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Two more men held for fatal gang attack in Kanchanaburi

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I feel very sore for that boy I seen it to .

But are you joking on your statement.

I will also consider imposing penalties on the parents of any suspects who are below the age of responsibility because those parents have failed in their duty to bring their children up as good Thai Citisens.

How can you blame the parents have you children some times you can be the best parents in the world and your kids turn out bad ok so before you go off your hat think about your statement.

Ah, my children are in their late 30's/early 40's so no probs for me he he.

However, pray tell me why the head teacher may summon the parents to school to discuss behavioral problems their children are displaying?

Clearlu, IMO, because they believe that the parents are responsible to control their children's behaviour?

If you were "summend to a meeting" would you refuse to attend - because you have no responsibility for your children?

I bet you would attend, be shocked (like this lad's Mum) and in the privacy of your own home, would punish the child as appropriate.

I don't necissarily mean beating, violence begets more violence?

No, grounding, stopping pocket moneyno TV, no computer games, confiscate smart phone, ipad's etc.

Should a phone be necessary then provide a simple phone. etc.

In many countries, I believe that parents are held legally responsible for their children.

For instance:- They may not leave them unattended if under 14 unless they are being taken care of by someone older than 14.

Failure to observe this may lead to prosecution of the parents. etc. etc. etc.

You have a big problem in your head need to see someone to get help and your statement your child in 30 and 40 then go on hehe tell me can't your children at that age be bad yes they can and hop they don't but should you have to pay if the kids do bad things I think you would not want to pay so you see you are so wrong.

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I agree that education is the answer.

First, the video needs to be saved as part of a documentary to be shown in mandatory school assemblies and the narrative needs to repeatedly use the term "cowardly attack". The second part of the documentary would be the swift public execution by firing squad of first the policeman's son who used the baseball bat as it was most likely he who delivered the fatal blows. Since family is so important here, document the reaction of the parents of the perpetrator at the moment of execution as most Thai kids don't want to do something that will cause distress to their parents..

The second person to be executed would be that brave thug who threw the statue on the poor victim while he was down and defenseless. Again, record the reaction of his parents as they express the greatest loss of face imaginable.

The 3rd part of the documentary would be follow ups with the other cretins involved who are sentenced to life in prison without possibility of parole; interviews with them every 5 years or so as they reflect on their actions and the ruination of their own lives simply from being members of a gang.

The documentary needs to be shown in every school, every year until every student has seen it numerous times and until events like this cease to happen.

Shortly after New Year in 1976, I arrived in Taipei, Taiwan. Within an hour I was checking in at a hostel for students and while filling out the forms I watched a public execution broadcast on national TV. 3 youths aged 17-19 executed by firing squad. The crime? They had made an armed robbery of a "factory" using knives and although they did not hurt anyone, they got away with the victims wristwatches, wallets, and jewelry. They were apprehended in a matter of minutes, tried, sentenced and executed less than 48 from the time of the commission of the crime. At that time, Taiwan was under martial law and there was an armed soldier on almost every block. Any crime committed by 2 or more persons was classified as a conspiracy against the government and automatically carried the death penalty.

I moonlighted teaching English to Taiwanese businessmen. One was a group of 4 and we would meet for dinner and they would try to hone their conversational skills. One night after dinner I was walking with one of my students and dropped a few coins in the begging cup of a woman who looked like a crab and I was immediately admonished in a sharp tone for doing so. It was explained that the woman was a criminal, that her back was fused from being in a tiger cage for many years, the sentence for something so simple as shoplifting. My student explained that there were simply too many people living in Taiwan and that aberrant behavior was simply not tolerated, that the aberrant were swiftly excised from the population.

Draconian? Sure. But the one thing that was not lost on me was that the public execution sent a very powerful message, and later, the occasional sight of a beggar moving like a crab sent a powerful remindful message also.

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