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Thailand is set to reduce carbon emission by 20% in 15 years


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Next thing we will hear about how they will install large smoke filters for "burn piles" and put exhaust fans on mountain tops to blow the smoke away with help from the Chinese engineers from Singapore.

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Lot of wind-up merchants here.

a) The commitment will be remembered because it will be on the UNFCCC web-site, and Thailand is obliged to prepare National Communications and Biennial Update Reports

b ) It is measurable

c) Reducing emissions does not mean going back to the stone age! EU have done it and I don't think they are in the stone age.

The EU have done it by closing virtually every coal mine. Closing most of the coal powered electricity generators. Instead importing vast amounts of Russian gas and Arab oil. To help achieve their great reduction they have virtually eliminated heavy industrial manufacture and shifted it all to China and India. Millions have been put out of work to achieve this aim and more to come. And who is Thailand obligated to, the UNFCCC a supreme body with as much teeth as my granddad and as much balls as a eunuch ?

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