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Facebook 'sedition' suspect expresses remorse

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Of course Thaksin has nothing to do with this. He's gone more than nine years already. In his days facebook wasn't that important yet and he only needed his hand-held X-marked 'inappropriate' device. Apart from suing the pants of anyone questioning his activities of course.

Right, because suing the pants off anyone questioning him wasn't something that was made possible by the law of the land right ?

But dear rubl, Thaksin isn't the subject of this OP. The subject is that the Junta is incarcerating and prosecuting people for sharing or liking Facebook posts on possibly corruption in the Graft Park in Hua Hin, on the basis of LM (which apparently now doesn't only apply to members of the Thai royalty) and sedition.

​Let's stick to that subject shall we, it's bad enough that they are actually trying to pull this stunt.

My dear Sjaak327, I agreed with you that of course this wasn't about Thaksin as he's gone for nine years already. The rest is just a quick history lesson in how these things have evolved since his days.

so why mention him? it's just an expression of your obsession and a way to get him into the story! stick to the subject please as it's nothing to do with Elvis, BigFoot or Lord Lucan too! stop deflecting from the REAL issue which is dreadful.

Do you guys ever read posts? I was just agreeing with sjaak327 that the topic is not on Thaksin since he's gone more than nie years already.

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Anyone who takes the time to argue with a pro Junta fan , in light of recent human rights abuses , including arrest for Facebook ""likes"" .....is as childish as the avatar one of them uses .

It's a total waste of time and idiotic to waste time trying to point out the obvious.

These people are perverse and lack empathy or any semblance of justice.

Usually selfish frightened little men.

Few people would condone by any rationale a jail term for liking a Facebook post...let alone harsh ones.

Robbing people's youth and creating an Orwellian climate of fear.

Anyone who stoops as low as insulting posters whose opinion one doesn't agree with is a hypocrite.

The description just confirms that the sense of justice is perverted to 'for those we agree with'.

As for Orwellian climate of fear, the shoot-outs in public buildings and schools elsewhere are not related to Thailand.


I think rubl is physically incapable of actually giving (deserved) criticism to the junta. He always has a way of trying to twist and turn out of saying the words, throwing as many distraction techniques out as he possibly can.

Rubl. People are being taken away to military prisons (some with serious medical conditions, stop trying to scrutinize what is a prevalent point), being court martialled behind closed doors and being handed hefty prison sentences for Facebook comments! Admit that it is worrying and deplorable actions by the Thai junta. No "but Thaksin" or "but USA". This is a quite sickening level of suppression.

Interestingly the twist comes from those who have no problem to shape the truth in a way convenient to them.

BTW in most countries nowadays you can and will be at least charged and possibly put away for facebook comments. Why you think facebook, twitter and so are being requested to report on anything they may not trust? Why did two congressmen in the USA just propose a law making it mandatory for those companies to check and report?

Furthermore I didn't blame anything on Thaksin in this topic, just check.

And lastly, 'serious medical problems'? If that's a reference to Thanet, it's interesting that today all problems seem forgotten.

"The petition claimed Thanet was illegitimately detained, but it also said Thanet was aware that an arrest warrant had been taken out against him and that he had planned to surrender to fight the charges."


Read more here:


Now the KhaoSod article has Thanet having been admitted to hospital on last Friday, for an intestinal infection. He was about to be operated upon for a hernia. A doctor said the medicine "Clindamycin and Ciproflaxacin" suggested a rather severe infection. Wiki suggest using different medicines due to side effects.

"Rates of side effects appear to be higher than some groups of antibiotics such as cephalosporins but lower than others such as clindamycin." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ciprofloxacin


Now the HRW has " inflammatory bowel disease and epididymo-orchitis" The last has to do with testicles.



Frankly who cares about those details?

Even in the case it may be true that the guy did not really had any severe "medical problems", it's an insignificant detail compared to the core issue of people detained and handed harsh sentences by military courts for posts on alledged corruption or on a subject which is explained, for example in the NYT.


Teflon rubl does it again. Using "but but USA" just like I predicted. Hook, line and sinker.

Please come back to me rubl when one of these "but..but...other nation" locks someone up for 15+ years for a facebook post.


