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Man taken into custody over his FB post on Rajabhakti Park scandal


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So it seems that the junta is following the navy's example of going after the little guy and leaving the big players alone.

There's a nice piece on Wikipedia relating to this park and possible corruption, it has names and numbers, but like I said the junta wont touch the big players but if your alone then your fair game..............

This issue is getting bigger by the day and it could well spell the beginning of the end for the junta.

Now where oh where are the few on TVF who love to crow the "good people" running the country and how they have done so much and mass progress has been all the doing of said "good people" where are ya guy's getting real hard to keep spinning this stuff huhwhistling.gif

. . . . and who is going to 'end' it? Another autocrat dressed in a democratic election?

hopefully not but the junta is a reaction to the paradigm shift and, at the moment, everything is heading downwards sad.png there is no 'happiness' and any support is nosediving everywhere

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It certainly looks like the Junta is determined to dig their own graves. Amusing to watch.

Not so amusing will be the violence needed to remove him, .. the lives lost and blood spilt in the process.

If this is nothing more than enetertainment for you, perhaps you should consider relocating.

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I can't see the junta getting less heavy handed - they appear to be turning the screw............and as things get progressively more out of hand one suspects this is the usual reaction of this kind of government.

It surprises me that the authorities seem unaware of how this sort of action will reflect in thw eyes of th international community........it certainly won't inspire confidence in most of their trading partners......

There was an item on the BBC News channel half an hour ago, about freedom of speech / censorship in China, Malaysia and Thailand. They made specific reference to the law in question and the increasing length of sentences being imposed. The world is taking more notice...

Where is Jonathan Head? Disappointingly silent.

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I can't see the junta getting less heavy handed - they appear to be turning the screw............and as things get progressively more out of hand one suspects this is the usual reaction of this kind of government.

It surprises me that the authorities seem unaware of how this sort of action will reflect in thw eyes of th international community........it certainly won't inspire confidence in most of their trading partners......

There was an item on the BBC News channel half an hour ago, about freedom of speech / censorship in China, Malaysia and Thailand. They made specific reference to the law in question and the increasing length of sentences being imposed. The world is taking more notice...

The investigation involving the US Ambassador is also being covered pointing get out it's ridiculous as he has diplomatic immunity but this is how things are in LoS currently.

I'll bet most embassies in Bkk are sending some very pointed cables home.

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You are NOT safe. Anything posted is subject to interpretation. That includes "liking" posts which express attitudes deemed illegal.

I wonder how safe we are posting on here? it is getting that bad sad.png

here no problem, they dont take risk, they read all our post and make the censure before others can see it....!

You know that for a fact, or just guessing? Cogs a turning.

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I can't see the junta getting less heavy handed - they appear to be turning the screw............and as things get progressively more out of hand one suspects this is the usual reaction of this kind of government.

It surprises me that the authorities seem unaware of how this sort of action will reflect in thw eyes of th international community........it certainly won't inspire confidence in most of their trading partners......

There was an item on the BBC News channel half an hour ago, about freedom of speech / censorship in China, Malaysia and Thailand. They made specific reference to the law in question and the increasing length of sentences being imposed. The world is taking more notice...

Where is Jonathan Head? Disappointingly silent.

He's doing the BBC report on human rights abuses in Asia and the piece on the investigation into the US Ambassador.

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Somebody posted nonsense online that was critical of government leaders?

This is a shocking development. I would think at this very moment citizens are cowering in their homes. Buses and trains have come to a standstill. The streets of Bangkok are empty.

Who will save us from this calamity?

The Prime Moderator?

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Damage control? There is corruption all over the world and in the interests of not wanting to become concrete foundations for something, I will say no more! Let's just say corruption is commonplace in Asia and its not something that is going to change any time soon.

It's changing fast in Thailand::it's more corrupt than ever in its history.

I spoke with a friend who has had a business (jewelry shop) for more than 20 years and he told me corruption is MILLIONS times worse now , he has to pay multiple bribes to cops every f...ing day and even his daughter in an international school is being asked extra money for "protection".

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I can't see the junta getting less heavy handed - they appear to be turning the screw............and as things get progressively more out of hand one suspects this is the usual reaction of this kind of government.

It surprises me that the authorities seem unaware of how this sort of action will reflect in thw eyes of th international community........it certainly won't inspire confidence in most of their trading partners......

There was an item on the BBC News channel half an hour ago, about freedom of speech / censorship in China, Malaysia and Thailand. They made specific reference to the law in question and the increasing length of sentences being imposed. The world is taking more notice...

Where is Jonathan Head? Disappointingly silent.

He's doing the BBC report on human rights abuses in Asia and the piece on the investigation into the US Ambassador.

Merely scratching the surface.

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So it seems that the junta is following the navy's example of going after the little guy and leaving the big players alone.

There's a nice piece on Wikipedia relating to this park and possible corruption, it has names and numbers, but like I said the junta wont touch the big players but if your alone then your fair game..............

This issue is getting bigger by the day and it could well spell the beginning of the end for the junta.

