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UK expats for EU exit

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If any of you can access the BBC I player have a look at last nights Question Time, well worth a look and particularly the chap economist in the audience who did some figures on the back of an envelope to show how Brexit would benefit the UK.

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If any of you can access the BBC I player have a look at last nights Question Time, well worth a look and particularly the chap economist in the audience who did some figures on the back of an envelope to show how Brexit would benefit the UK.

Better than that -- go to BBC documentaries and look at the one about the history of UK's "in/out" problems over the last 50 or so years. What is being done now is just a re-run of what was done 40 years ago by Harold Wilson.. It didn't fix anything then and it won't fix anything now unless UK gets totally OUT of the EU -- unless UK folks actually *want* to be "assimilated" - like the Borg..........



To show how daft the EU twerps are they are, apparently planning to SUE the UK of ver road tolls before the EU referendum, talk about shoot yourself in the foot! These are the people you want to be running your life?

You know I just wonder with this TTIP thing if the end game is not just be part of the USA. After saying that ordinary American people, same as ordinary European people, I dont have any problems with, its the Establishment, big business, Government I have a problem with, they are wanting to control everything and there will be little we can do about it. This referendum will be about much more than in/out of the EU. Best think carefully about what sort of future you want.


To show how daft the EU twerps are they are, apparently planning to SUE the UK of ver road tolls before the EU referendum, talk about shoot yourself in the foot! These are the people you want to be running your life?

You know I just wonder with this TTIP thing if the end game is not just be part of the USA. After saying that ordinary American people, same as ordinary European people, I dont have any problems with, its the Establishment, big business, Government I have a problem with, they are wanting to control everything and there will be little we can do about it. This referendum will be about much more than in/out of the EU. Best think carefully about what sort of future you want.

"To show how daft the EU twerps are they are, apparently planning to SUE the UK of ver road tolls"

I've no idea of the full-details, but I do recall much local resentment in Kent and Essex, when the government continued to levy toll-charges at the Dartford Crossing, long after the costs had been full-recovered, and despite previous promises that charges would end once the construction-cost had been paid-off.

It's a pity if the EU has to remind the UK-government of its obligations, in matters like that, but it's not necessarily a bad thing that a higher-authority existed and was willing to take action, sometimes ?

Another case-in-point, does anyone else remember how often sewage-outfalls off British beaches had existed since Victorian times, with little/no effort on behalf of its citizens, to clean the effluent (and the nearby beaches !) up ? A major scheme in Thanet, affecting my own town and others, was only carried-out after the EU & better bathing-water quality-standards came along.

The pity is that sometimes the UK-government doesn't do a very good job, of looking after us, when left to its own devices. But that might all change, after Brexit ... however I wouldn't hold my breath ! rolleyes.gif


To show how daft the EU twerps are they are, apparently planning to SUE the UK of ver road tolls before the EU referendum, talk about shoot yourself in the foot! These are the people you want to be running your life?

You know I just wonder with this TTIP thing if the end game is not just be part of the USA. After saying that ordinary American people, same as ordinary European people, I dont have any problems with, its the Establishment, big business, Government I have a problem with, they are wanting to control everything and there will be little we can do about it. This referendum will be about much more than in/out of the EU. Best think carefully about what sort of future you want.

The more I look into the TTIP,it become obvious why Obama is so keen for the UK to remain in this corrupt so called Union. And it's not for the betterment of the majority British people.


It looks like the threat of Brexit is retreating.

Great news for the pound which is strengthening by the day.

Good news for my pension.

Lets hope it continues.


Yes the £ is strengthening and the latest poll show the LEAVE are 2 points ahead, so very close but the threat of leaving is moving in that direction and the £ climbs hmm. Well if you want to move money from the UK to here I would still suggest you do it by the end of May, things will get more turbulent as polling day approaches.

