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Don't be lonely this Christmas


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A lot of singles out there might not have much of a happy Christmas this year, I thought I would mention that.....

In previous years, The Pun Pun on the river has done a Christmas lunch in the past for Chiang Mai singles.

I don't think Gonzo is allowed to post such things as he is no longer a sponsor but he could reply to this thread.

Perhaps a "sorry , its not on / I don't know what naboo is talking about" if its not on, and a "Happy Christmas!" if it is.

Anyone else know of anything going on for lonely folk this Christmas?

Edited by naboo
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You know - even though close to family a couple of the best Thanksgivings I ever had was when I invited good people that I knew → that were really alone - some were away from family & some in the service - a few that were just quiet people/couples.....I bbq'd big turkeys and hams & put on all the fixin's.....Those were some great meals with good & happy company.....

It would be worth getting a group together if you can do it.....Rewarding....

Edited by pgrahmm
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It's just another Friday,

My kids will go to school as usual,

I will cycle up the mountain as usual,

No gifts, no presents, a normal Friday.

I might go to Loi Krow to look at the girls in Santa outfits.

I take it that you wont be in the fast lane when you cycle up the mountain ?

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Just remember that being alone is not equivalent to being lonely. Lots of people are surrounded by loads more people and drink themselves silly because they still feel lonely and there are those who may be alone during the holidays enjoying having some peace & free time to themselves.

Along with the "festive" season holidays being over-commercialized, they tend to bring out the inner-Mother Teresa in some people who mistakenly assume imposing their condescending companionship on others is a special treat.

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I just posted this as I remember my second year in Thailand, Christmas hit me hard, I wanted to be with family and didn't make any plans for Christmas here. The day came and I was facing the day on my own. Turned out alright in the end though.

Anyway, got a message from the Pun Pun (riverside version). They are doing their regular Christmas, pop down and speak to Gonzo about it.

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Just remember that being alone is not equivalent to being lonely. Lots of people are surrounded by loads more people and drink themselves silly because they still feel lonely and there are those who may be alone during the holidays enjoying having some peace & free time to themselves.

Along with the "festive" season holidays being over-commercialized, they tend to bring out the inner-Mother Teresa in some people who mistakenly assume imposing their condescending companionship on others is a special treat.

I regret that I can only "like" this once. Well said.

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You know - even though close to family a couple of the best Thanksgivings I ever had was when I invited good people that I knew → that were really alone - some were away from family & some in the service - a few that were just quiet people/couples.....I bbq'd big turkeys and hams & put on all the fixin's.....Those were some great meals with good & happy company.....

It would be worth getting a group together if you can do it.....Rewarding....

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Thanks, Naboo, for the post and kind words......because of the turkey problem this year, we did not put on our spread, like we usually do for Thanksgiving Day. I had a lot of good folks, past guests, call and ask about that dinner. I had to tell them that we we not doing it and the reason why.....Deep down this did make me feel badly...... they were kind enough to remember and inquire only to be told no go.. So for Christmas , even though we did not advertise anything , anywhere, some are still asking. I was able to get one, must be made of gold,. turkey.... So we will have a small number of turkey dinners and a good size BBQ ham. All very limited in number. First come, first served, til we hit the limit. But I wanted to do something. If anyone has any questions, please get back to me...... as no longer an advertiser here I don't wish to rock their boat.

To all who have inquired , a big thank you and wishing you the best of holidays.... and to Naboo thank you for remembering, and do stop by we haven't seen you for a long time..... Ho Ho Ho and Merry Christmas


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It's just another Friday,

My kids will go to school as usual,

I will cycle up the mountain as usual,

No gifts, no presents, a normal Friday.

I might go to Loi Krow to look at the girls in Santa outfits.

I take it that you wont be in the fast lane when you cycle up the mountain ?

Off topic,

Currently from Zoo to Temple, 48 minutes cycling up the road, 45 minutes running up the trail.

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It's just another Friday,

My kids will go to school as usual,

I will cycle up the mountain as usual,

No gifts, no presents, a normal Friday.

I might go to Loi Krow to look at the girls in Santa outfits.

I take it that you wont be in the fast lane when you cycle up the mountain ?

Off topic,

Currently from Zoo to Temple, 48 minutes cycling up the road, 45 minutes running up the trail.

That's good. I did 56 minutes several years ago. I think I might die if I tried it now.

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It's just another Friday,

My kids will go to school as usual,

I will cycle up the mountain as usual,

No gifts, no presents, a normal Friday.

I might go to Loi Krow to look at the girls in Santa outfits.

I take it that you wont be in the fast lane when you cycle up the mountain ?

Off topic,

Currently from Zoo to Temple, 48 minutes cycling up the road, 45 minutes running up the trail.

Did it in 20 minutes up the trail.

Then I woke up!

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This is a lovely post though, very thoughtful. We haven't really bothered with Christmas since 1986, it just wasn't the same in NZ or Aus and totally not the same in Asia. Christmas is about being with the people you really want to be with, be they friends or family. While there are many like us (and obviously MaeJoMBT) there will be those out there who do think it's a big deal and will feel it on days like Christmas, I imagine those with children and grandchildren will feel it more than we do as for the non-religious Christmas is all about the kids (and accident and emergency when they fall off their new bike/skateboard/scooter).

It's nice to know that there will be a welcome at PunPun for them, and nice to know that despite all of the combativeness on this forum, most of us - perhaps all of us - are really, really nice people deep down.

Happy Christmas to all who celebrate it, and if you don't have a lovely time anyway.

Listen to the song, I mean really listen to the words. It's true. All of it.

(Embedding the video didn't work for me, used


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It's just another Friday,

My kids will go to school as usual,

I will cycle up the mountain as usual,

No gifts, no presents, a normal Friday.

I might go to Loi Krow to look at the girls in Santa outfits.


I was thinking more


Edited by MaeJoMTB
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It's just another Friday,

My kids will go to school as usual,

I will cycle up the mountain as usual,

No gifts, no presents, a normal Friday.

I might go to Loi Krow to look at the girls in Santa outfits.


I was thinking more


Can we meet up in town on Christmas eve? You supply the girls and I`ll buy the food and drinks.

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