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Anger in Tehran over executed Shia cleric shows no signs of abating


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Anger in Tehran over executed Shia cleric shows no signs of abating

THERAN: -- Hundreds of Iranians have held a third day of protest in central Tehran over Saudi Arabia’s execution of the prominent Shi’ite cleric.

A wave of anger against the Sunni-led kingdom has led to the ransacking of its embassy in Tehran causing Riyadh to cut ties which in turn has inflamed sectarian tensions.

One women protesting in Tehran’s Imam Hussein square said the future of relations with Saudi Arabia is of no consequence to us:” It’s Saudi Arabia who should feel themselves lucky to have relations with our country, because Iran is the region’s political, economic, and military power, and if we cut relations, it’s Saudi Arabia itself which will be harmed.”

While one man said said he believed that past wrongs committed by the Saudis have reached a tipping point: “People are fed-up with the Saudis for killing our fellow countrymen in the yearly pilgrimage to Mecca and the blessed martyr, and also for all the other years that our people have bad memories of the Saudi family. They are fed-up and just want to shout it out.

Reporting for euronews from Tehran, Javad Montazeri said that it seems as if the crisis in the Middle East is likely to get even worse if Iran and Saudi Arabia close diplomatic doors. Their actions are bound to have repercussions on the conflicts in Syria, Iraq, and Yemen.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-01-05

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A wave of anger against the Sunni-led kingdom has led to the ransacking of its embassy in Tehran causing Riyadh to cut ties which in turn has inflamed sectarian tensions.

What else can be expected when parents, schools and religious leaders teach children to hate others from the time of birth.

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Perhaps if we brought more Sunni and Shia immigrants into the West and encouraged them to live next to and among each other, then they would see and understand the virtues and enlightenment of human and religious diversity. Then, they could return home to rebuild their nations into harmonious beacons of joy and freedom for the world. It really is all the fault of the West for not bringing in more immigrants, refugees, and migrants. Maybe we need to fund their travel expenses as well?

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I just wished that Iran and Saudia Arebia had a common border, like Iraq and Iran have,

and for the world to sit and watch what two stone age mentality and rules countries having

a go at each other....

Why do you say that?

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A couple of points seem to have gone unreported in much of the mainstream media about the various aspects of this case.

1. There were 47 other persons executed at the same time as the Shia cleric. No one is reporting anything about them. Iran and its friends are talking only about the one person out of 47. Perhaps the cleric is the most innocent - but we will never know unless the topic is debated. However, on all information available, this cleric was the most peace-loving of them all.

2. Iran executes far more people per annum than Saudi Arabia (perhaps double), many of them too are innocent of anything that any other country would consider a crime.

3. From what I have read, neither the UK nor the USA have mentioned the barbarity of the executions nor have they referred to the injustice of the cleric's case or any of the other 47.

4. If Iran wants to be accepted by the rest of the world community, it has to defend diplomatic missions against crowds (whether it is politically organised or otherwise), even if it is because of some grave injustice.

5. When will the rest of the world learn that Saudi Arabia is a thuggish state that has funded terrorism, treats its ordinary citizens to a very strict regime, is terrible to its minorities and has a huge destabilising effect on the region? It is time to call halt to Saudi Arabia's immunity to criticism by the West. Stop buying their oil - they are running a huge deficit because of the price of oil and sometime their cash pile will run out

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The Mullah clerics in Iran are the de facto rulers of the people...can whip the citizenry into a frenzy with any demonetization of US or Saudi policies...

These same clerics destroyed the government of the Shah of Iran...created the atmosphere for a war against Iraq a few years back...and keep up the rhetoric against the West and other Arabs...

They are militant...but not necessarily stupid...they have more to loose by calling for a real shooting war with Saudi Arabia...

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The Mullah clerics in Iran are the de facto rulers of the people...can whip the citizenry into a frenzy with any demonetization of US or Saudi policies...

These same clerics destroyed the government of the Shah of Iran...created the atmosphere for a war against Iraq a few years back...and keep up the rhetoric against the West and other Arabs...

They are militant...but not necessarily stupid...they have more to loose by calling for a real shooting war with Saudi Arabia...

I think that most right-thinking people were of the opinion that the government by the Shah was a construction by the British and USA (through powerful oil companies) and was absolutely terrible for Iran. The absolute scandal of the gross interference by Britain and USA in the then democratic government of Iran and ultimately the destabilisation of the country so as to get their hands on a larger share of Iran's oil wealth is acknowledged by some historians and others as creating the conditions for the revolution against the Shah several years later that opened the door for the rule by Ayatollahs.

The Iranian authorities do not have to do much to demonise the USA or UK - that was done by the USA and UK themselves.

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