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Pattaya And Several Dentists...


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Could someone please recommend a good orthodontist/ dentist in Pattaya City? Costing aside..

I've a small sized hole in my pre-molar tooth. At first I thought i'd need only a composite/ 2 surfaces filling, but then i've been told by one dentist in Central road that i've an exposed nerve and a root canal in this pre-molar is most necessary. This is a major turn off, but i'm willing to do what is needed, and i'd be interested to get a recommendation from expats in Pattaya as to whom is trustable and professional?

I'd prefer not to find myself having to go back to a dentist with a root canal which has not been properly cleaned (technical terms?) and do it right first time and with in mind to select the best material for the pin and crown following the three stages to conclude the whole painful experience?

This is a first time experience and what i've typed is all I know. Who do you recommend and who do you recommend to avoid. Reading through the internet things can go wrong as in having to come back and re-place the crown material and this and that or other, with which i'm ignorant?

Any help expats?


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Well, after some horrendous experiences by myself and wife in Bangkok Pattaya, and other dental establishment in Pattaya, I took the good advice of my friend Tax Exile and went to the dental hospital, Soi 49, Sukhumvit Road Bangkok.

I have had one root canal and crown done there, and my wife has had all her mistreatments, (causing her non stop pain) in Pattaya, sorted.

Any number of dentists in Pattaya told me I had acrack in my tooth and wanted to do everything from extract it (as well as the surrounding teeth), to giving me an implant! (At my advanced age?). But the dental hospital could find absolutely no sign of a crack, and it is now happily rooted and crowned.

The dental hospital is like heaven on tearth, they have fluent, English speaking dentists, who all treat you with great care and I had multiple injections without so much as me feeling a prick. The root and crown treatment was far superior in every way to that that I received at BP.

They are without doubt the best dentists I have ever come across - anywhere. Prices not cheap, but you get what you pay for - and about the same at BP.

A bus to Ekami will get you within a short taxi ride of Soi 49 in a couple of hours or so, and will not add much to your overall bill.

I am definitely through with any manner of medical care withion the vicinity of Pattaya - I reckon they are all abunch of incompetent, money grabbing quacks. I wouldn't trust any kind of daignosis as far as I can spit (which ain't very far).:o

Edited by Mobi D'Ark
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Oh dear friend! I can certainly see that being the case given multi-communication difficulties and hope for my sake it's not ''avoid the quacks''!

Perhaps it's the need to hear another professional address and communicate the possibilty of the pain thesh-hold and feedback over three courses of treatment. I guess it's down to recommendations? Perhaps there are several good orthodontists, for sure, but it's a case of hunting them down and being satisfied with the final-push go ahead.

It would be unfair to judge on the back of one, but it's all necessary, like you say Mobi D'Ark if this goes wrong you gonna be pretty mad. I'm in two minds to venture to Bangkok as it's far without transport! The dentist I visited were actually very good, but I was dubious at the very quick assessment, but subdued by the excellent spoken English skills and appreciation of my sensitive issue, my sensitive teeth, which numb and throb on certain days, on bad days a migraine throb!

I will just continue to wait and hold until i'm fully clued and confident with the go ahead. All the details of the procedure were explained and I heed all the costs so i'm fully aware of the outlay and my options. I believe Pattaya to have orthodontist's educated peoples to do this, but I will need the help of expats to get the orthodontists.


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Well, of course it's entirely up to you, but going to a dentist is a bit like having your car repaired - unless you are a motor expert, you are entirely in their hands when they tell you that this needs replacing and this is broken etc. You have no way of knowing the truthy. The best you can do is get several opinions and see if they match.

From my own personal experiences - and they are many - and from what others have told me, I wouldn't trust any dentist in Pattaya, and not too many in Bangkok.

If you feel like driving (I do), if you leave early, (before 7 a.m.) you will be at the hopital before 9 am. If not, go to North Pattaya, and jump on an aircon bus - they run every 20 mins or so - and you will be in Ekami within 2 hours. It's then a 10-15 minute taxi ride to the cleanest most professional dental hospital I have ever come across. They have a dentist entirely devoted to diagnosis, and he will talk through with you in excellent English your dental problems and possible treatment you may need, after a thorough examination and xrays. They have specialists for every kind of treatment, all bilingual, and all obviously out of the top drawer. I think their reputation is too valuable for them to sell you a bum steer.

