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CDC spokesman: Educational reform must help introduce decent citizens


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CDC spokesman: Educational reform must help introduce decent citizens

BANGKOK, 7 January 2016 (NNT) – The Constitution Drafting Commission is calling for an education reform which will make sure that students will grow up to be decent citizens.

CDC spokesman Udom Ratamarit said that the charter drafters have been reviewing the report from the subcommittee in charge of the reform of education and law enforcement.

Based on the report, the CDC has agreed to include in the new charter that the country’s education must always aim at enabling people to be good, disciplined and proud of the nation while being allowed to study the areas of their interest, Mr. Udom said.

He added that other details related to the educational reform will be written as organic laws.

The CDC spokesman went on to say that the charter drafters’ meeting has studied the proposals on the reform of law enforcement, particularly the part related to the police.

He said that the CDC resolved to include key principles of this issue in the new Constitution and relevant details in organic laws.

-- NNT 2016-01-07 footer_n.gif

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This guy must be living in la-la land. As long as students go without learning to be responsible and accountable for their actions they will never be good and disciplined. The school system promotes discipline to only a small extent and the parents give no support if their child does poorly or has disciplinary issues. As one director once told me. The parents blamed her for their child's poor learning skills and for his misbehavior and if the school could not make the child act properly and get better grades them the parent will not pay the school any more money and will transfer their kid. If a child can do what he wants because of their no fail system and can be as unruly as he wants because parents just don't care and leave all the responsibility to the school without going any support then their is no way in hell the child will learn discipline and goodness.

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CDC spokesman: Educational reform must help introduce decent citizens

by "decent" he must mean "brainwashed to believe that the neo-feudalist society imposed on the country by this group of junta-lackies-cum-CDC is really 'Thai-style democracy'" coffee1.gif

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A ' decent ' citizen is unfortunately a relative term and in LoS it's no different especially with the very clear cut social divide and attitudes.

i think we can understand what the current govt would define a decent citizen as.

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The Constitution Drafting Commission is calling for an education reform which will make sure that students will grow up to be decent citizens.

Easy peasy. Just tell them all to do as they are told by the head honcho. Oh, sorry, forgot - they do that already.

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Any reform will be hopeless without education reform. A Ministry of Education budget of close to 500 billion Baht (about 20% of the National Budget) and appalling results. No one seems real serious on reforms.

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CDC spokesman: Educational reform must help introduce decent citizens

by "decent" he must mean "brainwashed to believe that the neo-feudalist society imposed on the country by this group of junta-lackies-cum-CDC is really 'Thai-style democracy'" coffee1.gif

Nailed it.

I've worked in Thai schools and I can't do it anymore. It's all indoctrination, 12 'values', constant nationalism and 'shows'. The director at my old school did not give a solitary poop about academic results, just how choreographed the kids dancing was for the next pointless award show where the school the supplies the biggest brown envolpe wins anyway.

It sounds like this guy wants more of that :rolleyes:

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^The Education budget is usually last on the list of economic priorities here. Has been for over 100 years already. -It's all about keeping the serfs in their places and indoctrinating them to be a pliant, bovine and cheap workforce.

Not for much longer, though.

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^The Education budget is usually last on the list of economic priorities here. Has been for over 100 years already. -It's all about keeping the serfs in their places and indoctrinating them to be a pliant, bovine and cheap workforce.

Not for much longer, though.

With the budget for the Ministry of Education not being touched and only increased by all governments it would seem it's seen as important.

We even had a new Minister for Education quoting a former police officer turned criminal fugitive as base for his policy paper. Imagine.

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^The Education budget is usually last on the list of economic priorities here. Has been for over 100 years already. -It's all about keeping the serfs in their places and indoctrinating them to be a pliant, bovine and cheap workforce.

Not for much longer, though.

With the budget for the Ministry of Education not being touched and only increased by all governments it would seem it's seen as important.

We even had a new Minister for Education quoting a former police officer turned criminal fugitive as base for his policy paper. Imagine.

Well done rubl, You win the first prize awarded in 2016 for the most pointless and irrelevant allusion to Thaksin in a TVF post which has nothing whatsoever to do with him.

Keep 'em coming rubl, someone got to make up the shortfall for djjamie's abscence from these boards.

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While some are busy with their usual adoration of this lonesome Dutch uncle, let's go back to education.

I just read that also in Belgium the government will set up a special education program for immigrants and fugitives to help them adjust to their new country. The new course has emphasise on 'how to behave towards women'. Copied from the Norwegian model. Seems educating citizens and new comers alike is something more countries find worthwhile.

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The Constitution Drafting Commission is calling for an education reform which will make sure that students will grow up to be decent citizens

Most Thai's are decent citizens...

Unfortunately it is a small minority that give Thai's a bad name, and no education reform is going to change them.

Some of these politicians should "put brain in gear before opening mouth".

Edited by Basil B
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let's go back to education.

No, you introduced Thaksin to this thread. Now back yourself up or admit your critics have a point and you don't.

Did I? I mentioned a former police officer turned criminal fugitive who so much inspired a new Minister of Education that said minister quoted from that criminal in his philosophy on which he based his policy. Policy document from the 25th of January, 2012.

I used this in a reply to huangnon who wrote

"^The Education budget is usually last on the list of economic priorities here. Has been for over 100 years already. -It's all about keeping the serfs in their places and indoctrinating them to be a pliant, bovine and cheap workforce.

Not for much longer, though."

Now of course you may interpret this as you want, but did you also see my previous post

"Any reform will be hopeless without education reform. A Ministry of Education budget of close to 500 billion Baht (about 20% of the National Budget) and appalling results. No one seems real serious on reforms."

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let's go back to education.

No, you introduced Thaksin to this thread. Now back yourself up or admit your critics have a point and you don't.

Did I? I mentioned a former police officer turned criminal fugitive who so much inspired a new Minister of Education that said minister quoted from that criminal in his philosophy on which he based his policy. Policy document from the 25th of January, 2012.

I used this in a reply to huangnon who wrote

"^The Education budget is usually last on the list of economic priorities here. Has been for over 100 years already. -It's all about keeping the serfs in their places and indoctrinating them to be a pliant, bovine and cheap workforce.

Not for much longer, though."

Now of course you may interpret this as you want, but did you also see my previous post

"Any reform will be hopeless without education reform. A Ministry of Education budget of close to 500 billion Baht (about 20% of the National Budget) and appalling results. No one seems real serious on reforms."

Thank you for that response, Mr rubl.

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So what exactly IS an organic law ? sounds a lot like poop to me too.

An Organic Law seems a set of laws which describe in fine legal terms a section from the Charter and take some book shelves to do so.

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let's go back to education.

No, you introduced Thaksin to this thread. Now back yourself up or admit your critics have a point and you don't.

Did I? I mentioned a former police officer turned criminal fugitive who so much inspired a new Minister of Education that said minister quoted from that criminal in his philosophy on which he based his policy. Policy document from the 25th of January, 2012.

I used this in a reply to huangnon who wrote

"^The Education budget is usually last on the list of economic priorities here. Has been for over 100 years already. -It's all about keeping the serfs in their places and indoctrinating them to be a pliant, bovine and cheap workforce.

Not for much longer, though."

Now of course you may interpret this as you want, but did you also see my previous post

"Any reform will be hopeless without education reform. A Ministry of Education budget of close to 500 billion Baht (about 20% of the National Budget) and appalling results. No one seems real serious on reforms."

Thank you for that response, Mr rubl.

Even though it was a meaningless and disingenuous reply.

Edited by thelonius
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