassador, you can pretty much count on economic and diplomatic repercussions. Thailand's economy is teetering and any economic sanctions or even removing existing trade agreements would send Thailand into a downward spiral that would sink the economy.

You could read just how bad the economic situation is in Thailand if you were allowed to read a certain newspaper article that was recently censored :-)

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The "Stop meddling in Thailand affairs, if you don't like it go home" brigade.

There is no 'meddling' just thoughts and opinions. I want some of you to address what these ambassadors have said. A draconian law and selective enforcement of a very suppresive law. Address whether you think it is right. Oh and no "but Thaksin, red shirts" in your answers too please guys.

I won't hold my breath.

Edited by mrrizzla
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the ambassador made many more statements against the defamation cases brought against journalists than he did about LM. The core of his LM statement was to express concern about the "unprecedented lengthy sentences handed down by military courts against civilians"

So it is clear who he meant and the self-appointed "PM" is pretending to be "concerned"... whistling.gif

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Thank you for the links.

The NYT has the 2-3 minutes of video from over 1 hour of discussion which is what people focus on.

The BBC got the length of the sentences wrong. They were sentenced to 56 and 60 years. The sentence was then cut in half when the defendants pleaded guilty. That is normal in LM cases in order to force people to confess. Very few people do not confess after being convicted.

Given the ages of the defendants in these cases, their sentences amount to "life in prison"... for facebook posts. coffee1.gif

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Thank you for the links.

The NYT has the 2-3 minutes of video from over 1 hour of discussion which is what people focus on.

The BBC got the length of the sentences wrong. They were sentenced to 56 and 60 years. The sentence was then cut in half when the defendants pleaded guilty. That is normal in LM cases in order to force people to confess. Very few people do not confess after being convicted.

Given the ages of the defendants in these cases, their sentences amount to "life in prison"... for facebook posts. coffee1.gif

should we start to worry here on TVF? posting? 'liking'?

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Oh dear. Why does the Uk Ambassador have to say anything at all ? I am sure he is a nice bloke with good intentions and all but really !!! How does it help when a paid employee of the Bristish tax payer plays Twitter on things that quite frankly are none of anyones business except Thai people's buisness. It just causes a negative reaction which is totally unecessary. Often in England police stop protesters from going somewhere, especially if there are opposing elements. I would have thought England would be concentrating on its own appalling problems that include potential future economic disaster, social ills, drug problems, social welfare problems, crime problems, a completely disheartened population who are fed up with the politcial arena and a massive refugee issue which will cost the tax payer Billions, which everyone knows was caused by the constant meddling in foreign countries and creating wars and suffering that the majority of English people never wanted and not only have had to pay for, but will have to pay again for all the refuggess rushing to get into the UK. Come on !! Add to that, do Thai politcians twitter about what is going on in England and criticise it. Not that I know of. When will this hypocracy end. Surely there is a better way to spend ones time. It is so simple to see how problems occur in the world. No wonder many counrties now are rather bored of us Westerners continually interfering, criticising and sticking our noses in. Thailand is Thailand. It is not perfect but a lot of people love living there and I am sure were happy to have the extremely violent protests stopped. I have many friends in Thailand and many were very worried about the situation when the protests were becoming violent. Its stopped for now which is good. Also it is a very delicate situation and needs to be watched and contolled by the authorities very carefully. Would people prefer they all flare up again and the city is taken over and shops are burned like last time. I was there and it wass not very nice. I appreciate a few people on a train is not a massive protest but it is where it leads, at such a delicate time. Its not the right time to be doing it. Does Thaiand have problems, yes like any country does. But having lived in both give me Thailand any day of the week over living in the UK. The bars are all open, shops are amazing, sun is shining, awesome restaurants, most of the people are charming, plenty of freedom to do things. In fact I would go as far to say that Thailand has some freedoms England does not. Why not look at the good points and stop going on and on about trivial matters that have no bearance on England at all. My God look at politcial correctness in England and how you can't use certain words and certain books have been banned. So a few protesters were stopped on a train. It is hardly the end of the world. Big deal. Thailand has so many wonderful points and aspects to it. If one does not like it, leave. But if one is living there enjoy it. And stop criticising it and making potentially neagtive comments that do not help anyone. Smile, enjoy the day and look for the good in life please.

Ironic how the first two words of your post sum up the rest of it so succinctly.

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"Maj-General Werachon Sukond-hapatipak told a LINE group of reporters at Government House it was disappointing that "the ambassador" took a position that ended up supporting a group that has often broken the law and disrespected judicial processes, unlike the majority of the people."

Hmm, you know that sounds like another group of people I could mention.

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I expect that more foreign ambassadors will start to speak out in a similar manner.

Interesting times ahead - I'll get my tin hat....

Yes it looks like the free nation ambassadors are starting to speak in political solidarity. First America and now Britain in support of America.

The EU foreign affairs department has been expressing these sentiments for the past year. The Thai military rulers are about to discover why these comments matter once the international aviation safety regulators start limiting Thailand's air carriers. Thailand won't have any friends to either support it or help argue for leniency.

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May I wonder how the British politico's would react if the Thai Ambassador would comment on the freedoms(?) in the UK?

Same as the US politicians in the US.

Or, God forbid, the most undemocratic body of usurpers in the world, the EU?

Why is it that all three, well known for their double motifs, are supporting Iran, Saoudi-Arabia and other [deleted] regimes in the world?

In fact, everybody seem to forget that without the coup Thailand probably would have been in a civil war.

Which does not mean I agree with any coup, but maybe this one was the lesser of the available wrongs.

And please, please, stop nagging about democracy.

Once every couple of years we may vote, and after that the chosen representatives forget you.

Politicians go into politics for the money, for the power or for a combination of the two.

Not for you, not for mez only for their own greedy dirty fingers.

...they would probably not give two hot sh1ts and go on with their lives!

Freedom of speech and expression and all that stuff!

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Economy does matter when the threat of rebellion looms stronger.

A stable economy may assist the speeches .

Thailand enjoyed soilid growth for a fair while.

If sanctions are imposed by various nations the Miltary Government would find holding power far harder.

It could only do so by might not propaganda and the illusion it is care taking and fostering accord

The Monk involved is really a tool of the Juntas and is just echoing their thoughts.

I wouldn't be surprised if an American flag is burnt on live TV outside the American embassy .

These people are not the wisest of people and have little foresight as to the consequences a few sanctions could bring.

If imposed .

Their tier three level looks set to stay given they did this to the US envoy.

2016 will be full of exciting events here on TV

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