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Embassy of Sweden introduces first Thai HeForShe Ambassador


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First Thai HeForShe Ambassador announced


BANGKOK: -- The Embassy of Sweden, Bangkok has proudly introduced the first of its HeForShe Ambassadors – Mr. Prom Sirisant.

Mr. Prom is Senior Vice President of Strategy at Asia Plus Group Holdings PCL. Before joining Asia Plus, he spent seven years with Tetra Pak, the world’s largest packaging company which has a Swedish heritage.

Mr. Prom takes every opportunity he can to make a difference in organizations he serves and in society at large. He is lending his full support to the Swedish Embassy’s HeForShe Campaign because he strongly believes in gender equality. In addition, his father’s Scandinavian background makes him feel a close connection with the Embassy.

“I believe Thailand can become more competitive on the global scale and operate more effectively as a country when men and women enjoy equal rights,” he said. “The strengths and capabilities of women as human resources tend to be overlooked where gender disparities persist. If gender gaps are narrowed and both men and women enjoy equal opportunities, I think Thailand will become more prosperous.”

Together with Mr. Prom and its colleagues at UN Women, the Embassy of Sweden hopes to contribute to the improvement of gender equality in Thailand.

Source: Embassy of Sweden, Bangkok

Photo: Asia Plus Group Holdings PCL.

Source: http://scandasia.com/first-thai-heforshe-ambassador-announced/

-- (c) Copyright Scandasia 2015-12-21

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"“I believe Thailand can become more competitive on the global scale and operate more effectively as a country when men and women enjoy equal rights,” he said. “The strengths and capabilities of women as human resources tend to be overlooked where gender disparities persist. If gender gaps are narrowed and both men and women enjoy equal opportunities, I think Thailand will become more prosperous.”

if it was not for Thai women doing all the real work, the whole country would fall apart.

nice suit by the way... maybe a little too much hair gel.

maybe next time a woman to this post.

Edited by NCC1701A
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Please don't <deleted> bring this feminist bullshit to Thailand...equal rights is all good and well, but if it turns from said equality into a superior infested hatefest complex then I might shoot myself afterall.

But whatever, just like speaking your concerns and worries in regards to refugees gets your labled as a racist, saying anything that isnt white knighting women gets you labled a misogynist.

The girls I'm around with have a rather skewed mindset already as it is, while the older ones can't open their mouth for an honest opinion and discussion with either age range gets me just as good results as talking to a wall.

#weforus should be your goddamn perspective.

Gotta stop here, I can already see myself fuming, need to calm the <deleted> down before I ignite.

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Please don't <deleted> bring this feminist bullshit to Thailand...equal rights is all good and well, but if it turns from said equality into a superior infested hatefest complex then I might shoot myself afterall.

But whatever, just like speaking your concerns and worries in regards to refugees gets your labled as a racist, saying anything that isnt white knighting women gets you labled a misogynist.

The girls I'm around with have a rather skewed mindset already as it is, while the older ones can't open their mouth for an honest opinion and discussion with either age range gets me just as good results as talking to a wall.

#weforus should be your goddamn perspective.

Gotta stop here, I can already see myself fuming, need to calm the <deleted> down before I ignite.

This sounds like a fellow Sargon of Akkad / @nero fan..

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The story is short on details. Thailand can dp a lot to improve gender equality, I hope they talk to Thai women to see what's important to them and not impose their own ideals.

Thailand has the world's highest percentage of female corporate board members. Maybe they could have Thai women suggest ways Sweden could improve it's stats in this area, without resorting quotas.

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“I believe <Insert Country> can become more competitive on the global scale and operate more effectively as a country when men and women enjoy equal rights,” he said. “The strengths and capabilities of women as human resources tend to be overlooked where gender disparities persist. If gender gaps are narrowed and both men and women enjoy equal opportunities, I think <Insert Country> will become more prosperous.”

What meaningless management BS this is. This statement alone should be grounds for him to be sacked for being useless. If there is any doubt, that cheesy picture should help confirm the decision.

Thailand has the least 'gender' bias I have ever seen. You will see men and women working together and doing the same jobs everywhere. In fact, I would say the women are more dominant in many areas. Try the UK : if it involves going outside and involves being cold, dirty and doing hard work, you will find it is generally expected that men will do it.

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Now it’s time to unify our efforts. HeForShe is a solidarity movement for gender equality that brings together one half of humanity in support of the other half of humanity, for the benefit of all. >>> http://www.heforshe.org/


"Try the UK : if it involves going outside and involves being cold, dirty and doing hard work, you will find it is generally expected that men will do it."