Teflon rubl does it again. Using "but but USA" just like I predicted. Hook, line and sinker.

Please come back to me rubl when one of these "but..but...other nation" locks someone up for 15+ years for a facebook post.

Well, it would seem the USA leads and others are supposed to follow the lead. Also them being top dog and (American) English speakers makes it easier to quote in an English language forum. If I find a Dutch or German text I need to find a translation or make one myself.

Now, there may or may not be other nations who lock up people for 15+ years for a 'inappropriate' facebook post, but that's also not what I said or suggested. It's just that the 'free speech' is no longer valid in most countries including Western Democracies. Even our TVF has rules limiting 'free speech'.

Learn to live with it I was told.


This thread is interesting for analysing techniques used in order to try to lessen the impact of a topic which can be detrimental to the poster's preferences, beliefs, interest, etc...

Tactic 1: Divert discussion towards a periferical issue

i.e. the guy may not really have medical problems, Thaksin, etc...

Tactic 2: relate an "abnormal" situtation to a "normal" situation in order to lessen its abnormal/unethical character

i.e. people are also condemned in other countries for facebook comments (even if the motives and procedures followed don't compare in any way with the current case)

i.e. there is no "free speech" anymore and we have to live with it (of course without mentioning that "free speech" restrictions in democratic countries are related to issues such as racism, harassment, peadophilia, etc...). Again the motives and procedures followed don't compare in any way with the current case


This thread is interesting for analysing techniques used in order to try to lessen the impact of a topic which can be detrimental to the poster's preferences, beliefs, interest, etc...

Tactic 1: Divert discussion towards a periferical issue

i.e. the guy may not really have medical problems, Thaksin, etc...

Tactic 2: relate an "abnormal" situtation to a "normal" situation in order to lessen its abnormal/unethical character

i.e. people are also condemned in other countries for facebook comments (even if the motives and procedures followed don't compare in any way with the current case)

i.e. there is no "free speech" anymore and we have to live with it (of course without mentioning that "free speech" restrictions in democratic countries are related to issues such as racism, harassment, peadophilia, etc...). Again the motives and procedures followed don't compare in any way with the current case

You have just summed up Rubl's Modus operandi.

Locking sick people up for 15 year is ok because you can't say overtly racist stuff in the west.


This thread is interesting for analysing techniques used in order to try to lessen the impact of a topic which can be detrimental to the poster's preferences, beliefs, interest, etc...

Tactic 1: Divert discussion towards a periferical issue

i.e. the guy may not really have medical problems, Thaksin, etc...

Tactic 2: relate an "abnormal" situtation to a "normal" situation in order to lessen its abnormal/unethical character

i.e. people are also condemned in other countries for facebook comments (even if the motives and procedures followed don't compare in any way with the current case)

i.e. there is no "free speech" anymore and we have to live with it (of course without mentioning that "free speech" restrictions in democratic countries are related to issues such as racism, harassment, peadophilia, etc...). Again the motives and procedures followed don't compare in any way with the current case

Of course what you seem to suggest is that

1. obviously the junta is not speaking the truth

2. obviously thanet is a sick man who needs compassion

3. anyone with a brain can see that.

Well, to accept 1, and 2, as is I would need to switch off my brain and stop thinking. That of course would make 3. a wee bit difficult.

Terribly sorry and all that, but I wasn't brought up in the Thai education system where the teacher will tell you. I was brought up in the Netherlands where it was continuously stressed that not to ask questions is dumbing you down.

So I questioned the junta activity in post #52

"Mind you, assuming there is some truth in all this, I agree Thanet should have been left in the Hospital. With plainclothes guards of course. And another doctor for a second opinion."

I did question what ails Thanet as he seems 'real' sick with what ails him depending on who you ask. See post #63.

Now if you feel that my questioning is just a diversion you seem to imply you don't like questions. You don't seem to like people educate themselves by asking questions.

BTW the topic is neither you nor me although at times I get the impression that currently it is not duck hunting season, not wabbit hunting season, not even Elmer Fudd hunting season, but just "let's get that blasted Dutch uncle' hunting season. Probably means I question what some don't like to be questioned.


This thread is interesting for analysing techniques used in order to try to lessen the impact of a topic which can be detrimental to the poster's preferences, beliefs, interest, etc...