All this talk of TTIP and Globalization along with all these big organizations, financial, business call them what you will are all in the mix, they dont want us to leave. There are 2 things here, firstly if we did vote to leave there is a very real fear that the house of cards will collapse as other demand a referendum and also decide to leave. The second I have touched on before the Establishment Versus the People, will all these big organizations in the end begin to merge until we end up at some time in the future with a World Government that accounts to no one and is elected by who? The American President in charge of course I guess, so long as you can your opponents, foes etc on side by making them happy and rich it all will work, but, like the EU its not the sort of world I want to live in or the future generations would either.

Ken Clarke9 MP for Nottingham Forest) is a europhile but I would enjoy meeting him down the pub, John Major great bloke met him several times, but Osbourne( Ritz Crackers) as I like to call him is different kettle of fish. He has never worked in the real world and is just a stuck up brat, his end game is to be PM and then move onto the EU and get another pension and great wage packet and for what, he is just clever with words. I would much prefer Boris or Michael Gove as PM than this little bag of crackers.

We dont always get what we want in life, I have always leaned towards the right in politics, but Cameron has been a huge disappointment, Corbean is unelectable, we therefore have a useless offer, we have to hope that the referendum gives us a better option, for a democracy to work there has to be a good government and an effective opposition, the UK has neither at the moment sadly, with 2 months to go I think a lot of Europe is waking up to the loss of our input and/or being the first of many to leave and form a true free trading block.

"and form a true free trading block"

I think that goes to the heart of it.

A sensible free-trading block, which reduces impediments to trading like bureaucracy, and sets common minimum-standards can be a good thing for all. The problem is getting to there, from here ! And linking this decision to the emotive subject of Immigration confuses the rational economics-based decision IMO.

Is it better to stay within the EU, and try very much harder to reform it & make it work, or to step away and start again ?

Will our politicians suddenly transform to become competent, then restore the UK to a working-democracy once again, and fix our problems ... or are we better praying for Europe to do it for them ?

Quite frankly, I'm still undecided, as to which is the best option. sad.png



The stark reality for us mere mortals is that the 'remain' campaign focus almost entirely on the 'brexit' being unable to tell us what the uncertain future would be outside the EU. Th (they the remainers) paint pictures of doom and gloom regarding trade deals and years of uncertainty with the UK groping around to find new markets. Also, families will be worse off by over 4000 pounds by 2030. Both assertions are rubbish and mere speculation, but they are portrayed as the absolute truth.

The reality is they have no proof of this, all they have are projections by their friends and allies who wish to maintain the current gravy train they are used to.

The second reality is that we are urged to remain in a union which can be 'reformed' given the negotiating skills of our present PM and George etc. They have no 'proof' such a reform can or will take place and, as it is 'a once in a lifetime decision' as they keep reminding us, where will be be in 2030 in what will be a highly expanded EU but unreformed and chugging along as usual?

Like "buddy' above I am still undecided, torn between personal issues and what's best for the country. There is going to be more and more propaganda thrown at us by both sides and even today, I see George Osborne is blaming the slowdown in Q1 this year on the uncertainty of UK perhaps leaving the EU. There is aboslutely no truth in that but every bit of economic bad news is. and will be, blamed on the possibility of exit.

I believe 80-90% of voters have made up their minds by now and, unfortunately, myself and "buddy' are going to be the ones within the 15% or so that swing it. I do not relish that responsibility.

I would like to vote 'out' simply out of spite for this present government, whose heights of arrogance appall me. I would also like to do it to also spite Jeremy C who I regard as hypocritical and spineless on this issue. Those though, will not be my motives.

I also believe the Brexit is holding their major cards until later in the campaign. It's a bit like a football match where the manager says to the team prior to the game "Look lads, they are a big money team and are going to come out at us, all guns blazing in the first 30 minutes. Just hang in there and we will gather ourselves for the counter attack in the second half when they are running out of steam". I hope that is the case.


I think you are right most people have already made their minds up a long time ago, remember we knew the votes was coming years ago.

When it comes down to it it well be peoples gut feeling of what they feel about life in the EU is it what they want, thought it would be and is it likely to get to better in the future if we stay? If the answer to those questions, to any of those, is no what does the alternative look like? The real answer is no one knows its down to predictions and guessing. So are you happy with the way things are in the UK and Europe or do you want a change of direction?

