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Climate agreement: What do you expect for Thailand?

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It will be business as usual across the globe, temps will continue to go up and pollution will continue to increase

Studies have shown that it will take 1500 years to reverse the damage of fossile fuel use and industrial pollution that the last 150 years has produced, so the current agreement is nothing more than ink on a peice of paper

Are you talking about carbon dioxide (CO2) greenhouse gases or about air pollution?

The two topics are completely different, one is the about greenhouse gases(CO2), global warming, the other pollution.

I've heard people uttering nonsense and stupid remarks about CO2 being toxic and it pollutes the air.

When it comes to pollution, I am a fierce defender of clean air, ground and water, but the meeting in France wasn't about that.

By reverse the damage you mean the earth by itself takes 1 500 years to reverse the pollution in ground, water and air?

The earth is getting greener every year and as everyone knows, plants, trees, in fact anything living needs CO2 and what I've scientific studies I have read so far, there's not enough CO2 for botanical life to grow.

There's thousands of renowned climatologists who doesn't agree with the present hysteria about GW and also the political driven tax raise, that the earth is in a state of global warming because of high CO2 levels in the atmosphere.

Here's two links to articles about it.




Believe whatever you want people, I'm an atheist so I take pride in not believing in anything but in people, science, the chaos theory, physics and the earth's, with it's solar system, tremendous power.

And what would be the logic thing to do if there is too much CO2?

Plant forests and plants.....but now instead they want to make new taxes.

Of course I support to use solar cells and windenergy to replace oil and gas where it makes sense, but for the reason that we don't give some crazy countries a lot money.

But no, both EU and USA have huge import taxes and restrictions on cheap solar cells.

Of course I support replacing coal powered electric generation, because it is dirty (and radioactive which many people don't know), best solution would be nuclear power....but no they don't want that.

So they want some kind of global control, new taxes and huge money transfers but they block all solutions.....so what do they want really?

Your analysis is spot on, what do they want?

The only logical reasons I can see are two, one is cash, huge amount of money is being taken as a ransom, the other one is more of a psychological reason I think.

Like the good doers (I love to bitch about them), the new wave climatologists (earlier called vegan activists) doesn't have a diploma, absolutely not in science anyway, but they love to pitch their view with threats or terrorist acts. I think it's a distorted view of unbalanced people, thinking, LISTEN TO ME, I AM RIGHT, not necessary to be right but I want you to believe I am.

Many things that I would have considered as conspiration theory a few years ago, no seems to happen.....When Alex Jones starts to make more sense than the government than something is running really wrong.

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Maybe they will paint the roofs on all Bkk buildings white to help reflect the run's rays and reduce the heat in the city. As far as reducing energy use... nothing I would think.


Nucelar power would be a solution - if it is based on Thorium not Uranium.

Nuclear power plants these days are based on Uranium exclusively because they produce Plutonium [comes from the US military ...]

Thorium reactors don't produce plutonium, have no waste [burnes 100%] and are much safer than uranium plants.

Google it and find out for yourself.

Clean energy from water [Google: trompe]

There are all sorts of technologies that would solve the energy problems ... sadly not wanted from the powers that are and as such not available to us.

The powers that made the agreement in Paris are the same that are controlling these technologies .... especially the US Government that holds

all technologies from geniuses like Tesla, Schauberger, Reich aso !!!

... as a side note: Oil is NOT a fossil fuel !!! That's just another lie among so many lies people take for the truth by simply repeating what others tell them again and again.


Well 2015 will see my highest electricity invoice over 14 years living in Thailand.

It might be subjective but 2015 was the hottest year of my life.

Do I think humans are destroying the planet they live on?

Yes I do.

Have a warm 2016.


Well 2015 will see my highest electricity invoice over 14 years living in Thailand.

It might be subjective but 2015 was the hottest year of my life.

Do I think humans are destroying the planet they live on?

Yes I do.

Have a warm 2016.

Warmer temperatures and higher CO2 simply mean better plant growth ... that's a good thing !!!

What are you scared of ? That europe has warm summers ? That plants grow better ?


Well 2015 will see my highest electricity invoice over 14 years living in Thailand.

It might be subjective but 2015 was the hottest year of my life.

Do I think humans are destroying the planet they live on?

Yes I do.

Have a warm 2016.

Warmer temperatures and higher CO2 simply mean better plant growth ... that's a good thing !!!

What are you scared of ? That europe has warm summers ? That plants grow better ?

That I will need to move back to Europe to enjoy sub 30C temperatures.

I don't worry really, 10.000 years from now humans will be whiped out off this planet, if they last that long....


According to Thailand Minister of Energy's Power Development Plan for 2015-2036,the country intends to build nine so-called "clean coal" power stations (7,390 MWe).

Thailand wil be the Hub for Global Warming.