Tactic 1: Divert discussion towards a periferical issue

i.e. the guy may not really have medical problems, Thaksin, etc...

Tactic 2: relate an "abnormal" situtation to a "normal" situation in order to lessen its abnormal/unethical character

i.e. people are also condemned in other countries for facebook comments (even if the motives and procedures followed don't compare in any way with the current case)

i.e. there is no "free speech" anymore and we have to live with it (of course without mentioning that "free speech" restrictions in democratic countries are related to issues such as racism, harassment, peadophilia, etc...). Again the motives and procedures followed don't compare in any way with the current case

You have just summed up Rubl's Modus operandi.

Locking sick people up for 15 year is ok because you can't say overtly racist stuff in the west.

Did you read my post #52?

BTW did you see the topic on "controversial US diplomat to return'? Someone suggested the current Thai government should listen and

"I for one hope the speech is strong and precise and unapologetic that is what's expected from the Americans who cherish liberty."


Just like I wrote here in post #66

"Well, it would seem the USA leads and others are supposed to follow the lead."


This thread is interesting for analysing techniques used in order to try to lessen the impact of a topic which can be detrimental to the poster's preferences, beliefs, interest, etc...

Tactic 1: Divert discussion towards a periferical issue

i.e. the guy may not really have medical problems, Thaksin, etc...

Tactic 2: relate an "abnormal" situtation to a "normal" situation in order to lessen its abnormal/unethical character

i.e. people are also condemned in other countries for facebook comments (even if the motives and procedures followed don't compare in any way with the current case)

i.e. there is no "free speech" anymore and we have to live with it (of course without mentioning that "free speech" restrictions in democratic countries are related to issues such as racism, harassment, peadophilia, etc...). Again the motives and procedures followed don't compare in any way with the current case

Of course what you seem to suggest is that

1. obviously the junta is not speaking the truth

2. obviously thanet is a sick man who needs compassion

3. anyone with a brain can see that.

Well, to accept 1, and 2, as is I would need to switch off my brain and stop thinking. That of course would make 3. a wee bit difficult.

Terribly sorry and all that, but I wasn't brought up in the Thai education system where the teacher will tell you. I was brought up in the Netherlands where it was continuously stressed that not to ask questions is dumbing you down.

So I questioned the junta activity in post #52

"Mind you, assuming there is some truth in all this, I agree Thanet should have been left in the Hospital. With plainclothes guards of course. And another doctor for a second opinion."

I did question what ails Thanet as he seems 'real' sick with what ails him depending on who you ask. See post #63.

Now if you feel that my questioning is just a diversion you seem to imply you don't like questions. You don't seem to like people educate themselves by asking questions.

BTW the topic is neither you nor me although at times I get the impression that currently it is not duck hunting season, not wabbit hunting season, not even Elmer Fudd hunting season, but just "let's get that blasted Dutch uncle' hunting season. Probably means I question what some don't like to be questioned.

No it's not what this particular post was suggesting.

To sum up, you are an excellent and smart debater and would be probably very valuable in training community managers.

You use several techniques in topics that can be detrimental to the Junta's image (which for some reason you have chosen to defend). Asking questions with this specific purpose in mind is part of these techniques (technique n°1). It's not randomly questionning information, it is with this specific purpose of diverting attention, downplaying a topic, etc.... Along with technique n°2 and others that may be interesting to decrypt.

Unfortunately, there have been recently plenty of news that can be detrimental to the Junta's image. As you have been particularly present in some of these numerous topics, it is not really surprising that some people have been annoyed by the repeated use of these techniques, and resorted to what you call "Dutch uncle's hunting". For me, it has been the opportunity to discover some interesting rethoric techniques.


This thread is interesting for analysing techniques used in order to try to lessen the impact of a topic which can be detrimental to the poster's preferences, beliefs, interest, etc...

Tactic 1: Divert discussion towards a periferical issue

i.e. the guy may not really have medical problems, Thaksin, etc...

