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Thai Prime Minister say’s he won't tolerate biased criticisms from irresponsible journalists


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Almost all tv members are not thai. Please explain why you have a god given right to live here and advise on what thailand should be doing. Like most western countries they want to stick there nose in a "direct" other countries. One big boy comes to mind.

When you see wrong, the very least one can do, is to at least acknowledge its existence.

or put another way

All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.

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Almost all tv members are not thai. Please explain why you have a god given right to live here and advise on what thailand should be doing. Like most western countries they want to stick there nose in a "direct" other countries. One big boy comes to mind.

When you see wrong, the very least one can do, is to at least acknowledge its existence.

or put another way

All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.

And what's being done by the big boys in Africa right now. Atrocities that leave middle east in shade. Also how has western "help" panned out so far. Vietnam .....good move. Iraq.....that was a winner. Could go on. Best to do nothing.

Or we could go back to political basket case thailand has been for ages. Maybe USA could issue sanctions. They work well. Not

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Almost all tv members are not thai. Please explain why you have a god given right to live here and advise on what thailand should be doing. Like most western countries they want to stick there nose in a "direct" other countries. One big boy comes to mind.

Yes, it is a very annoying attitude to stick the nose in other countries' affairs. The world would be so much better off if we just let Daesh, Taleban, Boko Haram etc. slaughter away. The same would go for oppression in North Korea or China, why should I care about those countries? I don't even live those places, I also don't care about school shootings in the US or the Euro crisis - I shouldn't stick my nose in their affairs. And nevermind the global warming, I don't live on a remote Pacific island, so I am fine.

Excuse me Sir, but with all respect what a ignorant way of living in a modern global community - sticking noses in other countries' affairs is something we have done since long time - UN is a good example of a "nose sticker". The west is not alone in this - Asia and Thailand also stick their nose in something they shouldn't.

I agree, none of us have a God given right to live here (you included), but as the rest of us moved into 21st century we realized there was this crazy new thing like expanding career, living, knowing and working in other places than the local backyard - basically possibility of expanding your own horizon and even learning things on the way.

We chose that opportunity and we ended up here. We appreciate all the good things here, but we point out the bad things, because we believe it would be better a place for locals and foreigners without corruption, double standards and hypocrisy. We believe it actually would benefit everybody, but hey, each are entitled to their own opinion

I choose to participate in my community off- and online - I sadly don't have the ability to live blissful ignorance where-ever I live.

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Almost all tv members are not thai. Please explain why you have a god given right to live here and advise on what thailand should be doing. Like most western countries they want to stick there nose in a "direct" other countries. One big boy comes to mind.

Mr "I'm alright Jacksam" who apparently shows support for writing off the whole population of Thai people because expressing one's disdain for immoral governments is to "stick their nose in", here's something that's passed you by in all your years and travel: civilised people don't ignore human injustice just because it's not their country. This is not a remotely intelligent or moral stance in the face of fellow human beings suffering.

Africa right now.

Pol pot Cambodia

Armin Africia......

List is endless. Not financial gain for big players we can leave it to charity organizations.

I'm not hearing ONE word from the farang that live here with their thai squeeze. Maybe I'm mixing with wrong crowd. Every thai I mix with have one of 2 opinions. Couldn't give a flying f ### or like it better now. Actually think the new big boss is moving country in right direction.

Perhaps we could have elections and have another rice pledging scheme. Farang take your nonsense back to US primaries. Better circus

Edited by jacksam
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Almost all tv members are not thai. Please explain why you have a god given right to live here and advise on what thailand should be doing. Like most western countries they want to stick there nose in a "direct" other countries. One big boy comes to mind.

When you see wrong, the very least one can do, is to at least acknowledge its existence.

or put another way

All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.

And what's being done by the big boys in Africa right now. Atrocities that leave middle east in shade. Also how has western "help" panned out so far. Vietnam .....good move. Iraq.....that was a winner. Could go on. Best to do nothing.

