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Islamic State issues 15 rules on sex with slaves


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So obscene it is almost ludicrous. Owning people or having slaves.

Very true, yet there are numerous countries that have very high numbers for slavery - just not overt and legally justified as it is with Daesh. Thankfully it looks as though Daesh will be destroyed in the coming few years or so. The numbers held in slavery across the sex industry and business is in the millions per counties such as Pakistan, China, India and the Congo; just appalling. In case you didn't know Thailand is rated number ten for slavery in all it's manifestations.

Edited by simple1
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So obscene it is almost ludicrous. Owning people or having slaves.

Very true, yet there are numerous countries that have very high numbers for slavery - just not overt and legally justified as it is with Daesh. Thankfully it looks as though Daesh will be destroyed in the coming few years or so. The numbers held in slavery across the sex industry and business is in the millions per counties such as Pakistan, China, India and the Congo; just appalling. In case you didn't know Thailand is rated number ten for slavery in all it's manifestations.

Another justification and minimization of the fact that not only with ISIS is slavery considered legal, but there are rules about how it should operate. Do any of the other places you mentioned condone it by law or religious edict?

How sad that some people in their eagerness to support a religion will justify the complete denigration of humans.

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So obscene it is almost ludicrous. Owning people or having slaves.

Very true, yet there are numerous countries that have very high numbers for slavery - just not overt and legally justified as it is with Daesh. Thankfully it looks as though Daesh will be destroyed in the coming few years or so. The numbers held in slavery across the sex industry and business is in the millions per counties such as Pakistan, China, India and the Congo; just appalling. In case you didn't know Thailand is rated number ten for slavery in all it's manifestations.

Another justification and minimization of the fact that not only with ISIS is slavery considered legal, but there are rules about how it should operate. Do any of the other places you mentioned condone it by law or religious edict?

How sad that some people in their eagerness to support a religion will justify the complete denigration of humans.

Complete misinterpretation of my comments.

Daesh, so far as I know, is unique in it's open application of laws justifying the cruelty of sexual and other forms of slavery. In other places around the world slavery in all it's forms contributes to the terror & suffering of millions of people. Misery condoned, by way of a culture of corruption & discrimination, by those who are responsible for protection of human beings in their jurisdiction - IMO just as evil in outcome as the practices of Daesh.

I'll grant you the courtesy of presuming you overlooked by observation...

"Thankfully it looks as though Daesh will be destroyed in the coming few years or so"

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Sorry, but it's a minimization and a justification of slavery. Your sympathize for the religion and your persistence in protecting the innocent are admirable, but this trying to explain slavery is simply a justification.

None of the countries you mentioned in any way have any codified regulations about slavery. It is illegal. ISIS does and it is supported by religious edicts. Just simply wrong. Simply wrong.

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Sorry, but it's a minimization and a justification of slavery. Your sympathize for the religion and your persistence in protecting the innocent are admirable, but this trying to explain slavery is simply a justification.

None of the countries you mentioned in any way have any codified regulations about slavery. It is illegal. ISIS does and it is supported by religious edicts. Just simply wrong. Simply wrong.

Looks as though we are going around in a circle. However, one last time.

I am not attempting to minimise or justify slavery by Daesh just stating fact as to their ideology. As you say to utilise religious law as justification is beyond wrong, as is evidently their enjoyment for inflicting misery and pain.

Peoples in other countries around the world inflict pain and misery on millions through slavery, including sexual slavery and rape as a tool of war; it's been reported rape as a tool of war in Syria isn't unique to the Islamists. These people would be conscious their actions are contrary to the rule of law and common humanity, to my mind they are equally 'wrong', you disagree, so it looks as though we will have to agree to disagree.

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And some on here still defend this faith and its people , sad.png

These barbarians are perverting the faith, remember people of the same faith, albeit not as warped, are considered infidels and enslaved. Should they not be defended?
I for one am actually not so sure. Adherents of this "faith" have had 1400 years to abandon this intolerance toward non-believers and have instead more like enshrined, to varying degrees, what has always essentially been a personality cult on steroids, now a vicious and bloody personality cult on steroids. Figuring out which out of these hords of "believers" are more imminently dangerous than the rest when none are more than an incident of unavoidable collateral damage away from being radicalized is a fool's errand. The "faithful" have had centuries to clean up their act, and now the whole world is at risk. Sadly but inescapably it's the non-believers who must now act to eradicate this pestilence which threatens us all. It's WAY past the point of ANY possible peaceful resolution, or any solution that isn't going to involve large numbers of tragically innocent deaths. The sooner this is understood, the more these innocent deaths can be minimized.

Refusal to accept this and continued prescriptions of tolerance only increase the numbers that will have to die before it's all over.

Edited by hawker9000
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No matter how they justify it, and justify it they must, they are gang rapist pigs, who kidnap young girls, and turn them into sex slaves, to satisfy their own depravity. It is probably one of their top recruiting tools. Would you like to get with anyone you want? We have the power of Genghis Khan! We can take anyone we want. Just point a finger, and she is yours for the asking, if you join our ranks.

These guys must be wiped out. Whatever it takes. One by one. If I were a bit younger, I think I would join the fight against them. It would be a lot of fun, to see them fall.

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And some on here still defend this faith and its people , sad.png

These barbarians are perverting the faith, remember people of the same faith, albeit not as warped, are considered infidels and enslaved. Should they not be defended?
I for one am actually not so sure. Adherents of this "faith" have had 1400 years to abandon this intolerance toward non-believers and have instead more like enshrined, to varying degrees, what has always essentially been a personality cult on steroids, now a vicious and bloody personality cult on steroids. Figuring out which out of these hords of "believers" are more imminently dangerous than the rest when none are more than an incident of unavoidable collateral damage away from being radicalized is a fool's errand. The "faithful" have had centuries to clean up their act, and now the whole world is at risk. Sadly but inescapably it's the non-believers who must now act to eradicate this pestilence which threatens us all. It's WAY past the point of ANY possible peaceful resolution, or any solution that isn't going to involve large numbers of tragically innocent deaths. The sooner this is understood, the more these innocent deaths can be minimized.

Refusal to accept this and continued prescriptions of tolerance only increase the numbers that will have to die before it's all over.

I was about to respond to this when i saw the news on thursday showing new years fireworks going ahead beside a towering inferno. Took the wind out of my sails.

Not to mention yesterdays incident in Saudi and the possible repercussions that lie ahead. The fact that opposing regimes of the same ultimate faith use the will of God as a justification for brutal acts against their own is beyond my comprehension.

I have many friends of that faith, and have lived in Singapore where it's visibly possible that those of any faith CAN coexist in a civilized manner. It's not the Faith, it's the society that breeds it. Cult possibly is a more appropriate term.

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