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SURVEY: Do you support the UK petition to ban Donald Trump for hate speech?

SURVEY: Do you support the UK petition to ban Donald Trump for hate speech?  

338 members have voted

  1. 1. Survey: Do you support the UK petition to ban Donald Trump for hate speech?

    • Yes, I am a UK citizens and I support a ban.
    • No, I am a UK citizen but I do not support a ban.
    • Yes, I am not a UK citizen but I would support a ban.
    • No, I am not a UK citizen but I would not support a ban

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I think the UK should hold off on deciding on any ban until after the election. A politician from another country may have more than one reason for traveling to the UK.

Trump is not advising any country except the US about what it should do regarding Muslims and it's only talking about the issue of immigration/visas until the US can figure out what is going on.

His speech is not technically hate speech, although it's pretty discriminatory.


Le Pen and her FN went bust in yesterday's regional elections.

Didn't win a single region. She's talking about suing for a conspiracy against her and the FN. clap2.gif The fascist parties post WW2 are pretty well locked out of ever gaining power again, which is the whole idea. As bad as things are, they could be light years worse.

It's a definite foreshadowing of what's coming for Trump sooner or later.

I didn't vote yet.

It is of course up to UK what to do about allowing into their country a Benito Mussolini kind of guy from USA whose election campaigns will end in a heap at one point or another.

If UK wants to get severe about it then fine. Mussolini succeeded on the continent whereas he never would have had any success in the USA, so the experience of fascism on the respective sides of the pond are different.

Trump hasn't any actual and real sense of politics, law, diplomacy, elections or voting. Which is why among other factors in which Trump is profoundly deficient he will fail. The political center-middle has already congealed against him.


Ban him from what? And for what? Just because he had the balls to say something a lot of people are thinking could be the right move in the short term.

In saying that, IMHO, Trump is a pompous fool and pity help the USA should he become president.


Donald Trump is not going to be elected POTUS.

The vast center-middle electorate nationally has already congealed against him. Decisively.

If Trump does grab the R party nomination, then in the general election he'd win 10 or 12 states. That'd be only slightly better than the last time in the R party nominated a rightwiner, Sen Barry Goldwater, who in 1964 won five states.

The Republican party is staring into the abyss. And all they see is the face of Donald Trump.

Everyone does know right that if UK decides to keep Trump out he's likely to fly to Scotland and declare it sovereign and independent. blink.png


I signed it mainly as a first step in the recognition of the fact that we have our own rabble rousing Muslim clerics who should be dealt with. Free speech is one thing, hate speech is another! ALL these guys like Trump are just idiots and people do get hurt when they say these things.


I voted not a UK citizen but support the ban.

Why, you ask?

I want to read all the moaning and wailing from the Brits on this forum in a year or so after a ban comes up and bites them in the posterior.

We've bailed them out enough. Let them sort out the problems this causes all by themselves.


No . I would like to see the percentage of Muslim voters who signed the petition to ban Trump .

Why does it matter? It doesn't if they are UK citizens they can vote. That's exactly the point!

I fully support Trump's right to say what he wants and make a fool out of himself and his brandname. People and other companies have a right to boycott his brand. Americans have a right to support Trump and vote for him. The fact that 20-25% of Americans would vote for the fool speaks volumes for what has happened to America over the past two decades. A nation such as the UK which allegedly supports freedom of speech rights should not even consider such a petition. The fact that it does, speaks volumes about how far backwards the UK has gone in the past two decades to placate the PC police.


I fully support Trump's right to say what he wants and make a fool out of himself and his brandname. People and other companies have a right to boycott his brand. Americans have a right to support Trump and vote for him. The fact that 20-25% of Americans would vote for the fool speaks volumes for what has happened to America over the past two decades. A nation such as the UK which allegedly supports freedom of speech rights should not even consider such a petition. The fact that it does, speaks volumes about how far backwards the UK has gone in the past two decades to placate the PC police.

wait a second. So Trump gets freedom of speech but the citizens of the UK don't! That really doesn't make any sense. We have laws to counter hate speech (unfortunately not used effectively, so you're correct about the PC bit there) all the petition is doing is showing the government that citizens don't agree with this hate speech, maybe the USA could learn from that!

