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US blocks UK Muslim family from boarding plane to Disneyland

Jonathan Fairfield

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Not all terrorists are Muslim. Thought I'd point that out, incase you all forgot.

Religion, race, colour and creed. Sh1t happens, it's just more widely reported these days due to the age of the internet. Chill, this sh1ts been going on for milleniums.

Not all terrorists are Muslim,no ,but most are
You should try Googling "non muslim terrorist attacks". The global research page and the loon watch page make for interesting reading.

In today's Papers

European capitol cities step up security amid warnings of terror attacks between now and New Year . wonder who the attackers could be , Jews , Crazed American gun fanatics , Bhuddists , Fringe Christian Groups? hard to tell ,oh it may be those peacful Muslims ,you never know .sad.png

Heightened security posture is a standard response to information or intelligence received. Nothing extraordinary about this. Let us hope that such measures prevent any atrocities. However, now that your incisive mind has tarred all Muslims with the same brush in the context of this anticipated next even, what is your solution? Ban all Muslim travel? Require all Muslims to stitch a Green Crescent onto their overcoats? Forced relocation to secured areas with armed perimeters for their continued 'happiness'? How about forced conversion to another religion of your choosing.

Seems to me these solutions have been tried before.

Here's one that hasn't been tried. Require all school students to learn the tenets of Islam to ensure that they understand the character of Muslim people. Do you think that would get much support from the right wing nasties?

Who were the terrorists threatening the UK and Europeans before WWI? Who were the terrorists threatening UK and the Europeans in the 70's? Was there similar bigotry agains Serbians, Irish, Japanese, disaffected Northern European youth as there was against Palestinians and now the blanket islamophobia that infests the right wing, the chauvinists and the ignorant?

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For you rocket scientists out there, let me assure you that Donald Trump's comment about restricting Muslim immigration has absolutely nothing to do with this decision...or any decision the current administration makes.

Trump is merely a candidate and has no voice whatsoever in any current federal activities, exactly like all you Aussies and Europeans.

@ lostboy:

I would think it would be painfully obvious to whom my question was directed. Even most Aussies would be perceptive enough to figure it out. I must have overestimated your talents.

Nice job of deflecting the question though so let me re-ask the question.

Who are the terrorists today?

Just a simple question requiring a simple answer, although your deflections continue.

PS: Interestingly, only one other poster has ever called me "Charles" on this forum before. He is also Australian. Must be a good manners thing.

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Lets change the story a bit.

Joseph Holy, a Vatican-based priest and broadcaster, said he received similar treatment when trying to travel to Saudi Arabia for business recently. He told the AP that a Saudi Embassy official prevented him from boarding a Dec. 17 flight and told him his business visa had been revoked. He said he had never had any problem travelling on that visa before to Saudi Arabia.

"I asked him why repeatedly and he said 'You must have done something wrong,' without any explanation," Joseph said.

He said he feared that Saudi officials were singling out Christians.

"This is absolutely discrimination against my faith. It is not acceptable and playing into the hands of terrorists," Joseph said.

Those Islamic imams do support that their are no churches in Saudi Arabia and he was a supporter of AQ as well. He should have been send back from were his forefathers came and should also be barred from traveling within Europe.

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How about forced conversion to another religion of your choosing.

Seems to me these solutions have been tried before.

It seems that forced conversion needs to be combined with education, to properly teach the approved religion. It seems that the Spaniards forgot about this, with the result that alleged conversos had to be expelled after they revolted. Teaching should be easier with compulsory education.

I fear it may be necessary to revive the recusancy laws. It's a shame, but it may be necessary for social control. It may be that all is needed is lip service; thought police are not required.

Here's one that hasn't been tried. Require all school students to learn the tenets of Islam to ensure that they understand the character of Muslim people. Do you think that would get much support from the right wing nasties?

Going beyond the declaration of faith is dangerous, though the 'right-wing nasties' might well agree with the tenets being taught. Would not they claim that these tenets justify the extermination of Islam? That is the message that is regularly preached on Thaivisa, implying that one is remiss not to burn down the local mosque.

The character of Muslim people is something different. Again, teaching the tenets of Islam to Moslems appears to be increasing intolerance.

Who were the terrorists threatening the UK and Europeans before WWI? Who were the terrorists threatening UK and the Europeans in the 70's? Was there similar bigotry agains Serbians, Irish, Japanese, disaffected Northern European youth as there was against Palestinians and now the blanket islamophobia that infests the right wing, the chauvinists and the ignorant?

Are you not aware of the traditional tenancy limitation of 'No dogs, no Irish'? Do you recall Labour's "Irish sections", parallel to the "black sections" for coloured people? The threat of the counter-reformation led to popularly-supported measures against Catholics. Relaxing them has led to riots, not to mention the Glorious Revolution. Note that the Irish had no territorial ambitions on the island of Britain.

