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Facebook 'sedition' suspect expresses remorse

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I never visited East Germany when it existed but I have read a good deal about it and have German friends with first hand knowledge. It would seem that this Country is rapidly descending to the lows that the East Germans had to suffer for all those years. Draconian laws, Stasi type police spying, arbitrary imprisonment. Happiness being brought back to the people - MY ARSE.

Over the past few days I've noticed a deafening silence from the likes of EnglishJohn, Roblock, Rubi, Halloween etc. C'mon fellers let's have a rigorous defence of your heroes.......no?......but, but, Thaksin.

EnglishJohn does his broken down record player post of constantly repeating the very (one sided) story of why the coup happened. He got posts deleted in other threads because it had nothing to do with the topic (of the juntas serious misgivings).

Rubl posts his usual distraction material. Never address the issue at hand. Just a typical "But Thaksin, but USA" stuff. (but a lot less than normal)

Haven't really seen the other two.

I wonder why....

Well now that you mention my name, did you also notice that frequently the suspects seem to need medical attention and that even before the military or the police laid their hands on them?


I never visited East Germany when it existed but I have read a good deal about it and have German friends with first hand knowledge. It would seem that this Country is rapidly descending to the lows that the East Germans had to suffer for all those years. Draconian laws, Stasi type police spying, arbitrary imprisonment. Happiness being brought back to the people - MY ARSE.

Over the past few days I've noticed a deafening silence from the likes of EnglishJohn, Roblock, Rubi, Halloween etc. C'mon fellers let's have a rigorous defence of your heroes.......no?......but, but, Thaksin.

EnglishJohn does his broken down record player post of constantly repeating the very (one sided) story of why the coup happened. He got posts deleted in other threads because it had nothing to do with the topic (of the juntas serious misgivings).

Rubl posts his usual distraction material. Never address the issue at hand. Just a typical "But Thaksin, but USA" stuff. (but a lot less than normal)

Haven't really seen the other two.

I wonder why....

Well now that you mention my name, did you also notice that frequently the suspects seem to need medical attention and that even before the military or the police laid their hands on them?

You are referring to the second suspect that was literally lifted out of his hospital bed ! After all his crime is so appalling that they couldn't wait for the operation to be concluded....

According to his lawyer he runs the risk of a blood infection, I suppose they could always do a quick cremation if the need arises.


I never visited East Germany when it existed but I have read a good deal about it and have German friends with first hand knowledge. It would seem that this Country is rapidly descending to the lows that the East Germans had to suffer for all those years. Draconian laws, Stasi type police spying, arbitrary imprisonment. Happiness being brought back to the people - MY ARSE.

Over the past few days I've noticed a deafening silence from the likes of EnglishJohn, Roblock, Rubi, Halloween etc. C'mon fellers let's have a rigorous defence of your heroes.......no?......but, but, Thaksin.

EnglishJohn does his broken down record player post of constantly repeating the very (one sided) story of why the coup happened. He got posts deleted in other threads because it had nothing to do with the topic (of the juntas serious misgivings).

Rubl posts his usual distraction material. Never address the issue at hand. Just a typical "But Thaksin, but USA" stuff. (but a lot less than normal)

Haven't really seen the other two.

I wonder why....

And your post is on topic? Nope - just a chance to knock posters who don't swallow all the Shin PR and believe the nonsense they claim.

What's more pertinent, is that the Shins tried to do the same. Having the police announce people would be identified and prosecuted under the Computer Crimes Act if they dared click "like" on any social media comment against the PTP regime. From memory is was a senior police officer named Pissit who announced this to the press. They backed down at the the outcry.

The Junta just do it. No backing down and seemingly widening the original scope. Now that is scary.


well, it looks like the military reprimand prison has done it's work of extracting the obligatory LM "confession".

thank the lord that we have such honest and able men running the country during this brief period of undemocratic transition through which Thailand must pass...

(can I borrow someone's sandals to puke in?)

Sedition now that is a new one well on me at least. Is it a cousin of LM or computer crimes. How exotic. Is this stuff made up as they go along??

They havent yet worked out that when you insult someone, you actually have to damage them.


