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Conservatives call for Tony Abbott's return to frontbench


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Conservatives call for Tony Abbott's return to frontbench

CANBERRA: -- Supporters of former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott have made calls for him to return to a senior government position.

It comes after two cabinet ministers stepped down on Tuesday over separate scandals, which means a political reshuffle is likely in 2016.

Liberal senator Eric Abetz called for Mr Abbott to make a comeback saying he has "more to offer public life".

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-35192057

-- BBC 2015-12-30

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Yes bring Abbott back onto the Front Bench and make him a Cabinet Minister. Then let him challenge for the Leadership and become Prime Minister again. A sure fired way to lose the 2016 election.

Abbott and Abetz have to understand their extreme Right Wing hateful, spiteful, mean spirited 'rob from the poor and give to the rich' political ideology is absolutely unelectable in Australia. The current Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull (Centre Conservative) has a real problem on his hands. He has a number of extreme Right Wing ideologues who want their way. Increase taxes on the poor, remove taxes for the wealthy and Corporate Australia (most pay no tax now), dismantle publicly funded Medicare and have an American style health system, remove work overtime awards, create an unrepresented workforce by removing all Unions, remove 'unemployment benefit' safety net, dismantle publicly funded Pharmaceutical Benefit Scheme (PBS), de-fund and silence the public broadcaster Australian Broadcasting Authority (ABC) so only Right Wing media broadcast is available that support the Right Wing ideology, remove accountability / transparency and 'whistle blower' legislation so anyone who speaks out against a Right Wing government is threatened with gaol sentences, use the fantasy threat of ISIS to enact public surveillance, create a generational poor majority class of people exploited by the wealthy, ensure the wealthy can transfer their wealth between generations keeping the wealthy rich and the poor poorer.

The Australian electorate got a small taste of the extreme far Right Wing agenda and it led to him being thrown out on his butt. If he makes a come back in 2016 the Australian electorate will 'guillotine' him for good just like his little mate ex Prime Minister Johnny Howard who attempted to force draconian Work Choices on the working poor of Australia.

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Extremes to either the right or left aren't tolerated by the electorate. Nor are self-serving politicians like Abbott or Rudd.

Taking the centre ground is appealing to a wider range of voters. The problem for modern political parties is that as they try to differentiate themselves from their opponents, they tend to drift too far off centre (this, and the need to appease the extreme power-brokers within their own parties).

Politics is a subtle art. Sadly most of this current crop don't understand that.

Edited by Cynical Sailor
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Yes bring Abbott back onto the Front Bench and make him a Cabinet Minister. Then let him challenge for the Leadership and become Prime Minister again. A sure fired way to lose the 2016 election.

Abbott and Abetz have to understand their extreme Right Wing hateful, spiteful, mean spirited 'rob from the poor and give to the rich' political ideology is absolutely unelectable in Australia. The current Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull (Centre Conservative) has a real problem on his hands. He has a number of extreme Right Wing ideologues who want their way. Increase taxes on the poor, remove taxes for the wealthy and Corporate Australia (most pay no tax now), dismantle publicly funded Medicare and have an American style health system, remove work overtime awards, create an unrepresented workforce by removing all Unions, remove 'unemployment benefit' safety net, dismantle publicly funded Pharmaceutical Benefit Scheme (PBS), de-fund and silence the public broadcaster Australian Broadcasting Authority (ABC) so only Right Wing media broadcast is available that support the Right Wing ideology, remove accountability / transparency and 'whistle blower' legislation so anyone who speaks out against a Right Wing government is threatened with gaol sentences, use the fantasy threat of ISIS to enact public surveillance, create a generational poor majority class of people exploited by the wealthy, ensure the wealthy can transfer their wealth between generations keeping the wealthy rich and the poor poorer.

The Australian electorate got a small taste of the extreme far Right Wing agenda and it led to him being thrown out on his butt. If he makes a come back in 2016 the Australian electorate will 'guillotine' him for good just like his little mate ex Prime Minister Johnny Howard who attempted to force draconian Work Choices on the working poor of Australia.

Thats it in a nutshell up2u2.

Couldn't have put it better myself.

All you forgot to say is that the extreme right think that they are "born-to-rule"

The 19th century British upper classes are pinkos compared to the conservatives in Australia.

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If they want to loose the next election bringing Abbot back to the front bench is the sure way to do it. He is political death with the voters and he would destroy all of the gains made since Turnbull became PM. Abbott's behaviour is typical of someone who cant accept the sudden loss of power and position and his friends (does he have any?) should calm him down and keep him quiet. The best he can do is leave politics and find a new life. I am a Liberal voter and the party would be best to take notice of its supporters.

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Bill Shorten??? Hahaha

and that shows what an absolute piss poor Prime Minister Abbott was. Shorten polled, what, 54% against Abbott but against Turnbull he polls, what, 14%. The proverbial 'Drover's Dog' could beat Abbott on an election day.

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Bring back Abbott he had the right idea. Turn away the boats and scamming queue jumpers.

What didn't carry favour with the electorate was 'at what cost'. People turned back to be drowned, captured, tortured, killed, pissing off Indonesia big time. People in detention killing themselves, rioting. Allegations of torture, beatings, rapes, government involvement in 'people smuggling'. Threatening medical practitioners with 2 years gaol if they spoke out about ill treatment. 'I do not comment on. on water operations' who did he think he was kidding?

'Turn back the boats' is one of the main reasons he is sitting on the Back Bench. No doubt in my mind Offshore Detention Centers will be the Australian version of Guantanamo Bay when Americans had to face the stark reality they had tortured and falsely imprisoned people. Once you have been found guilty of crimes against humanity you can no longer take the moral high ground and lecture others.

Bring Abbott back, hello to a Shorten Government 2016.

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The Liberal party is now full of pseudo tea partyers dressed up as libertarians (the new name for the failed laissez faire of days past). It makes it hard for liberal voters to choose who to vote for. Being in coalition with the Agrarian Socialists (Nationals), doesn't help. Labor has had its periods as an option; now isn't one of those.

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