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Thailand gun death rate TWICE as high as US


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Why are is there never any hysteria over these weapons that kill people all the time?



Line 'em up portray them as the Evil Killing Machines that they are.

I guess guns go "BANG" though, which makes them more scary.

Congratulations on the dumbest question so far. When was the last time you read about someone killing 16 people in a crowd with a machete?

Thai man kills five children in kitchen knife attack
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Ahh the old 'other weapons are dangerous so let me keep mah guunnnnnsss" strawman argument.

Guns are designed to kill. They are far more efficient at killing than knives or baseball bats. Making that comparison is clutching at straws at best.

Tell that to the families of Hannah Witheredge and David Miller. At least they weren't killed with a gun. Whew! That'll make them feel better for sure!

It is NOT THE GUN. It's the psycho that pulls the trigger, or wields the hoe/knife/machete/whatever.

Proper weapons matter and have a profound effect in warfare, but trying to say that controlling them does anything to prevent a psycho from being a psycho is ludicrous.

Edited by jaywalker
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just so i can keep on living, i always assume any Thai I interact with has a gun.

it is a good habit i picked up living in parts of the US where citizens can legally carry concealed guns to defend themselves.

i am thinking you would see way more fights and assaults between Thais if it was not for the fear of getting your head blown off.

and in a country where there are no police you can rely on the help you it is almost a necessity.

No different than driving in Thailand, you need to assume that every Thai driver is out to kill you and YOU need to drive accordingly.

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All those gun control laws and....... This.

California has some pretty strict gun laws too.

It ain't the gun that does the killing! No more than it was the knife that did the killing of that guy on Pahonyothin a few weeks ago over the Ipad, or that guy machete that killed that family recently, or the hoe that did the killing on Koh Tao, or the psycho that slit his girlfrinds throat on walking street, or the baseball bat that beat that biker to death recently in Pattaya, or........

True but a major part of it relates to access to guns: Australia used to have mass shootings ( in Melbourne Queen St , postal, Hoddle Street, a psycho, in Sydney, lunatic bikies, InTasmania/Port Arthur, a psycho).. Not one mass shooting since the gun buyback and a dramatic decline in gun murders and suicides.

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Why are is there never any hysteria over these weapons that kill people all the time?



Line 'em up portray them as the Evil Killing Machines that they are.

I guess guns go "BANG" though, which makes them more scary.

Congratulations on the dumbest question so far. When was the last time you read about someone killing 16 people in a crowd with a machete?


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All those gun control laws and....... This.

California has some pretty strict gun laws too.

It ain't the gun that does the killing! No more than it was the knife that did the killing of that guy on Pahonyothin a few weeks ago over the Ipad, or that guy machete that killed that family recently, or the hoe that did the killing on Koh Tao, or the psycho that slit his girlfrinds throat on walking street, or the baseball bat that beat that biker to death recently in Pattaya, or........

True but a major part of it relates to access to guns: Australia used to have mass shootings ( in Melbourne Queen St , postal, Hoddle Street, a psycho, in Sydney, lunatic bikies, InTasmania/Port Arthur, a psycho).. Not one mass shooting since the gun buyback and a dramatic decline in gun murders and suicides.

Yet mass murders by blade still happen in Australia.

Cairns child killings

8 kids dead. By knife. Was it the knife, or the psycho?

Also, believing in government statistics, produced by a government that prefers an easily controlled, unarmed populace, is well....you get my drift.

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Why are is there never any hysteria over these weapons that kill people all the time?



Line 'em up portray them as the Evil Killing Machines that they are.

I guess guns go "BANG" though, which makes them more scary.

Congratulations on the dumbest question so far. When was the last time you read about someone killing 16 people in a crowd with a machete?



Ban knives and machetes too is all I'm saying. Let's ostracize them the same as guns. What's wrong with that?

Edited by jaywalker
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Why does this forum's 'webfact' post from such a source

Coconuts, a blog. Sometimes cites sources, often not.

And selective cut and paste from Coconuts too, follow the link and you'll find more:

An online database by Gunpolicy.org, run by the University of Sydney’s School of Public Health, estimates a smaller gun death rate for Thailand.

It says there are around 3.48 deaths per 100,000 people, which is just under that of the States, AFP reported earlier this year.

Click bait for the uninformed.

As an aside, Coconuts, blog that often cuts and pastes direct from the Bangkok Post, then 'webfact' quotes from there, evading the ban from BP on its articles appearing here. How is that ok?

Edited by gomangosteen
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Why are is there never any hysteria over these weapons that kill people all the time?



Line 'em up portray them as the Evil Killing Machines that they are.

I guess guns go "BANG" though, which makes them more scary.

Congratulations on the dumbest question so far. When was the last time you read about someone killing 16 people in a crowd with a machete?



Ban knives and machetes too is all I'm saying. Let's ostracize them the same as guns. What's wrong with that?

Screwdrivers are equal dangerous and hammer as well. We must ban these two.