Just my thinking ... I don't think people will take much more of this. The very thing that was the excuse for the military take over may now seem to be exacerbated by the take over rulers themselves. Perhaps the difference is that before the support and eventual action came from the yellow corner .... and the next round wold come from the red corner. A good point to remember is that even in the (censored) most of the men on the ground come from the red corner too.


well, it looks like the military reprimand prison has done it's work of extracting the obligatory LM "confession".

thank the lord that we have such honest and able men running the country during this brief period of undemocratic transition through which Thailand must pass...

(can I borrow someone's sandals to puke in?)

Sedition now that is a new one well on me at least. Is it a cousin of LM or computer crimes. How exotic. Is this stuff made up as they go along??
They havent yet worked out that when you insult someone, you actually have to damage them.

Or that defaming through criticism of a long since dead dog, no matter how loved and admirable it was in life, is stretching credulity way past breaking point, hence the very sharp , albeit bemused, criticism in the international press.


I never visited East Germany when it existed but I have read a good deal about it and have German friends with first hand knowledge. It would seem that this Country is rapidly descending to the lows that the East Germans had to suffer for all those years. Draconian laws, Stasi type police spying, arbitrary imprisonment. Happiness being brought back to the people - MY ARSE.

Over the past few days I've noticed a deafening silence from the likes of EnglishJohn, Roblock, Rubi, Halloween etc. C'mon fellers let's have a rigorous defence of your heroes.......no?......but, but, Thaksin.

EnglishJohn does his broken down record player post of constantly repeating the very (one sided) story of why the coup happened. He got posts deleted in other threads because it had nothing to do with the topic (of the juntas serious misgivings).

Rubl posts his usual distraction material. Never address the issue at hand. Just a typical "But Thaksin, but USA" stuff. (but a lot less than normal)

Haven't really seen the other two.

I wonder why....

I was on a holiday, and like many I dont like everything the junta does. I agree it has become worse recently.


I never visited East Germany when it existed but I have read a good deal about it and have German friends with first hand knowledge. It would seem that this Country is rapidly descending to the lows that the East Germans had to suffer for all those years. Draconian laws, Stasi type police spying, arbitrary imprisonment. Happiness being brought back to the people - MY ARSE.

Over the past few days I've noticed a deafening silence from the likes of EnglishJohn, Roblock, Rubi, Halloween etc. C'mon fellers let's have a rigorous defence of your heroes.......no?......but, but, Thaksin.

EnglishJohn does his broken down record player post of constantly repeating the very (one sided) story of why the coup happened. He got posts deleted in other threads because it had nothing to do with the topic (of the juntas serious misgivings).

Rubl posts his usual distraction material. Never address the issue at hand. Just a typical "But Thaksin, but USA" stuff. (but a lot less than normal)

Haven't really seen the other two.

I wonder why....

And your post is on topic? Nope - just a chance to knock posters who don't swallow all the Shin PR and believe the nonsense they claim.

What's more pertinent, is that the Shins tried to do the same. Having the police announce people would be identified and prosecuted under the Computer Crimes Act if they dared click "like" on any social media comment against the PTP regime. From memory is was a senior police officer named Pissit who announced this to the press. They backed down at the the outcry.

The Junta just do it. No backing down and seemingly widening the original scope. Now that is scary.

I don't follow 'Shin PR' either. I know full well the type of Thaksin snake is and he is very mach part of Thailand's problems. I just hate hearing that these incorruptible heroes in green are here to save the day from him when current events and history tell us otherwise.


I never visited East Germany when it existed but I have read a good deal about it and have German friends with first hand knowledge. It would seem that this Country is rapidly descending to the lows that the East Germans had to suffer for all those years. Draconian laws, Stasi type police spying, arbitrary imprisonment. Happiness being brought back to the people - MY ARSE.

Over the past few days I've noticed a deafening silence from the likes of EnglishJohn, Roblock, Rubi, Halloween etc. C'mon fellers let's have a rigorous defence of your heroes.......no?......but, but, Thaksin.

EnglishJohn does his broken down record player post of constantly repeating the very (one sided) story of why the coup happened. He got posts deleted in other threads because it had nothing to do with the topic (of the juntas serious misgivings).

Rubl posts his usual distraction material. Never address the issue at hand. Just a typical "But Thaksin, but USA" stuff. (but a lot less than normal)

Haven't really seen the other two.

I wonder why....

And your post is on topic? Nope - just a chance to knock posters who don't swallow all the Shin PR and believe the nonsense they claim.

