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US Defence Secretary seeks support against ISIL


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US Defence Secretary seeks support against ISIL


WASHINGTON: -- The US Defence Secretary is hoping his trip to Baghdad will lead to increased support for the fight against ISIL.

Ash Carter wants to step up the military campaign against the militants.

The hardline Sunni Muslim group controls swathes of territory in Syria and Iraq and has a presence in other Arab countries.

They have claimed responsibility for attacks in the West, like those in Paris in November.

The hardline Sunni Muslim group controls swathes of territory in Syria and Iraq and has a presence in other Arab countries.

They have claimed responsibility for attacks in the West, like those in Paris in November.

US elite troops sent in

The US has recently announced plans to deploy elite American troops to carry out raids against ISIL militants in Iraq and Syria.

Helicopters to Ramadi

Washington says it is also willing to deploy experts and attack helicopters to help retake the city of Ramadi.

The capital of Anbar province fell to ISIL fighters in May. Hopes of routing the group from north and western Iraq.

There is likely to be resistance from Iranian-backed Shi’ite groups who oppose greater American military involvement in Iraq.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-12-17

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Rumsfeld and Cheney switched chairs at the Pentagon under several Republican presidents, from Ford to Reagan to GHW Bush to GW shrub Bush. Several times.

Same as the Bush family, these self promoters viewed the US military as their personal toy and plaything. They fed and kept the military-industrial complex with eagerness, pleasure, and to a great personal profit.

SecDef Ashton Carter has served or advised 11 secretaries of defense so he's seen and experienced all of 'em since Jimmy Carter's SecDef William Perry who has been Ashton Carter's mentor. Ash Carter and Wm Perry in 2006 wrote an op ed in the NYT calling for a pre-emptive conventional missile strike against the nuclear facilities of North Korea at the time Kim Jong Fat was readying his first missiles on their pads and producing nuclear weapons in North Korean plants and factories.

The reckless and malicious NWO trio of Putin, the CCP and the Ayatollahs know Ash Carter is a decisive hawk and that his natural tendency is to swoop. They fear Ash Carter and that is good.

Since SecDef Ashton Carter took over at the Pentagon the US has ended 15 years of strategic ambiguity as to who is behind Door Number One as the chief strategic military and diplomatic enemy of the United States. It is Russia and Ash Carter has put a bull's eye on Vlad's little chest.

Beijing is behind Door Number Two and Iran is behind Door Number Three. Ash Carter has thrown open all three doors and he has flipped a roller to each.

Carter knows generals and admirals retired, serving and those up and coming. Ash Carter's soft spoken professionalism belies the fact he is a hawk well apart from Rumsfeld or Cheney. Carter has the trust and confidence of the US military from the four-stars to the troops in their boots. He has long term relations with the armed forces committees of the congress and leaders there who know Carter is not a Rumsfeld or a Cheney.

SecDef Carter has embarked on his journey through the ME and its immediate Nato countries to put everyone on the same page. It's bad news to Daesh, Assad, Hezbollah and the rest of 'em. They all fear Carter will continue at the Pentagon well after Prez Obama has finished his time at the White House.

Forget about President Obama. SecDef Carter has been in effective charge of war and peace since he took over at the Pentagon. Carter sent the US Navy to the South China Sea to bamboozle the CCP and to put it in the knot it is in there. Our allies and partners there are taking a great reassurance in this.

Now it's Putin's turn. Putin's fun time of recent years is over already, it's just that the Chekist drama queen doesn't know or realise it yet. This new movie is coming soon to a reality these bogus tuff guys already don't like.

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Why does this country have enough men with real balls to fight against these terrorist. Maybe they support the terrorist! All the countries in the world can not save the Muslim countries because they do not want to change. Just do not let any muslims enter your border. They flee there country to destroy other countries. That is why Trump has the right idea. Not about race or religion but just about all countries safety!

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