There is nothing the IN group can say to me that will convince me to change my mind from voting to leave. Non of their arguments convince me. We have been moved along slowly into a siding where we all fit into a new place, one that I dont like. I want us to run ourselves, elect our own people or chuck em out if they dont do what they said they would. I want to see us closer to our natural friends and allies in the Commonwealth and I want to see our armed forces built back up to the level they should be at, I want our own foreign policy. I want to be friends with our European neighbours but they have slightly different values than us, keep them, that fine and we will keep ours thats the diversity I like, I can go and experience it and then come home a preferred culture.

The In group cannot gaurantee that the measly concessions they got will be put into practice, they can be voted down by the EU Assembly and that would be that. They dont have a good record of doing the honourable thing, I would not expect them to reform themselves why would they, things are going along great, more power, more money and no accountability, who is going to vote them out of office or stop them.

I remember a time before all this got underway, long time ago and things were different then and who knows where we would be if we had not joined but we did manage outside of the EEC and we can do again.

It will all come down in the end, I guess, to who wants it more, who will get the voters out to register, what will be the distractions on the day.

The price of ice creams will rise by 100% and BEER will run dry if we leave the EU says Roland Butter from the Downing Street Clandestine forces group.


It looks like the threat of Brexit is retreating.

Great news for the pound which is strengthening by the day.

Good news for my pension.

Lets hope it continues.

Are you always so easy scared?


Of interest to this board:


It does make you wonder where the 15 year rule came from and why, now I thought it was "our" lot that dreamt it up but it seems like its another bit of EU out pouring, is there nothing they will not interfere in? Again it just shows they are not interested in democracy, if they were why would they want to take peoples votes away, what are they frightened of?


Of interest to this board:


Yes, I've just watched the report on BBC2. Ironic in a way. Here I am in Thailand, able to vote because of the 15 year rule, yet the one guy lives in Italy - and is likely to be more affected by the outcome - and is denied. So much for the free movement of EU citizens within the EU. I suppose an Italian in the UK with residency can vote. I would have thought, but cannot obviously be sure, that this guy andothers were more likely to be 'remain' voters.

Whilst on this thread, I watched Theresa May's speech for t he remain campaign a couple of days ago. She is obviously a Euro sceptic and admitted that immigration at present was nearly out of control. But of course, she knows that if she nailed her colours to the mast of Brexit, and loses, she goes the same way as Boris in the run to replace David Cameron - giving Osborne a clear run. She cannot allow that.


To show how daft the EU twerps are they are, apparently planning to SUE the UK of ver road tolls before the EU referendum, talk about shoot yourself in the foot! These are the people you want to be running your life?

You know I just wonder with this TTIP thing if the end game is not just be part of the USA. After saying that ordinary American people, same as ordinary European people, I dont have any problems with, its the Establishment, big business, Government I have a problem with, they are wanting to control everything and there will be little we can do about it. This referendum will be about much more than in/out of the EU. Best think carefully about what sort of future you want.

"To show how daft the EU twerps are they are, apparently planning to SUE the UK of ver road tolls"

I've no idea of the full-details, but I do recall much local resentment in Kent and Essex, when the government continued to levy toll-charges at the Dartford Crossing, long after the costs had been full-recovered, and despite previous promises that charges would end once the construction-cost had been paid-off.

It's a pity if the EU has to remind the UK-government of its obligations, in matters like that, but it's not necessarily a bad thing that a higher-authority existed and was willing to take action, sometimes ?

Another case-in-point, does anyone else remember how often sewage-outfalls off British beaches had existed since Victorian times, with little/no effort on behalf of its citizens, to clean the effluent (and the nearby beaches !) up ? A major scheme in Thanet, affecting my own town and others, was only carried-out after the EU & better bathing-water quality-standards came along.