Or we could go back to political basket case thailand has been for ages. Maybe USA could issue sanctions. They work well. Not

You've wandered off course..........your gripe was with non Thai TV members talking about Thailand, if one were to start commenting on Africa's current troubles here, the mods would sweep in and delete the "off topic" posts.

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Almost all tv members are not thai. Please explain why you have a god given right to live here and advise on what thailand should be doing. Like most western countries they want to stick there nose in a "direct" other countries. One big boy comes to mind.

Mr "I'm alright Jacksam" who apparently shows support for writing off the whole population of Thai people because expressing one's disdain for immoral governments is to "stick their nose in", here's something that's passed you by in all your years and travel: civilised people don't ignore human injustice just because it's not their country. This is not a remotely intelligent or moral stance in the face of fellow human beings suffering.

Africa right now.

Pol pot Cambodia

Armin Africia......

List is endless. Not financial gain for big players we can leave it to charity organizations.

I'm not hearing ONE word from the farang that live here with their thai squeeze. Maybe I'm mixing with wrong crowd. Every thai I mix with have one of 2 opinions. Couldn't give a flying f ### or like it better now. Actually think the new big boss is moving country in right direction.

Perhaps we could have elections and have another rice pledging scheme. Farang take your nonsense back to US primaries. Better circus

What do we have here Jacky boy, another disheartened Republican Tea Bagger angry and looking for someone or something to blame for your life failures - fascism is not the answer my little friend.

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Almost all tv members are not thai. Please explain why you have a god given right to live here and advise on what thailand should be doing. Like most western countries they want to stick there nose in a "direct" other countries. One big boy comes to mind.

I'm Thai and I'll call you out as a hypocrite. It's true that this is a forum aimed primarily at a farang user base, a place where farangs exchange ideas about the country where they spend their time. You criticise people for doing just that, so what on earth are you doing here?

Edited by dbrenn
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Almost all tv members are not thai. Please explain why you have a god given right to live here and advise on what thailand should be doing. Like most western countries they want to stick there nose in a "direct" other countries. One big boy comes to mind.

I'm Thai and I'll call you out as a hypocrite. It's true that this is a forum aimed primarily at a farang user base, a place where farangs exchange ideas about the country where they spend their time. You criticise people for doing just that, so what on earth are you doing here?

Your thai? Umm clearly you don't talk to the working class thai about current political sphere in thailand. BTW eloquent post. Who wrote it for you?

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Ok! Ok! So all the replies are accurate to some accord. But none are really thinking about what he could possibly be addressing. Everyone here knows there are some very biased reporters here. Just look at some of the news from The Nation prior to the coup. In regards to regulating what the public is told he is violating freedoms of speech. But in regards to the right wing hard core political activists who only print to make their parties look good and to spread lies and convince the ignorant their way is the only way then P would have a point in this comment. Some reporters have no ethics and don't care about reporting facts or the truth. Especially in Thailand.

Yeah maybe, but I think he's more concerned with those who report the truth.

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Almost all tv members are not thai. Please explain why you have a god given right to live here and advise on what thailand should be doing. Like most western countries they want to stick there nose in a "direct" other countries. One big boy comes to mind.

I'm Thai and I'll call you out as a hypocrite. It's true that this is a forum aimed primarily at a farang user base, a place where farangs exchange ideas about the country where they spend their time. You criticise people for doing just that, so what on earth are you doing here?

Your thai? Umm clearly you don't talk to the working class thai about current political sphere in thailand. BTW eloquent post. Who wrote it for you?

I do and you are way off with the general feeling here

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Almost all tv members are not thai. Please explain why you have a god given right to live here and advise on what thailand should be doing. Like most western countries they want to stick there nose in a "direct" other countries. One big boy comes to mind.

I'm Thai and I'll call you out as a hypocrite. It's true that this is a forum aimed primarily at a farang user base, a place where farangs exchange ideas about the country where they spend their time. You criticise people for doing just that, so what on earth are you doing here?

Your thai? Umm clearly you don't talk to the working class thai about current political sphere in thailand. BTW eloquent post. Who wrote it for you?

