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Which country will supply Crimea with electricity – Russian President Vladimir Putin orders an opini

Jonathan Fairfield

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Which country will supply Crimea with electricity – Russian President Vladimir Putin orders an opinion poll


At least a quarter of the power on the contested peninsula of Crimea was lost on Wednesday night.

The lights went out after Ukraine halted supplies blaming the problem on saboteurs blowing up an electricity pylon.

The outage coincides with the expiry of a power supply contract with Russia and demands for a change in the wording.

“Some days ago the Ukrainian side put a condition on extending the contract. There should be a certain definition with the following words – “power is supplied to Crimea a territory of Ukraine”. We cannot agree to this phrase. We have reported it to President Vladimir Putin,” Alexander Novak, Russia energy minister told reporters.

Power was lost last month for two weeks in Crimea. Now this latest incident has prompted Vladimir Putin to order an opinion poll.

Crimeans will be asked if they agreed to be considered part of Ukraine or accept “temporary difficulties” for three or four months if a new contract is not signed.

Before the annexation by Russia Ukraine supplied at least 70 percent of the peninsula’s electricity.

“It was a good, positive year. The two-week-long black-out brought us closer to each other. Thanks again to the government, they have sorted out the situation with the electricity bridge so quickly. The negative side is the work of the local government,” remarked Artyom Kryuchov a Crimean businessman

No one claimed responsibility for the attack on pylons which led to the cut in supply in November.

Police officials in Ukraine said Wednesday’s power supplies were interrupted by a blast but gave no details.

But the sparkle in the Christmas decorations is still alight. The central square in Crimea’s largest city – Sevastopol is ready for New Year celebrations with light.

The streets around the square remained in darkness after the street lights were turned off because of the electricity shortage.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-01-01

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Ukraine should tie the cost of power to Crimea to Russia's pricing of NG to Ukraine. Tit for Tat.

If Russia cuts gas supplies to Ukraine/EU, Ukraine cuts power to Crimea.

If Russia raises prices 200%, Ukraine raises proces 200%.

Have a nice day.

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Ukraine should tie the cost of power to Crimea to Russia's pricing of NG to Ukraine. Tit for Tat.

If Russia cuts gas supplies to Ukraine/EU, Ukraine cuts power to Crimea.

If Russia raises prices 200%, Ukraine raises proces 200%.

Have a nice day.

Of course part of the problem is Ukraine is not paying and does not want to. They want all the

debts to Russia written off. I am not sure what the gas rate is. Russia should just charge

the same rate Germany pays. Ask for payment in advance. Crimea should pay the same rate

the rest of Ukraine pays. Move on. Everyone forgets Crimea was historically always a part

of Russia and wants to remain so. Just like Quebec separatists in Canada (which

very well may happen in the future) and Scottish independence which is also a possibility.

The only difference is 80+% of Crimean's want to be part of Russia. Lets not forget

it was a mob of rabble that ousted a democratically elected government (admittedly

corrupt kleptocrats) in Ukraine. As far as I am concerned nobody has the moral high ground

here. The Western half of the country leans to the West, The Eastern (poorer) half which is

ethnically Russian and ignored leans toward Russia. (which of course is run by another

kleptocrat) blink.png

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It's just a matter of time before The Ukraine will be begging to rejoin Russia. It has been bound by Blood and Steel for Centuries. Just look at all those neo-Nazi's and Nazi's giving the Seig Heil salute nowadays. President V. Putin is the World's GREATEST Statesman and makes ALL the so-called leaders of the no-so-free-anymore World look like Political Midgets. No disrespect to any little people! It is just a matter of time before HIS patience wears out and CRUSHES ALL the Fascists like cockroaches. IMHO thumbsup.gif

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Putin -> nothing but a thug with a license to kill and an army to back him up. The scariest kind of bad guy.

A thug? Why is that? He is a RUSSIAN Nationalist FIRST. He will not accept Global Hegemony by the USA and its Stooges. I was not aware he was 007 and had a License to kill? I personally admire Him for his Statesmanship and ability to play and win the Global Chess Game. He is a true master. Why are YOU scared of him? facepalm.gif

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Ukraine should tie the cost of power to Crimea to Russia's pricing of NG to Ukraine. Tit for Tat.

If Russia cuts gas supplies to Ukraine/EU, Ukraine cuts power to Crimea.

If Russia raises prices 200%, Ukraine raises proces 200%.

Have a nice day.

Of course part of the problem is Ukraine is not paying and does not want to. They want all the

debts to Russia written off. I am not sure what the gas rate is. Russia should just charge

the same rate Germany pays. Ask for payment in advance. Crimea should pay the same rate

the rest of Ukraine pays. Move on. Everyone forgets Crimea was historically always a part

of Russia and wants to remain so. Just like Quebec separatists in Canada (which

very well may happen in the future) and Scottish independence which is also a possibility.

The only difference is 80+% of Crimean's want to be part of Russia. Lets not forget

it was a mob of rabble that ousted a democratically elected government (admittedly

corrupt kleptocrats) in Ukraine. As far as I am concerned nobody has the moral high ground

here. The Western half of the country leans to the West, The Eastern (poorer) half which is

ethnically Russian and ignored leans toward Russia. (which of course is run by another

kleptocrat) blink.png

You many be right about Crimea, but it should have been handled via internal voting, not by being invaded. Just like what's being done in Canada and Scotland.


In January 1991, a referendum was held in the Crimean Oblast, and voters approved restoring the Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. However, after the dissolution of the Soviet Union less than a year later, the Autonomous Republic of Crimea was formed as a constituent entity of independent Ukraine,[27][28]with a slight majority of Crimean voters approving Ukrainian independence in a December referendum.

About 60% of Crimea are ethnic Russians. I doubt all would vote to be part of Russia. The others probably not. Memories are also very long there:


During the Holodomor, which is also known as the "Terror-Famine in Ukraine" and "Famine-Genocide in Ukraine",[6][7][8] millions of citizens of the Ukrainian SSR, the majority of whom were ethnic Ukrainians, died of starvation in a peacetime catastrophe unprecedented in the history of Ukraine.[9] Since 2006, the Holodomor has been recognized by the independent Ukraine[10] and 14 other countries as a genocide of the Ukrainian people carried out by the Soviet Union.[11]

Interesting to see the differences in opinions before the Maidan. Most seemed to want to be independent.


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