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Crackdown needed to change public perception on corruption: Thai opinion


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The OP Title is very telling. "Crackdown needed to change public perception on Corruption".

It implies that the crackdown is not intended to correct corruption - only the public perception of the problem of corruption. So once that perception has been modified, the fun and games continue?

If public perception wasn't an issue - even if there was a lot of corruption going on - would that mean the government would not act?

If the government Knew corruption was taking place but the public knew nothing about it - Nothing would be done? Is this how things are supposed to be done?

Will this foster trust and confidence among the people towards the "Public Servants"? Please note the quotation marks...

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More from the Ministry of Hot Air.

Corruption in Thailand goes right to the top.

Always has.

Another one - consider who is the "top" and be careful

So boring. A self-proclaimed forum cop, pointing the Lese Majeste finger at anyone who criticises the government. Are you saying that corruption hasn't always existed at every level of the Thai government? If so, then you obviously know nothing about living and working here.

You crass effort to shut down the debate with threats of LM epitomises everything that is wrong with Thailand.

On the contrary, I am all for debate as you will see from the posts I make. If you point corruption fingers at "the top", though it can easily be mis-interpreted as pointing at the nation's monarch and could present difficulties. I am arguing for a more specific use of words (without, of course, naming names). I have no doubt that some Junta members, probably the majority of them, are deeply corrupt. One has only to look at the wealth they all declare.

Your post is disingenuous at best. You trying out for Moderator? If not, stop acting as if you are. No Moderator pulled this up, and neither should you. Tittle tattle.

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