Tactic 2: relate an "abnormal" situtation to a "normal" situation in order to lessen its abnormal/unethical character

i.e. people are also condemned in other countries for facebook comments (even if the motives and procedures followed don't compare in any way with the current case)

i.e. there is no "free speech" anymore and we have to live with it (of course without mentioning that "free speech" restrictions in democratic countries are related to issues such as racism, harassment, peadophilia, etc...). Again the motives and procedures followed don't compare in any way with the current case

Of course what you seem to suggest is that

1. obviously the junta is not speaking the truth

2. obviously thanet is a sick man who needs compassion

3. anyone with a brain can see that.

Well, to accept 1, and 2, as is I would need to switch off my brain and stop thinking. That of course would make 3. a wee bit difficult.

Terribly sorry and all that, but I wasn't brought up in the Thai education system where the teacher will tell you. I was brought up in the Netherlands where it was continuously stressed that not to ask questions is dumbing you down.

So I questioned the junta activity in post #52

"Mind you, assuming there is some truth in all this, I agree Thanet should have been left in the Hospital. With plainclothes guards of course. And another doctor for a second opinion."

I did question what ails Thanet as he seems 'real' sick with what ails him depending on who you ask. See post #63.

Now if you feel that my questioning is just a diversion you seem to imply you don't like questions. You don't seem to like people educate themselves by asking questions.

BTW the topic is neither you nor me although at times I get the impression that currently it is not duck hunting season, not wabbit hunting season, not even Elmer Fudd hunting season, but just "let's get that blasted Dutch uncle' hunting season. Probably means I question what some don't like to be questioned.

No it's not what this particular post was suggesting.

To sum up, you are an excellent and smart debater and would be probably very valuable in training community managers.

You use several techniques in topics that can be detrimental to the Junta's image (which for some reason you have chosen to defend). Asking questions with this specific purpose in mind is part of these techniques (technique n°1). It's not randomly questionning information, it is with this specific purpose of diverting attention, downplaying a topic, etc.... Along with technique n°2 and others that may be interesting to decrypt.

Unfortunately, there have been recently plenty of news that can be detrimental to the Junta's image. As you have been particularly present in some of these numerous topics, it is not really surprising that some people have been annoyed by the repeated use of these techniques, and resorted to what you call "Dutch uncle's hunting". For me, it has been the opportunity to discover some interesting rethoric techniques.

Really out of character your last two replies to me. As if you had help. It's also interesting you suggest 'some people' are annoyed by what you describe as 'techniques' whereas it would seem 'some people' are just unable to accept opinions which do not match their own. As such even your post here is just a deflection from the contents of my posts.

So, one facebook poster who 'liked' some doctored photo has shown remorse, the other may or may not need medical attention. With the somewhat conflicting descriptions on what ails him a second opinion by a doctor would be a good idea.


This thread is interesting for analysing techniques used in order to try to lessen the impact of a topic which can be detrimental to the poster's preferences, beliefs, interest, etc...

Tactic 1: Divert discussion towards a periferical issue

i.e. the guy may not really have medical problems, Thaksin, etc...

Tactic 2: relate an "abnormal" situtation to a "normal" situation in order to lessen its abnormal/unethical character

i.e. people are also condemned in other countries for facebook comments (even if the motives and procedures followed don't compare in any way with the current case)

i.e. there is no "free speech" anymore and we have to live with it (of course without mentioning that "free speech" restrictions in democratic countries are related to issues such as racism, harassment, peadophilia, etc...). Again the motives and procedures followed don't compare in any way with the current case

Of course what you seem to suggest is that

1. obviously the junta is not speaking the truth

2. obviously thanet is a sick man who needs compassion

3. anyone with a brain can see that.

Well, to accept 1, and 2, as is I would need to switch off my brain and stop thinking. That of course would make 3. a wee bit difficult.

Terribly sorry and all that, but I wasn't brought up in the Thai education system where the teacher will tell you. I was brought up in the Netherlands where it was continuously stressed that not to ask questions is dumbing you down.

So I questioned the junta activity in post #52

"Mind you, assuming there is some truth in all this, I agree Thanet should have been left in the Hospital. With plainclothes guards of course. And another doctor for a second opinion."

I did question what ails Thanet as he seems 'real' sick with what ails him depending on who you ask. See post #63.

Now if you feel that my questioning is just a diversion you seem to imply you don't like questions. You don't seem to like people educate themselves by asking questions.