Rather racist there Jacksam ol' chum.

What are you inferring?

Thais aren't intelligent enough to learn how to read and write english?

BTW: interesting fact, when typing jacksam autocorrect tries to change it to jackass - go figure.

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Almost all tv members are not thai. Please explain why you have a god given right to live here and advise on what thailand should be doing. Like most western countries they want to stick there nose in a "direct" other countries. One big boy comes to mind.

I'm Thai and I'll call you out as a hypocrite. It's true that this is a forum aimed primarily at a farang user base, a place where farangs exchange ideas about the country where they spend their time. You criticise people for doing just that, so what on earth are you doing here?
Your thai? Umm clearly you don't talk to the working class thai about current political sphere in thailand. BTW eloquent post. Who wrote it for you?

The fact that you think that Thais are unable to write eloquently betrays your mindset.

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Almost all tv members are not thai. Please explain why you have a god given right to live here and advise on what thailand should be doing. Like most western countries they want to stick there nose in a "direct" other countries. One big boy comes to mind.

I'm Thai and I'll call you out as a hypocrite. It's true that this is a forum aimed primarily at a farang user base, a place where farangs exchange ideas about the country where they spend their time. You criticise people for doing just that, so what on earth are you doing here?
Your thai? Umm clearly you don't talk to the working class thai about current political sphere in thailand. BTW eloquent post. Who wrote it for you?

Rather racist there Jacksam ol' chum.

What are you inferring?

Thais aren't intelligent enough to learn how to read and write english?

BTW: interesting fact, when typing jacksam autocorrect tries to change it to jackass - go figure.

Hahaha. Very witty.

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Almost all tv members are not thai. Please explain why you have a god given right to live here and advise on what thailand should be doing. Like most western countries they want to stick there nose in a "direct" other countries. One big boy comes to mind.

I'm Thai and I'll call you out as a hypocrite. It's true that this is a forum aimed primarily at a farang user base, a place where farangs exchange ideas about the country where they spend their time. You criticise people for doing just that, so what on earth are you doing here?
Your thai? Umm clearly you don't talk to the working class thai about current political sphere in thailand. BTW eloquent post. Who wrote it for you?
Spoken like a Grade A hole.
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Almost all tv members are not thai. Please explain why you have a god given right to live here and advise on what thailand should be doing. Like most western countries they want to stick there nose in a "direct" other countries. One big boy comes to mind.
I'm Thai and I'll call you out as a hypocrite. It's true that this is a forum aimed primarily at a farang user base, a place where farangs exchange ideas about the country where they spend their time. You criticise people for doing just that, so what on earth are you doing here?
Your thai? Umm clearly you don't talk to the working class thai about current political sphere in thailand. BTW eloquent post. Who wrote it for you?
Rather racist there Jacksam ol' chum.
What are you inferring?
Thais aren't intelligent enough to learn how to read and write english?

BTW: interesting fact, when typing jacksam autocorrect tries to change it to jackass - go figure.

Hahaha. Very witty.

As we are on it : thainess is an anagram for=?
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Nice diversion. Fact is most western countries have a bad track record of imposing their ideas on eastern and developing countries. This article was about the current political situation in thailand. My point is go out and ask thai about present situation. I suggest most are happy they can work without disruption. Agreed most want return to democracy asap. Would love genuine survey of thai people. It will not be the 80% + as reported. My guess it would be well over 60.

So all the advice from USA and others means exactly what.

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Nice diversion. Fact is most western countries have a bad track record of imposing their ideas on eastern and developing countries. This article was about the current political situation in thailand. My point is go out and ask thai about present situation. I suggest most are happy they can work without disruption. Agreed most want return to democracy asap. Would love genuine survey of thai people. It will not be the 80% + as reported. My guess it would be well over 60.

So all the advice from USA and others means exactly what.

Veering a bit off course, aren't you?

This thread is about the latest attempt by the PM to intimidate the press. Oddly, various members don't like it.

How is this "interference" by western countries?

