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Trump's name, image removed at Dubai development amid uproar

Jonathan Fairfield

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No worries. He won't be president and from the look of things the republican establishment won't let him be nominated.

We shall see soon enough.

Perhaps not that soon.

He could win lots of primaries but there could still be a brokered convention where he's blocked.

It's no secret the powers that be want him blocked.

So in that case, we won't know until the convention.

If he loses primaries, then we'll know sooner that he's out for sure.

From what I last read Trumps popularity has not fallen since his Muslim comments. It reminds me a lot of the way UK Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn came from nowhere and his popularity did not fall regardless of how much mud was thrown at him by rival candidates or indeed the press. Getting elected of course is another issue, but come the next elections I suspect the stock market and economy will both be in sharp retreat, so who knows?
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Shameful, and downright scary that so many of my countrymen see Trump as anything more than a clown in a fool's hat...

I know people are fed up, but really, what does this say about the educational process in the US?

A race to the bottom...

Funny thing is, you are displaying a horrible form of bigotry that we have seen in Thailand over the past few years.

That is - considering yourself smarter than those with a view different from your own. No doubt, you perhaps also think that these people don't have the good sense to vote. Perhaps their voting rights should be temporarily suspended until they are as smart as you, eh?

I don't recall suggesting that they don't have the right to vote, nor is there the slightest hint of ANY kind of bigotry in anything I said.

Did I touch on a 'trigger' of yours, or perhaps commit some kind of 'microaggression' in your mind?

You seem angry that I have the temerity to express an opinion on a political candidate, and don't bend over backward to apologize for it differing from that of many others.

In fact, I do hold my opinion higher than that of those with whom I disagree. Don't you? I certainly respect their right to their own opinions, but unabashedly reserve the right to express my disagreement in the most effective way I can.

Quite different from the oft-touted position of the Bangkok elite that farmers and poor people shouldn't be allowed a vote because they're too dumb.

I think something I said, or in my general tone annoys you. Sorry, but get over it, and don't sling mud and call people bigots. Work on your issues.

Of course you may disagree with me, but it just means you're an idiot.

Just kidding.


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