BTW the topic is neither you nor me although at times I get the impression that currently it is not duck hunting season, not wabbit hunting season, not even Elmer Fudd hunting season, but just "let's get that blasted Dutch uncle' hunting season. Probably means I question what some don't like to be questioned.

No it's not what this particular post was suggesting.

To sum up, you are an excellent and smart debater and would be probably very valuable in training community managers.

You use several techniques in topics that can be detrimental to the Junta's image (which for some reason you have chosen to defend). Asking questions with this specific purpose in mind is part of these techniques (technique n°1). It's not randomly questionning information, it is with this specific purpose of diverting attention, downplaying a topic, etc.... Along with technique n°2 and others that may be interesting to decrypt.

Unfortunately, there have been recently plenty of news that can be detrimental to the Junta's image. As you have been particularly present in some of these numerous topics, it is not really surprising that some people have been annoyed by the repeated use of these techniques, and resorted to what you call "Dutch uncle's hunting". For me, it has been the opportunity to discover some interesting rethoric techniques.

Really out of character your last two replies to me. As if you had help. It's also interesting you suggest 'some people' are annoyed by what you describe as 'techniques' whereas it would seem 'some people' are just unable to accept opinions which do not match their own. As such even your post here is just a deflection from the contents of my posts.

So, one facebook poster who 'liked' some doctored photo has shown remorse, the other may or may not need medical attention. With the somewhat conflicting descriptions on what ails him a second opinion by a doctor would be a good idea.

He has suddenly 'shown remorse' after being removed by some men, taken to an undisclosed location and then had some 'attitude adjustment'.

Funny that.


No it's not what this particular post was suggesting.

To sum up, you are an excellent and smart debater and would be probably very valuable in training community managers.

You use several techniques in topics that can be detrimental to the Junta's image (which for some reason you have chosen to defend). Asking questions with this specific purpose in mind is part of these techniques (technique n°1). It's not randomly questionning information, it is with this specific purpose of diverting attention, downplaying a topic, etc.... Along with technique n°2 and others that may be interesting to decrypt.

Unfortunately, there have been recently plenty of news that can be detrimental to the Junta's image. As you have been particularly present in some of these numerous topics, it is not really surprising that some people have been annoyed by the repeated use of these techniques, and resorted to what you call "Dutch uncle's hunting". For me, it has been the opportunity to discover some interesting rethoric techniques.

Really out of character your last two replies to me. As if you had help. It's also interesting you suggest 'some people' are annoyed by what you describe as 'techniques' whereas it would seem 'some people' are just unable to accept opinions which do not match their own. As such even your post here is just a deflection from the contents of my posts.

So, one facebook poster who 'liked' some doctored photo has shown remorse, the other may or may not need medical attention. With the somewhat conflicting descriptions on what ails him a second opinion by a doctor would be a good idea.

He has suddenly 'shown remorse' after being removed by some men, taken to an undisclosed location and then had some 'attitude adjustment'.

Funny that.

I personally have had enough of this bullshit. The fact that a fellow countryman of mine is defending people that use repression to scare people is making me sick. As if the years of education he has received in the Netherlands was of no use.

What they are doing is not defendable, certainly not by someone who was born in a country where democracy has flourished for a few centuries.

Now he is either too dumb to see through some of the Junta's lies and tricks, or he is defending them because it suits his agenda or wallet. I leave it up to others to decide which it is..


No it's not what this particular post was suggesting.

To sum up, you are an excellent and smart debater and would be probably very valuable in training community managers.

You use several techniques in topics that can be detrimental to the Junta's image (which for some reason you have chosen to defend). Asking questions with this specific purpose in mind is part of these techniques (technique n°1). It's not randomly questionning information, it is with this specific purpose of diverting attention, downplaying a topic, etc.... Along with technique n°2 and others that may be interesting to decrypt.

Unfortunately, there have been recently plenty of news that can be detrimental to the Junta's image. As you have been particularly present in some of these numerous topics, it is not really surprising that some people have been annoyed by the repeated use of these techniques, and resorted to what you call "Dutch uncle's hunting". For me, it has been the opportunity to discover some interesting rethoric techniques.