What's more pertinent, is that the Shins tried to do the same. Having the police announce people would be identified and prosecuted under the Computer Crimes Act if they dared click "like" on any social media comment against the PTP regime. From memory is was a senior police officer named Pissit who announced this to the press. They backed down at the the outcry.

The Junta just do it. No backing down and seemingly widening the original scope. Now that is scary.

But Thaksin ! Again. They tried to do it according to you, but the difference is they didn't do it. Let's stay with the facts, people are being incarcerated and prosecuted for sharing and liking posts on Facebook, and Thaksin has nothing to do with it.


I don't have an opinion about this case.

I do believe that one of the joys of a free and democratic society anywhere on this planet is the opportunity to express disagreement with the opinions, ideas or decisions of an elected or self appointed leader.

At the end of the day we all come from dust and we're all gonna turn to dust one day.

Rock and roll!


Maybe the government have got a social media department, The Guardian website run the dog story today and some poster called "Tony Cartalucci" has taken over the comments section with anti western government nonsense. It seems it's a farang government supporter journalist called Michael Pirsch


Would love to tell what i think about this entire debacle...but then I would likely be sent to detention...


I never visited East Germany when it existed but I have read a good deal about it and have German friends with first hand knowledge. It would seem that this Country is rapidly descending to the lows that the East Germans had to suffer for all those years. Draconian laws, Stasi type police spying, arbitrary imprisonment. Happiness being brought back to the people - MY ARSE.

Over the past few days I've noticed a deafening silence from the likes of EnglishJohn, Roblock, Rubi, Halloween etc. C'mon fellers let's have a rigorous defence of your heroes.......no?......but, but, Thaksin.

EnglishJohn does his broken down record player post of constantly repeating the very (one sided) story of why the coup happened. He got posts deleted in other threads because it had nothing to do with the topic (of the juntas serious misgivings).

Rubl posts his usual distraction material. Never address the issue at hand. Just a typical "But Thaksin, but USA" stuff. (but a lot less than normal)

Haven't really seen the other two.

I wonder why....

And your post is on topic? Nope - just a chance to knock posters who don't swallow all the Shin PR and believe the nonsense they claim.

What's more pertinent, is that the Shins tried to do the same. Having the police announce people would be identified and prosecuted under the Computer Crimes Act if they dared click "like" on any social media comment against the PTP regime. From memory is was a senior police officer named Pissit who announced this to the press. They backed down at the the outcry.

The Junta just do it. No backing down and seemingly widening the original scope. Now that is scary.

But Thaksin ! Again. They tried to do it according to you, but the difference is they didn't do it. Let's stay with the facts, people are being incarcerated and prosecuted for sharing and liking posts on Facebook, and Thaksin has nothing to do with it.

Of course Thaksin has nothing to do with this. He's gone more than nine years already. In his days facebook wasn't that important yet and he only needed his hand-held X-marked 'inappropriate' device. Apart from suing the pants of anyone questioning his activities of course.


But Thaksin ! Again. They tried to do it according to you, but the difference is they didn't do it. Let's stay with the facts, people are being incarcerated and prosecuted for sharing and liking posts on Facebook, and Thaksin has nothing to do with it.

Of course Thaksin has nothing to do with this. He's gone more than nine years already. In his days facebook wasn't that important yet and he only needed his hand-held X-marked 'inappropriate' device. Apart from suing the pants of anyone questioning his activities of course.

Right, because suing the pants off anyone questioning him wasn't something that was made possible by the law of the land right ?

But dear rubl, Thaksin isn't the subject of this OP. The subject is that the Junta is incarcerating and prosecuting people for sharing or liking Facebook posts on possibly corruption in the Graft Park in Hua Hin, on the basis of LM (which apparently now doesn't only apply to members of the Thai royalty) and sedition.

​Let's stick to that subject shall we, it's bad enough that they are actually trying to pull this stunt.


I never visited East Germany when it existed but I have read a good deal about it and have German friends with first hand knowledge. It would seem that this Country is rapidly descending to the lows that the East Germans had to suffer for all those years. Draconian laws, Stasi type police spying, arbitrary imprisonment. Happiness being brought back to the people - MY ARSE.

Over the past few days I've noticed a deafening silence from the likes of EnglishJohn, Roblock, Rubi, Halloween etc. C'mon fellers let's have a rigorous defence of your heroes.......no?......but, but, Thaksin.