Anyway, as I say - it's up to you.

Good luck, and happy dental treatment. :D

Ouch :o

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I've a small sized hole in my pre-molar tooth. At first I thought i'd need only a composite/ 2 surfaces filling, but then i've been told by one dentist in Central road that i've an exposed nerve and a root canal in this pre-molar is most necessary. This is a major turn off, but i'm willing to do what is needed, and i'd be interested to get a recommendation from expats in Pattaya as to whom is trustable and professional?

if it is only a small cavity , and if you are not having any pain from the tooth , and the dentist has tested the tooth to ascertain whether the nerve is still alive and found it to be alive , then i am surprised as to why you should need root canal treatment.

an exposed nerve usually causes discomfort.

nerves should only be removed when they are inflamed to such an extent that they are painful and the inflammation is unlikely to resolve ( the type of pain you have and the type of response to various stimuli can give the dentist a reasonably accurate idea as to the state of the nerve), if the inflammation is unlikely to resolve then root canal treatment will be necessary.

if the tooth is giving no pain , then either the nerve has died already (maybe due to serious decay invading and infecting the nerve , or due to other reasons) . a dead nerve should be removed , the canals cleaned and the canals filled with an inert filling .

if the nerve is alive , but not causing you constant pain , then normally , there is no reason to remove it. an exposed nerve if painless or painful will nearly always need removing.

a small painless cavity should need cleaning and filling only.

even a deep cavity that is causing borderline 'terminal" pain can be cleaned and temporarily dressed with calcium hydroxide or zinc oxide or other palliative dressings until the nerve has recovered enough for a permanent filling to be placed. if it doesnt recover then the nerve will need to come out.

a tooth is better of with a nerve in than without , root canal treatment should be a last resort.

many dentists ( not only in thailand ) push root canal treatment unethically , its a good earner and the tooth will need an expensive crown after.

your tooth may very well need root canal treatment , i havent seen your tooth or the x-ray of the tooth , so i cant comment on the accuracy or wisdom of the treatment plan you have been advised to follow.

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Despite a few previous posts, I had sterling treatment at Bangkok Pattaya.

This is not a "I can do anything operation" They move you from Root Canal Specialist

to Crown Specialist as required.


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a tooth is better of with a nerve in than without , root canal treatment should be a last resort.

many dentists ( not only in thailand ) push root canal treatment unethically , its a good earner and the tooth will need an expensive crown after.

your tooth may very well need root canal treatment , i havent seen your tooth or the x-ray of the tooth , so i cant comment on the accuracy or wisdom of the treatment plan you have been advised to follow.

Thanx taxexile. As for discomfort, there is some discomfort. I'm able to live with it for the moment. In the meantime i'm reading these posts with enthusiasm. The pre-molar in question is fair sized. No x-rays to date. I now swoosh and clean with room temperature water and brush the specific area with attention. Perhaps i'm being emotioanlly bribed into getting expensive treatment, i'm not up-to-date to evaluate the specifics?

I will continue to monitor my per-molar and get a second opinion from sources described in this posting. expatgaz, I will pop into Pattaya hospital to get a professional consultation on the tooth-sensitive subject. If i'm not satisfied then I will, if immediate, then go to sukhumvit Bangkok.

Mobi D-Ark, I like many others have argued the toss over where to go and going to the Dentist hospital in Bangkok is most logical. I might as a secondary addition wait until I go back to the United Kingdom to get free treatment, if free, as I don't want errors in the future. I've never had a tooth filling in my life and my previous dentists have all said that i've strong teeth. Perhaps not now!

I believe i've most of the information needed to take on board and make a final decision. Pattaya Hospital isn't far from my residence, this will be my first port of call. The high-street dentist quoted me, now mentioned, that to extract the root (plural-singular?) would cost 2,500 and the tip and crown (Porcelain) would be 10,000 baht. This seems expensive for the high street so I would think it would pay to go to the professionals!

Thanx for all the help!!