Now where oh where are the few on TVF who love to crow the "good people" running the country and how they have done so much and mass progress has been all the doing of said "good people" where are ya guy's getting real hard to keep spinning this stuff huhwhistling.gif

And how many big players have been arrested to date? Take a look at the Dark Tao murder case. How many CEO's of the fishing companies that use slave labor have been arrested and tried? How many conglomerate owners have been arrested for bribery? How many government ministers have been charged with crimes? Only little men, will be pursued by the top little man. His entire M.O., and the very basis of his administration is to not upset the elite, and never, ever change the status quo. How do you think he got into power in the first place?

In some areas of the world, it is known as a quid pro quo. We will allow you to run the country, and in exchange you guarantee us the same sort of guarantee the American bankers got after the banking crisis. You will insure that we remain untouchable. OK? Deal? Ok, you are now PM.

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I think that this scandal and the juntas heavy handedness of dealing with people asking questions is the beginning of the end for the NCPO.

There will be mass political strife or a counter coup within a year.

but probably just more of the same

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How can posting information about corruption be called Lese Majeste???

The posting of information violated the computer crime act.

He pushed the like button on a picture deemed anti monarch. That gave him the second charge of LM. At 27, he most likely did not know he was committing a crime. Another life destroyed over a Facebook post. They need a committee to hold free seminars to make sure very young people and old people understand clearly these 2 laws , as I suspect most of the convicted had no clue they were committing a crime.

In any sane and civilised country, they weren't.

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"...which has infuriated Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha and his deputy General Prawit Wongsuwan..."

Well now, that is certainly the last thing anyone would want to do in a country that has lost many of its freedoms and losing more freedoms everyday.

He's like King Canute, sitting there trying to force back the growing tide of criticism. Where does he think this will all end? What century does he believe he's in? Certainly one with no access to the internet no matter how hard they try to close it down.

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Very clever...order an arrest for such a minor comment....piss off family and friends,and their friends overseas post it until it goes Viral!

It's now out in the world,and not confined to Bangkok!

Great publicity!

Stroke Of Military Genius Old Chap!!!

Hmmm...Loose Lips Sink Ships!!! lol.

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Getting worse isn't it.

Can't do this can't do that if it 'upsets' him.

Are the tourism board issuing a new marketing campaign?

Welcome to North Korea....oops sorry....Thailand

just wait for the ""all foreigners to be tattooed " next

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I can't see the junta getting less heavy handed - they appear to be turning the screw............and as things get progressively more out of hand one suspects this is the usual reaction of this kind of government.

It surprises me that the authorities seem unaware of how this sort of action will reflect in thw eyes of th international community........it certainly won't inspire confidence in most of their trading partners......

There was an item on the BBC News channel half an hour ago, about freedom of speech / censorship in China, Malaysia and Thailand. They made specific reference to the law in question and the increasing length of sentences being imposed. The world is taking more notice...

Not to mention an upcoming report on the award winning international crisisgroup.org

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You are NOT safe. Anything posted is subject to interpretation. That includes "liking" posts which express attitudes deemed illegal.

I wonder how safe we are posting on here? it is getting that bad sad.png

here no problem, they dont take risk, they read all our post and make the censure before others can see it....!

Exactly, what do you think EJ does in his spare time. Ooops, better watch it, soon it will be LM to take the piss out of an honest English soldier.

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So it seems that the junta is following the navy's example of going after the little guy and leaving the big players alone.

There's a nice piece on Wikipedia relating to this park and possible corruption, it has names and numbers, but like I said the junta wont touch the big players but if your alone then your fair game..............

This issue is getting bigger by the day and it could well spell the beginning of the end for the junta.

Now where oh where are the few on TVF who love to crow the "good people" running the country and how they have done so much and mass progress has been all the doing of said "good people" where are ya guy's getting real hard to keep spinning this stuff huhwhistling.gif

. . . . and who is going to 'end' it? Another autocrat dressed in a democratic election?

At least said autocrat could be voted out. If the military did what they're supposed to do and stay in their barracks.

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The Wikipedia entry is very comprehensive and well worth reading (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rajabhakti_Park) It appears that the unnamed amulet seller made a fortune, unless of course he was just a go-between. Anyone with any nowse can see from the figures, that the whole construction of this park is riddled with corruption, which is why the Military Government is loathe to order an independent and free investigation. If they (the high ups in the Government and military) had nothing to fear they would order an immediate independent inquiry!

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The Wikipedia entry is very comprehensive and well worth reading (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rajabhakti_Park) It appears that the unnamed amulet seller made a fortune, unless of course he was just a go-between. Anyone with any nowse can see from the figures, that the whole construction of this park is riddled with corruption, which is why the Military Government is loathe to order an independent and free investigation. If they (the high ups in the Government and military) had nothing to fear they would order an immediate independent inquiry!

Who said they don't?

But quite hard to find an independent jury if social media are full of prejudices.

Should all (possible) judges be locked away from all media now?

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