The pity is that sometimes the UK-government doesn't do a very good job, of looking after us, when left to its own devices. But that might all change, after Brexit ... however I wouldn't hold my breath ! rolleyes.gif

Dunno where you live, but are you the same Ricardo who has his name engraved in the cement on the path next to the tee-box on the 13th hole at Pattaya Country Club? We call it the Ricardo hole.


It looks like the threat of Brexit is retreating.

Great news for the pound which is strengthening by the day.

Good news for my pension.

Lets hope it continues.

What on earth have you been smoking? ;)


To show how daft the EU twerps are they are, apparently planning to SUE the UK of ver road tolls before the EU referendum, talk about shoot yourself in the foot! These are the people you want to be running your life?

You know I just wonder with this TTIP thing if the end game is not just be part of the USA. After saying that ordinary American people, same as ordinary European people, I dont have any problems with, its the Establishment, big business, Government I have a problem with, they are wanting to control everything and there will be little we can do about it. This referendum will be about much more than in/out of the EU. Best think carefully about what sort of future you want.

"To show how daft the EU twerps are they are, apparently planning to SUE the UK of ver road tolls"

I've no idea of the full-details, but I do recall much local resentment in Kent and Essex, when the government continued to levy toll-charges at the Dartford Crossing, long after the costs had been full-recovered, and despite previous promises that charges would end once the construction-cost had been paid-off.

It's a pity if the EU has to remind the UK-government of its obligations, in matters like that, but it's not necessarily a bad thing that a higher-authority existed and was willing to take action, sometimes ?

Another case-in-point, does anyone else remember how often sewage-outfalls off British beaches had existed since Victorian times, with little/no effort on behalf of its citizens, to clean the effluent (and the nearby beaches !) up ? A major scheme in Thanet, affecting my own town and others, was only carried-out after the EU & better bathing-water quality-standards came along.

The pity is that sometimes the UK-government doesn't do a very good job, of looking after us, when left to its own devices. But that might all change, after Brexit ... however I wouldn't hold my breath ! rolleyes.gif

The exit will inspire a thorough shake-up of government in an independent UK. People will have a chance to actually get what they need, rather than what Brussels decides for some obtuse reason which bears no relation to normal people's lives. Laws will be drafted by people who were elected, not by grey-faced beaurocrats in some other country. USA will come around quickly, they need UK as an ally as much as UK needs USA.

Independence is what UK needs to weed out the career politicians who only act or vote according to their personal agenda.


In the last few days the Spectator has run a EU Referendum debate at the London Palladium, it was sold out and after the debate the audience was asked to vote in or out, they voted out.

If you look in the Express today there are some of the speeches in video form, its worth a look.


Here is the whole EU referendum debate.

Especially view Danial Hannans speech at 31 mins 05 secs.

Thanks for that, enjoyable and more importantly informative.

Rather surprised to see Nigel Farage outshone by the rest of his team,his fellow MEP Dan Hannan and the wonderful and down to earth Kate Hoey.

Once again Nick Clegg managed to make a fool of himself.Why does he insist on debating with Nigel Farage,he seems to fail on every point,at least D Cameron and J Corbin realise they would loose the argument,and therefore repeatedly decline N.F offer to have a public debate.


Watch Dan Hannan MEP's fantastic speech on why Britain should leave the EU at last week's Spectator #Brexit debate.

Didn't bother to watch it as when I WAS resident in the UK I was vehemently anti EU. And, in fact, still am. But You on a UK pension will watch as it goes totally tits up against the baht. I've no intention of ever visiting the UK let alone residing there, but do have good memories of before it was hooked up to this corporate juggernaut. And so, on seeing exchange rates rally after Obama stuck his nose in, do now not a shit give. It's bad enough now ..


Interestingly this week saw Greenpeace do a whistle blow, regarding the TTIP negotiations,conducted by the unelected EU commissioners. The documents show that US corporations will be granted unprecedented powers over Any new public safety or public health regulations that are produced in the future. This agreement would over ride any national legislation,and would allow U.S investors,companies,etc to sue for loss of profits in their own corporate court system,something that domestic firms and governments would not be able to do.

