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SURVEY: Do you support the UK petition to ban Donald Trump for hate speech?

SURVEY: Do you support the UK petition to ban Donald Trump for hate speech?  

338 members have voted

  1. 1. Survey: Do you support the UK petition to ban Donald Trump for hate speech?

    • Yes, I am a UK citizens and I support a ban.
    • No, I am a UK citizen but I do not support a ban.
    • Yes, I am not a UK citizen but I would support a ban.
    • No, I am not a UK citizen but I would not support a ban

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So, How does 1 person prove to immigration that they are muslim or christian?

It seems pretty idiotic to ban a whole religion to begin with. If Muslims were banned, couldnt they just take the

head scarf off and say they are christian/hindu, whatever to enter the ctry.. Maybe I am wrong on this but in America, your religion is not

documented anywhere.

.....by devouring a full english breakfast, including such delicacies as: black pudding, bacon, pork sausages, washed down with a glass of pinot noir.....goof.gif

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So, How does 1 person prove to immigration that they are muslim or christian?

It seems pretty idiotic to ban a whole religion to begin with. If Muslims were banned, couldnt they just take the

head scarf off and say they are christian/hindu, whatever to enter the ctry.. Maybe I am wrong on this but in America, your religion is not

documented anywhere.

Which is why Trump's impracticle suggestion is, on its face, nonsense.

There are places in the world that do require one to state their religion as part of the routine residence visa/work permit process. They tend to track their foreigners closely, and enforce their National laws without apology. Police/Immigration profiling is routine, illegals/over-stayers/undesirables are rounded up and deported from time to time. Westerners relent, often repeating the cliche we love to hate here on TVF.


The UK is so covered up with Muslims now especially in Yorkshire they should listen to the wisdom of Donald Trump.

I am from the UK, although I am not a fan of Mr Trump, or what he says, I think one of the things that has upset many "Liberals" in the UK, is that he is getting a bit too close to the truth re: Sharia law, muslim ghettoes, immigration etc.

I think Trump has a PR/presentation problem, if he were a real/experienced politician he would realise this.


Is it true that the Muslims have changed the name to The Islamic Republic Of Yorkshire with Bradford being the capital where they trained the guy who cut the head off a UK soldier in broad open daylight in London with no one coming to help him?


As an American I do not support Mr Trump or his ideology. However, he should not be banned from the UK because his ideas are disagreeable The report I saw recently on no go zones in London neighborhoods that have large Muslim populations would really disturb me. Since when is a British citizen not allowed to enter sections of their own country? And if they do enter these sections- they are then harassed by Islamic 'police'. Britain needs to clean this nonsense up and not worry about Donald Trump. We Americans will send him back to New York City where he belongs and certainly not in the White House..As one poster mentioned Donald Trump at question time would be something to enjoy. I wish we had that in the U.S.


Is it true that folk use web forums to spout anit-Muslim rhetoric?

If you are asking about the TWO sickos that murdered Lee Rigby, no they were not "trained" in Bradford.

One was from Lambeth and one from Greenwich.

Further it is not true no one tried to help him. He was run over with a car and attacked before anyone else arrived on the scene, but a several people who were first to arrive did try to protect Lee Rigby from further injury. he was already dead.

But hey thanks for using this young man's death to project your anti-muslim stance - top man!

This has nothing to do with a Petition to prevent the bloviator Trump from gaining a UK visa.


The UK is so covered up with Muslims now especially in Yorkshire they should listen to the wisdom of Donald Trump.

You are talking from a position of ignorance.

Census 2011 - the UK Muslim population in 2011 as ~2,706,066, ~4.5% of the total population.

And they are part of the community - I'd prefer my Muslim neighbours and friends over a bigot any day of the week..

Back to Fox news for you!