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It's not an inference. The USA with other countries maintains a "we are not happy " attitude. Also why would members here be so interested in Thailand's political situation. It impacts on you how directly?

Stick to your golf and respite and relax.

Oh apart from the bloke earlier who apparently is THAI.

Well he obtained thai citizenship. Guess he also knows all about thailand.

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Nice diversion. Fact is most western countries have a bad track record of imposing their ideas on eastern and developing countries. This article was about the current political situation in thailand. My point is go out and ask thai about present situation. I suggest most are happy they can work without disruption. Agreed most want return to democracy asap. Would love genuine survey of thai people. It will not be the 80% + as reported. My guess it would be well over 60.

So all the advice from USA and others means exactly what.

Well over 60%

I'm sorry but I'm going to have to do it again....clap2.gifcheesy.gif

The only Thai to ever record support anywhere near 60% was Thaksin in 2005 (56.4% - 14 million votes vs 4 million for the Democrats).

If the Junta had 60% support and you add to it the advantages of incumbency, section 44 and a rigged constitution and electoral commission then they would probably have the nuts to call an election.

The reason no election has been scheduled?

There is no 60% support.

Historically the Democrat/Military/Ammart vote bottomed out at 16% (again in 2005) - my guess would be current support for the Junta is much, much closer to this figure than it is to the laughable 60% figure suggested by you.

By the way, the reason there is no genuine surveys conducted is because the Junta don't allow it and many Thais are too afraid to answer honestly.

The best poll is always an election, by the content of your posts, my guess is that you are going to be extremely surprised at the result when the next election is eventually held.

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And Taskin is the yardstick for good governance in office? Along with the daughter extension. I will fess up I know close to zero about thai politics. Only been here 4 years. Since the junta I have seen some stability all be it by military rule. Just thinking a "time out" from democracy might not be such a bad thing for los. I still see plenty of freedom here. Hardly see it as an oppressive dictatorship. Sometimes it requires some controls. I'm happy with it. As is MANY Thais I mix with

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And Taskin is the yardstick for good governance in office? Along with the daughter extension. I will fess up I know close to zero about thai politics. Only been here 4 years. Since the junta I have seen some stability all be it by military rule. Just thinking a "time out" from democracy might not be such a bad thing for los. I still see plenty of freedom here. Hardly see it as an oppressive dictatorship. Sometimes it requires some controls. I'm happy with it. As is MANY Thais I mix with

Thaksin's most enduring contribution to Thailand will forever be that he awakened the masses to the fact that they have the power to change the nation for the better, that their votes, when counted, can improve their living standards and expand their and their children's opportunities and prospects for a better and more fulfilling life.

Thaksin governments weren't the destination but they were steps in the right direction.

Juntas are the exact opposite, Juntas drag the nation and the people back into the past.

The instability that you are so pleased the Junta has ended all originated from the Junta and its proxies as they sort to stifle democracy.

You are praising the Junta for reigning in their own thugs and murderers.

From 1932 until 2001 Thailand had, for all practical purposes, no democracy - a 69 year time out if you will.

From 2001 to the present day Thailand has had approximately 5 to 7 elections (depending if you count the boycotted ones) and every single one was won by Thaksin parties.

In the same period Thailand has also had 3 coups - all by the Democrat/Military/ Ammart faction.

You may see plenty of freedom because you are not fully immersed in Thai society.

You have no relatives or friends that have been forced into exile and/or abducted and sent to re-education camps.

Your children are not being indoctrinated at their schools with airbrushed history books and ridiculous songs and your Facebook and line pages are not being spied on

You may be happy that 70 million people have lost their rights and freedoms and you may think that the handful of Thais you interact with speak for the other 70 million but the decent folks out their hold the polar opposite views to you. They are offended that a nation of people no longer have their basic rights and they have the brain power to realise that what the true majority of Thais are really feeling is mostly unsaid because of the fear and intimidation of the current regime.

This nation is headed for what will most likely be a violent upheaval of the social order, more people are going to die and more lives are going to be ruined in the fight for democracy, but hey.......your happy with it.

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