Further more these EU Bureaucrats are agreeing to US (Obama)

demands that they open up EU markets to unfair competition from US giant corporations,this in itself could lead to the loss of 1million jobs in the Eu.

As I have already said these negotiations were and are being conducted in complete secrecy,with the threat of criminal proceedings against anyone divulging the truth to the people. Good luck with that and Greenpeace.

My question is,why would these European Bureacrats and their advisers/consultants agree to something that is not in the best interest of Their people?

Could it be the case of the Autocrats knowing better than the people,if so is it now time to scrape the Magna Carta, as some supporters of the remain camp would appear to think.


Interestingly this week saw Greenpeace do a whistle blow, regarding the TTIP negotiations,conducted by the unelected EU commissioners. The documents show that US corporations will be granted unprecedented powers over Any new public safety or public health regulations that are produced in the future. This agreement would over ride any national legislation,and would allow U.S investors,companies,etc to sue for loss of profits in their own corporate court system,something that domestic firms and governments would not be able to do.

Further more these EU Bureaucrats are agreeing to US (Obama)

demands that they open up EU markets to unfair competition from US giant corporations,this in itself could lead to the loss of 1million jobs in the Eu.

As I have already said these negotiations were and are being conducted in complete secrecy,with the threat of criminal proceedings against anyone divulging the truth to the people. Good luck with that and Greenpeace.

My question is,why would these European Bureacrats and their advisers/consultants agree to something that is not in the best interest of Their people?

Could it be the case of the Autocrats knowing better than the people,if so is it now time to scrape the Magna Carta, as some supporters of the remain camp would appear to think.

Interesting because the EU is silencing whistleblowers with new EU laws.

Link here - https://act.wemove.eu/campaigns/whistleblowers-at-risk


Interestingly this week saw Greenpeace do a whistle blow, regarding the TTIP negotiations,conducted by the unelected EU commissioners. The documents show that US corporations will be granted unprecedented powers over Any new public safety or public health regulations that are produced in the future. This agreement would over ride any national legislation,and would allow U.S investors,companies,etc to sue for loss of profits in their own corporate court system,something that domestic firms and governments would not be able to do.

Further more these EU Bureaucrats are agreeing to US (Obama)

demands that they open up EU markets to unfair competition from US giant corporations,this in itself could lead to the loss of 1million jobs in the Eu.

As I have already said these negotiations were and are being conducted in complete secrecy,with the threat of criminal proceedings against anyone divulging the truth to the people. Good luck with that and Greenpeace.

My question is,why would these European Bureacrats and their advisers/consultants agree to something that is not in the best interest of Their people?

Could it be the case of the Autocrats knowing better than the people,if so is it now time to scrape the Magna Carta, as some supporters of the remain camp would appear to think.

Interesting because the EU is silencing whistleblowers with new EU laws.

Link here - https://act.wemove.eu/campaigns/whistleblowers-at-risk

"scary" but not surprising. And what other surprises have the Eurocrats in store for the UK? For the answer you'll have to Waite until June the 23rd. Do they intend to follow Thailand example of democracy?


(Sorry all caps - pasted that way.)

Quite right , we must respect our new leaders , british sheep culture.

Cast your mind back to pre election times , when our PM ,, graciously allowed the UK electors

A Free and democratic vote , on EU membership .

It was this false promise that returned DC and the tories to office .

However , in the real world the right hounourable , is waring us of the option he gave us ,

such a caring leader .. IF we leave the UK ,,living standards , will fall , health care will suffer ,

unless you are immigrants , or on benys,,,, those brits expecting pensions ,,, die ASAP

Less forget the big boss america /ex kenya has threatened the UK ,leave an EU, and you loose USA favour

So much for the freedom of choice , he once preached , alleueah

On the bright side , we brits like our humour ,,

we have the leader of the senile Labour oposotion , aka ban the bomb , brigade

who was recently quoted , as asking .What Crisis, in the labour party,,???? NOT HAVE .55555

We are all doomed , MR Mannering

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