EnglishJohn does his broken down record player post of constantly repeating the very (one sided) story of why the coup happened. He got posts deleted in other threads because it had nothing to do with the topic (of the juntas serious misgivings).

Rubl posts his usual distraction material. Never address the issue at hand. Just a typical "But Thaksin, but USA" stuff. (but a lot less than normal)

Haven't really seen the other two.

I wonder why....

Well now that you mention my name, did you also notice that frequently the suspects seem to need medical attention and that even before the military or the police laid their hands on them?

You are referring to the second suspect that was literally lifted out of his hospital bed ! After all his crime is so appalling that they couldn't wait for the operation to be concluded....

According to his lawyer he runs the risk of a blood infection, I suppose they could always do a quick cremation if the need arises.

You suggest that someone on the operation table was lifted out of the hospital ("couldn't wait for operation to be concluded'). Even with your normal attitude regarding this government, I do find your description very unbelievable. Of course, you being a fellow Dutch non-native English speaker you might have meant what the OP said, "he was waiting for an operation'.

The article also mentions the Anti-junta activist Siriwat Serithiwat saying "He needs medical attention. We are afraid for his life". No mention of a lawyer. Also no mention of what ails Thanet.

No mention of the type of operation required, nor the urgency. As for waiting, a lucky 30-Baht Health Scheme dependent?


But Thaksin ! Again. They tried to do it according to you, but the difference is they didn't do it. Let's stay with the facts, people are being incarcerated and prosecuted for sharing and liking posts on Facebook, and Thaksin has nothing to do with it.

Of course Thaksin has nothing to do with this. He's gone more than nine years already. In his days facebook wasn't that important yet and he only needed his hand-held X-marked 'inappropriate' device. Apart from suing the pants of anyone questioning his activities of course.

Right, because suing the pants off anyone questioning him wasn't something that was made possible by the law of the land right ?

But dear rubl, Thaksin isn't the subject of this OP. The subject is that the Junta is incarcerating and prosecuting people for sharing or liking Facebook posts on possibly corruption in the Graft Park in Hua Hin, on the basis of LM (which apparently now doesn't only apply to members of the Thai royalty) and sedition.

​Let's stick to that subject shall we, it's bad enough that they are actually trying to pull this stunt.

My dear Sjaak327, I agreed with you that of course this wasn't about Thaksin as he's gone for nine years already. The rest is just a quick history lesson in how these things have evolved since his days.


But Thaksin ! Again. They tried to do it according to you, but the difference is they didn't do it. Let's stay with the facts, people are being incarcerated and prosecuted for sharing and liking posts on Facebook, and Thaksin has nothing to do with it.

Of course Thaksin has nothing to do with this. He's gone more than nine years already. In his days facebook wasn't that important yet and he only needed his hand-held X-marked 'inappropriate' device. Apart from suing the pants of anyone questioning his activities of course.

Right, because suing the pants off anyone questioning him wasn't something that was made possible by the law of the land right ?

But dear rubl, Thaksin isn't the subject of this OP. The subject is that the Junta is incarcerating and prosecuting people for sharing or liking Facebook posts on possibly corruption in the Graft Park in Hua Hin, on the basis of LM (which apparently now doesn't only apply to members of the Thai royalty) and sedition.

​Let's stick to that subject shall we, it's bad enough that they are actually trying to pull this stunt.

My dear Sjaak327, I agreed with you that of course this wasn't about Thaksin as he's gone for nine years already. The rest is just a quick history lesson in how these things have evolved since his days.

I don't need a quick history lesson, and certainly not from you, as you frequently try to sell lies as truths.


You are referring to the second suspect that was literally lifted out of his hospital bed ! After all his crime is so appalling that they couldn't wait for the operation to be concluded....

According to his lawyer he runs the risk of a blood infection, I suppose they could always do a quick cremation if the need arises.

You suggest that someone on the operation table was lifted out of the hospital ("couldn't wait for operation to be concluded'). Even with your normal attitude regarding this government, I do find your description very unbelievable. Of course, you being a fellow Dutch non-native English speaker you might have meant what the OP said, "he was waiting for an operation'.

