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Muslim Terrorists Hack Chaing Mai Dara Academy Web Site

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Today I went to look at the Dara Academy web site to refer it to a friend of mine who is thinking of sending her daughter to this Christian school in Chiang Mai and I discovered that when you go to http://www.dara.ac.th/ you will find it's been hacked by some Muslim Terrorists group who are threatening Dara Christians and the rest of the world with annihilation for not believing in Allah. Here's a screen shot of what they've posted. I tried reporting this to the police but no one seems interested.

تم الأختراق من قبل فريق جند الشام الألكتروني

Hacked By Jund El-Sham Electronic

Muslims are not criminals

أنتم من دفعنا لهذا

سياستكم وتفكيركم وشتم الاسلام

هو من يدفعنا لهذه الامور ولن نسكت عن من يجرؤ على ديننا

ابتعدو عنا لكي نبتعد عنكم

نحن في الشبكه العنكبوتيه ولاكن غيرنا في واقع الحياه

وفي النهايه سينتصر الاسلام باذن الله ,

الاختراق لكل المسلمين في كل العالم

هذا ما يمكننا تقديمه لحين ان يتم حكمنا بشرع الله

الى القاء

You led us for this

Your policy and your thinking and cursing Islam

Is from us for these things will not keep silent about who dare to religion

Go away from us so as to move away from you

We are in the World Wide Web and others I did in real life

In the end , allah willing, Islam will triumph ,

Breakthrough for all Muslims all over the world

This is what we can offer to our judgment is that while the laws of allah


No Israel - No Iran - No USA - No Russia
We Will See You Later In Battle of Dabiq

We Are Here !

<deleted> by : αвo нмoďч - Falcon SY Hack - Omar5200 - MuSl!M HaCkEr - Mr Jamal - Racker Midani - Dr.Mk

MR.JOCKER.SYRIA - MR JOCKER LATAKIA - جہنہرال الہهہكہر الہحہلبے - Qorsan Al Salhie - Midan Ghost - Virus Dr3awe



There's a fairly high likelihood that this is *NOT* a targeted attack. Usually this is what happens:

1.) "attackers" know of an exploit and mass scan the internet looking for the vulnerability

2.) They then exploit that vuln and deface the websites with the same set of pre-packaged text/ graphics across all the sites. (google for some of that text, you'll find it on other defaced sites.).

This is an attack of convenience (the target did not secure their site, and didn't keep it patched) and is NOT a targeted attack. The skillset required to accomplish this are extremely low, and this is something that is a daily occurrence across the internet.

*Source - I've been doing infosec for close to 20 years.



I can't imagine a Thai school not using properly licensed software.

nor can I 555

I wonder if the police figure it's a white farang thing and they will settle it amongst themselves

life in CM is pretty dull without these incidents


I can't imagine a Thai school not using properly licensed software.

That's a pretty crappy and baseless accusation to make.. The software they are using Apache + PHP is FREE/ Open Source. There is NO licensing required.

There are 2 issues here:

1.) The server is not securely configured and is exposing versioning information (among other things).

2.) The versions of both software packages they are running date back to 2008. They have not bothered to patch in *SEVEN YEARS*! There are numerous known exploits for both of these software packages.

If the OP or anyone else has close ties to this school, please let then know that I am available to volunteer to come help them resolve this issue (free of charge, of course).




I can't imagine a Thai school not using properly licensed software.

That's a pretty crappy and baseless accusation to make.. The software they are using Apache + PHP is FREE/ Open Source. There is NO licensing required.

There are 2 issues here:

1.) The server is not securely configured and is exposing versioning information (among other things).

2.) The versions of both software packages they are running date back to 2008. They have not bothered to patch in *SEVEN YEARS*! There are numerous known exploits for both of these software packages.

If the OP or anyone else has close ties to this school, please let then know that I am available to volunteer to come help them resolve this issue (free of charge, of course).



Go for it Mestizo! Take that banana baton and run with it!


I can't imagine a Thai school not using properly licensed software.

That's a pretty crappy and baseless accusation to make.. The software they are using Apache + PHP is FREE/ Open Source. There is NO licensing required.

There are 2 issues here:

1.) The server is not securely configured and is exposing versioning information (among other things).

2.) The versions of both software packages they are running date back to 2008. They have not bothered to patch in *SEVEN YEARS*! There are numerous known exploits for both of these software packages.

If the OP or anyone else has close ties to this school, please let then know that I am available to volunteer to come help them resolve this issue (free of charge, of course).



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