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Victims speak out after nightmare New Year in Cologne


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Well, when this sort of thing never happened before Merkel's open door policy to Syrian refugees and economic migrants from Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and other parts of Islamic Africa ... it doesn't take a great deal of critical thinking to figure it out.

The politicians are insulting the intelligence of European citizens not to mention everyone else.

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I as a native German feel disgusted by 99% of the comments in this thread. In my entire life I have never made any negative experience with refugees - or should I do it like all the others and write "refugees" in quotes? - or other foreigners in Germany. Of course, some become criminal, but Germans do, too, regardless of their ethnic background. It is inconceivable to me how especially Germans from the GDR who once used to be refugees themselves (and have been welcomed by the vast majority of West Germany with open hands) can behave like this.

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I as a native German feel disgusted by 99% of the comments in this thread. In my entire life I have never made any negative experience with refugees - or should I do it like all the others and write "refugees" in quotes? - or other foreigners in Germany. Of course, some become criminal, but Germans do, too, regardless of their ethnic background. It is inconceivable to me how especially Germans from the GDR who once used to be refugees themselves (and have been welcomed by the vast majority of West Germany with open hands) can behave like this.

You are perfectly entitled to your point of view of course, but isn't it a bit of a stretch comparing German citizens of an artificially constructed separate German state on German territory, to natives of the Middle East/North Africa?

Edited by baboon
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So I don't quite understand. Weren't these thugs arrested? Where were the police?

If they had been arrested then everyone should be able to answer the question of whether or not they are largely part of the new refugees recently allowed in.

Yes they should. But, Sweden and German already filter that sort of information from the news media. Not for public consumption. The politicians don't like the truth, only what's considered PC.

Freedom of speech in EU - another joke.

And in addition the police in many European countries are under day-to-day political control by politically apointed police commisioners and as a result they are totally useless.

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What can one expect when the EU insists on jamming open the door and letting in the scum of the earth (There is no other way to describe the animals who carried out the New Year's Eve atrocities?).

If any of those young "Arabic looking" men - surprise, surprise - happen to be refugees from IS, then it is clear that they do not deserve refuge, as they are little better than the head-loppers and rapists they claim to be fleeing from.

On the other hand, if, as suggested by the impotent police, they are immigrants already settled in Cologne and the other German cities they have defiled, their contribution to multiculturalism is one nobody needs.

To hear the mayor of Cologne and the execrable Merkel woman's attempt to defend the behavior of these barbarians is sickening and downright insulting to their traumatised victims.

This is no time for political correctness or paying lip service to some nutty notion of turning the whole of Europe into multicultural shang-ri-la - a dopey liberal dream that, as the carnage at Christmas indicates, is turning into an ever more ghastly nightmare.

The first priority of police and politicians must be to ensure those responsible for these appalling acts of savagery and bestiality are hunted down and made to pay the full price for their outrageous behavior, irrespective of whether of their age, religion, ethnicity, immigrant or refugee status or any other consideration.

Deportation for those who not only bite the hand that feed but demonstrably delight in doing so should be automatic - once they have served the appropriate prison sentence.

What we have just witnessed is, in essence, a form of terrorism, carried out by violent, misogynistic young men who have nothing but contempt for the morals and mores of their adopted homelands or their indigenous populations.

Their unwelcome impact, albeit on a less seismic scale, has already been felt in a number of European countries which have tightened up their borders in response. Others, however, continue to bury their heads in the mire of political correctness. Maybe they should learn from the experience of Sweden.

Rape used to be comparatively rare in this Scandinavian icon of liberal democracy. Now it is so commonplace that Swedish is known as the rape capital of the world. A Swedish woman has a one chance in four of being violated- almost certainly by a Muslim man or men, who commit the vast majority of these offences.

This shocking information was leaked by unofficial sources. Racial profiling is banned across the EU - which means no member state can publish details of criminals' ethnic, cultural or religious backgrounds. The rapists in Sweden were simply recorded as "Swedish". Why should relevant facts which could help eliminate the growing virus of hate-fueled, sexist domestic terrorism, be hidden from us?

Crimes of sex and violence are by no means the only, or most widely-felt legacy of unfettered immigration. Political leaders are quick to point out the hard-to-quantify "economic benefits" of multiculturalism, yet dismissive of their electorate's worries over extra pressure on jobs, homes, school places, hospital beds, welfare services and a host of other important issues affecting people's everyday lives.

It is high time governments in the UK and throughout the EU came clean about the real cost of the "culture of diversity" which is being impose upon us - whether we want it or not.

Once the full facts are known, each country should hold an independent referendum on whether or not to allow further immigration - and,on what conditions. In the case of Britain, I suspect the result would make the planned poll on our membership of the EU irrelevant.

Better would be not only stop further immigration, but reverse the process, as it was possible to let this happen so it will be possible to round this up and turn it around.

The most worrying aspect of what is happening is multiple polarisation that is taking place. The mainly original inhabitants being pushed and battered and the scum of the earth not getting instantly the wealth (house with furniture, car, plenty of money) for free.

This is going to boil over rapidly in Europe, at least in America people still have their guns and know how to use em'

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Police and other authorities are obviously under orders to keep a lid on the matter.

We are today the 6th January, and the first tentatively timid articles came out only yesterday about events that took place 5 days earlier, and stories giving the conflicting versions of assailants being identified as "arabs and north-africans" by victims and police officers and the other version of police bosses saying they don't have anything to say yet.

At least it's very significant newspapers like Die Zeit and Neue Zürcher Zeitung getting the news out, I wonder what the other journalists are doing, they should be interviewing victims, not only broadcasting the official version.

Many don't deserve their press ID.