The article also mentions the Anti-junta activist Siriwat Serithiwat saying "He needs medical attention. We are afraid for his life". No mention of a lawyer. Also no mention of what ails Thanet.

No mention of the type of operation required, nor the urgency. As for waiting, a lucky 30-Baht Health Scheme dependent?

I did not claim he was lifted from the operation table, he was lifted from his hospital bed, where he was waiting an operation. It is posted literally in my post. If you are nit picking about waiting for the operation to conclude, as far as the article states, he was pre - op. So even though the operation didn't actually commence, the preparations did, so my remark still stands.

for reference: (and it would also answers your questions about Thanet, I guess you didn't read the article at all did you ? )


You should be ashamed of yourself trying to downplay the situation. Disgrace.


Of course Thaksin has nothing to do with this. He's gone more than nine years already. In his days facebook wasn't that important yet and he only needed his hand-held X-marked 'inappropriate' device. Apart from suing the pants of anyone questioning his activities of course.

Right, because suing the pants off anyone questioning him wasn't something that was made possible by the law of the land right ?

But dear rubl, Thaksin isn't the subject of this OP. The subject is that the Junta is incarcerating and prosecuting people for sharing or liking Facebook posts on possibly corruption in the Graft Park in Hua Hin, on the basis of LM (which apparently now doesn't only apply to members of the Thai royalty) and sedition.

​Let's stick to that subject shall we, it's bad enough that they are actually trying to pull this stunt.

My dear Sjaak327, I agreed with you that of course this wasn't about Thaksin as he's gone for nine years already. The rest is just a quick history lesson in how these things have evolved since his days.

I don't need a quick history lesson, and certainly not from you, as you frequently try to sell lies as truths.

That, my dear sjaak327, is a deliberate insult. Seems you have no real arguments on the topic.


You are referring to the second suspect that was literally lifted out of his hospital bed ! After all his crime is so appalling that they couldn't wait for the operation to be concluded....

According to his lawyer he runs the risk of a blood infection, I suppose they could always do a quick cremation if the need arises.

You suggest that someone on the operation table was lifted out of the hospital ("couldn't wait for operation to be concluded'). Even with your normal attitude regarding this government, I do find your description very unbelievable. Of course, you being a fellow Dutch non-native English speaker you might have meant what the OP said, "he was waiting for an operation'.

The article also mentions the Anti-junta activist Siriwat Serithiwat saying "He needs medical attention. We are afraid for his life". No mention of a lawyer. Also no mention of what ails Thanet.

No mention of the type of operation required, nor the urgency. As for waiting, a lucky 30-Baht Health Scheme dependent?

I did not claim he was lifted from the operation table, he was lifted from his hospital bed, where he was waiting an operation. It is posted literally in my post. If you are nit picking about waiting for the operation to conclude, as far as the article states, he was pre - op. So even though the operation didn't actually commence, the preparations did, so my remark still stands.

for reference: (and it would also answers your questions about Thanet, I guess you didn't read the article at all did you ? )


You should be ashamed of yourself trying to downplay the situation. Disgrace.

The OP refers to the Nation only. The KhaoSod article has more details, but with KhaoSod history I may wonder about the accuracy. The photo with Thanet in hospital gown on a bed is from 'name'/facebook, interesting.

BTW "Thanet Anantawong, 25, was admitted to the hospital with an intestinal infection Friday. He was about to be operated upon for a hernia,"

I guess now I need to look up the relation between a hernia and am intestinal infection. At least to me that's not immediately obvious. Never mind though, I may learn something again.

As for 'ashamed' and 'disgrace', please spare me such descriptions. You disagree with me and seem to need such words only to indicate how much you disagree. Meaningless as such.

Mind you, assuming there is some truth in all this, I agree Thanet should have been left in the Hospital. With plainclothes guards of course. And another doctor for a second opinion. BTW I'm impressed how good the Sirindhorn Hospital takes care of its common worker patients on a 30-Baht scheme, or did Thanet have a regular job with company paid insurance?


You are referring to the second suspect that was literally lifted out of his hospital bed ! After all his crime is so appalling that they couldn't wait for the operation to be concluded....

According to his lawyer he runs the risk of a blood infection, I suppose they could always do a quick cremation if the need arises.

You suggest that someone on the operation table was lifted out of the hospital ("couldn't wait for operation to be concluded'). Even with your normal attitude regarding this government, I do find your description very unbelievable. Of course, you being a fellow Dutch non-native English speaker you might have meant what the OP said, "he was waiting for an operation'.

