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Thai farmers protest against bill on GMO farming

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I guess you don´t know, but: Monsanto Going to Trial for Crimes Against Humanity In the Hague, Netherlands, International Criminal Court

Monsanto, the US-based, transnational company responsible for introducing multiple genetically modified crops and numerous toxic chemicals into our environment including saccharin, aspartame, polystyrene, DDT, dioxin, Agent Orange, petroleum based fertilizers, recombinant bovine growth hormones (rGBH), Round Up (glyphosate), Lasso, Bt toxic plants, and more.

You've been had - this is a huge joke. The organic consumer's lobby has rented out a storefront in a building on the same block as the Hague, and some of the tribunal "judges" are well-known biotech scientists and plant genetics experts such as washed-up 80's punk rocker Nina Hagen:


Sorry to give you nightmare fuel so close to bedtime.

No, Monsanto Is Not Going On Trial For Crimes Against Humanity

Thus far, no mainstream media has reported on the plan, because its not a real trial.

Nevertheless, the group organizing the tribunal is doing its best to paint the event as a legitimate trial. The tribunal, the groups website explains, will rely on the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights adopted at the UN in 2011, and assess potential criminal liability on the basis of the Rome Statue [sic] that created the International Criminal Court in The Hague in 2002.


Most of the tribunal leaders have one thing in common: they are part of organic movement special interests, and they all demonize creators of Genetically Modified Organisms. These crops created with modern molecular genetic engineering are better known as GMOs a scientifically arbitrary term, because the vast majority of foods we consume, even organic foods, have had their genomes altered in the field or in a lab with techniques ranging from well-known selective breeding to lesser-known wide cross hybridization, which unnaturally forces organisms of different species or genera to produce offspring.

The Rome Statue!

Propaganda stunts like that speak volumes about the anti-GMO movement general lack of intellectual honesty and moral integrity, not to mention the sub-par critical thinking skills of those that fall for them.

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If children are dying of Vit A deficiency why dont they give them carrots or spinach instead of GM rice that Dupont or whoever holds the patent for.

If children are dying of Vit A deficiency why dont they give them carrots or spinach instead of GM rice that Dupont or whoever holds the patent for.

First let's address the basic factual error you're making: The original owners of the Golden Rice patent gave up the rights fifteen years ago so that impoverished countries can grow it freely. Farmers in those countries may also save and replant seed. I know some people just can't imagine that those evil "Big-Ag" companies would do something selfless, but there it is.

There, now that's done with, it needs to be pointed out that your post is made from a position of privilege. To paraphrase a little-known French philosopher: since the peasants have no bread, why don't they just eat cake, right? You've got all the food and nutrition you need at your fingertips, and you don't get why starving people in those other countries don't just do the same. But we're talking about countries with populations so poor that people can barely scrape together a handful of rice to eat every day. Other crops that can provide Vitamin A may not grow in those climates, or would be too expensive to cultivate and process.

I'm not saying that Golden Rice is the be-all end-all single solution to the problem, to the exclusion of all other possible solutions. It's a valuable part of a multi-faceted approach to the problem, and there's no good reason to reject it.


I thought this was about Thailand and Thai farmers protesting against a bill on GMO farming. Not Africa or india. I would think that even the poorest people in Thailand have access to vegetables so no need for the Golden rice is there. Besided Golden rice is a humanitarian project for countries with high vitamin A deficiencies. Thailand does not have this problem so would not be issued a licence to use it as you are saying.


I know a lot of people don't like GMO crops.

My question to them is why are so many farmers growing it?

No small farm managers grow it, it's poison to their business. AGRIBUSINESS is the name of the hideous concept, corporate sized mega farms. It does NOT produce more yield, gets more expensive every year due to the need for more pesticide as weeds are becoming Roundup resistant, and defies the most basic principle of a farmer using seed from his own plants. Monsanto only sells "Frankenseed" that does NOT produce more seeds for next year's crop and must be purchased every year. Monsanto is evil beyond imagination

That maybe true with grain/cereal crops, but most others are Hyb. seed and you can't use saved seed for the next crop.

I just started to read this thread today, only seen a couple of names here that I se on the farming forum, the rest just

in the BS keyboard topics.


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