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British backpacker Jordan Jacobs 'found on Thai beach'

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don't be judgemental until all the facts are known. It sounds to me like he may suffer mental health problems. My partner suffered from mental health issues and as much as we all loved him dearly it was hard enough dealing with him without unjustified criticism from everybody else.

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Maybe???,,,,,Just maybe...the young man, having lofty aspirations, watched the Leonardo DeCaprio movie "The Beach" one too many times and decided he would emulate the movie plot and act out his fantasies.

However, the whole attempt turned into Fantasy Island with Ricardo Montalban and his midget minion Tattoo eventually interfering.



Inconsiderate and totally selfish to his family. Made a fool of everyone looking for him and a bigger IDIOT of himself and his attitude towards responsibility and others, including Thai Authorities,Police wanting to assist , expats wanting to assist, his Embassy, his family. Bet his airticket return is now useless or he will have to pay in a packet to ugrade or a totally new ONE WAY Airticket back home!! This Person will most likely become an "Overstay" ,Big possibility of that happening. Very wrong way to build a good reputation as a sensible and trusted Tourist in Thailand. He has put himself into the RADAR of Immigration and the Police forever with his Name, Identity Number, Passport Number etc now being in ALL the Systems. Is this Guy mature enough and has he enough sense, to be safe travelling on his own? Does not seem like it.


Inconsiderate and totally selfish to his family. Made a fool of everyone looking for him and a bigger IDIOT of himself and his attitude towards responsibility and others, including Thai Authorities,Police wanting to assist , expats wanting to assist, his Embassy, his family. Bet his airticket return is now useless or he will have to pay in a packet to ugrade or a totally new ONE WAY Airticket back home!! This Person will most likely become an "Overstay" ,Big possibility of that happening. Very wrong way to build a good reputation as a sensible and trusted Tourist in Thailand. He has put himself into the RADAR of Immigration and the Police forever with his Name, Identity Number, Passport Number etc now being in ALL the Systems. Is this Guy mature enough and has he enough sense, to be safe travelling on his own? Does not seem like it.


Article 44. One week locked up in a Thai jail with a lady boy. UK news media to meet his plane. Next case.

There're so many ladyboy bars in Thailand with plenty of foreign customers.sitting there, holding hands, kissing, etc..

Please be aware that it's your fault when more and more foreigners want to be in prison now.

BTW, I've reported you to the Vatican and sent a private email to the pope. coffee1.gif

P.S. Where were the AXXB headhunters from the well-known teacher agency at this time? Man, the guy would be the perfect teacher.

What the guy's TVF username again?


This absolute buffoon worried his family sick, caused them great embarrassment, and then shows up, without a viable explanation. Oh, I was just looking for a diving job and I lost track of time. What, the last message I sent saying I would never return? That was just a brain fart. Not sure what I was thinking. I did not think it was appropriate to find an internet cafe, nor borrow someones phone for 10 baht to call my family and let them know I was OK.

What a complete waste of oxygen. What a goon. What a tiny little boy. Hope he learned something about consideration of loved ones from all of this. He sounds like an incredible fool.

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