Really out of character your last two replies to me. As if you had help. It's also interesting you suggest 'some people' are annoyed by what you describe as 'techniques' whereas it would seem 'some people' are just unable to accept opinions which do not match their own. As such even your post here is just a deflection from the contents of my posts.

So, one facebook poster who 'liked' some doctored photo has shown remorse, the other may or may not need medical attention. With the somewhat conflicting descriptions on what ails him a second opinion by a doctor would be a good idea.

He has suddenly 'shown remorse' after being removed by some men, taken to an undisclosed location and then had some 'attitude adjustment'.

Funny that.

I personally have had enough of this bullshit. The fact that a fellow countryman of mine is defending people that use repression to scare people is making me sick. As if the years of education he has received in the Netherlands was of no use.

What they are doing is not defendable, certainly not by someone who was born in a country where democracy has flourished for a few centuries.

Now he is either too dumb to see through some of the Junta's lies and tricks, or he is defending them because it suits his agenda or wallet. I leave it up to others to decide which it is..

At least rubl attempts intelligent debate even if he does throw in lots of distraction techniques (the other poster above had him sussed). I am English and well we have EnglishJohn to be our foaming at the mouth junta representative on here!

rubl is a teddy bear by compassion laugh.png


No it's not what this particular post was suggesting.

To sum up, you are an excellent and smart debater and would be probably very valuable in training community managers.

You use several techniques in topics that can be detrimental to the Junta's image (which for some reason you have chosen to defend). Asking questions with this specific purpose in mind is part of these techniques (technique n°1). It's not randomly questionning information, it is with this specific purpose of diverting attention, downplaying a topic, etc.... Along with technique n°2 and others that may be interesting to decrypt.

Unfortunately, there have been recently plenty of news that can be detrimental to the Junta's image. As you have been particularly present in some of these numerous topics, it is not really surprising that some people have been annoyed by the repeated use of these techniques, and resorted to what you call "Dutch uncle's hunting". For me, it has been the opportunity to discover some interesting rethoric techniques.

Really out of character your last two replies to me. As if you had help. It's also interesting you suggest 'some people' are annoyed by what you describe as 'techniques' whereas it would seem 'some people' are just unable to accept opinions which do not match their own. As such even your post here is just a deflection from the contents of my posts.

So, one facebook poster who 'liked' some doctored photo has shown remorse, the other may or may not need medical attention. With the somewhat conflicting descriptions on what ails him a second opinion by a doctor would be a good idea.

He has suddenly 'shown remorse' after being removed by some men, taken to an undisclosed location and then had some 'attitude adjustment'.

Funny that.

I personally have had enough of this bullshit. The fact that a fellow countryman of mine is defending people that use repression to scare people is making me sick. As if the years of education he has received in the Netherlands was of no use.

What they are doing is not defendable, certainly not by someone who was born in a country where democracy has flourished for a few centuries.

Now he is either too dumb to see through some of the Junta's lies and tricks, or he is defending them because it suits his agenda or wallet. I leave it up to others to decide which it is..

In the Netherlands we tolerate opinions which are different from ones own. At least many Dutch people do.

Of course, we have a few posters here to state the 'state of fear and repression' whereas living in Thailand and talking with people from different social classes not above middle class I get no sense of fear. Curious.

BTW the "he is defending them because it suits his agenda or wallet" is close to going against some forum rules. Of course if you have proof of your accusation please forward to the mods who could use that and another forum rule to get rid of me.

All in all we have a suspect expressing remorse without having any blemishes on his body. I guess that's the part which scares some posters. How can you be morally outraged that way.


What they are doing is not defendable, certainly not by someone who was born in a country where democracy has flourished for a few centuries.

Now he is either too dumb to see through some of the Junta's lies and tricks, or he is defending them because it suits his agenda or wallet. I leave it up to others to decide which it is..

At least rubl attempts intelligent debate even if he does throw in lots of distraction techniques (the other poster above had him sussed). I am English and well we have EnglishJohn to be our foaming at the mouth junta representative on here!

rubl is a teddy bear by compassion laugh.png

Well thank you very much for your kind words.

Mind you, you seem to distract from the topic with those words.

Thev topic being neither EnglishJohn, nor me and not even that some guys don't like our opinions to the point of democratically deciding we are representatives of the junta.

