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Claiming custody before birth?


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You only have parental rights if you are legally married in Thailand to the mother at the time of birth.

Not keen on a formal marriage but getting her pregnant seems a bit contradictory, I presume you where aware of the possible effects of copulation...

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Siam legal said that a contract is possible to retain 50% custody outside of wedlock, so it is definitely possible. I suppose not before the birth though (according to the replies to this thread so far)

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Claiming custody is easy. How much are u willing to cough up to the mother? I am sure she will let u keep the child at a cost. They do anything for money here

They do, do They? Would that be all Theys, some Theys, or just the Theys the OP knows?

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Claiming custody is easy. How much are u willing to cough up to the mother? I am sure she will let u keep the child at a cost. They do anything for money here

They do, do They? Would that be all Theys, some Theys, or just the Theys the OP knows?

All theys , in my experience., money is god here. Been here seven years.

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Claiming custody is easy. How much are u willing to cough up to the mother? I am sure she will let u keep the child at a cost. They do anything for money here

They do, do They? Would that be all Theys, some Theys, or just the Theys the OP knows?

All theys , in my experience., money is god here. Been here seven years.

Have you managed to get out of the bar in those seven years? To some extent money drives us all, but not all mothers will sell their children.

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That is impossible ofc.

Your best choice would be to offer her a onetime amount some month after baby is born. If you pay per month i guarantee the sum will escalate quickly with all kinds of scams,threats hospitals, schools etc.

And treat your baby as you would buy a car(never thought i would say this). Dont show her you are eager and concerned about baby. She will sell her baby quickly. Jesus i sound terrible...... Thats what i think.

Any grammatical errors are a gift from me to you

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To be thinking about custody before birth suggests you may have personal issues (which of course is non of our business). The forward thinking/planning also suggests you think about the welfare of the child. I'd recommend get your ducks in order as early as you can to avoid serious complications. You're on the right track with getting legal advise and getting agreements in writing. Never totally discount the possibility that the child is not yours. On a lighter note did u hear about the blonde (Irish, Mexican or whatever) woman who took her newborn to the Clinique for DNA testing? She wanted proof that she was child's mother. ........

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