Le Pen and her FN went bust in yesterday's regional elections.

Didn't win a single region. She's talking about suing for a conspiracy against her and the FN. clap2.gif The fascist parties post WW2 are pretty well locked out of ever gaining power again, which is the whole idea. As bad as things are, they could be light years worse.

It's a definite foreshadowing of what's coming for Trump sooner or later.

I didn't vote yet.

It is of course up to UK what to do about allowing into their country a Benito Mussolini kind of guy from USA whose election campaigns will end in a heap at one point or another.

If UK wants to get severe about it then fine. Mussolini succeeded on the continent whereas he never would have had any success in the USA, so the experience of fascism on the respective sides of the pond are different.

Trump hasn't any actual and real sense of politics, law, diplomacy, elections or voting. Which is why among other factors in which Trump is profoundly deficient he will fail. The political center-middle has already congealed against him.

Do you really believe this ? And Center is the Middle.


I don't think he should be banned..

I'd like to see him on question time as a guest.
He'd be shown up for the complete idiot he is.

Much like Nick Griffin at the height of his popularity when he went on Question time ..
The wonderful Bonnie Greer pwn'd that fool. He was made a laughing stock. where is he now?



He is the only one telling the truth, unhindered by "political correctness" smile.png

He is the only one telling his truth, unhindered by "intelligence" - there fixed it for you


I voted not a UK citizen but support the ban.

Why, you ask?

I want to read all the moaning and wailing from the Brits on this forum in a year or so after a ban comes up and bites them in the posterior.

We've bailed them out enough. Let them sort out the problems this causes all by themselves.

You have 'bailed us out enough' ! Can you let us know where you have done that? Please do not include any incidences which include stepping in at the last minute when it suited you as you were getting a bloody nose.

As for Trump, banning him is a ridiculous idea when we can't even ban clerics at the Finsbury Park Mosque in London who openly call for the beheading of our own soldiers.


I fully support Trump's right to say what he wants and make a fool out of himself and his brandname. People and other companies have a right to boycott his brand. Americans have a right to support Trump and vote for him. The fact that 20-25% of Americans would vote for the fool speaks volumes for what has happened to America over the past two decades. A nation such as the UK which allegedly supports freedom of speech rights should not even consider such a petition. The fact that it does, speaks volumes about how far backwards the UK has gone in the past two decades to placate the PC police.

wait a second. So Trump gets freedom of speech but the citizens of the UK don't! That really doesn't make any sense. We have laws to counter hate speech (unfortunately not used effectively, so you're correct about the PC bit there) all the petition is doing is showing the government that citizens don't agree with this hate speech, maybe the USA could learn from that!

Of course there is free speech in the UK and it is used quite freely by citizens and immigrants alike.

USA is DEFINATELY learning a thing of two from the Brits. Which is why Trump's nonsense, unworkable suggestion resonates with many people, including those who can not admit it for the reason you alluded to.




Stupid survey as the UK or the PM can not ban Donald Trump for his speech.Again STUPID

True, at least by the 4 standards shared on a related thread. One could work (inciting violence between groups in the UK) but to use that one would be very embarrassing admission for the UK, IMO.


Le Pen and her FN went bust in yesterday's regional elections.

Didn't win a single region. She's talking about suing for a conspiracy against her and the FN. clap2.gif The fascist parties post WW2 are pretty well locked out of ever gaining power again, which is the whole idea. As bad as things are, they could be light years worse.

It's a definite foreshadowing of what's coming for Trump sooner or later.

I didn't vote yet.

It is of course up to UK what to do about allowing into their country a Benito Mussolini kind of guy from USA whose election campaigns will end in a heap at one point or another.

If UK wants to get severe about it then fine. Mussolini succeeded on the continent whereas he never would have had any success in the USA, so the experience of fascism on the respective sides of the pond are different.

Trump hasn't any actual and real sense of politics, law, diplomacy, elections or voting. Which is why among other factors in which Trump is profoundly deficient he will fail. The political center-middle has already congealed against him.

Busted? A party that had just a few % a couple of years ago is in the 40% range now. That is by no means busted. Just some people expected that they get even stronger.

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