Ah, the usual futile defiance of the Second Law of Thermodynamics. " Clean coal". Good luck with that. Will someone point me towards a coal burning plant with zero carbon dioxide emissions?coffee1.gif


So, what is the scam all about ?

1. Making people scared ! Kids now grow up with the believe that they destroy the planet by simply breathing !!! [CO2]

2. Making money: For climate protection reason all sorts of new technologies will be sold.

Nobody would do this normally but now people can be forced to do so.

The technologies that would really solve the problem will still not be available to the public [even though they exist for a long time already]

3. Control ! Everybody will be more and more controlled to "protect" the climate ... CO2 foot print is just an awesome tool for surveillance !!!

4. Centralisation of power. Because it needs to be globally controlled the system needs to be more centralised.

5. Force people into poverty to save the planet ... what a great idea if you are a psychopath.

Think about it, call me wrong ... this is going to be a nightmare.

Anybody who has kids or cares at all about future generations should spend an hour or two to get the real facts

of this global enslavement programme on steroids.

... but ignorance will probably win in a fully dumbed down society.

Apparently it already has with you.


This agreement will have about as much effect as the Kyoto agreement did. It reminds me of the Aesop story of putting the bell on the cat. Agreeing to make a change is only a start, I don't expect to see much difference any time in my lifetime


Climate change is a scam.

Can you explain where i live in Oz how every year is hotter than the previous year and this has happened the last 20 years.One denier does't make a scam.Who could trust a pollie anyway,always in somebodies backpocket.

Can you trust scientists that refuse to accept new evidence that there is no global warming caused by humans? This "scientist" wouldn't even want to know about it. Surely a good scientist would want to investigate new evidence, unless of course it puts their grant$ at risk.

I also lived in Australia for over 20 years. I think the weather hasn't changed much. It gets hot in summer, it's normal.


nothing, they dont care, im doing nothing

Thais arent going to fall for the climate change non-sense. Thais know ist just more re-distribution bogus ideology. Take from Thais give to Boko haram.

Thais going to have a beer.


Not only Thailand will do nothing the US OF A will talk the talk then do as they please. If you think China and India give a dam your mistaken. Oh yeah and ISIS will continue to destroy the world anyway. Good job I don't belive in Global warming I might be worried if I did


I don't belive in Global warming

How about climate change? Do you believe the weather's been changing over the past decade or so?


I don't belive in Global warming

How about climate change? Do you believe the weather's been changing over the past decade or so?

Climate change is a natural phenomena and the earth will do as it pleases, nothing we can do about it.

The only reason I would jump on the "global warming" train is the reason that we might, a very moot chance, I agree, but still possible, the world will stop or decrease the pollution of our wonderful and vigilant planet.


I don't belive in Global warming

How about climate change? Do you believe the weather's been changing over the past decade or so?

Yes climate is changing but that's a normal cycle of events we have been so called civalized for a mere 2000 years we know nothing of the millions and millions of years before us. (Fossils only prove life did indeed exist before us not how or why they died or became extinct maybe that's what will happen to us so called humans just go extinct had our turn now make way for a new species to carry on on our earth. It's really only been from the 90s that scientists have suddenly started saying global warming. We live on a world that depending on what you belive is evolving for good or bad who knows. What I do know as fact is today I am alive the sun is shining for me here in Thailand and for that I am happy and greatfull tomorow is not guaranteed. So I belive I have answered your question and the next few you were going to ask. Climate change yes as a natural progression. Global warming not the same not proven just a way for so called civalized countries who want to stop developing countries from catching them up. Let's throw a cap on immisions then as we have already got xyz it will stop 3rd world countries from developing xyz and we will still be the dominant force IMHO of course

I do believe reports that Usa does hold back on bombing ISIS because it would hurt the desert tortoise. It does fit their narrative....


The meeting in Paris was a great success, great banquets, 5 star hotels and great publicity for the politicians claiming victory over climate change.

Will it actually change much? No.


Prime Minister General Prayuth pledged to reduce Carbon emissions by 20 - 25% by 2030. That is at the lower end of the scale. This will be achieved by adhering to sustainable development practises and the philosophy of 'efficiency economy' etc.


Prime Minister General Prayuth pledged to reduce Carbon emissions by 20 - 25% by 2030. That is at the lower end of the scale. This will be achieved by adhering to sustainable development practises and the philosophy of 'efficiency economy' etc.

And in a language we can understand it means nothing will happen only the likes of China USA and India can really affect any change and they won't reduce anything. So why should anyone else the big players know climate change is nothing to do with any amount of so called emissions.

I would like for once to congratulate Thailand. I know, its rare from me.

But Thailand recycles far more bottles and other waste than even the most ambitious European Targets could only wish for. It has a very large HydroElectric Plant north of BKK and others in the pipeline.

If other Countries followed Thailand's example then climate change would not be an issue.

For thoses doubters out there, climate change does not mean warmer weather, it actually means more unpredictable and severe weather. More flooding, tidal surges and famine. Climate change is real and stoppable.

