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Full bilateral ties only after democracy restored: US envoy

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I sincerely hope he told the General to **c* right off and admit he was just another in a long line of corrupt military *ic**t*r* who was responsible for sabotaging democracy, the economy and diplomatic ties once again for his long suffering country.

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"In order to comprehend the situation in Thailand, we have to look into the past to understand the present and see a clear future. Consider the country, not just the people. Don't just believe me, but study the situation more," Deputy Government Spokesman Werachon Sukondhapatipak quoted Prayut as telling Russel.

Twenty-odd military coups since Thailand became a democratic monarchy suggests that if we study the past then we see continuous military interfering in the democratic process. I'm pretty sure that's the conclusion that the US will draw from studying Thailand's history.

This is a very strange remark. "Consider the country, not just the people".

If you take "The people" out of the equation then what of substance do you have left? In most countries the answer would be "very little", because the country and the people are almost synonymous. Why does Thailand think it is somehow special because of its past?

good points, however,

Why does Thailand think it is somehow special because of its past?

It's not Thailand, but the self-appointed PM who thinks that way, and it is most likely because he is not able to come up with any logical, coherent internationally acceptable justification for his own past actions other than the fact that he grabbed power for his own reasons, and (apparently) has no intention of letting it go... After all, the current "plan" has the Junta in direct power longer than the entire administration of the Yingluck government... much longer, in fact.

They think they are special, for no other reason than they think they are special. The day they stop blindly believing they are special is the day they grasp the problems and start making proper changes....

God or Buddha knows why they really believe in their natural superiority, but it is a nationwide problem of inflated ego. Nothing wrong with a little national pride but it also brings massive structural problems that refuse to be tackled.

Seems they are more than happy to feel pride at being better off than Burma, laos, Cambodia and Vietnam, as though this is a stellar achievement.

Pride before a fall and all that. Greece used to look down on Turkey. Who's laughing now?


The Thai TV news showed the meeting and showed the General greeting the Americans in a welcoming and affable manner. The narrative only presented positive sounding quotes. The picture shown here must be after the meeting and reflects the General not being pleased with the results. I really do not think the US should be lecturing any country regarding their internal affairs. The United States shows a lack of consistency in its dealings with countries. Egypt had a coup and was not criticized because the coup leader ousted a democratically elected leader who leaned towards being an Islamist. The Obama administration shows it knows little of what happens in Thailand or the real reason behind the coup. The American Ambassador's speech in a public forum was an error in policy and shows the lack of understanding on behalf of the US.

I guarantee Obama and his administration know exactly what's going on here. More than we do....as exposed by Wikileaks.

Anyone with a brain can see what's going on here. The really dumb ones think the army intervened to stop corruption.


The Thai TV news showed the meeting and showed the General greeting the Americans in a welcoming and affable manner. The narrative only presented positive sounding quotes. The picture shown here must be after the meeting and reflects the General not being pleased with the results. I really do not think the US should be lecturing any country regarding their internal affairs. The United States shows a lack of consistency in its dealings with countries. Egypt had a coup and was not criticized because the coup leader ousted a democratically elected leader who leaned towards being an Islamist. The Obama administration shows it knows little of what happens in Thailand or the real reason behind the coup. The American Ambassador's speech in a public forum was an error in policy and shows the lack of understanding on behalf of the US.

I guarantee Obama and his administration know exactly what's going on here. More than we do....as exposed by Wikileaks.

Anyone with a brain can see what's going on here. The really dumb ones think the army intervened to stop corruption.

The really dumb ones think the army intervened to stop corruption.

... or a civil war... thumbsup.gif


The Thai TV news showed the meeting and showed the General greeting the Americans in a welcoming and affable manner. The narrative only presented positive sounding quotes. The picture shown here must be after the meeting and reflects the General not being pleased with the results. I really do not think the US should be lecturing any country regarding their internal affairs. The United States shows a lack of consistency in its dealings with countries. Egypt had a coup and was not criticized because the coup leader ousted a democratically elected leader who leaned towards being an Islamist. The Obama administration shows it knows little of what happens in Thailand or the real reason behind the coup. The American Ambassador's speech in a public forum was an error in policy and shows the lack of understanding on behalf of the US.