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This shocking information was leaked by unofficial sources. Racial profiling is banned across the EU - which means no member state can publish details of criminals' ethnic, cultural or religious backgrounds. The rapists in Sweden were simply recorded as "Swedish". Why should relevant facts which could help eliminate the growing virus of hate-fueled, sexist domestic terrorism, be hidden from us?

A few years ago I read a story about a German guy who was arrested for plotting to bomb on of the airports. I was shocked so I read further. Turns out this "German" was born in Pakistan.

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There are no points for predictions coming true, but this was predicted right here on TV. In fact, this horrible massing of people for crime purposes will increase following the response of authorities in this case. Mobbing ensures the greatest chance of getting away with the crime. The blanket efforts to suppress news of this horror have long been the staple of European media/governments for some time. From Sweden to Denmark, from UK to France to Germany attackers are described in euphemisms primarily, as if not defining a thing makes it not exist (sound familiar?).

Always evasive or coy some regions even hide rape data by moving into an umbrella section of "violent crime." They hide rape numbers in the background noise of other crimes. In Sweden, the new rape capital of the world, there is an institutional near-rule to avoid discussing this in the media. The fact remains, a culture that cannot protect their women from rape is little different than a culture who tosses disabled babies in dumpsters. While culturally raping a people reflects on the attackers first it also says much about those who culturally bend over, or turn their collective blind eye to enable their dhimmitude and conquest. That liberals apologize for such behavior buggers the mind.

"This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper."

T.S. Eliot on Western culture

Edited by arjunadawn
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Crimes of sex and violence are by no means the only, or most widely-felt legacy of unfettered immigration. Political leaders are quick to point out the hard-to-quantify "economic benefits" of multiculturalism, yet dismissive of their electorate's worries over extra pressure on jobs, homes, school places, hospital beds, welfare services and a host of other important issues affecting people's everyday lives.

It is high time governments in the UK and throughout the EU came clean about the real cost of the "culture of diversity" which is being impose upon us - whether we want it or not.

Once the full facts are known, each country should hold an independent referendum on whether or not to allow further immigration - and,on what conditions. In the case of Britain, I suspect the result would make the planned poll on our membership of the EU irrelevant.

and in the UK today it was announced that the national school leaving exams / university entrance exams known as "A Levels" in English, Maths and Sciences, are to be rescheduled to earlier dates in order that they do not clash with Ramadan and risk disadvantage to muslim students who choose to fast..

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I as a native German feel disgusted by 99% of the comments in this thread. In my entire life I have never made any negative experience with refugees - or should I do it like all the others and write "refugees" in quotes? - or other foreigners in Germany. Of course, some become criminal, but Germans do, too, regardless of their ethnic background. It is inconceivable to me how especially Germans from the GDR who once used to be refugees themselves (and have been welcomed by the vast majority of West Germany with open hands) can behave like this.

It is unfortunate that those who consider themselves 'on the left' are now standing like the women in the picture at the beginning of this thread holding a banner which though corresponds to their narrative of divisions in society makes no sense of the events that have transpired in Cologne and other cities in Germany and in effect abandons not only the attacked women but also to pile insult on to injury by painting the offenders as victims. It is a growing feature of the populist left to abandon defence of woman in practice when coming up against their favourite nostrums of anti-imperialist blah and it is abdications such as this which open up support to the nasty right.

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Where does it all end, with merkel blowing her brains out with a luger in a bunker under the garden of the reichstag as the troops of the islamic state close in ?

No ,it ends with her and all the ones who let them in ,retiring to their country estates far away from this sort of thing ,living on their massive pensions from the E.U paid for with your tax money .

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Crimes of sex and violence are by no means the only, or most widely-felt legacy of unfettered immigration. Political leaders are quick to point out the hard-to-quantify "economic benefits" of multiculturalism, yet dismissive of their electorate's worries over extra pressure on jobs, homes, school places, hospital beds, welfare services and a host of other important issues affecting people's everyday lives.

It is high time governments in the UK and throughout the EU came clean about the real cost of the "culture of diversity" which is being impose upon us - whether we want it or not.

Once the full facts are known, each country should hold an independent referendum on whether or not to allow further immigration - and,on what conditions. In the case of Britain, I suspect the result would make the planned poll on our membership of the EU irrelevant.

and in the UK today it was announced that the national school leaving exams / university entrance exams known as "A Levels" in English, Maths and Sciences, are to be rescheduled to earlier dates in order that they do not clash with Ramadan and risk disadvantage to muslim students who choose to fast..


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Crimes of sex and violence are by no means the only, or most widely-felt legacy of unfettered immigration. Political leaders are quick to point out the hard-to-quantify "economic benefits" of multiculturalism, yet dismissive of their electorate's worries over extra pressure on jobs, homes, school places, hospital beds, welfare services and a host of other important issues affecting people's everyday lives.

It is high time governments in the UK and throughout the EU came clean about the real cost of the "culture of diversity" which is being impose upon us - whether we want it or not.

Once the full facts are known, each country should hold an independent referendum on whether or not to allow further immigration - and,on what conditions. In the case of Britain, I suspect the result would make the planned poll on our membership of the EU irrelevant.

and in the UK today it was announced that the national school leaving exams / university entrance exams known as "A Levels" in English, Maths and Sciences, are to be rescheduled to earlier dates in order that they do not clash with Ramadan and risk disadvantage to muslim students who choose to fast..


Aw, ain't the UK sweet. Becoming Muslim and all... Look at those Brits in the picture.

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Where does it all end, with merkel blowing her brains out with a luger in a bunker under the garden of the reichstag as the troops of the islamic state close in ?

Brains? What brains?

Edited by Camelot
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