As an American I do not support Mr Trump or his ideology. However, he should not be banned from the UK because his ideas are disagreeable The report I saw recently on no go zones in London neighborhoods that have large Muslim populations would really disturb me. Since when is a British citizen not allowed to enter sections of their own country? And if they do enter these sections- they are then harassed by Islamic 'police'. Britain needs to clean this nonsense up and not worry about Donald Trump. We Americans will send him back to New York City where he belongs and certainly not in the White House..As one poster mentioned Donald Trump at question time would be something to enjoy. I wish we had that in the U.S.

There are indeed muslim ghettos and sharia councils in the UK:




Sat down and viewed the CNN Republican debate last night mainly to assess the candidates.

Well IMHO I thought it was quite entertaining, several things stood out:

1. Some good one liners.
2. Jeb Bush definitely has the Bush DNA.
3. Chris Christi is a war monger who will get us all killed.
4. I like Ben Carson, quietly spoken, obviously very intelligent and seems to be the best of a very average field.
5. Have no Idea why all the male candidates accept for Carson wore the same uniform, dark suit, light blue/white shirt and bright red tie.
6. Trump was quite (by his standard), under control and made some sense.
7. In a race between the women I'd prefer Fiorina over Clinton in the final race.

Just my 2 bobs worth from an outsider looking in!


As an American I do not support Mr Trump or his ideology. However, he should not be banned from the UK because his ideas are disagreeable The report I saw recently on no go zones in London neighborhoods that have large Muslim populations would really disturb me. Since when is a British citizen not allowed to enter sections of their own country? And if they do enter these sections- they are then harassed by Islamic 'police'. Britain needs to clean this nonsense up and not worry about Donald Trump. We Americans will send him back to New York City where he belongs and certainly not in the White House..As one poster mentioned Donald Trump at question time would be something to enjoy. I wish we had that in the U.S.

I was recently ( October) told, by a German lass, that there are also / already " no go" areas in Germany, for Germans... which is also disturbing,


Sat down and viewed the CNN Republican debate last night mainly to assess the candidates.

Well IMHO I thought it was quite entertaining, several things stood out:

1. Some good one liners.

2. Jeb Bush definitely has the Bush DNA.

3. Chris Christi is a war monger who will get us all killed.

4. I like Ben Carson, quietly spoken, obviously very intelligent and seems to be the best of a very average field.

5. Have no Idea why all the male candidates accept for Carson wore the same uniform, dark suit, light blue/white shirt and bright red tie.

6. Trump was quite (by his standard), under control and made some sense.

7. In a race between the women I'd prefer Fiorina over Clinton in the final race.

Just my 2 bobs worth from an outsider looking in!

Hillary's the best thing to ever happen to the Republicans!

Also, you guys have your political colours the wrong way around, (red is traditionally the colour of the left)!

I have a hunch that Rubio might get the nomination.


The reason Trump has some real popularity is that Americans are fed up with politicians in general and Trump does not speak like a politician. He speaks some truths and is not afraid to state that America is not a great country but that he wants to make it great again. Most Americans are not happy with the way the country has been run for decades. The problem is that with Trump you get a man who is wealthy and understands only wealth. His plans are vague and there is little substance. I doubt he would use his bombastic style when in real negotiations on a business deal. He presents this persona to intimidate people. However, he plays to the bigots in America and refuses to admit when he is wrong. I don't trust him. However, his candidacy has opened the door for another more rationale non politician to actually have a chance for election, not now, but in the future. As one of the posters mentioned Marco Rubio. This may be a real test for Hillary to run against. Unfortunately, whoever is elected will still remain a mouthpiece for the wealthy in America. The British system is much more representative of the actual British people. Maybe the US should rejoin the UK.


It is NO BUSINESS of the UK what Donald Trump says or does . I think he might make a good president , at least better than Bush or Obama .

Heaven Help the US and the World if Hilary Clinton becomes president !!!

If Britain wants to ban someone , better one of their own . Why not David Cameron for a start , posturing on the world stage , licking US boots !!!

It is the BUSINESS of every country in the world if a barmy, vindictively childish, megalomaniac becomes US President. A man that cannot even continue a conversation without insulting somebody and makes G W Bush look like a Rhodes scholar.