I guarantee Obama and his administration know exactly what's going on here. More than we do....as exposed by Wikileaks.

Anyone with a brain can see what's going on here. The really dumb ones think the army intervened to stop corruption.

The really dumb ones think the army intervened to stop corruption.

... or a civil war... thumbsup.gif

Yeah right.....


so while the junta is being gently handled with kid-gloves by the US, they have some of their own 'uppity' Thai academics proposing and suggesting actions that make a lot of sense given the fact that a coup was treason until the point that the junta gave themselves blanket amnesty...

One professor is proposing that the coup leaders face a special tribunal and that the proceedings be broadcast on TV. thumbsup.gif

He will surely face the same fate as another academic who is being followed by the military/police and can no no longer travel outside of Thailand without military approval... coffee1.gif


Which of the countries has to restore democracy? Thailand or The USA?

Maybe both? After watching these GOP debates it rather scares me. All the important issues are side lined or there is a blow em out of the water approach. That one has not worked that well over the last couple of hundred years. They are all trying to say that they are the biggest cock on the walk. After the debates when the observers are questioned their emotions are all over the place half have switched candidates. I really laugh when one of them says I like this guy because he will take care of me yeah sure take care of your wallet maybe.


The Thai TV news showed the meeting and showed the General greeting the Americans in a welcoming and affable manner. The narrative only presented positive sounding quotes. The picture shown here must be after the meeting and reflects the General not being pleased with the results. I really do not think the US should be lecturing any country regarding their internal affairs. The United States shows a lack of consistency in its dealings with countries. Egypt had a coup and was not criticized because the coup leader ousted a democratically elected leader who leaned towards being an Islamist. The Obama administration shows it knows little of what happens in Thailand or the real reason behind the coup. The American Ambassador's speech in a public forum was an error in policy and shows the lack of understanding on behalf of the US.

I guarantee Obama and his administration know exactly what's going on here. More than we do....as exposed by Wikileaks.

Anyone with a brain can see what's going on here. The really dumb ones think the army intervened to stop corruption.

Its liking smoking when you get sick of one brand you try another.


Someday Thailand can have democracy like in America.

- $1 Billion to get elected

- Campaigns that last a full year and a half

- Corporations with the same rights as people


It's not that simple. Thailand was not a democracy before as the election was bought and paid for by a fugitive living in another country. Its called money politics. It's the same type of politics that runs the United States only there it is more sophisticated. Had the former Prime Minister remained in power there would most likely been an ending that would be a lot worse than what happened. Everyone would prefer a fair and honest election where money cannot buy anyone- but please tell me how that is possible and who the candidates are that would be running in that election. If an election was called today, Thailand would have the same old recycled dinosaurs of the past. You might call it democracy but most people would call it for what it really is- money politics. As far as my comment on Egypt- it shows the inconsistency of American foreign policy which is why the American vision of the World is tainted and shows a lacking of understanding.

In regard to the US not understanding the real reasons for the coup- I will clarify this by saying the US may know the real reasons behind the coup but their public statements show a lack of understanding regarding Thai culture and sentiments.

I would go a step further. I would describe their public statements as sophomoric, elemental, simplistic, inane, inappropriate, and truly lacking any diplomatic sophistication or understanding. These are things that need to be said behind closed doors, not in the media, especially when dealing with such thin skinned megalomaniacs.


Which of the countries has to restore democracy? Thailand or The USA?

Maybe both? After watching these GOP debates it rather scares me. All the important issues are side lined or there is a blow em out of the water approach. That one has not worked that well over the last couple of hundred years. They are all trying to say that they are the biggest cock on the walk. After the debates when the observers are questioned their emotions are all over the place half have switched candidates. I really laugh when one of them says I like this guy because he will take care of me yeah sure take care of your wallet maybe.

And you know if Trump were sampling the wares here he would be known as a 4,4,4. Four minutes, 4,000 baht, four inches.


While the US takes a wait and see attitude...Russia, China, Germany, Korea, Japan, and others are courting the new government like a debutant at a coming out party...all trying to get into her pants...