The topic is one suspect showing remorse, and that without the telltale bodily signs of having been 'influenced'


All in all we have a suspect expressing remorse without having any blemishes on his body

I'm sure the suspect is fully aware of other suspects who have recently and mysteriously died in custody.

Fear is of one's own death at the hands of others can be a great persuader


I think rubl is physically incapable of actually giving (deserved) criticism to the junta. He always has a way of trying to twist and turn out of saying the words, throwing as many distraction techniques out as he possibly can.

Rubl. People are being taken away to military prisons (some with serious medical conditions, stop trying to scrutinize what is a prevalent point), being court martialled behind closed doors and being handed hefty prison sentences for Facebook comments! Admit that it is worrying and deplorable actions by the Thai junta. No "but Thaksin" or "but USA". This is a quite sickening level of suppression.

but rizzla, he doesn't find it worrying nor deplorable even though he claims to be dutch...

which is worrying and deplorable. For the rest of us.

Other news from yesterday on the latest junta-victim


I think rubl is physically incapable of actually giving (deserved) criticism to the junta. He always has a way of trying to twist and turn out of saying the words, throwing as many distraction techniques out as he possibly can.

Rubl. People are being taken away to military prisons (some with serious medical conditions, stop trying to scrutinize what is a prevalent point), being court martialled behind closed doors and being handed hefty prison sentences for Facebook comments! Admit that it is worrying and deplorable actions by the Thai junta. No "but Thaksin" or "but USA". This is a quite sickening level of suppression.

but rizzla, he doesn't find it worrying nor deplorable even though he claims to be dutch...

which is worrying and deplorable. For the rest of us.

Other news from yesterday on the latest junta-victim

I do not claim to be Dutch, I AM Dutch.

My apologies if telling the truth is worrying you and others. That's the Dutch uncle part.

So, anymore news on the remorseful?

The real sick one was freed on bail it was written in prachathai.


For all the sound advise you don't want to hear.

Have a nice weekend

uncle rubl

You use several techniques in topics that can be detrimental to the Junta's image (which for some reason you have chosen to defend).

Perhaps Rubi wants to believe there is some good in the Thai political scene. Unfortunately, the system seems to be inherently corrupt and increasingly authoritarian. The latter trend became apparent to me under Thaksin, and has steadily worsened, even under Abhisit, who appeared to personally be liberal. The system restricts freedom of manoeuvre, wearing down even the best.


"distributed damaging information about the Army's controversial Rajabhakti Park project"

And whose fault is it that this damaging information exists to be distributed? I have theorised before that if, as a soldier under the direct command of His Majesty, one indulges in corrupt actions that bring the armed forces into disrepute, that this is the real Lese Majeste. The bringing of this heinous act to the attention of the public and the police cannot be regarded in the same light surely? It is wrong when exposing the crime becomes the crime!

You use several techniques in topics that can be detrimental to the Junta's image (which for some reason you have chosen to defend).

Perhaps Rubi wants to believe there is some good in the Thai political scene. Unfortunately, the system seems to be inherently corrupt and increasingly authoritarian. The latter trend became apparent to me under Thaksin, and has steadily worsened, even under Abhisit, who appeared to personally be liberal. The system restricts freedom of manoeuvre, wearing down even the best.

A year ago I suggested (only half in jest) that it might be better to have the UN take over for a decade or two. A proper education program and getting the young through it takes that long.


"distributed damaging information about the Army's controversial Rajabhakti Park project"

And whose fault is it that this damaging information exists to be distributed? I have theorised before that if, as a soldier under the direct command of His Majesty, one indulges in corrupt actions that bring the armed forces into disrepute, that this is the real Lese Majeste. The bringing of this heinous act to the attention of the public and the police cannot be regarded in the same light surely? It is wrong when exposing the crime becomes the crime!

Without having seen it I find it difficult to say much about this 'alleged' damaging data.

Mind you, no project in Thailand seems to be able to concluded without some 'damaging' data'. Thai culture and acceptance and so. The current government should do more to crack down, on corruption that is.

BTW with the Thai defamation law anyway who wants to 'publish' damaging data is somewhat automatically put in a difficult position. Till now though no one seems willing to 'modernise' that defamation law.

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