By all means ban DC from the US if you think you have good grounds. In fact if you had grounds for banning him similar to those we object to for DT, I for one would be petitioning to have him arrested for a hate crime.

But fortunately he unlike DT, is not terminally stupid and so wrapped up in his self glorifying megalomania that he does not care about scarring half the population of the US with his stupid keep out Muslims rhetoric. You have to be more than a few bricks short of a hod to make such a ridiculous statement that oh so clearly indicates he has no idea of what the "rest of the world" really means.

It does not bode well for American education that people actually listen to him.

The rest of the world have no right to tell you who to elect as POTUS, but we sure are entitled to voice an opinion on something that has such far reaching effects.

If ignorance is bliss, you must be ecstatic.

Absolutely Bloody Right, I am blissfully and ecstatically ignorant of what a stupid pointless comment like this means.

Do try to keep up with the big boys and post something that actually has some meaning.

Congrats, you have reached nirvana.


There are no 'No-Go' areas in London, unless you decide yourself not to go somewhere because you might see some people with a different colour skin to yours.


the brits should devote a hundred percent of their time banning muslim terrorist's than worry abut an American. oh i forgot, it is to late to ban the muslims, they have been welcoming them in for years! what was it that the idiot wright said in church? "the chickens have come home to roost!



Trump hasn't any actual and real sense of politics, law, diplomacy, elections or voting. Which is why among other factors in which Trump is profoundly deficient he will fail. The political center-middle has already congealed against him.

Which in itself speaks volumes about those that appear to be in his thrall.

He is the only one telling the truth, unhindered by "political correctness" smile.png

Like I said...


Phantomfiddler is perhaps correct.... And this is why we need to hear the non PC version of Americana politics

Publicus is probably correct, and voters will probably deep six trump.... But... We all thought that about Obama, a few years back, so the international community needs to know as much as possible about trumps ideology.

Nanleaw.... Not sure, but I'm thinking that you agree with giving him enough rope to hang himself... And that can only happen if he continues to be allowed to be heard

Scott... Bad boy!

Captspectre.... Old chum... Your argument strengthens the call for transparency in government, letting the world know US opinion, as lack of open debate, may well be why the UK has its home grown terrorist problems, currently centered around Muslims... But.... Don't be too hasty...what of Timothy mcvey ( not sure on the spelling... Apologies) who was one of the US's very own home grown terrorists, and who blew up one hell of a big bomb, killing hundreds, not that long ago

Soibiker...,there are "no go" areas in England... But perhaps for you, we should rename them " idiots only zones" because non Muslims are definitely not welcome, and if an enclave is governed by sharia law, then the rights of non Muslim are curtailed... Like for example, it's ok for a Muslim man to rape a non Muslim woman... That's not a crime ( reported in other places) under sharia law.... Hopefully you don't agree with this

Fred110.... You really are not keeping up with the big boys... Express a worthwhile opinion... And " toll ya so" does not count

Thaidream... Your right... Pity fred110 can't read

And so it goes... Information is power, the more we know ( hear/ see/ read) the more empowered the individual, and the more democratic our world becomes

People suggesting that foreigners have no business knowing another countries politics, are simpletons.... This decades high point seems to have been reached in Myanmar, were worldwide public opinion has finally led to a changing of the guard.... At the end of the last century, we saw the fall of apartheid in South Africa.... Because the world became more and more informed... Surely all readers can see the logic therein

So... Why argue... Support freedom of ones right to make an ass of himself... Hell... Encourage it... And get every politicians views out in the open, so " we the people" ( borrowed that from the Declaration of Independence did I, or some other document of significance) can make an educated response

All this has been said in several ways already, and a lot of folk agree, but don't realize it, as is evident from the thread.

No ban... Listen to them all... Vote with your brain, not your heart, which may already be touched by bigotry


Whatever, it does appear from the poll that the majority of people don't want him banned from entering the UK, not that it would happen anyway.


The size of the supportive crowd standing behind him is revealing...


So what? He was trying to send a message, so he did.