<deleted> America $#@@#$ off and leave other countries alone I say boycott all american business until they introduce proper democracy instead of money backed farce called freedom in USA I have had enough of $#@#$ America sticking their unwanted nose into world affairs and so are most of world


Weird, what a curious photo accompanying the article. In this case, is the photo really worth a 1000 words?

1. It barely looks like they're shaking hands, just barely.

2. P is looking away, not at R, in fact away from him, with a so-dour look on his face.

Hardly the stuff of normal diplomatic niceties.

Perhaps R doesn't understand the meaning of Thainess. Or perhaps P got taken to the diplomatic woodshed.

Yeah, I forgot to comment on that handshake. That is the "limpest wet noodle" handshake I have ever seen. Mr. P can't even fake it for the cameras.


the mad-dogs are back, frothing at the mouth & slamming the US... coffee1.gif

Indeed, some real barking classics here!

the mad-dogs are back, frothing at the mouth & slamming the US... coffee1.gif

Indeed, some real barking classics here!

Actually the US is quite hypocritical, just look at the world news about Saudi Arabia where a protester gets convicted to death for something he did when he was 15. I don't see the US making a fuzz there but they do here.

They are allies with full bilateral ties.. so a country far worse as Thailand .. is ok.. but Thailand is not.

What does that say.. that they are hypocrites. (US foreign policy not Americans)

Also if the US really wanted to do something they should do something talk is cheap.


the mad-dogs are back, frothing at the mouth & slamming the US... coffee1.gif

Indeed, some real barking classics here!
Actually the US is quite hypocritical, just look at the world news about Saudi Arabia where a protester gets convicted to death for something he did when he was 15. I don't see the US making a fuzz there but they do here.

They are allies with full bilateral ties.. so a country far worse as Thailand .. is ok.. but Thailand is not.

What does that say.. that they are hypocrites. (US foreign policy not Americans)

Also if the US really wanted to do something they should do something talk is cheap.

Due to the law, the US has changed it's relation with Thailand. It's the law. Saudi Arabia has not had a coup overthrowing a diplomatically elected government.

Seems many countries cozy up to Saudi Arabia:


The minister said he planned to fly to Riyad in ‘the not too distant future’ in an effort to smooth over the situation. The foreign ministry confirmed on Saturday there are signs that Saudi Arabia was planning to take steps against the Netherlands. This could include excluding Dutch companies from participating in local projects and changing visa requirements, according to a local media report. Prime minister Mark Rutte said Wilders’ sticker campaign threatens Dutch jobs. ‘Freedom of speech is a great good in the Netherlands and Wilders makes very generous use of it,’ the prime minister said. According to the national statistics office CBS, the Netherlands exported goods – mainly fruit, vegetables, dairy produce and telecoms equipment – worth €2.2bn to Saudi Arabia last year. Imports totalled €3.8bn, of which 90% was in the form of crude oil.


Quite a fail reply of you. Saudi arabia has a barbaric government many times worse as Thailand and the US has no problems. But it has with Thailand its hypocrisy for the US.

Your remark about the Dutch shows me your taking it personally. I don't agree with the Dutch government. About their stance. No need for me to defend something I dont agree with.

No need to defend my country when they do wrong things in my eyes. I attack them then just as hard.


As he does worth his dealings with the Thai media, junta-head's body language (in the photograph) says far more than he could ever hope to.


"In order to comprehend the situation in Thailand, we have to look into the past to understand the present and see a clear future. Consider the country, not just the people. Don't just believe me, but study the situation more," Deputy Government Spokesman Werachon Sukondhapatipak quoted Prayut as telling Russel.

Twenty-odd military coups since Thailand became a democratic monarchy suggests that if we study the past then we see continuous military interfering in the democratic process. I'm pretty sure that's the conclusion that the US will draw from studying Thailand's history.

This is a very strange remark. "Consider the country, not just the people".

If you take "The people" out of the equation then what of substance do you have left? In most countries the answer would be "very little", because the country and the people are almost synonymous. Why does Thailand think it is somehow special because of its past?

Thailand is very special because of its past. This is absolutely true. How many countries have had over 20 military coups in their past? Thailand may be the only one. That is special.

And when he says consider the country, that means do not consider, nor respect the people. He could not have been more clear. The common person does not count. We will not consider them, nor should you.

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