(and small pink Hello Kitty fingerclips.....I saw when they catch an about 80 year old man with one in the airport (Don Muang), it opened only about 1.5 mm)

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Why are is there never any hysteria over these weapons that kill people all the time?



Line 'em up portray them as the Evil Killing Machines that they are.

I guess guns go "BANG" though, which makes them more scary.

Congratulations on the dumbest question so far. When was the last time you read about someone killing 16 people in a crowd with a machete?


Could you please go make that argument for me over in the "Hundreds Arrested For Facebook blah blah.." thread.

I said folks arrested & dying in prison was like Stalin. He said Stalin had murdered millions, and in Thailand it wasn't that bad yet, so it was an unfair comparison.

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All those gun control laws and....... This.

California has some pretty strict gun laws too.

It ain't the gun that does the killing! No more than it was the knife that did the killing of that guy on Pahonyothin a few weeks ago over the Ipad, or that guy machete that killed that family recently, or the hoe that did the killing on Koh Tao, or the psycho that slit his girlfrinds throat on walking street, or the baseball bat that beat that biker to death recently in Pattaya, or........

True but a major part of it relates to access to guns: Australia used to have mass shootings ( in Melbourne Queen St , postal, Hoddle Street, a psycho, in Sydney, lunatic bikies, InTasmania/Port Arthur, a psycho).. Not one mass shooting since the gun buyback and a dramatic decline in gun murders and suicides.

Oh geez, there you go with your evidence based reasoning. What were you thinking? :-)
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Sad to hear, but from what I've seen, probably true. And probably under reported just like highway fatalities.

So true, I think way under reported. Also add to that the numbers in America have a high number of gang shootings along with the mass student shootings. So the shooting that a none gang member or student would be in would be even lower.

Where I grew up in America there would be someone shot about every 5 or more years and there were hundreds of thousands of people living in the area. Almost unheard of ..... Just about everywhere I have lived in Thailand including a medium to small village have had shootings a few times a year, crazy !

Thailand is a dangerous place given the gun deaths and traffic deaths alone.

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More guns in Thailand than any other S.E. Asian country and more deaths as a result.

Yep. The former SE Asian supposed bulwark against Communism was flooded with small arms from the 60's onwards. Most have been sold on to the civilian populace, resulting in the frightening (mostly always Thai on Thai) murder rates here.

One of my guys at work was a former car mechanic that informed me that a large percentage of cars that came in for repair had hidden pistols, shotguns, or other arms stashed under seats etc.

Edited by huangnon
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These statistics are for homicides. It's a little misleading because the title says "death rate," but it's the homicide rate. The article state "homicides", but in the other statistics, it's not clear that it's excluding suicides. In the States, the rate will triple if you add in suicides (i.e., about twice as money suicides as homicides). I have no idea how Thailand and Sri Lanka, etc. will size up afterwards.


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More than 5000 a year, about 50,000 since I stay here, And I heard maybe about 10 except at the south?

Very strange.

The one thing that I can to think about is that in the U.S.A. they not count a lot of incidences because it's

a "terror" case and at Thailand they count all the cases.

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Finally, a TRUE hub opportunity!

Joking aside, that's scary. Reminds one that we must keep our tempers in tact when dealing with a lot of Thais. I've heard many times that a huge number of them have guns.

More than the Philippines I've been told.

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Note that the quoted source is a 2013 study and it's been released or "loaded" by the NRA. Also important to note that these reports are almost always filled with dated information & statistics because countries don't like to release them. I love the NRA propaganda line "Guns don't kill people..., people kill people". In reality, people kill people with guns far easier than they kill with any other tool available today. Unless you're the US government and then you have drones.

A reminder...,

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In 1993 gun deaths in the US were 7 per 100,000 [ about where this article claims Thailand is now ] and by 2013 had dropped to a little over 3. According to the FBI website violent crime in the US has dropped by 49% from 1992 until 2012 and is now over a 50% drop. Meanwhile gun sales during that same period have exploded especially in the past 7 years of Obama when over 100,000,000 more have been sold. The FBI just stated that during the "black Friday" super shopping day last week a new record was set for the most background checks for new gun ownership in history. The above information is probably a bit shocking to my Brit friends out there.

Here is a good video that explains things you won't see on outlets like CNN, BBC, etc.


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Finally we are number 1 in one thing .

Next year with the road dead toll we have 2 first prices.

Look under the seat of any songteaw driver and you will find a machete or something in similar size.

More traffic control and searching of cars , vans , taxi's will clear out a lot of the weapons.

Last week i even saw a pistol under the seat of a Chiang Mai taxi at Chiang Dao , the driver was sleeping with his door open and the gun was for everyone close enough to see and for graps.

Is that a safe feeling ?

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I saw on international news only a few nights ago the number of gun deaths per 100,000 for countries , USA 8.5 , Brazil 28. 3 UK .03, Australia .05 Philippines was mention and others but can not remember what they were, no mention of Thailand, I think as others have said the problems in the south would blow the figures way up for Thailand, I don't see in the news about Thailand massacres every other week like I see about the USA, I don't think massacres like in the USA could be covered up by Thai government.

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