You wanna see support? Check here:


Two wrongs don't make a right.

And any form of persecution and discrimination against minorities for their beliefs is intolerable from the viewpoint of a modern, secular and democratic society. The downward spiral towards religious persecution, homophobia and racism can only result in another democratic candidate taking office in the next elections. Btw I happen to support Bernie Sanders for president.

How about banning anyone named Donald from entering the country until they get this figured out. People named Donald should have to register.


Seriously, there are no 'no-go' areas in London, whatever anyone might try and tell you.

It took less than a minute to search " Muslim enclaves in London" on Google

Given the result, I would seriously suggest you do likewise, and read all about self proclaiming Muslim vigilantes abusing non Muslim Londoners for entering sharia control areas , without acting as a Muslims ( dressing as or obeying other tenants of sharia law) and being chased from the area in fear of violence being committed against their person

Me... I call that a "no go area" , unless you have suicidal tendencies..

I have tried to attach the file from my pad.... Hope it works... If not, as I said, I suggest you do a similar search



I never realized the hatred that UK citizens have for America until I moved to Thailand. We won the war a long time ago. Get over it, please. There is no hatred in America towards the UK, no matter what the BBC tells you.

You and I know the vast mainstream majority of the American people feel positively toward England and more broadly the old Great Britain. (The Scots seemed out of line with their referendum but that's their business too.)

I know and continually try to address the point no one in these parts should ever for one moment think the self-exiled and self-deported rightwing crackpots from the USA represent the vast majority of Americans when they mouth off around here.

The same is true of the similarly situated Brits in these parts in their reactionary views. This expat group is not only hostile toward America, they also stridently state their hero worship of America's most blatant foreign enemy leaders and countries.

Each country, UK and USA has its own collection of rightwing expat losers who are lound complainers. The Brit expats around here love the UKIP. They think fondly of Oswald Mosley and Enoch Powell who they see as visionaries. No one can expect them to think or speak moderately of the USA, much less to be accepting of it.

They are not the UK.


The size of the supportive crowd standing behind him is revealing...

So what? He was trying to send a message, so he did.

You wanna see support? Check here:


Two wrongs don't make a right.

And any form of persecution and discrimination against minorities for their beliefs is intolerable from the viewpoint of a modern, secular and democratic society. The downward spiral towards religious persecution, homophobia and racism can only result in another democratic candidate taking office in the next elections. Btw I happen to support Bernie Sanders for president.

How about banning anyone named Donald from entering the country until they get this figured out. People named Donald should have to register.

The religious crowd in question does not share your liberal, utopian pipe dream about a modern, secular, democratic society.

The downward spiral also includes persecution and/or discrimination of free speech, which seems to be worse in the UK than in America? If people in the UK want to get their knickers in a twist over something as benign as what Donald Trump says, they are simply distracting and hiding from the swirling spiral right on their own doorstep.

Ripping off and modifying the now infamous "Until they get this figured out" cliche is already passe. As is Bernie Sanders, but everyone knows that except...... Bernie Sanders and his supporters.


Seriously, there are no 'no-go' areas in London, whatever anyone might try and tell you.

Seriously, I was living in London before moving here. Can you name some no-go areas?


Seriously, there are no 'no-go' areas in London, whatever anyone might try and tell you.

Seriously, I was living in London before moving here. Can you name some no-go areas?

Google " European no no zones. Fact or fiction, part two. Britain"

This article sites a 2011 census identifying over 100 sharia ruled enclaves across Britain, including parts of London, Birmingham and Manchester. ( there are simply too many to recite, which is why I have given you the website name)

Top cops interviewed talk about these areas being self governing... As in outside of British common law, but subject to the law of the majority of inhabitants... And that means, if an area had 73% Muslim... It's ruled by sharia law, not the laws of Great Britain

Like it or not.... It's out of control.... Statistics and "experts" suggest a complete takeover by alien rule within the next fifty years

If your British... Either learn the Koran... Or.....Move to Scotland now, and start rebuilding Hadrians wall


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