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Rip off taxi drivers


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Wheb i got in i asked how much, He said 500 no metre, i said no, use metre, its only 350b ive done the journy before, so we used the metre; but when we got there he said no, you pay more

So. In your OP where you said you agreed a price you infact did not.... why the need to tell lies ?

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Wheb i got in i asked how much, He said 500 no metre, i said no, use metre, its only 350b ive done the journy before, so we used the metre; but when we got there he said no, you pay more

Pay the tolls and you go and the meter when you arrive, then walk away. I suppose the next thing you're gonna tell us is he wouldn't give you the correct change back, but that's why you should always carry amounts close to the approximate price of the journey.

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If there is a problem after any original agreement, you simply ask him to call the Police or you will.

I once took a cab from Swamppy to Mochit, got in, meter on, no issue. However as we were travelling I noticed the meter seemed rather "fast". I said nothing until we stopped at Mochit, a trip I had taken many times and knew, give or take a little, what the fare would be.

I refused to pay what was on the meter, explained in my opinion the meter was tampered with/wrong. He tried for more I told him to call the Police, or I will, up to him, he then said well ok, what you pay? I said what I usually pay, he took the money and drove off.

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I have had less than a few hassles with cab drivers. Normally I am happy to pay the fare/ tolls; or agreed rate. Actually, they are one of the few service providers I like tipping occasionally. When I get a ride from A to B and the driver is fun and chat about themselves (especially the ones with a photo of the kids on the dash), why not give them an extra hundred baht?

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I ask them in Isaan if they use a meter and if they reply I can figure often out from where they come. If they allow me to smoke in the taxi I will give them more and if they don't I will still give them more.

Got 50 S$ per trip from the company, so if they ask for 400-500 Baht and sign me 1000 Baht why not. Most of the time I take limo but at certain times the limos are full. Its a good tip for the driver and I too make 50%.

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They can pull the same scam even if the meter is on. Its not a fare misunderstanding, its a scam, please note the difference!

If your stuff is in the trunk you'll have to pay or try the tourist police. Usually they wont wait and will either give in or drive off with your valuables in the trunk.

If you have lots of stuff like coming from the airport its best to pay a little more for uber just for the piece of mind.

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Used the metre, but still wanted more, saying it did not include moterway tolls, luggage .....

Did you all-inclusive your deal or was it 350 baht plus extras................lol.

I offered 400 from nana to suwannapoom, 5am. Driver took it but still turned on meter!

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Dont use the scamming scum


- Call the hotline numbers and report the driver, or the tourist police, and take his photo and photo of the car reg no., etc.

- Call grab taxi or All Thai taxi and deal with honest operators.

You dont know if their honest till you deal with them. Same goes for girls..............lol.

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I have had less than a few hassles with cab drivers. Normally I am happy to pay the fare/ tolls; or agreed rate. Actually, they are one of the few service providers I like tipping occasionally. When I get a ride from A to B and the driver is fun and chat about themselves (especially the ones with a photo of the kids on the dash), why not give them an extra hundred baht?

Why not? Because the next time they see a farang they demand the extra 100.

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Used the metre, but still wanted more, saying it did not include moterway tolls, luggage .....

Did you all-inclusive your deal or was it 350 baht plus extras................lol.

I offered 400 from nana to suwannapoom, 5am. Driver took it but still turned on meter!

Because if he gets checked and the metre is not running he will be in deep troubles.

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