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What was the cost of the root canal therapy?

I had onedone at the Ambassador dental clinic in Bangkok a few years ago and it cost me 8000 baht and the woman who treated me was very very good.

The root treatment was 5,900 Baht, including diagnostic casts, and the crown (best quality gold) was 15,000 plus 700 Baht for temporary crown resin. So Total cost for root canal and crown was 21,600, which was cheaper than Bangkok Pattaya. (BP charged less for the crown, but more for the root canal treatment). Altogther 6 sessions - 3 for root canal, 3 for crown.

I'm pain free for the first time in 6 months and can now gnaw away with pleasure on Thai beef :o

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Mobi D-Ark, I like many others have argued the toss over where to go and going to the Dentist hospital in Bangkok is most logical. I might as a secondary addition wait until I go back to the United Kingdom to get free treatment, if free, as I don't want errors in the future.


Not that I have recent firsthand experience as I have not been back to the UK for years, but I am pretty sure that the days of free dental treatment in UK are long gone.

The fact that a pal of mine came over earlier in the year specifically (yeah, well that is what he claimed...) for dental work (root canal etc) confirms me in that view.

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What was the cost of the root canal therapy?

I had onedone at the Ambassador dental clinic in Bangkok a few years ago and it cost me 8000 baht and the woman who treated me was very very good.

The root treatment was 5,900 Baht, including diagnostic casts, and the crown (best quality gold) was 15,000 plus 700 Baht for temporary crown resin. So Total cost for root canal and crown was 21,600, which was cheaper than Bangkok Pattaya. (BP charged less for the crown, but more for the root canal treatment). Altogther 6 sessions - 3 for root canal, 3 for crown.

I'm pain free for the first time in 6 months and can now gnaw away with pleasure on Thai beef :o

That is a little expensive for Thailand but much cheaper than in western countries.

If they did a good job still a bargain. Thanks for the info.

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Mobi, that does seem expensive, but I note that it includes diagnostic whatever which I can't make sense of and it's over six courses? What a headache, I hope I have but only a cavity! I note that the material is not the most expensive available and what would have been the cost for porcelain? I believe that material does not expand, perhaps i'm wrong, i'm sure Gold expands with cold-hot heats, i've been told it does. If so, that can't be too good, but all differ. Still more information coming my way! In the end I will know all! Cheers. :o

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No x-rays to date.

if the dentist has proposed root canal treatment without taking an investigative x- ray first , then i honestly think you should look elsewhere.

an x-ray is essential in a case like yours before confirming the need for root treatment.

a radiograph will show the depth of the decay , whether the decay has in fact reached the nerve , whether there is any abscess or pathology at the end of the root in the jawbone , and the shape and length of the root canal or canals and whether there are any obstructions or accessory canals that may affect the outcome of the treatment. it will also give a guide as to whether the tooth is anchored strongly enough in the jaw bone to warrant an expensive course of treatment.

an x ray should be taken prior to commencing treatment , sometimes another one will be taken during the procedure to ascertain whether the instruments have reached the end of the root , and definately at the end of the treatment to confirm that the result is good enough to be able to go ahead and put a crown on the tooth.

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Dr Aree at PIH Soi 4 2nd road (nearly opposite Big C festival, is a great dentist, she will hand the root canal over to a root canal specialist, price 3000bht a root (most people have 3 some 4), and about 10,000 bht for a crown to go on top, I have had my root done and now await funds to complete the job. Didn't feel a thing.

If you go to PIH insist on Dr Aree. :o

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No x-rays to date.

if the dentist has proposed root canal treatment without taking an investigative x- ray first , then i honestly think you should look elsewhere.

an x-ray is essential in a case like yours before confirming the need for root treatment.

Thanx taxexile. One thing I missed out in my posting, can't tell all facts, is the quick assessment came from a subordinate employee of the dentist office. In the reasoning of putting my question to the board I believe I would gain invaluable information, which I have done so! I still have the opportunity to go back to this dentistry and see an actual specialist, but i've decided to see the professionals!