If we try to decarbonise and the world stays the same = WIN

If we try to decarbonise and the world changes naturally = WIN

If we don't decarbonise and the world stays the same = WIN

If we don't decarbonise and the world's climate changes = LOSE

The way I see it, it is better to do something real or fake and take our chances than to do nothing and give up or carry on as we have and destroy our own planet.

It is not us that will suffer if we did nothing, its not even our children, but our Grandchildren and future generations, who will look back and say, "they could have done something, but were too greedy, selfish and self-important to even lift a finger to try". It will be them who life a finger to us (the middle one).


This is my theory:

Imagine an old style refrigerator with the freezer/ice box inside the refrigerator. Unfortunately the thermostat in this refrigerator is broken so somebody connected a timer so the compressor run 6 hours per day. Nobody uses the refrigerator and the door is never opened, a well-balanced steady state condition where heat transfer into the refrigerator is matched by the heat removal by the compressor. Over a couple of millennias the air temperature inside the refrigerator have stabilized at 5 C and there is 5 kg of ice in the ice box.

For a split second somebody open the refrigerator door and place a red hot iron ball inside the refrigerator. Initially the air temperature warms up, but after a couple of days we return to the steady state condition, 5 C air temperature, the iron ball is 5 C, but there are only 3 kg of ice + 2 liter of 5 C water in the drip tray at the bottom of the refrigerator.

Since the beginning of the industrial revolution we have produced and burned 1,200 billion bbls of oil, 4,000 trillion scf of gas and 320 billion tons of coal, releasing about 2*10^22 Joules to our little world. The latent heat of water is 336 kJ/kg, so that will melt a total of 6*10^13 tons of ice. Spread that evenly over the 361 million km2 surface area of our oceans and you get a 16.6 cm rise in sea levels. Isn't that pretty close to the numbers climatologist with their super computers are publishing?

All ice is of course not land based and some of the heat is still in transit to the poles and glaciers, but the idea is that CO2 have no greenhouse effect, the Earth is a perfect steady state and we are simply just melting ice each time we burn fossil fuel.

Fire away and feel free to Google. I have not be able to find any reference to this theory online, it is entirely though up by myself and you heard it first here.


Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the Universe, it is found in abundant supply on Earth for more than we could possible use billions of years and it is renewable because other chemicals can be used to make hydrogen. Hydrogen is cheap, no toxic to the environment and extremely flammable especially in liquid form.

Cars, Power Plants, Homes could all be converted to run on Hydrogen fairly easily and cheaply and using the existing gas pipeline networks would be very profitable to the producers too.

The only by product of burning hydrogen is water. No CO2 at all.

We have an unlimited source of power, that is clean and good for the environment and cheap than gas, oil and coal.

So why are we not using it . . . less profit for the energy giants. Plus we can even produce it at home, simply by adding metals to acid, slow release ideal for home cooking and heating.


Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the Universe, it is found in abundant supply on Earth for more than we could possible use billions of years and it is renewable because other chemicals can be used to make hydrogen. Hydrogen is cheap, no toxic to the environment and extremely flammable especially in liquid form.

Cars, Power Plants, Homes could all be converted to run on Hydrogen fairly easily and cheaply and using the existing gas pipeline networks would be very profitable to the producers too.

The only by product of burning hydrogen is water. No CO2 at all.

We have an unlimited source of power, that is clean and good for the environment and cheap than gas, oil and coal.

So why are we not using it . . . less profit for the energy giants. Plus we can even produce it at home, simply by adding metals to acid, slow release ideal for home cooking and heating.

Where do you propose to get all that fine clean hydrogen (H2) from?

Methanol (CH4)?, ups then you still have CO2. Water (H2O)?, ups that takes energy.

NB: Hydrogen is not so easy to handle in practice. Energy density is VERY low, meaning you will need a big and heavy fuel tank. Also, being the smallest of all atoms, the stuff leak very easy. Hydrogen cars are banned form parking in indoor parking areas.

Japan is betting on hydrogen fuel cells and are slowly setting up a hydrogen based infrastructure.


Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the Universe, it is found in abundant supply on Earth for more than we could possible use billions of years and it is renewable because other chemicals can be used to make hydrogen. Hydrogen is cheap, no toxic to the environment and extremely flammable especially in liquid form.

Cars, Power Plants, Homes could all be converted to run on Hydrogen fairly easily and cheaply and using the existing gas pipeline networks would be very profitable to the producers too.

The only by product of burning hydrogen is water. No CO2 at all.

We have an unlimited source of power, that is clean and good for the environment and cheap than gas, oil and coal.

So why are we not using it . . . less profit for the energy giants. Plus we can even produce it at home, simply by adding metals to acid, slow release ideal for home cooking and heating.

Because the cheapest way to make hydrogen is from crude oil. Even that is far more expensive than just burning gasoline.

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