The article also mentions the Anti-junta activist Siriwat Serithiwat saying "He needs medical attention. We are afraid for his life". No mention of a lawyer. Also no mention of what ails Thanet.

No mention of the type of operation required, nor the urgency. As for waiting, a lucky 30-Baht Health Scheme dependent?

I did not claim he was lifted from the operation table, he was lifted from his hospital bed, where he was waiting an operation. It is posted literally in my post. If you are nit picking about waiting for the operation to conclude, as far as the article states, he was pre - op. So even though the operation didn't actually commence, the preparations did, so my remark still stands.

for reference: (and it would also answers your questions about Thanet, I guess you didn't read the article at all did you ? )


You should be ashamed of yourself trying to downplay the situation. Disgrace.

The OP refers to the Nation only. The KhaoSod article has more details, but with KhaoSod history I may wonder about the accuracy. The photo with Thanet in hospital gown on a bed is from 'name'/facebook, interesting.

BTW "Thanet Anantawong, 25, was admitted to the hospital with an intestinal infection Friday. He was about to be operated upon for a hernia,"

I guess now I need to look up the relation between a hernia and am intestinal infection. At least to me that's not immediately obvious. Never mind though, I may learn something again.

As for 'ashamed' and 'disgrace', please spare me such descriptions. You disagree with me and seem to need such words only to indicate how much you disagree. Meaningless as such.

Mind you, assuming there is some truth in all this, I agree Thanet should have been left in the Hospital. With plainclothes guards of course. And another doctor for a second opinion. BTW I'm impressed how good the Sirindhorn Hospital takes care of its common worker patients on a 30-Baht scheme, or did Thanet have a regular job with company paid insurance?

Well all I claimed was that they lifted him out of hospital. And that someone was worried about a possible blood infection. I leave it up to you to nit pick about it and casts doubts about the source of course, that too needs to be done in order to downplay this. That's where the disgrace come from. This is not a matter of disagree, this is a matter of you trying to downplay events despite media reporting on it. And of course you utterly fail to comment on the issue at hand, which is that people are facing 37 years in jail for a facebook post/share/like on the basis of LM, when it cannot possibly be considered LM in the first place.

Oh and if this was a 30 baht scheme patient or insured is hardly relevant now is it.


I don't need a quick history lesson, and certainly not from you, as you frequently try to sell lies as truths.

That, my dear sjaak327, is a deliberate insult. Seems you have no real arguments on the topic.

But I do Rubl, the request or argrument is pretty simple even for you, stick to the topic. History lessons are off topic.


I don't need a quick history lesson, and certainly not from you, as you frequently try to sell lies as truths.

That, my dear sjaak327, is a deliberate insult. Seems you have no real arguments on the topic.

But I do Rubl, the request or argrument is pretty simple even for you, stick to the topic. History lessons are off topic.

The insult is also quiet clear to me. You accuse me of frequently trying to sell lies as truths. Following you ignore what you don't want to hear or read.

Sticking to the topic is not the same as insulting a fellow poster you disagree with. Your replies to my posts seem more like continuous insults because you disagree or can't accept what I post. Weak, my dear sjaak327, very weak.


You suggest that someone on the operation table was lifted out of the hospital ("couldn't wait for operation to be concluded'). Even with your normal attitude regarding this government, I do find your description very unbelievable. Of course, you being a fellow Dutch non-native English speaker you might have meant what the OP said, "he was waiting for an operation'.

The article also mentions the Anti-junta activist Siriwat Serithiwat saying "He needs medical attention. We are afraid for his life". No mention of a lawyer. Also no mention of what ails Thanet.

No mention of the type of operation required, nor the urgency. As for waiting, a lucky 30-Baht Health Scheme dependent?

I did not claim he was lifted from the operation table, he was lifted from his hospital bed, where he was waiting an operation. It is posted literally in my post. If you are nit picking about waiting for the operation to conclude, as far as the article states, he was pre - op. So even though the operation didn't actually commence, the preparations did, so my remark still stands.

for reference: (and it would also answers your questions about Thanet, I guess you didn't read the article at all did you ? )


You should be ashamed of yourself trying to downplay the situation. Disgrace.