I'm presently trying out some tips from this guy I was talking to yesterday and he recommended swooshing with room-temp' water and brushing in such a way to clean the cavity. This has helped much. The x-ray will be of great importance and if it's not mentioned in the actual look-see then I will be wary and scoot to another dentistry or dentist hospital. Thanx guys. Thanx taxexile. All!

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most people have 3 some 4

incisors have 1

canines have 1

premolars have one or two , very rarely three.

molars have three , sometimes 4

I just noted your avatar! Also you seem well clued up on this subject? Does the specifics come from experience, bad teeth, or are you a dentist given your teeth (avatar) look clean, but detached!

Thanx re the info, once again! If you'd said pre-molars have but one in most cases then i'd be non-cahalant about whom I choose. Still it looks like the professionals! The whole painful episode started from an innocent bowl of noodles! Charming!


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I had and continue to have wonderful work done at the Sunbeam dental clinic by Dr. K

Soi 8 beach Rd.

He is young but very talented....this is his first office on his own....prices are very cheap if you can work your schedule around and work with him.,......you will be impressed....i know that i am....new grill at less than 10% of the normal price.......and get unrequested comments on beautiful teeth all the time....he is def a natural for the job....loves his work....and his infant son and wife stop by often....they have a family type atmosphere.....wonderful place.....swing by for a cleaning or hjust a cup of tea every time i am in town.....


going back in Dec...@

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Two Years ago we attended the Pattaya International Hospital. We both had extensive dental work,husband had three root canals. We had excellant care and no problem since,would highly recommend it. We were refered by my brother to this hospital he also had extensive work there.

the dentist name was Dr Sornram Buddhachart he speaks english.


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theres a lot of cowboys practicing so how do you know they are bona fide?

a good question , and impossible to answer .

when you seek advice / treatment from a doctor dentist lawyer or anybody involved with giving professional advice you hope that the advice given will be in your absolute best interests , and not in the interest of the advice giver who may be seeking to fill his appointment book or increase his income.

in most countries there are checks and balances on professionals who are duty bound to follow best practice guidelines . in thailand there are no comebacks should things go wrong.

best to go on personal recommendations by satisfied clients.

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Could someone please recommend a good orthodontist/ dentist in Pattaya City? Costing aside..

I've a small sized hole in my pre-molar tooth. At first I thought i'd need only a composite/ 2 surfaces filling, but then i've been told by one dentist in Central road that i've an exposed nerve and a root canal in this pre-molar is most necessary. This is a major turn off, but i'm willing to do what is needed, and i'd be interested to get a recommendation from expats in Pattaya as to whom is trustable and professional?

I'd prefer not to find myself having to go back to a dentist with a root canal which has not been properly cleaned (technical terms?) and do it right first time and with in mind to select the best material for the pin and crown following the three stages to conclude the whole painful experience?

This is a first time experience and what i've typed is all I know. Who do you recommend and who do you recommend to avoid. Reading through the internet things can go wrong as in having to come back and re-place the crown material and this and that or other, with which i'm ignorant?

Any help expats?

I've been living in Pattaya for 5 years and have had a lot of work done at Bangkok Pattaya. Most recently an implant on a front tooth which was a difficult procedure. My dentist was Dr. Tappasit and he is excellent. He specializes in crowns & implants. I have had other dentists there perform root canals, extractions and other work all to a a very high standard. Although their cost may be a little higher than some of the smaller clinics I have had nothing but good experiences (if going to the dentist can be a good experience!!) there. I have read on this board about some horror shows at BP but can only give thumbs up.

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  • 3 months later...
:o I've just returned to the UK from Pattaya and had wonderful dental treatment in Pattaya.The dental practice was "Dr Teeth" located on Central Road about 500 metres up Central Road on the left hand side if walkng from the junction of 2nd Road.This place was recommended to me by expats and supplied the best dental treatment I ever encountered.Three crowns and all associated treatment(pins etc) cost 30,000 baht,totally professional and absolutely hygenic,using top class porcelain crowns.Maybe there is cheaper dentists but I for one will use this one in future,very impressed indeed.Try getting this treatment in the UK for 400quid! Paul O'Connor.
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When I had my last root canal treatment and crown done at the Dental Hospital in Bangkok last year, I was warned that some of the fillings on the other side of my mouth were very old and might give me problems soon.

