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Feeling rough after flight


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I got back to UK yesterday after a lovely 14 hours with TG. Got back at 09:30, by 13:00 I started to get a really annoying pain in my bladder, feels like i'm holding in a pee, but nothing there.

This has continued overnight up until now. I'm wondering, could this have been caused by drinking a lot of water on the flight?


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You didn't join the mile high club without your raincoat, did you?

As dry as the air is in the plane, I don't know that it's possible to drink too much water. More likely to be dehydrated, and then didn't pee as much because you didn't want to crawl over your fellow passengers to get to the head.

Or, like me, you're embarrassed to pee more than 3 x an hour, even though that's what happens when you get old and take a bunch of meds that bring it on.

Drink up, (water, that is), re-hydrate and go to see the doc if it's still burning down there in a day or 2.

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Thanks, but no, the wife was not flying with me this time. I had an entire row so spent most of the time led down.

There is no burning, it's more the full bladder sensation you get when you need to pee. I've already had 2ltr of water since 3.am, and just got some cranberry. Excuse the pun, it's a right pain.

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What's your age? As mentioned, you may have a prostate problem. If you've drunk a lot of liquids and feel that your bladder is very full, you may require catheterization. You don't want fluid backing up in your legs and abdomen. If you can't pee by morning, I suggest that you go to an emergency room for catheterization and then investigate what the underlying problem is. I used to have problems when flying and now make sure to go to the toilet on the plane and take the time to empty my bladder completely. It seems best to keep the urine flowing regularly. Good luck.

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My armchair diagnosis is that you have a muscle spasm in one of your urinary sphincters (you have two) brought on by resisting urination while you were on the plane. Actually, a nice long bath might help.

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