The OP refers to the Nation only. The KhaoSod article has more details, but with KhaoSod history I may wonder about the accuracy. The photo with Thanet in hospital gown on a bed is from 'name'/facebook, interesting.

BTW "Thanet Anantawong, 25, was admitted to the hospital with an intestinal infection Friday. He was about to be operated upon for a hernia,"

I guess now I need to look up the relation between a hernia and am intestinal infection. At least to me that's not immediately obvious. Never mind though, I may learn something again.

As for 'ashamed' and 'disgrace', please spare me such descriptions. You disagree with me and seem to need such words only to indicate how much you disagree. Meaningless as such.

Mind you, assuming there is some truth in all this, I agree Thanet should have been left in the Hospital. With plainclothes guards of course. And another doctor for a second opinion. BTW I'm impressed how good the Sirindhorn Hospital takes care of its common worker patients on a 30-Baht scheme, or did Thanet have a regular job with company paid insurance?

Well all I claimed was that they lifted him out of hospital. And that someone was worried about a possible blood infection. I leave it up to you to nit pick about it and casts doubts about the source of course, that too needs to be done in order to downplay this. That's where the disgrace come from. This is not a matter of disagree, this is a matter of you trying to downplay events despite media reporting on it. And of course you utterly fail to comment on the issue at hand, which is that people are facing 37 years in jail for a facebook post/share/like on the basis of LM, when it cannot possibly be considered LM in the first place.

Oh and if this was a 30 baht scheme patient or insured is hardly relevant now is it.

Ah, so there is a difference with what you claim and what you write? You did write in your own words

"After all his crime is so appalling that they couldn't wait for the operation to be concluded...."

That gives the suggestion that the poor chap was being operated on and those brutal men carried him out of the operating room bleeding and all. That is the suggestion you gave with your 'own' words.


BTW a new topic mentions that Thanet was arrested at a hospital on December 13 for allegedly violating Article 116 of the Criminal Code and the Computer Crime Act. For him no mention of LM. I guess that means he didn't like the doctored photo.


But Thaksin ! Again. They tried to do it according to you, but the difference is they didn't do it. Let's stay with the facts, people are being incarcerated and prosecuted for sharing and liking posts on Facebook, and Thaksin has nothing to do with it.

Of course Thaksin has nothing to do with this. He's gone more than nine years already. In his days facebook wasn't that important yet and he only needed his hand-held X-marked 'inappropriate' device. Apart from suing the pants of anyone questioning his activities of course.

Right, because suing the pants off anyone questioning him wasn't something that was made possible by the law of the land right ?

But dear rubl, Thaksin isn't the subject of this OP. The subject is that the Junta is incarcerating and prosecuting people for sharing or liking Facebook posts on possibly corruption in the Graft Park in Hua Hin, on the basis of LM (which apparently now doesn't only apply to members of the Thai royalty) and sedition.

​Let's stick to that subject shall we, it's bad enough that they are actually trying to pull this stunt.

My dear Sjaak327, I agreed with you that of course this wasn't about Thaksin as he's gone for nine years already. The rest is just a quick history lesson in how these things have evolved since his days.

so why mention him? it's just an expression of your obsession and a way to get him into the story! stick to the subject please as it's nothing to do with Elvis, BigFoot or Lord Lucan too! stop deflecting from the REAL issue which is dreadful.


I think rubl is physically incapable of actually giving (deserved) criticism to the junta. He always has a way of trying to twist and turn out of saying the words, throwing as many distraction techniques out as he possibly can.

Rubl. People are being taken away to military prisons (some with serious medical conditions, stop trying to scrutinize what is a prevalent point), being court martialled behind closed doors and being handed hefty prison sentences for Facebook comments! Admit that it is worrying and deplorable actions by the Thai junta. No "but Thaksin" or "but USA". This is a quite sickening level of suppression.


Anyone who takes the time to argue with a pro Junta fan , in light of recent human rights abuses , including arrest for Facebook ""likes"" .....is as childish as the avatar one of them uses .

It's a total waste of time and idiotic to waste time trying to point out the obvious.

These people are perverse and lack empathy or any semblance of justice.

Usually selfish frightened little men.

Few people would condone by any rationale a jail term for liking a Facebook post...let alone harsh ones.

Robbing people's youth and creating an Orwellian climate of fear.

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