They weren't wrong. A few weeks ago a large chunk of one of my bottom teeth broke away, exposing the nerve. Within a week I was in agony.

I went back to the Bangkok Dentsist Hopital, and they recommended extensive root canal, pins and crown treatment, which would cost not far short of 30,000 Baht. As the tooth was the second from the rear at the bottom (molar?) and could not be seen, even with my mouth wide open, I asked how much to have it removed. I was quoted 1,000 Baht. Well 6 or 7 visits and 30K, vs 1 visit and 1K was no contest. They kept trying to persuade me to change my mind, even the extraction dentist tried, but I held my ground.

Now, over 2 weeks on, I am starting to regret my decision.

It took nearly 2 hours to remove my tooth - shard by shard - leaving a gaping wound (which cost me over 3K) and I have been in pain ever since. Last week I spent 5 days in BKk (this wqas already 1 week post extraction ) and had the wound cleaned and dressed every day. It is not infected, it is just a bad wound, and it keeps getting food stuck inside it.

I am now back in Pattaya, and I have to clean the wound myself with a injection spray and try to keep food out of it. I am still in pain - but not as bad as before, and still have to take pain killers.

Hopefully it is on the mend.

I don't know what to make of all this. Never heard of anyone having so much problem with extractions. Even the dentist told me not to have any more teeth extracted.

So who knows - was it a bad dentist? Or would I have had the same problem anywhere I went?

Tax Exile? :o

Edited by Mobi D'Ark
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When I had my last root canal treatment and crown done at the Dental Hospital in Bangkok last year, I was warned that some of the fillings on the other side of my mouth were very old and might give me problems soon.

They weren't wrong. A few weeks ago a large chunk of one of my bottom teeth broke away, exposing the nerve. Within a week I was in agony.

I went back to the Bangkok Dentsist Hopital, and they recommended extensive root canal, pins and crown treatment, which would cost not far short of 30,000 Baht. As the tooth was the second from the rear at the bottom (molar?) and could not be seen, even with my mouth wide open, I asked how much to have it removed. I was quoted 1,000 Baht. Well 6 or 7 visits and 30K, vs 1 visit and 1K was no contest. They kept trying to persuade me to change my mind, even the extraction dentist tried, but I held my ground.

Now, over 2 weeks on, I am starting to regret my decision.

It took nearly 2 hours to remove my tooth - shard by shard - leaving a gaping wound (which cost me over 3K) and I have been in pain ever since. Last week I spent 5 days in BKk (this wqas already 1 week post extraction ) and had the wound cleaned and dressed every day. It is not infected, it is just a bad wound, and it keeps getting food stuck inside it.

I am now back in Pattaya, and I have to clean the wound myself with a injection spray and try to keep food out of it. I am still in pain - but not as bad as before, and still have to take pain killers.

Hopefully it is on the mend.

I don't know what to make of all this. Never heard of anyone having so much problem with extractions. Even the dentist told me not to have any more teeth extracted.

So who knows - was it a bad dentist? Or would I have had the same problem anywhere I went?

Tax Exile? :D

I have had a number of extractions over the years with little problem other than the usual soreness and aching for a week or so.

Just a week before this last Xmas I had the usual painful symptoms which I have experienced before this time with an upper rear tooth next to the back one.

After Xray the dentist said that there were 2 options either a root canal or an extraction and as the opposing bottom tooth had already been removed I decided to have the extraction.

During the extraction the dentist said "Oh"! to the dental nurse.

It transpired that the next tooth which was the back tooth had come so loose during the extraction that it would have to be removed as well.

I did not know whether it was the fault of the dentist or the way the tooth was that caused it to become loose although it was very firm before.

I rinsed with hot salt water three times a day but the jelly like filling did not occur and the gap just wouldn`t heal.

My remedy of swilling the mouth with brandy several times during the evening did however begin to provide a certain amount of numbness :o

Anyway the pain which I had was very severe and at the end of January I went back for a check up and it had still not healed. It is just about healed now but at times I was in agony and even the painkillers were not working.

So It doesn`t always follow that every extraction is the same and I wish that I had opted for the root canal rather than the extraction. :D

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