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Richard W

I for one certainly do not believe in burning down Mosques , but i would suggest that Muslims stay in nice Muslim countrys build their Mosques there and do not come to the west and constantly complain and live in enclaves where no one else is welcome .To be blunt you and a few others may love or like them ,and good for you ,but the vast majority of us do not want or trust them .Merry christmas .

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The UK press is now reporting these people had/have credible links to extremist ideology and to the world of Terrorism .

Maybe the Americans were right in refusing them ....................?

I saw the wife on bbc yesterday, milking this for all its worth"I am sick and instead of spending 9,000 pounds on my treatment I decided to spend it to make the kids happy by sending them to disneyland.bla bla bla"..what was really alarming was that the interviewer (a white woman) looked like she was totally sympathising, instead of staying neutral.

What the hell is wrong with the media, when they are so bloody left leaning and liberal? It's disgusting.

The UK has really messed up by letting these people into their countrythey look like pakistanis..what were they escaping from in pakistan, anyway? And what are they contributing to the UK's economy?

As far as I'm concerned, the UK (and France) are basically muslim majority countries now and should be treated as such.

Basically muslim majority in your mind. Not when using any recognised definition of the word majority or any scientific method of counting.

Yeah, but in a few generations they'll have bred themselves into majority. Most of us won't be around to experience that though, but the thought is rather unsettling.

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Why all this Trump bashing ? He is not in power (yet) and has no say in this matter. Most of the things he says are things that the great majority agree with, and the sad fact is that whatever enjoyment there was in flying has been largely destroyed by a bunch of animals. For them to have caused this situation and then cry foul citing discrimination is highly ironic. Reap what you sow :)

For them to have caused this situation? This family? Really? Any citation of fact? Or just more of condemning all Muslims?

Oh quit the silliness. No one "condemning" anybody here. They were simply going to be denied entry and so quite sensibly denied boarding. Foreigners have no "right" to entry to the US. Foreigners are denied entry every single day (and the media could care less). These are Muslims and so trying to score some points. Boo-hoo.

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Not all terrorists are Muslim,no ,but most are
You should try Googling "non muslim terrorist attacks". The global research page and the loon watch page make for interesting reading.

In today's Papers

European capitol cities step up security amid warnings of terror attacks between now and New Year . wonder who the attackers could be , Jews , Crazed American gun fanatics , Bhuddists , Fringe Christian Groups? hard to tell ,oh it may be those peacful Muslims ,you never know .sad.png

Heightened security posture is a standard response to information or intelligence received. Nothing extraordinary about this. Let us hope that such measures prevent any atrocities. However, now that your incisive mind has tarred all Muslims with the same brush in the context of this anticipated next even, what is your solution? Ban all Muslim travel? Require all Muslims to stitch a Green Crescent onto their overcoats? Forced relocation to secured areas with armed perimeters for their continued 'happiness'? How about forced conversion to another religion of your choosing.

Seems to me these solutions have been tried before.

Here's one that hasn't been tried. Require all school students to learn the tenets of Islam to ensure that they understand the character of Muslim people. Do you think that would get much support from the right wing nasties?

Who were the terrorists threatening the UK and Europeans before WWI? Who were the terrorists threatening UK and the Europeans in the 70's? Was there similar bigotry agains Serbians, Irish, Japanese, disaffected Northern European youth as there was against Palestinians and now the blanket islamophobia that infests the right wing, the chauvinists and the ignorant?

Till fundamentalist Islamic countries give equal rights to other religions in their countries, I do want their citizens banned from settling in western countries.

Require all school students to learn the tenets of Islam to ensure that they understand the character of Muslim people.

What character would that be? That unrelated males and females have no more control than dogs and should never be allowed in the same room without being chaperoned to stop them copulating, that women are worth less than men, that all other religions are inferior and their practitioners should be converted to Islam, that if a Muslim converts to another religion they should be killed, that females should never be allowed out without being chaperoned by a male, even if the male is a 7 year old boy, that if a male rapes an infidel woman and she gets pregnant it is her fault for tempting him. I could go on, but that is enough for my point. 4 years in Saudi was very instructive as to the character of Muslims.

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Five years working with them was enough for me and to be honest 95% of the time we were swindled it was by Muslims , they have no regard for any other faith,as I was told by one ,to us to be honest you are like something we scrape off our shoes,

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Five years working with them was enough for me and to be honest 95% of the time we were swindled it was by Muslims , they have no regard for any other faith,as I was told by one ,to us to be honest you are like something we scrape off our shoes,

"Inspired" by this incessant muslim carping about the Crusades, I started reading about the four centuries of muslim conquest that were the cause of them, beginning with Muhammad's own. THAT led me to start reading about the life of Muhammad himself. Wow! A religion of peace!!?? No way!!! Sympathizers should do some reading. Start with the Massacre of the Banu Quarayza.

A ban on U.S. visas at this point more than makes sense.

Edited by hawker9000
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