It is very strange indeed that this type of 'do good' organisations aim to do their good work in 3rd world countries.

Another good example are the Christian NGO's - they try to promote Christianity in the 3rd world while their own countries are loosing believers almost daily.

A novel method of earning money and providing jobs?

Edited by ravip
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What is a heforshe mean? When reading the title I thought it meant the person appointed was a transgender person.

HeforShe = henpecked man

feminism is the most harmful part of left liberal doctrine, which is now destroying the west. keep this destructive ideology for yourself, please.

Edited by TimmyT
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“I believe <Insert Country> can become more competitive on the global scale and operate more effectively as a country when men and women enjoy equal rights,” he said. “The strengths and capabilities of women as human resources tend to be overlooked where gender disparities persist. If gender gaps are narrowed and both men and women enjoy equal opportunities, I think <Insert Country> will become more prosperous.”

What meaningless management BS this is. This statement alone should be grounds for him to be sacked for being useless. If there is any doubt, that cheesy picture should help confirm the decision.

Thailand has the least 'gender' bias I have ever seen. You will see men and women working together and doing the same jobs everywhere. In fact, I would say the women are more dominant in many areas. Try the UK : if it involves going outside and involves being cold, dirty and doing hard work, you will find it is generally expected that men will do it.

Many (20% or more)Thai women are working hard in the fields to support their families because the Thai men they are married to doesn't do anything except drinking, gambling and &lt;deleted&gt; around! That's why there are basically two kinds of Thai women married with foreigners, either she take care of the family and her husband as the foreigner take care of her or she drinks, gambles and &lt;deleted&gt; around because then they are equal to most Thai man...

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What is a heforshe mean? When reading the title I thought it meant the person appointed was a transgender person.

HeforShe is an UN initiative for the equal rights for man and woman.


Well why not just call it bloody 'Gender equality'? Are we now presumed to be so stupid as to be incapable of understanding the concept without the Powers That Be having to resort to Newspeak?

Not having a go at you by the way, Kasset Tak.

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Many (20% or more)Thai women are working hard in the fields to support their families because the Thai men they are married to doesn't do anything except drinking, gambling and <deleted> around! That's why there are basically two kinds of Thai women married with foreigners, either she take care of the family and her husband as the foreigner take care of her or she drinks, gambles and <deleted> around because then they are equal to most Thai man...

Except that this has absolutely nothing to do with equality.

I'm by no means saying I support those thai men being lazy and stuff that their wife needs to hold down the fort alone on that meager income alone, however, your statement already implies that "it's hard work, men have to do it" and if I were to imply beyond that "...so the women can relax and drink/gamble instead".

Your example is simply a distribution of workload only. Both genders can do that work just fine. Is it more taxing on women? May be, haven't done it myself to form an opinion on it. Are they exempt from doing such a job? Nope, not at all.

Women can carry their weight perfectly fine if they have to.

This sounds like a fellow Sargon of Akkad / @nero fan..

Very yes....and many more. Greetings and salutations fellow shitlord lol

I don't get it. Is this about ladyboys or what?

No, not at all by any means. Dunno even know where exactly they are within that movement, but feminism likes to casually include every "minority" under their umbrella, so they are in there somehow somewhere.

It is supposedly about the equality for everybody, such as women being able to become president, equal pay for equal work, more female executives, right to vote and what have you. OH yea, and the equality of men of course. On the contratry, you call this movement heforshe so you already get the picture with how much bigotry the entire thing starts off.

In their mind, we live in a patriarchal society which is oppressing women at every turn possible and enjoy our (straight white) male privileges and have this uncontrolled power over everything, which is why you virtually have never seen a female homeless, have this divorce bias toward women (specially in high profile cases like the super stars), see men going to prison/trial for disagreeing with them on the internet (see Gregory Allan Elliot), get men fired for jokes that a woman doesn't like, have your livelihood and reputation destroyed for a mere accusation of rape (Rolling Stone, James Deen) and so much more.

A gynocentric society is what we have, and they utterly fail to accept that fact and keep pushing their narritve.

I for one am excited to see, and hope to live to see, society being destroyed and am (im)patiently waiting for some major shitstorm to happen in opposition to what's going on.

Let's hope that the Red Pill takes effect sooner than later, I still want to be alive by then.

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If Thailand wants equality for women then treat them equal after they get married. Seems my wife has become a chattle to me and can't do anything in Thailand without my permission.

I hope you donot believe this

I want to see you own a house and land

Your wife Thai you Farang she is the boss unless you are poor person

Edited by HenryB
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